966 resultados para Triple Bottom Line Sustainability


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Beekeeping is recognized as promoter of assumptions and dimensions of sustainable development, supported by the triple bottle line – economic viability, social relevance and environmental prudence. Historically, it is strongly related with the central state of São Paulo. This work has as main objective to identify the profile of beekeeping in the this region, based on four municipalities (Araraquara, Descalvado, Rio Claro and São Carlos) in order to determine the main difficulties faced by beekeepersfor the sustainable development, pointing alternative interventions able to soften the effects of difficulties. It was used two different and complementary methodological strategies. The first one was a search with the databases (SEADE and IBGE) to obtain secondary data and quantitative regarding beekeeping in the region. The second one, it wasthrough field research with the beekeepers. The survey found that beekeeping in the region, presents an essentially familial and hereditary. Was also noticed the damage caused in the production, by limiting access to the region’s bee pastures and use of pesticides. In processing, it was found the extremely precarious conditions. At the institutional level, it was found the relative weakness of the beekeepers cooperatives, and the lack of support from local governments to consolidate activity.


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Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di analizzare dapprima l’impatto ambientale di tali impianti e poi analizzare il contributo effettivo che oggi la tecnologia innovativa dei cicli Rankine organici può dare nella valorizzazione elettrica del calore di scarto di processi industriali, focalizzando l’obiettivo principalmente sulle turbine a gas ed eseguendo un caso di studio in un settore ancora poco esplorato da questa tecnologia, quello Oil&Gas. Dopo aver effettuato il censimento degli impianti a fonti fossili e rinnovabili, cogenerativi e non, presenti in Emilia-Romagna, è stato sviluppato un software chiamato MiniBref che permette di simulare il funzionamento di una qualsiasi centrale termoelettrica grazie alla possibilità di combinare la tecnologia dell’impianto con il tipo di combustibile consentendo la valutazione delle emissioni inquinanti ed i potenziali di inquinamento. Successivamente verranno illustrati gli ORC, partendo dalle caratteristiche impiantistiche e termodinamiche fino ad arrivare alla scelta del fluido organico, fondamentale per le performance del ciclo. Dopo aver effettuato una ricognizione dello stato dell’arte delle applicazioni industriali degli ORC nel recupero termico, verranno eseguite simulazioni numeriche per ricostruire gli ORC ed avere una panoramica il più completa ed attendibile delle prestazioni effettive di questi sistemi. In ultimo verranno illustrati i risultati di un caso di studio che vede l’adozione di recupero mediante ciclo organico in un’installazione esistente del settore Oil&Gas. Si effettuerà uno studio delle prestazione dell’impianto al variare delle pressioni massime e minime del ciclo ed al variare del fluido impiegato al fine di mostrare come questi parametri influenzino non solo le performance ma anche le caratteristiche impiantistiche da adottare. A conclusione del lavoro si riporteranno i risultati relativi all’analisi condotte considerando l’impianto ai carichi parziali ed in assetto cogenerativo.


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Considering that endemic hunger is a consequence of poverty, and that food is arguably the most basic of all human needs, this book chapter shows one of the more prominent examples of rules and policy fragmentation but also one of the most blatant global governance problems. The three monotheistic religions Judaism, Christians and Islam are surprisingly unanimous about God’s prescriptions on hunger or, put theologically, on what can be said, or should be said, about the interpretations and traditions which, taken together, form the respective and differentiated traditions, identities and views of these beliefs on how to deal with poverty and hunger. A clear social ethos, in the form of global needs satisfaction, runs through both Jewish and Christian texts, and the Qur’an (Zakat). It confirms the value inversion between the world of the mighty and that of the hungry. The message is clear: because salvation is available only through the grace of God, those who have must give to those who have not. This is not charity: it is an inversion of values which can not be addressed by spending 0.7% of your GDP on ODA, and the implication of this sense of redistributive justice is that social offenders will be subject to the Last Judgement. Interestingly, these religious scriptures found their way directly into the human rights treaties adopted by the United Nations and ratified by the parliaments, as a legal base for the duty to protect, to respect and to remedy. On the other side the contradiction with international trade law is all the more flagrant, and it has a direct bearing on poverty: systematic surplus food dumping is still allowed under WTO rules, despite the declared objective ‘to establish a fair and market-oriented agricultural trading system’. A way forward would be a kind of ‘bottom up’ approach by focusing on extreme cases of food insecurity caused by food dumping, or by export restrictions where a direct effect of food insecurity in other countries can be established. Also, international financing institutions need to review their policies and lending priorities. The same goes for the bilateral investment treaties and a possible ‘public interest’ clause, at least in respect of agricultural land acquisitions in vulnerable countries. The bottom line is this: WTO rules cannot entail a right to violate other, equally binding treaty obligations when its membership as a whole claims to contribute to the Millennium Development Goals and pledges to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.


