991 resultados para Time frames


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This work discusses a 4D lung reconstruction method from unsynchronized MR sequential images. The lung, differently from the heart, does not have its own muscles, turning impossible to see its real movements. The visualization of the lung in motion is an actual topic of research in medicine. CT (Computerized Tomography) can obtain spatio-temporal images of the heart by synchronizing with electrocardiographic waves. The FOV of the heart is small when compared to the lung`s FOV. The lung`s movement is not periodic and is susceptible to variations in the degree of respiration. Compared to CT, MR (Magnetic Resonance) imaging involves longer acquisition times and it is not possible to obtain instantaneous 3D images of the lung. For each slice, only one temporal sequence of 2D images can be obtained. However, methods using MR are preferable because they do not involve radiation. In this paper, based on unsynchronized MR images of the lung an animated B-Repsolid model of the lung is created. The 3D animation represents the lung`s motion associated to one selected sequence of MR images. The proposed method can be divided in two parts. First, the lung`s silhouettes moving in time are extracted by detecting the presence of a respiratory pattern on 2D spatio-temporal MR images. This approach enables us to determine the lung`s silhouette for every frame, even on frames with obscure edges. The sequence of extracted lung`s silhouettes are unsynchronized sagittal and coronal silhouettes. Using our algorithm it is possible to reconstruct a 3D lung starting from a silhouette of any type (coronal or sagittal) selected from any instant in time. A wire-frame model of the lung is created by composing coronal and sagittal planar silhouettes representing cross-sections. The silhouette composition is severely underconstrained. Many wire-frame models can be created from the observed sequences of silhouettes in time. Finally, a B-Rep solid model is created using a meshing algorithm. Using the B-Rep solid model the volume in time for the right and left lungs were calculated. It was possible to recognize several characteristics of the 3D real right and left lungs in the shaded model. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work considers a nonlinear time-varying system described by a state representation, with input u and state x. A given set of functions v, which is not necessarily the original input u of the system, is the (new) input candidate. The main result provides necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a local classical state space representation with input v. These conditions rely on integrability tests that are based on a derived flag. As a byproduct, one obtains a sufficient condition of differential flatness of nonlinear systems. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The knowledge of soil water storage (SWS) of soil profiles is crucial for the adoption of vegetation restoration practices. With the aim of identifying representative sites to obtain the mean SWS of a watershed, a time stability analysis of neutron probe evaluations of SWS was performed by the means of relative differences and Spearman rank correlation coefficients. At the same time, the effects of different neutron probe calibration procedures were explored on time stability analysis. mean SWS estimation. and preservation of the spatial variability of SWS. The selected watershed, with deep gullies and undulating slopes which cover an area of 20 ha, is characterized by an Ust-Sandiic Entisol and an Aeolian sandy soil. The dominant vegetation species are bunge needlegrass (Stipa bungeana Trim) and korshinsk peashrub (Carugano Korshinskii kom.). From June 11, 2007 to July 23,2008, SWS of the top1 m soil layer was evaluated for 20 dates, based on neutron probe data of 12 sampling sites. Three calibration procedures were employed: type 1, most complete, with each site having its own linear calibration equation (TrE); type II. with TrE equations extended over the whole field: and type III, with one single linear calibration curve for the whole field (UnE) and also correcting its intercept based on site specific relative difference analysis (RdE) and on linear fitting of data (RcE), both maintaining the same slope. A strong time stability of SWS estimated by TrE equations was identified. Soil particle size and soil organic matter content were recognized as the influencing factors for spatial variability of SWS. Land use influenced neither the spatial variability nor the time stability of SWS. Time stability analysis identified one site to represent the mean SWS of the whole watershed with mean absolute percentage errors of less than 10%, therefore. this site can be used as a predictor for the mean SWS of the watershed. Some equations of type II were found to be unsatisfactory to yield reliable mean SWS values or in preserving the associated soil spatial variability. Hence, it is recommended to be cautious in extending calibration equations to other sites since they might not consider the field variability. For the equations with corrected intercept (type III), which consider the spatial variability of calibration in a different way in relation to TrE, it was found that they can yield satisfactory means and standard deviation of SWS, except for the RdE equations, which largely leveled off the SWS values in the watershed. Correlation analysis showed that the neutron probe calibration was linked to soil bulk density and to organic matter content. Therefore, spatial variability of soil properties should be taken into account during the process of neutron probe calibration. This study provides useful information on the mean SWS observation with a time stable site and on distinct neutron probe calibration procedures, and it should be extended to soil water management studies with neutron probes, e.g., the process of vegetation restoration in wider area and soil types of the Loess Plateau in China. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Time-domain reflectometry (TDR) is an important technique to obtain series of soil water content measurements in the field. Diode-segmented probes represent an improvement in TDR applicability, allowing measurements of the soil water content profile with a single probe. In this paper we explore an extensive soil water content dataset obtained by tensiometry and TDR from internal drainage experiments in two consecutive years in a tropical soil in Brazil. Comparisons between the variation patterns of the water content estimated by both methods exhibited evidences of deterioration of the TDR system during this two year period at field conditions. The results showed consistency in the variation pattern for the tensiometry data, whereas TDR estimates were inconsistent, with sensitivity decreasing over time. This suggests that difficulties may arise for the long-term use of this TDR system under tropical field conditions. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This article analysed scenarios for Brazilian consumption of ethanol for the period 2006 to 2012. The results show that if the country`s GDP sustains a 4.6% a year growth, domestic consumption of fuel ethanol could increase to 25.16 billion liters in this period, which is a volume relatively close to the forecasted gasoline consumption of 31 billion liters. At a lower GDP growth of 1.22% a year, gasoline consumption would be reduced and domestic ethanol consumption in Brazil would be no higher than 18.32 billion liters. Contrary to the current situation, forecasts indicated that hydrated ethanol consumption could become much higher than anhydrous consumption in Brazil. The former is being consumed in cars moved exclusively by ethanol and flex-fuel cars, successfully introduced in the country at 2003. Flex cars allow Brazilian consumers to choose between gasoline and hydrated ethanol and immediately switch to whichever fuel presents the most favourable relative price.


