971 resultados para Tissue plasminogen activator
We determined whether pre-enrichment of low density lipoproteins (LDL) with alpha-tocopherol mitigates their adverse effects, following in vitro glycation, oxidation or glycoxidation, towards cultured bovine retinal capillary endothelial cells (RCEC) and pericytes.
To determine whether polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) independently influences oxidative stress and inflammation or if the culprit is the comorbidities of obesity and/or insulin resistance common to this condition.
Infection is a leading cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality worldwide. Premature neonates are particularly susceptible to infection because of physiologic immaturity, comorbidity, and extraneous medical interventions. Additionally premature infants are at higher risk of progression to sepsis or severe sepsis, adverse outcomes, and antimicrobial toxicity. Currently initial diagnosis is based upon clinical suspicion accompanied by nonspecific clinical signs and is confirmed upon positive microbiologic culture results several days after institution of empiric therapy. There exists a significant need for rapid, objective, in vitro tests for diagnosis of infection in neonates who are experiencing clinical instability. We used immunoassays multiplexed on microarrays to identify differentially expressed serum proteins in clinically infected and non-infected neonates. Immunoassay arrays were effective for measurement of more than 100 cytokines in small volumes of serum available from neonates. Our analyses revealed significant alterations in levels of eight serum proteins in infected neonates that are associated with inflammation, coagulation, and fibrinolysis. Specifically P- and E-selectins, interleukin 2 soluble receptor alpha, interleukin 18, neutrophil elastase, urokinase plasminogen activator and its cognate receptor, and C-reactive protein were observed at statistically significant increased levels. Multivariate classifiers based on combinations of serum analytes exhibited better diagnostic specificity and sensitivity than single analytes. Multiplexed immunoassays of serum cytokines may have clinical utility as an adjunct for rapid diagnosis of infection and differentiation of etiologic agent in neonates with clinical decompensation.
Introduction: Plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 (PAI-1) is a physiological modulator of fibrinolysis. High plasma PAI-1 is associated with the 4G/5G promoter polymorphism and with increased cardiovascular risk. Here we explored the role of platelets in regulating expression of the PAI-1 gene in monocytes. Methods: Blood from PAI-1 4G/5G genotyped volunteers (n=6) was incubated with the platelet GPVI-specific agonist, cross-linked collagen related peptide (CRP-XL), in the presence or absence of Mab 9E1 that blocks the binding of P-selectin to PSGL1. Monocytes were isolated by +ve selection on CD14 beads and monocyte PAI-1 mRNA expression was measured by real-time PCR. Results: Activation of platelets with CRP-XL resulted in platelets binding to >70% of monocytes and was accompanied by >5000-fold induction of PAI-1 mRNA, peaking at 4hrs. PAI-1 expression was independent of the 4G/5G genotype. Blocking the binding of platelets to monocytes enhanced PAI-1 induction (p<0.05 at 4 hrs). Incubation of isolated monocytes with the releasate from CRP-XL stimulated platelets also led to PAI-1 mRNA expression. The platelet secretome contains >100 different proteins. To identify the soluble factor(s) responsible for induction of PAI-1, neutralizing antibodies to likely candidates were added to monocytes incubated with the platelet releasate. Anti- TGF-beta inhibited platelet releasate-mediated PAI-1 mRNA induction by >80%. Monocyte PAI-1 was also induced by stimulation of PSGL-1 with a P-selectin-Fc chimera, in the absence of platelets, which was also blocked by the TGF-beta antibody. Conclusions: These results suggest that platelets induce PAI-1 mRNA in monocytes predominantly via TGF-beta, released from both platelets, and monocytes via activation by PSGL-1 signalling.This stimulation is independent of 4G/5G genotype