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The purpose of this study was twofold: (1) To describe the relation of the intensity of DSS implementation to financial performance as an empirical exploration of improved performance at the organizational level. (2) To describe the relation of the intensity of DSS implementation to the type of organizational decision culture. A multiple case study design was utilized to compare three groups of paired cases. A pattern matching strategy was applied in this study. Four predictions were specified and compared to the empirical data. A progressively upward trend in the scores was predicted for the following theoretical relationships. (1) The greater the number of DSSs, the higher the sophistication index. (2) The greater the number of DSSs, the higher the financial ratios. (3) The greater the number of DSSs, the higher the culture score. (4) The higher the culture score, the higher the financial ratios. The data did not support any of the predicted trends except the relation between the number of DSSs and the financial ratios. The Income/Revenue ratio indicates the efficiency of a company's operations. One would expect that this ratio would be most affected by the operational and financial decision support systems. The majority of the systems measured in the study supported decisions tangential to the patient service areas. The evidence suggested that the type and number of decision support systems affects the bottom line. ^


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This paper describes a theoretical model based primarily on transaction costs, for comparing the various tendering mechanisms used for transportation Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects. In particular, the model contrasts negotiated procedures with the open procedure, as defined by the current European Union legislation on public tendering. The model includes both ex ante transaction costs (borne during the tendering stage) and ex post transaction costs (such as enforcement costs, re-negotiation costs, and costs arising from litigation between partners), explaining the trade-off between them. Generally speaking, it is assumed that the open procedure implies lower transaction costs ex ante, while the negotiated procedure reduces the probability of the appearance of new contingencies not foreseen in the contract, hence diminishing the expected value of transaction costs ex post. Therefore, the balance between ex ante and ex post transaction costs is the main criterion for deciding whether the open or negotiated procedure would be optimal. Notwithstanding, empirical evidence currently exists only on ex ante transaction costs in transportation infrastructure projects. This evidence has shown a relevant difference between the two procedures as far as ex ante costs are concerned, favouring the open procedure. The model developed in this paper also demonstrates that a larger degree of complexity in a contract does not unequivocally favour the use of a negotiated procedure. Only in those cases dealing with very innovative projects, where important dimensions of the quality of the asset or service are not verifiable, may we observe an advantage in favour of the negotiated procedure. The bottom line is that we find it difficult to justify the employment of negotiated procedures in most transportation PPP contracts, especially in the field of roads. Nevertheless, the field remains open for future empirical work and research on the levels of transaction costs borne ex post in PPP contracts, as well as on the probabilities of such costs appearing under any of the procurement procedures.


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El objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar los métodos de prospección geofísica que, además de servir para la caracterización hidrológica superficial en una finca de investigación vitivinícola, alcance la mayor resolutividad para la localización de contaminantes agrícolas. Con este fin se ha realizado, en primer lugar una revisión teórica de los métodos de prospección geofísica que, a priori, pueden considerarse más adecuados por cuanto reflejan en mayor medida las variaciones físicas derivadas de los efluentes químicos agrícolas de baja salinidad. Para alcanzar el objetivo del proyecto se ha realizado una serie de perfiles eléctricos de Tomografía Eléctrica y Polarización Inducida, además de un Sondeo de Resonancia Magnética Nuclear Se han obtenido mediante las técnicas tomográficas una caracterización del subsuelo para la determinación de la litología en profundidad con variaciones laterales bruscas, así como la porosidad de estas formaciones. La sección de cargabilidad (PI) ha permitido la detección de iones disueltos en el agua subterránea. Combinando estos resultados, con los obtenidos por Resonancia Magnética en la localización de las masas de agua y la permeabilidad de las rocas circundantes, somos capaces de determinar los agentes contaminantes así como su movilidad y distribución. La conclusión es que el método que resulta más efectivo para detección de contaminantes sería la combinación de todos ellos, puesto que son complementarios entre sí. ABSTRACT The main goal of this project is to evaluate the methods of geophysical prospection, also serving for surface hydrologic characterization in a research farm wine, reaching the most resoluteness for locating agricultural pollutants. To this end was made, first a theoretical review of geophysical prospecting methods that may be considered more suitable, a priori, as they reflect more closely the physical changes resulting from agricultural chemical measure low salinity. Reaching the objective of the project has made a series of Electrical Tomography profiles (ET) and Induced Polarization profiles (IP) also has conducted a drilling of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (RMN). It was obtained by tomography characterization techniques for determining subsurface litho logy in depth and abrupt lateral variations, as well as the porosity of these formations. The chargeability Section (IP) has enabled detection of ions dissolved in groundwater. Combining these results with those that was obtained by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance with the location of groundwater body and the surrounding rocks permeability, we are able to determine the pollutants and the mobility and distribution of contaminants. The bottom line is the method more effective for detection of contaminants would be the combination of all of them because they are complementary in the environmental study.


