227 resultados para Tracker
La mia tesi è formata da tre capitoli. Il primo capito è composto da due parti: -Nella prima parte ho descritto l'online advertising dalla sua nascita fino alle diverse categorie attualmente presenti sul mercato. -Nella seconda parte ho descritto i processi cognitivi della mente umana, più nello specifico, i fattori che influenzano le scelte degli utilizzatori del web. Il secondo capitolo comprende un'unica parte dove ho descritto il funzionamento e i principali settori di utilizzo del dispositivo di remote tracker che ho utilizzato nel terzo ed ultimo capitolo, contenente la parte di sperimentazione. Il terzo capitolo è la parte sperimentale, dove ho eseguito una scrupolosa analisi finalizzata alla stipulazione di fondate ipotesi su efficaci strategie di posizionano di banner pubblicitari in una pagina web.
Progetto SHERPA. Installazione e configurazione del Navigaton Stack su Rover terrestre. Utilizzo e configurazione di LMS151 Sick. Utilizzo e configurazione di Asus Xtion Pro. Progettazione di software per la localizzazione e l'inseguimento di persone tramite camera di profondita.
La tesi affronta in modo approfondito lo studio del comportamento degli utenti alla guida di un veicolo in corrispondenza di intersezioni a T nelle quali la precedenza non è riservata alla corrente principale ma a quella secondaria. L'analisi è stata condotta in due modalità parallele, ovvero attraverso l'uso di dispositivi elettronici e con la metodologia Mobile Eye Tracker.
In the field of molecular and epidemiological parasitology, characterization of fast evolving genetic markers appears as an important challenge to consider the diversity and genetic structure of parasites. The study of respective populations can help us to understand their adaptive strategies to survive and perpetuate the species within different host populations, all trying to resist infection. In the past, the relative monomorphic features of Echinococcus multilocularis, the causative agent of alveolar echinococcosis and a severe human parasitic disease, did not stimulate studies dealing with the genetic variability of Echinococcus species or respective populations. A recently developed, characterized and validated original multilocus microsatellite, named EmsB, tandemly repeated in the genome, offered an additional opportunity for this line of investigation. We have compiled in this review new insights brought by this molecular tracker on the transmission activity of Echinococcus among different hosts and at different geographical scales.
Speech is often a multimodal process, presented audiovisually through a talking face. One area of speech perception influenced by visual speech is speech segmentation, or the process of breaking a stream of speech into individual words. Mitchel and Weiss (2013) demonstrated that a talking face contains specific cues to word boundaries and that subjects can correctly segment a speech stream when given a silent video of a speaker. The current study expanded upon these results, using an eye tracker to identify highly attended facial features of the audiovisual display used in Mitchel and Weiss (2013). In Experiment 1, subjects were found to spend the most time watching the eyes and mouth, with a trend suggesting that the mouth was viewed more than the eyes. Although subjects displayed significant learning of word boundaries, performance was not correlated with gaze duration on any individual feature, nor was performance correlated with a behavioral measure of autistic-like traits. However, trends suggested that as autistic-like traits increased, gaze duration of the mouth increased and gaze duration of the eyes decreased, similar to significant trends seen in autistic populations (Boratston & Blakemore, 2007). In Experiment 2, the same video was modified so that a black bar covered the eyes or mouth. Both videos elicited learning of word boundaries that was equivalent to that seen in the first experiment. Again, no correlations were found between segmentation performance and SRS scores in either condition. These results, taken with those in Experiment, suggest that neither the eyes nor mouth are critical to speech segmentation and that perhaps more global head movements indicate word boundaries (see Graf, Cosatto, Strom, & Huang, 2002). Future work will elucidate the contribution of individual features relative to global head movements, as well as extend these results to additional types of speech tasks.
A new image-guided microscope using augmented reality overlays has been developed. Unlike other systems, the novelty of our design consists in mounting a precise mini and low-cost tracker directly on the microscope to track the motion of the surgical tools and the patient. Correctly scaled cut-views of the pre-operative computed tomography (CT) stack can be displayed on the overlay, orthogonal to the optical view or even including the direction of a clinical tool. Moreover, the system can manage three-dimensional models for tumours or bone structures and allows interaction with them using virtual tools, showing trajectories and distances. The mean error of the overlay was 0.7 mm. Clinical accuracy has shown results of 1.1-1.8 mm.