Plusieurs expériences et études cliniques ont démontré que l’activation du système rénine-angiotensine (RAS) peut induire l’hypertension, un facteur de risque majeur pour les maladies cardiovasculaires et rénales. L’angiotensinogène (Agt) est l’unique substrat du RAS. Cependant, il n’a pas encore été démontré si l’activation du RAS intrarénal peut à elle seule induire des dommages rénaux, indépendamment de l’hypertension systémique, et ainsi jouer un rôle prépondérant dans la progression de la néphropathie diabétique. Afin d’explorer le rôle du RAS intrarénal dans les dommages rénaux, un diabète a été induit par l’injection de streptozotocin chez des souris transgéniques (Tg) surexprimant l’Agt de rat dans les cellules des tubules proximaux du rein (RPTC). Les souris Tg diabétiques ont été traitées soit avec des inhibiteurs du RAS (perindopril et losartan), de l’insuline ou une combinaison des deux pour 4 semaines avant d’être euthanasiées. Pour une autre étude, des souris Tg non-diabétiques ont été traitées soit avec des inhibiteurs du RAS, l’hydralazine (vasodilatateur) ou l’apocynine (inhibiteur de la NADPH oxydase) pour une période de 8 semaines avant l’euthanasie. Des souris non-Tg ont été utilisées comme contrôles. Des cellules immortalisées de tubule proximal de rat (IRPTC) transfectées de manière stable avec un plasmide contenant l’Agt ou un plasmide contrôle ont été employées comme modèle in vitro. Nos résultats ont démontré que les souris Tg présentaient une augmentation significative de la pression systolique, l’albuminurie, l’apoptose des RPTC et l’expression de gènes pro-apoptotiques par rapport aux souris non-Tg. Les mêmes changements ont été observés chez les souris Tg diabétiques par rapport aux souris non-Tg diabétiques. L’insuline et/ou les inhibiteurs du RAS ont permis d’atténuer ces changements, sauf l’hypertension qui n’était réduite que par les inhibiteurs du RAS. Chez les IRPTC transfectées avec l’Agt in vitro, les hautes concentrations de glucose augmentent l’apoptose et l’activité de la caspase-3 par rapport aux cellules contrôles et l’insuline et/ou les inhibiteurs du RAS empêchent ces augmentations. En plus des changements physiologiques, les RPTC des souris Tg présentent aussi une augmentation significative de la production des espèces réactive de l’oxygène (ROS) et de l’activité de la NADPH oxydase, ainsi qu’une augmentation de l’expression du facteur de croissance transformant-beta 1 (TGF-β1), de l’inhibiteur activateur du plasminogène de type 1 (PAI-1), des protéines de la matrice extracellulaire, du collagène de type IV et de la sousunité p47 de la NADPH oxydase. Le traitement des souris Tg avec l’apocynine et le perindopril a permis d’améliorer tous ces changements, sauf l’hypertension qui n’était pas corrigée par l’apocynine. D’autre part, l’hydralazine a prévenu l’hypertension, sans modifier l’albuminurie, l’apoptose des RPTC ou l’expression des gènes pro-apoptotiques. Ces résultats montrent bien que l’activation du RAS intrarénal et l’hyperglycémie agissent de concert pour induire l’albuminurie et l’apoptose des RPTC, indépendamment de l’hypertension systémique. La génération des ROS via l’activation de la NADPH oxydase induit en partie l’action du RAS intrarénal sur l’apoptose des RPTC, la fibrose tubulo-interstitielle et l’albuminurie chez les souris Tg. D’autre part, une expérience en cours a tenté d’encore mieux délimiter les effets de l’activation du RAS intrarénal, tout en éliminant la néphrotoxicité du STZ. Pour cette étude, les souris Tg surexprimant l’Agt de rat dans leurs RPTC ont été croisées aux souris Ins2Akita, un modèle spontané de diabète de type I, afin de générer des souris Akita-rAgt-Tg. Les résultats préliminaires indiquent que le RAS intrarénal est activé dans les souris Akita et que la combinaison avec l’hyperglycémie induit du stress du réticulum endoplasmique (ER) dans les RPTC in vivo. Le stress du ER contribue à l’apoptose des RPTC observée dans le diabète, à tout le moins dans le modèle Akita. Le traitement avec des inhibiteurs du RAS permet d’atténuer certains des dommanges rénaux observés dans les souris Akita-rAgt-Tg.