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As migrações constituem um dos pilares da relação entre Brasil e Portugal. Com esta premissa este estudo tem por objetivo compreender a formação, a sustentação no tempo e a configuração atual do sistema migratório luso-brasileiro. Partindo da Geografia da População, dialoga-se tanto com os demais campos da própria ciência geográfica, especialmente a Geografia Política e a Geografia Econômica, como com as demais ciências humanas e sociais, dentre outras a Sociologia e a Antropologia. Adota- se uma periodização que busca articular as migrações e as imaginações geográficas produzidas e produtoras das ordens geopolíticas. Esta perspectiva diacrônica tem como ponto de partida a formação do estado territorial português e, posteriormente, do estado territorial brasileiro. Enfatiza-se, em especial, como homens e mulheres imigrantes brasileiros e portugueses participam das transformações recentes de Portugal e do Brasil, respectivamente. Desde o final da década de 2000 há uma situação em que fluxos e contrafluxos migratórios praticamente se equivalem. Dados quantitativos e qualitativos foram utilizados para demonstrar que portugueses no Brasil e brasileiros em Portugal imigrados a partir de 2000 possuem perfis diferentes quanto à idade, sexo, nível de instrução e inserção no mercado laboral. A análise das semelhanças e divergências entre estes grupos de imigrantes levou à consideração de que enfrentam barreiras e desafios distintos, mas têm em comum sua contribuição para ressignificação de uma relação pretérita e assimétrica, marcada pelo compartilhar de uma população luso-brasileira.


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The use of diversity as a strategic advantage contributes to the success of an organization. The organizations that employ a diverse workforce benefit from the varied perspectives and value that diverse employees offer. The organizations that leverage those employee perspectives can gain a competitive advantage. For many organizations, employee diversity is underutilized. The research of this capstone evaluates the various benefits of diversity strategies. It then compares those with results from a diversity survey and interviews with HR professionals. Ultimately, this capstone concludes that additional research at the employee level and additional quantitative measurement are needed to highlight the ways in which a diversity strategy can increase a company's bottom line and offer a strategic advantage.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal


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A tese é constituída por duas etapas complementares, a teórica e a empírica, essenciais para que os seguintes objetivos propostos sejam devidamente cumpridos. 1) confirmar uma mudança da práxis publicitária na qual elementos materiais e funcionais passam a ser minimizados e elementos imateriais e intangíveis evidenciados. 2) investigar de forma objetiva e comparativa o conteúdo do corpus e demonstrar quais temáticas prevalecem em diferentes períodos sociais, pontuando sua natureza tangível e intangível. 3) Apresentar e delinear o Mercado do Imaterial , o esboço de um novo modelo de segmentação de mercado que tem a imaterialidade como base. O aprofundamento teórico-conceitual alicerçado nos Estudos Culturais e em autores que discorrem sobre a pós-modernidade e suas relações de consumo é ponto de partida desta pesquisa e só por meio dele chegamos às premissas que dão origem às duas hipóteses, extremamente interligadas, que sustentam esta tese. A pesquisa empírica utiliza como procedimento metodológico a análise de conteúdo quantitativa do corpus, composto por vídeos publicitários criteriosamente definidos. Por meio do trajeto analítico e teórico, é possível concluir que estamos em um período pós-material regido pelo intangível, o que modifica a comunicação de mercado.


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The application of any e-Solution promises significant returns. In particular, using internet technologies both within enterprises and across the supply (value) chain provides real opportunity, not only for operational improvement but also for innovative strategic positioning. However, significant questions obscure potential investment; how any value will actually be created and, importantly, how this value will be shared across the value chain is not clear. This paper will describe a programme of research that is developing an enterprise simulator that will provide a more fundamental understanding of the impact of e-Solutions across operational supply chains, in terms of both standard operational and financial measures of performance. An efficient supply chain reduces total costs of operations by sharing accurate real-time information and coordinating inter-organizational business processes. This form of electronic link between organizations is known as business-to-business (B2B) e-Business. The financial measures go beyond simple cost calculations to real bottom-line performance by modelling the financial transactions that business processes generate. The paper will show how this enterprise simulator allows for a complete supply chain to be modelled in this way across four key applications: control system design, virtual enterprises, pan-supply-chain performance metrics and supporting e-Supply-chain design methodology.