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Introduction: Porphyromonas gingivalis and Tannerella forsythia are anaerobic bacteria commonly involved in root canal infections. Although previous investigations have assessed these species by strictly qualitative approaches, accurate determination of their cell levels by a sensitive quantitative technique may contribute with additional information regarding relevance in pain of endodontic origin. Method: The root canal levels of P gingivalis, T forsythia, and total bacteria were investigated by a quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay based on unique copy molecular markers. A total of 32 symptomatic (n = 14) and asymptomatic (n = 18) cases of endodontic infections were analyzed. Root canal samples were collected; genomic DNA was extracted and submitted to SYBR Green I real-time PCR targeting the rgpB (P gingivalis), bspA (T forsythia), and rpoB (total bacteria) single copy genes. Results: Overall, R gingivalis, T forsythia, and the coexistence of both species were encountered in 28%, 66%, and 22% of the subjects, respectively. P gingivalis and T forsythia levels ranged from 5.65 x 10(-6) to 1.20 x 10(-2) and from 5.76 x 10(-6) to 1.35 x 10(-1). T forsythia was highly prevalent and numerous in the study groups, whereas P gingivalis was moderately frequent and less abundant, displaying 19-fold lower average levels than the former. Conclusions: The endodontic levels of P gingivalis and T forsythia, individually or in conjunction, did not display significant associations with the manifestation of pain of endodontic origin. (J Endod 2009,35:1518-1524)


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The leaf area index (LAI) of fast-growing Eucalyptus plantations is highly dynamic both seasonally and interannually, and is spatially variable depending on pedo-climatic conditions. LAI is very important in determining the carbon and water balance of a stand, but is difficult to measure during a complete stand rotation and at large scales. Remote-sensing methods allowing the retrieval of LAI time series with accuracy and precision are therefore necessary. Here, we tested two methods for LAI estimation from MODIS 250m resolution red and near-infrared (NIR) reflectance time series. The first method involved the inversion of a coupled model of leaf reflectance and transmittance (PROSPECT4), soil reflectance (SOILSPECT) and canopy radiative transfer (4SAIL2). Model parameters other than the LAI were either fixed to measured constant values, or allowed to vary seasonally and/or with stand age according to trends observed in field measurements. The LAI was assumed to vary throughout the rotation following a series of alternately increasing and decreasing sigmoid curves. The parameters of each sigmoid curve that allowed the best fit of simulated canopy reflectance to MODIS red and NIR reflectance data were obtained by minimization techniques. The second method was based on a linear relationship between the LAI and values of the GEneralized Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (GESAVI), which was calibrated using destructive LAI measurements made at two seasons, on Eucalyptus stands of different ages and productivity levels. The ability of each approach to reproduce field-measured LAI values was assessed, and uncertainty on results and parameter sensitivities were examined. Both methods offered a good fit between measured and estimated LAI (R(2) = 0.80 and R(2) = 0.62 for model inversion and GESAVI-based methods, respectively), but the GESAVI-based method overestimated the LAI at young ages. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The use of remote sensing is necessary for monitoring forest carbon stocks at large scales. Optical remote sensing, although not the most suitable technique for the direct estimation of stand biomass, offers the advantage of providing large temporal and spatial datasets. In particular, information on canopy structure is encompassed in stand reflectance time series. This study focused on the example of Eucalyptus forest plantations, which have recently attracted much attention as a result of their high expansion rate in many tropical countries. Stand scale time-series of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) were obtained from MODIS satellite data after a procedure involving un-mixing and interpolation, on about 15,000 ha of plantations in southern Brazil. The comparison of the planting date of the current rotation (and therefore the age of the stands) estimated from these time series with real values provided by the company showed that the root mean square error was 35.5 days. Age alone explained more than 82% of stand wood volume variability and 87% of stand dominant height variability. Age variables were combined with other variables derived from the NDVI time series and simple bioclimatic data by means of linear (Stepwise) or nonlinear (Random Forest) regressions. The nonlinear regressions gave r-square values of 0.90 for volume and 0.92 for dominant height, and an accuracy of about 25 m(3)/ha for volume (15% of the volume average value) and about 1.6 m for dominant height (8% of the height average value). The improvement including NDVI and bioclimatic data comes from the fact that the cumulative NDVI since planting date integrates the interannual variability of leaf area index (LAI), light interception by the foliage and growth due for example to variations of seasonal water stress. The accuracy of biomass and height predictions was strongly improved by using the NDVI integrated over the two first years after planting, which are critical for stand establishment. These results open perspectives for cost-effective monitoring of biomass at large scales in intensively-managed plantation forests. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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By allowing the estimation of forest structural and biophysical characteristics at different temporal and spatial scales, remote sensing may contribute to our understanding and monitoring of planted forests. Here, we studied 9-year time-series of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on a network of 16 stands in fast-growing Eucalyptus plantations in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. We aimed to examine the relationships between NDVI time-series spanning entire rotations and stand structural characteristics (volume, dominant height, mean annual increment) in these simple forest ecosystems. Our second objective was to examine spatial and temporal variations of light use efficiency for wood production, by comparing time-series of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (APAR) with inventory data. Relationships were calibrated between the NDVI and the fractions of intercepted diffuse and direct radiation, using hemispherical photographs taken on the studied stands at two seasons. APAR was calculated from the NDVI time-series using these relationships. Stem volume and dominant height were strongly correlated with summed NDVI values between planting date and inventory date. Stand productivity was correlated with mean NDVI values. APAR during the first 2 years of growth was variable between stands and was well correlated with stem wood production (r(2) = 0.78). In contrast, APAR during the following years was less variable and not significantly correlated with stem biomass increments. Production of wood per unit of absorbed light varied with stand age and with site index. In our study, a better site index was accompanied both by increased APAR during the first 2 years of growth and by higher light use efficiency for stem wood production during the whole rotation. Implications for simple process-based modelling are discussed. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: The aim of this study was to identify novel candidate biomarker proteins differentially expressed in the plasma of patients with early stage acute myocardial infarction (AMI) using SELDI-TOF-MS as a high throughput screening technology. Methods: Ten individuals with recent acute ischemic-type chest pain (< 12 h duration) and ST-segment elevation AMI (1STEMI) and after a second AMI (2STEMI) were selected. Blood samples were drawn at six times after STEMI diagnosis. The first stage (T(0)) was in Emergency Unit before receiving any medication, the second was just after primary angioplasty (T(2)), and the next four stages occurred at 12 h intervals after T(0). Individuals (n = 7) with similar risk factors for cardiovascular disease and normal ergometric test were selected as a control group (CG). Plasma proteomic profiling analysis was performed using the top-down (i.e. intact proteins) SELDI-TOF-MS, after processing in a Multiple Affinity Removal Spin Cartridge System (Agilent). Results: Compared with the CG, the 1STEMI group exhibited 510 differentially expressed protein peaks in the first 48 h after the AMI (p < 0.05). The 2STEMI group, had similar to 85% fewer differently expressed protein peaks than those without previous history of AMI (76, p < 0.05). Among the 16 differentially-regulated protein peaks common to both STEMI cohorts (compared with the CG at T(0)), 6 peaks were persistently down-regulated at more than one time-stage, and also were inversed correlated with serum protein markers (cTnI, CK and CKMB) during 48 h-period after IAM. Conclusions: Proteomic analysis by SELDI-TOF-MS technology combined with bioinformatics tools demonstrated differential expression during a 48 h time course suggests a potential role of some of these proteins as biomarkers for the very early stages of AMI, as well as for monitoring early cardiac ischemic recovery. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Previous work demonstrated that a mixture of NH(4)Cl and KNO(3) as nitrogen source was beneficial to fed-batch Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis cultivation, in terms of either lower costs or higher cell concentration. On the basis of those results, this study focused on the use of a cheaper nitrogen source mixture, namely (NH(4))(2)SO(4) plus NaNO(3), varying the ammonium feeding time (T = 7-15 days), either controlling the pH by CO(2) addition or not. A. platensis was cultivated in mini-tanks at 30 degrees C, 156 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1), and starting cell concentration of 400 mg L(-1), on a modified Schlosser medium. T = 13 days under pH control were selected as optimum conditions, ensuring the best results in terms of biomass production (maximum cell concentration of 2911 mg L(-1), cell productivity of 179 mg L(-1) d(-1) and specific growth rate of 0.77 d(-1)) and satisfactory protein and lipid contents (around 30% each). (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study dealt with the influence of both the feeding time and light intensity on the fed-batch culture of the cyanobacterium Spirulina (Arthrospira) platensis using ammonium chloride as a nitrogen source. For this purpose, a 2 2 plus star central composite experimental design combined with response surface methodology was employed, and the maximum cell concentration (X-m), the cell productivity (P-X), and the yield of biomass on nitrogen (Y-X/N) were selected as the response variables. The optimum values of X-m (1,833 mgL(-1)) and Y-X/N (5.9 gg(-1)) estimated by the model at light intensity of 13 klux and feeding time of 17.2 days were very close to those obtained experimentally under these conditions (X-m = 1,771 +/- 41 mg L-1; Y-X/N = 5.7 +/- 0.17 gg(-1)). The cell productivity was a decreasing function of the ammonium chloride feeding time and a quadratic function of the light intensity. The protein and lipid contents of dry biomass collected at the end of cultivations were shown to decrease with increasing light intensity.