En la Enfermedad Coronaria (EC) existen factores genéticos, socioculturales, medioambientales y raciales adicionales a los factores de riesgo cardiovascular mayores que podrían influir en su presentación. Se desconoce el impacto de la raza en la severidad de la enfermedad coronaria en los pacientes extranjeros que son enviados a nuestro Servicio. Objetivos: Comparar la severidad de la EC multivaso en una población de pacientes de las Antillas y Nacionales, pareados por la escala Framingham. Metodología: Realizamos un estudio de corte transversal, comparando pacientes colombianos contra pacientes provenientes de las Antillas holandesas con similares factores de riesgo según escala de Framingham, catalogándolos por grupos de riesgo bajo, intermedio, alto y muy alto. Todos con EC severa multivaso documentada por angiografía coronaria desde enero del 2009 hasta Junio de 2011. Se excluyeron pacientes con antecedentes de intervención percutánea o quirúrgica previa. Resultados: Ingresaron 115 pacientes internacionales y 115 pacientes nacionales. La relación hombres/mujeres 3:1. La proporción de grupos de riesgo fue de bajo riesgo 2.5%, intermedio 15%, alto 19.3%, y muy alto 63.4%. El Syntax Score en pacientes nacionales fue 14.3+/-7.4 y en internacionales 22.2+/-10.5 p: 0.002. Conclusiones: En pacientes provenientes de las Antillas Holandesas, valorados en nuestra institución, se observó una mayor severidad de la enfermedad coronaria comparada con una población nacional con factores de riesgo similares. Estos hallazgos sugieren la influencia de la raza y factores genéticos en la severidad y extensión de la EC
Objetivo: presentar el estado del arte de las investigaciones que, hasta el momento, relacionan el polimorfismo genético del paciente con la evolución de la sepsis, como herramienta diagnóstica y un nuevo enfoque terapéutico de esta condición. Los conceptos actuales basados en investigaciones sostienen que el polimorfismo genético del individuo es relevante en la evolución de la enfermedad y en la respuesta efectiva al tratamiento del paciente en estado crítico, en especial con sepsis bacteriana y choque séptico. Materiales y métodos: se revisó literatura indexada que relaciona los factores genéticos con la evolución de algunas enfermedades del paciente en estado crítico. Resultados: las características particulares de la enfermedad estarían influenciadas por el acervo genético del paciente, condicionando en gran medida la respuesta patofisiológica. Se ha evidenciado la susceptibilidad genética de algunos individuos a desarrollar infección; estos individuos con un tratamiento similar no evolucionan de igual forma, desencadenándose una sepsis bacteriana grave y choque séptico. El polimorfismo en los genes que codifican por el factor de necrosis tumoral -α (TNF-α) las interlucinas- 1 (IL-1), IL-6, IL-10, el factor soluble CD-14, los receptores similares a Toll y el inhibidor tipo 1 del activador del plasminógeno estaría asociado con el desarrollo de sepsis grave y choque séptico, en particular las mutaciones TNF-α 308 G/A, PAI-1 4G/4G, IL-6 174 G/C. Conclusiones: el conocimiento de la susceptibilidad genética, los factores de riesgo y el buen funcionamiento del sistema inmune de cada persona ayudan a reducir y compensar las complicaciones de la sepsis bacteriana. Es claro que el tratamiento oportuno individualizado en los pacientes con sepsis se asocia con disminución de la mortalidad y con reducción en el deterioro de la respuesta inflamatoria.
Se realizó un estudio genético – poblacional en dos grupos etarios de población colombiana con la finalidad de evaluar las diferencias genéticas relacionadas con el polimorfismo MTHFR 677CT en busca de eventos genéticos que soporten la persistencia de este polimorfismo en la especie humana debido que este ha sido asociado con múltiples enfermedades. De esta manera se genotipificaron los individuos, se analizaron los genotipos, frecuencias alélicas y se realizaron diferentes pruebas genéticas-poblacionales. Contrario a lo observado en poblaciones Colombianas revisadas se identificó la ausencia del Equilibrio Hardy-Weinberg en el grupo de los niños y estructuras poblacionales entre los adultos lo que sugiere diferentes historias demográficas y culturales entre estos dos grupos poblacionales al tiempo, lo que soporta la hipótesis de un evento de selección sobre el polimorfismo en nuestra población. De igual manera nuestros datos fueron analizados junto con estudios previos a nivel nacional y mundial lo cual sustenta que el posible evento selectivo es debido a que el aporte de ácido fólico se ha incrementado durante las últimas dos décadas como consecuencia de las campañas de fortificación de las harinas y suplementación a las embarazadas con ácido fólico, por lo tanto aquí se propone un modelo de selección que se ajusta a los datos encontrados en este trabajo se establece una relación entre los patrones nutricionales de la especie humana a través de la historia que explica las diferencias en frecuencias de este polimorfismo a nivel espacial y temporal.