CONCLUSION: Our self-developed planning and navigation system has proven its capacity for accurate surgery on the anterior and lateral skull base. With the incorporation of augmented reality, image-guided surgery will evolve into 'information-guided surgery'. OBJECTIVE: Microscopic or endoscopic skull base surgery is technically demanding and its outcome has a great impact on a patient's quality of life. The goal of the project was aimed at developing and evaluating enabling navigation surgery tools for simulation, planning, training, education, and performance. This clinically applied technological research was complemented by a series of patients (n=406) who were treated by anterior and lateral skull base procedures between 1997 and 2006. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Optical tracking technology was used for positional sensing of instruments. A newly designed dynamic reference base with specific registration techniques using fine needle pointer or ultrasound enables the surgeon to work with a target error of < 1 mm. An automatic registration assessment method, which provides the user with a color-coded fused representation of CT and MR images, indicates to the surgeon the location and extent of registration (in)accuracy. Integration of a small tracker camera mounted directly on the microscope permits an advantageous ergonomic way of working in the operating room. Additionally, guidance information (augmented reality) from multimodal datasets (CT, MRI, angiography) can be overlaid directly onto the surgical microscope view. The virtual simulator as a training tool in endonasal and otological skull base surgery provides an understanding of the anatomy as well as preoperative practice using real patient data. RESULTS: Using our navigation system, no major complications occurred in spite of the fact that the series included difficult skull base procedures. An improved quality in the surgical outcome was identified compared with our control group without navigation and compared with the literature. The surgical time consumption was reduced and more minimally invasive approaches were possible. According to the participants' questionnaires, the educational effect of the virtual simulator in our residency program received a high ranking.
Tracking user’s visual attention is a fundamental aspect in novel human-computer interaction paradigms found in Virtual Reality. For example, multimodal interfaces or dialogue-based communications with virtual and real agents greatly benefit from the analysis of the user’s visual attention as a vital source for deictic references or turn-taking signals. Current approaches to determine visual attention rely primarily on monocular eye trackers. Hence they are restricted to the interpretation of two-dimensional fixations relative to a defined area of projection. The study presented in this article compares precision, accuracy and application performance of two binocular eye tracking devices. Two algorithms are compared which derive depth information as required for visual attention-based 3D interfaces. This information is further applied to an improved VR selection task in which a binocular eye tracker and an adaptive neural network algorithm is used during the disambiguation of partly occluded objects.
OBJECTIVES The authors sought to examine the adoption of transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) in Western Europe and investigate factors that may influence the heterogeneous use of this therapy. BACKGROUND Since its commercialization in 2007, the number of TAVR procedures has grown exponentially. METHODS The adoption of TAVR was investigated in 11 European countries: Germany, France, Italy, United Kingdom, Spain, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Portugal, Denmark, and Ireland. Data were collected from 2 sources: 1) lead physicians submitted nation-specific registry data; and 2) an implantation-based TAVR market tracker. Economic indexes such as healthcare expenditure per capita, sources of healthcare funding, and reimbursement strategies were correlated to TAVR use. Furthermore, we assessed the extent to which TAVR has penetrated its potential patient population. RESULTS Between 2007 and 2011, 34,317 patients underwent TAVR. Considerable variation in TAVR use existed across nations. In 2011, the number of TAVR implants per million individuals ranged from 6.1 in Portugal to 88.7 in Germany (33 ± 25). The annual number of TAVR implants performed per center across nations also varied widely (range 10 to 89). The weighted average TAVR penetration rate was low: 17.9%. Significant correlation was found between TAVR use and healthcare spending per capita (r = 0.80; p = 0.005). TAVR-specific reimbursement systems were associated with higher TAVR use than restricted systems (698 ± 232 vs. 213 ± 112 implants/million individuals ≥ 75 years; p = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS The authors' findings indicate that TAVR is underutilized in high and prohibitive surgical risk patients with severe aortic stenosis. National economic indexes and reimbursement strategies are closely linked with TAVR use and help explain the inequitable adoption of this therapy.