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Application of the thermal sum concept was developed to determine the optimal harvesting stage of new banana hybrids to be grown for export. It was tested on two triploid hybrid bananas, FlhorBan 916 (F916) and FlhorBan 918 (F918), created by CIRAD`s banana breeding programme, using two different approaches. The first approach was used with F916 and involved calculating the base temperature of bunches sampled at two sites at the ripening stage, and then determining the thermal sum at which the stage of maturity would be identical to that of the control Cavendish export banana. The second approach was used to assess the harvest stage of F918 and involved calculating the two thermal parameters directly, but using more plants and a longer period. Using the linear regression model, the estimated thermal parameters were a thermal sum of 680 degree-days (dd) at a base temperature of 17.0 degrees C for cv. F916, and 970 dd at 13.9 degrees C for cv. F918. This easy-to-use method provides quick and reliable calculations of the two thermal parameters required at a specific harvesting stage for a given banana variety in tropical climate conditions. Determining these two values is an essential step for gaining insight into the agronomic features of a new variety and its potential for export. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The residence time distribution and mean residence time of a 10% sodium bicarbonate solution that is dried in a conventional spouted bed with inert bodies were measured with the stimulus-response method. Methylene blue was used as a chemical tracer, and the effects of the paste feed mode, size distribution of the inert bodies, and mean particle size on the residence times and dried powder properties were investigated. The results showed that the residence time distributions could be best reproduced with the perfect mixing cell model or N = 1 for the continuous stirred tank reactor in a series model. The mean residence times ranged from 6.04 to 12.90 min and were significantly affected by the factors studied. Analysis of variance on the experimental data showed that mean residence times were affected by the mean diameter of the inert bodies at a significance level of 1% and by the size distribution at a level of 5%. Moreover, altering the paste feed from dripping to pneumatic atomization affected mean residence time at a 5% significance level. The dried powder characteristics proved to be adequate for further industrial manipulation, as demonstrated by the low moisture content, narrow range of particle size, and good flow properties. The results of this research are significant in the study of the drying of heat-sensitive materials because it shows that by simultaneously changing the size distribution and average size of the inert bodies, the mean residence times of a paste can be reduced by half, thus decreasing losses due to degradation.


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The aim of the present work was to obtain an ophthalmic delivery system with improved mechanical and mucoadhesive properties that could provide prolonged retention time for the treatment of ocular diseases. For this, an in situ forming gel comprised of the combination of a thermosetting polymer, poly (ethylene oxide)-poly (propylene oxide)-poly (ethylene oxide) (PEO-PPO-PEO, poloxamer), with a mucoadhesive agent (chitosan) was developed. Different polymer ratios were evaluated by oscillatory rheology, texture and mucoadhesive profiles. Scintigraphy studies in humans were conduced to verify the retention time of the formulations developed. The results showed that chitosan improves the mechanical strength and texture properties of poloxamer formulations and also confers mucoadhesive properties in a concentration-dependent manner. After a 10-min instillation of the poloxamer/chitosan 16:1 formulation in human eyes, 50-60% of the gel was still in contact with the cornea surface, which represents a fourfold increased retention in comparison with a conventional solution. Therefore, the developed formulation presented adequate mechanical and sensorial properties and remained in contact with the eye surface for a prolonged time. In conclusion, the in situ forming gel comprised of poloxamer/chitosan is a promising tool for the topical treatment of ocular diseases. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.