There is emerging evidence to show that high levels of NEFA contribute to endothelial dysfunction and impaired insulin sensitivity. However, the impact of NEFA composition remains unclear. A total of ten healthy men consumed test drinks containing 50 g of palm stearin (rich in SFA) or high-oleic sunflower oil (rich in MUFA) on separate occasions; a third day included no fat as a control. The fats were emulsified into chocolate drinks and given as a bolus (approximately 10 g fat) at baseline followed by smaller amounts (approximately 3 g fat) every 30 min throughout the 6 h study day. An intravenous heparin infusion was initiated 2 h after the bolus, which resulted in a three- to fourfold increase in circulating NEFA level from baseline. Mean arterial stiffness as measured by digital volume pulse was higher during the consumption of SFA (P,0·001) but not MUFA (P¼0·089) compared with the control. Overall insulin and gastric inhibitory peptide response was greater during the consumption of both fats compared with the control (P,0·001); there was a second insulin peak in response to MUFA unlike SFA. Consumption of SFA resulted in higher levels of soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (sI-CAM) at 330 min than that of MUFA or control (P#0·048). There was no effect of the test drinks on glucose, total nitrite, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 or endothelin-1 concentrations. The present study indicates a potential negative impact of elevated NEFA derived from the consumption of SFA on arterial stiffness and sI-CAM levels. More studies are needed to fully investigate the impact of NEFA composition on risk factors for CVD.
Obesity is a key factor in the development of the metabolic syndrome (MetS), which is associated with increased cardiometabolic risk. We investigated whether obesity classification by body mass index (BMI) and body fat percentage (BF%) influences cardiometabolic profile and dietary responsiveness in 486 MetS subjects (LIPGENE dietary intervention study). Anthropometric measures, markers of inflammation and glucose metabolism, lipid profiles, adhesion molecules and haemostatic factors were determined at baseline and after 12 weeks of 4 dietary interventions (high saturated fat (SFA), high monounsaturated fat (MUFA) and 2 low fat high complex carbohydrate (LFHCC) diets, 1 supplemented with long chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC n-3 PUFAs)). 39% and 87% of subjects classified as normal and overweight by BMI were obese according to their BF%. Individuals classified as obese by BMI (± 30 kg/m2) and BF% (± 25% (men) and ± 35% (women)) (OO, n = 284) had larger waist and hip measurements, higher BMI and were heavier (P < 0.001) than those classified as non-obese by BMI but obese by BF% (NOO, n = 92). OO individuals displayed a more pro-inflammatory (higher C reactive protein (CRP) and leptin), pro-thrombotic (higher plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1)), pro-atherogenic (higher leptin/adiponectin ratio) and more insulin resistant (higher HOMA-IR) metabolic profile relative to the NOO group (P < 0.001). Interestingly, tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) concentrations were lower post-intervention in NOO individuals compared to OO subjects (P < 0.001). In conclusion, assessing BF% and BMI as part of a metabotype may help identify individuals at greater cardiometabolic risk than BMI alone.
Purpose Wholegrain (WG) consumption is associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, but clinical data on inflammation and immune function is either conflicting or limited. The objective of this study was to assess the impact of increasing WG consumption to at least 80 g/d on markers of inflammation and glucose metabolism and on phenotypic and functional aspects of the immune system, in healthy, middle-aged adults with low habitual WG intake. Methods Subjects consumed a diet high in WG (> 80 g/d) or low in WG (< 16 g/d, refined grain diet) in a crossover study, with 6-week intervention periods, separated by a 4-week washout. Adherence to the dietary regimes was achieved by dietary advice and provision of a range of food products, with compliance verified through analysis of plasma alkylresorcinols (ARs). Results On the WG intervention, WG consumption reached 168 g/d (P < 0.001), accompanied by an increase in plasma ARs (P < 0.001) and fibre intake (P < 0.001), without affecting other aspects of dietary intake. On the WG arm there were trends for lower ex vivo activation of CD4+ T cells and circulating concentrations of IL-10, C-reactive protein, C-peptide, insulin and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1. The percentage of CD4+ central memory T cells and circulating levels of adipsin tended to increase during the WG intervention. Conclusions Despite the dramatic increase in WG consumption, there were no effects on phenotypic or functional immune parameters, markers of inflammation or metabolic markers.