Papain-induced in vitro disc degeneration model for the study of injectable nucleus pulposus therapy
BACKGROUND CONTEXT Proteolytic enzyme digestion of the intervertebral disc (IVD) offers a method to simulate a condition of disc degeneration for the study of cell-scaffold constructs in the degenerated disc. PURPOSE To characterize an in vitro disc degeneration model (DDM) of different severities of glycosaminoglycans (GAG) and water loss by using papain, and to determine the initial response of the human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) introduced into this DDM. STUDY DESIGN Disc degeneration model of a bovine disc explant with an end plate was induced by the injection of papain at various concentrations. Labeled MSCs were later introduced in this model. METHODS Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS control) or papain in various concentrations (3, 15, 30, 60, and 150 U/mL) were injected into the bovine caudal IVD explants. Ten days after the injection, GAG content of the discs was evaluated by dimethylmethylene blue assay and cell viability was determined by live/dead staining together with confocal microscopy. Overall matrix composition was evaluated by histology, and water content was visualized by magnetic resonance imaging. Compressive and torsional stiffness of the DDM were also recorded. In the second part, MSCs were labeled with a fluorescence cell membrane tracker and injected into the nucleus of the DDM or a PBS control. Mesenchymal stem cell viability and distribution were evaluated by confocal microscopy. RESULTS A large drop of GAG and water content of the bovine disc were obtained by injecting >30 U/mL papain. Magnetic resonance imaging showed Grade II, III, and IV disc degeneration by injecting 30, 60, and 150 U/mL papain. A cavity in the center of the disc could facilitate later injection of the nucleus pulposus tissue engineering construct while retaining an intact annulus fibrosus. The remaining disc cell viability was not affected. Mesenchymal stem cells injected into the protease-treated DDM disc showed significantly higher cell viability than when injected into the PBS-injected control disc. CONCLUSIONS By varying the concentration of papain for injection, an increasing amount of GAG and water loss could be induced to simulate the different severities of disc degeneration. MSC suspension introduced into the disc has a very low short-term survival. However, it should be clear that this bovine IVD DDM does not reflect a clinical situation but offers exciting possibilities to test novel tissue engineering protocols.
BACKGROUND Co-speech gestures are part of nonverbal communication during conversations. They either support the verbal message or provide the interlocutor with additional information. Furthermore, they prompt as nonverbal cues the cooperative process of turn taking. In the present study, we investigated the influence of co-speech gestures on the perception of dyadic dialogue in aphasic patients. In particular, we analysed the impact of co-speech gestures on gaze direction (towards speaker or listener) and fixation of body parts. We hypothesized that aphasic patients, who are restricted in verbal comprehension, adapt their visual exploration strategies. METHODS Sixteen aphasic patients and 23 healthy control subjects participated in the study. Visual exploration behaviour was measured by means of a contact-free infrared eye-tracker while subjects were watching videos depicting spontaneous dialogues between two individuals. Cumulative fixation duration and mean fixation duration were calculated for the factors co-speech gesture (present and absent), gaze direction (to the speaker or to the listener), and region of interest (ROI), including hands, face, and body. RESULTS Both aphasic patients and healthy controls mainly fixated the speaker's face. We found a significant co-speech gesture × ROI interaction, indicating that the presence of a co-speech gesture encouraged subjects to look at the speaker. Further, there was a significant gaze direction × ROI × group interaction revealing that aphasic patients showed reduced cumulative fixation duration on the speaker's face compared to healthy controls. CONCLUSION Co-speech gestures guide the observer's attention towards the speaker, the source of semantic input. It is discussed whether an underlying semantic processing deficit or a deficit to integrate audio-visual information may cause aphasic patients to explore less the speaker's face.
Antihydrogen holds the promise to test, for the first time, the universality of freefall with a system composed entirely of antiparticles. The AEgIS experiment at CERN’s antiproton decelerator aims to measure the gravitational interaction between matter and antimatter by measuring the deflection of a beam of antihydrogen in the Earths gravitational field (g). The principle of the experiment is as follows: cold antihydrogen atoms are synthesized in a Penning-Malberg trap and are Stark accelerated towards a moir´e deflectometer, the classical counterpart of an atom interferometer, and annihilate on a position sensitive detector. Crucial to the success of the experiment is the spatial precision of the position sensitive detector.We propose a novel free-fall detector based on a hybrid of two technologies: emulsion detectors, which have an intrinsic spatial resolution of 50 nm but no temporal information, and a silicon strip / scintillating fiber tracker to provide timing and positional information. In 2012 we tested emulsion films in vacuum with antiprotons from CERN’s antiproton decelerator. The annihilation vertices could be observed directly on the emulsion surface using the microscope facility available at the University of Bern. The annihilation vertices were successfully reconstructed with a resolution of 1–2 μmon the impact parameter. If such a precision can be realized in the final detector, Monte Carlo simulations suggest of order 500 antihydrogen annihilations will be sufficient to determine gwith a 1 % accuracy. This paper presents current research towards the development of this technology for use in the AEgIS apparatus and prospects for the realization of the final detector.
A likelihood-based discriminant for the identification of quark- and gluon-initiated jets is built and validated using 4.7 fb−1 √ of proton–proton collision data at √s = 7 TeV collected with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Data sampleswith enriched quark or gluon content are used in the construction and validation of templates of jet properties that are the input to the likelihood-based discriminant. The discriminating power of the jet tagger is established in both data and Monte Carlo samples within a systematic uncertainty of ≈ 10–20 %. In data, light-quark jets can be tagged with an efficiency of ≈ 50% while achieving a gluon-jet mis-tag rate of ≈ 25% in a pT range between 40 GeV and 360 GeV for jets in the acceptance of the tracker. The rejection of gluon-jets found in the data is significantly below what is attainable using a Pythia 6Monte Carlo simulation, where gluon-jet mis-tag rates of 10% can be reached for a 50% selection efficiency of light-quark jets using the same jet properties.
Background: Co-speech gestures are part of nonverbal communication during conversations. They either support the verbal message or provide the interlocutor with additional information. Furthermore, they prompt as nonverbal cues the cooperative process of turn taking. In the present study, we investigated the influence of co-speech gestures on the perception of dyadic dialogue in aphasic patients. In particular, we analysed the impact of co-speech gestures on gaze direction (towards speaker or listener) and fixation of body parts. We hypothesized that aphasic patients, who are restricted in verbal comprehension, adapt their visual exploration strategies. Methods: Sixteen aphasic patients and 23 healthy control subjects participated in the study. Visual exploration behaviour was measured by means of a contact-free infrared eye-tracker while subjects were watching videos depicting spontaneous dialogues between two individuals. Cumulative fixation duration and mean fixation duration were calculated for the factors co-speech gesture (present and absent), gaze direction (to the speaker or to the listener), and region of interest (ROI), including hands, face, and body. Results: Both aphasic patients and healthy controls mainly fixated the speaker’s face. We found a significant co-speech gesture x ROI interaction, indicating that the presence of a co-speech gesture encouraged subjects to look at the speaker. Further, there was a significant gaze direction x ROI x group interaction revealing that aphasic patients showed reduced cumulative fixation duration on the speaker’s face compared to healthy controls. Conclusion: Co-speech gestures guide the observer’s attention towards the speaker, the source of semantic input. It is discussed whether an underlying semantic processing deficit or a deficit to integrate audio-visual information may cause aphasic patients to explore less the speaker’s face. Keywords: Gestures, visual exploration, dialogue, aphasia, apraxia, eye movements
A portable Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS), model EM27/SUN, was deployed onboard the research vessel Polarstern to measure the column-average dry air mole fractions of carbon dioxide (XCO2) and methane (XCH4) by means of direct sunlight absorption spectrometry. We report on technical developments as well as data calibration and reduction measures required to achieve the targeted accuracy of fractions of a percent in retrieved XCO2 and XCH4 while operating the instrument under field conditions onboard the moving platform during a 6-week cruise on the Atlantic from Cape Town (South Africa, 34° S, 18° E; 5 March 2014) to Bremerhaven (Germany, 54° N, 19° E; 14 April 2014). We demonstrate that our solar tracker typically achieved a tracking precision of better than 0.05° toward the center of the sun throughout the ship cruise which facilitates accurate XCO2 and XCH4 retrievals even under harsh ambient wind conditions. We define several quality filters that screen spectra, e.g., when the field of view was partially obstructed by ship structures or when the lines-of-sight crossed the ship exhaust plume. The measurements in clean oceanic air, can be used to characterize a spurious air-mass dependency. After the campaign, deployment of the spectrometer alongside the TCCON (Total Carbon Column Observing Network) instrument at Karlsruhe, Germany, allowed for determining a calibration factor that makes the entire campaign record traceable to World Meteorological Organization (WMO) standards. Comparisons to observations of the GOSAT satellite and concentration fields modeled by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) demonstrate that the observational setup is well suited to provide validation opportunities above the ocean and along interhemispheric transects.