In addition to their expected effects on lipid profile, lipid-lowering agents may reduce cardiovascular events because of effects on nonclassic risk factors such as insulin resistance and inflammation. Ezetimibe specifically blocks the absorption of dietary and biliary cholesterol as well as plant sterols. Although it is known that an additional reduction of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels can be induced by the combination of ezetimibe with statins, it is not known if this can enhance some pleiotropic effects, which may be useful in slowing the atherosclerotic process. This study assessed the effects of simvastatin and ezetimibe, in monotherapy or in combination, on markers of endothelial function and insulin sensitivity. Fifty prediabetic subjects with normo- or mild-to-moderate hypercholesterolemia were randomly allocated to 2 groups receiving either ezetimibe (10 mg/d) or simvastatin (20 mg/d) for 12 weeks, after which the drugs were combined for both groups for an additional 12-week period. Clinical and laboratory parameters were measured at baseline and after 12 and 24 weeks of therapy. Homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance index and the area under the curve of insulin were calculated. As expected, both groups receiving drugs in isolation significantly reduced total cholesterol, LDL-C, apolipoprotein B, and triglyceride levels; and additional reductions were found after the combination period (P <.05). After 12 weeks of monotherapy, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 levels and urinary albumin excretion were lower in the simvastatin than in the ezetimibe group. No change in homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance index, area under the curve of insulin, and adiponectin levels was observed tiller either the monotherapies or the combined therapy. However, simvastatin combined with ezetimibe provoked significant reductions in E-selectin and intravascular cellular adhesion molecule-1 levels that were independent of LDL-C changes. Our findings support claims that simvastatin may be beneficial in preserving endothelial function in prediabetic subjects with normo- or mild-to-moderate hypercholesterolemia. Alternatively, a deleterious effect of ezetimibe on the endothelial function is suggested, considering the increase in intravascular cellular adhesion molecule I and E-selectin levels. Simvastatin and ezetimibe, in isolation or in combination, do not interfere with insulin sensitivity. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A survey of existing data suggests that trophoblast cells produce factors involved in extracellular matrix degradation. In this study, we correlated the expression of cathepsins D and B in the murine ectoplacental cone with the ultrastructural progress of decidual invasion by trophoblast cells. Both proteases were immunolocalized at implantation sites in lysosome-endosome-like compartments of trophoblast giant cells. Cathepsin D, but not cathepsin B, was also detected ultrastructurally in extracellular compartments surrounded by processes of the invading trophoblast containing extracellular matrix components and endometrial cell debris. The expression of cathepsins D and B by trophoblast cells was confirmed by RT-PCR in ectoplacental cones isolated from implantation chambers at gestation day 7.5. Our data addressed a positive relationship between the expression and presence of cathepsin D at the extracellular compartment of the maternal-fetal interface and the invasiveness of the trophoblast during the postimplantation period, suggesting a participation of invading trophoblast cells in the cathepsin D release. Such findings indicate that mouse trophoblast cells might exhibit a proteolytic ability to partake in the decidual invasion process at the maternal-fetal interface. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel
Objective: We evaluated the effects of soy isoflavone supplementation on hemostasis in healthy postmenopausal women. Methods: In this double-blinded, placebo-controlled study, 47 postmenopausal women 47-66 y of age received 40 mg of soy isoflavone (n = 25) or 40 mg of casein placebo (n = 22) once a day for 6 mo. Levels of factors VII and X. fibrinogen, thrombin-antithrombin complex, prothrombin fragments I plus 2, antithrombin, protein C, total and free protein S, plasminogen, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, and D-dimers were measured at baseline and 6 mo. Urinary isoflavone concentrations (genistein and daidzein) were measured as a marker of compliance and absorption using high-performance liquid chromatography. Baseline characteristics were compared by unpaired Student`s t test. Within-group changes and comparison between the isoflavone and casein placebo groups were determined by a mixed effects model. Results: The levels of hemostatic variables did not change significantly throughout the study in the isoflavone group; however, the isoflavone group showed a statistically significant reduction in plasma concentration of prothrombin fragments I plus 2; both groups showed a statistically significant reduction in antithrombin, protein C, and free protein S levels. A significant increase in D-dimers was observed only in the isoflavone group. Plasminogen activator inhibitor-l levels increased significantly in the placebo group. However, these changes were not statistically different between groups. Conclusion: The results of the present study do not support a biologically significant estrogenic effect of soy isoflavone on coagulation and fibrinolysis in postmenopausal women. However, further research will be necessary to definitively assess the safety and efficacy of isoflavone. (D 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Snake venom serine proteinases (SVSPs) are hemostatically active toxins that perturb the maintenance and regulation of both the blood coagulation cascade and fibrinolytic feedback system at specific points, and hence, are widely used as tools in pharmacological and clinical diagnosis. The crystal structure of a thrombin-like enzyme (TLE) from Bothrops jararacussu venom (Jararacussin-I) was determined at 2.48 Å resolution. This is the first crystal structure of a TLE and allows structural comparisons with both the Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix Protein C Activator and the Trimeresurus stejnegeri plasminogen activator. Despite the highly conserved overall fold, significant differences in the amino acid compositions and three-dimensional conformations of the loops surrounding the active site significantly alter the molecular topography and charge distribution profile of the catalytic interface. In contrast to other SVSPs, the catalytic interface of Jararacussin-I is highly negatively charged, which contributes to its unique macromolecular selectivity. © 2012 The Protein Society.