957 resultados para Steam-boilers.


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Two different natural zeolites having different phase compositions were obtained from different regions of Turkey and modified by ion-exchange (0.5 M NH4NO3) and acid leaching using 1 M HCl. The natural and modified samples were treated at low temperature (LT), high temperature (HT) and steam (ST) conditions and characterised by XRF, XRD, BET, FTIR, DR-UV-Vis, NH3-TPD and TGA. Ion-exchange with NH4+ of natural zeolites results in the exchange of the Na+ and Ca2+ cations and the partial exchange of the Fe3+ and Mg2+ cations. However, steam and acidic treatments cause significant dealumination and decationisation, as well as loss of crystalline, sintering of phases and the formation of amorphous material. The presence of mordenite and quartz phases in the natural zeolites increases the stability towards acid treatment, whereas the structure of clinoptilolite-rich zeolites is mostly maintained after high temperature and steam treatments. The natural and modified zeolites treated at high temperature and in steam were found to be less stable compared with synthetic zeolites, resulting in a loss of crystallinity, a decrease in the surface area and pore volume, a decrease in the surface acidity as well as dealumination, and decationisation. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Co3O4, Fe2O3 and a mixture of the two oxides Co–Fe (molar ratio of Co3O4/Fe2O3 = 0.67 and atomic ratio of Co/Fe = 1) were prepared by the calcination of cobalt oxalate and/or iron oxalate salts at 500 °C for 2 h in static air using water as a solvent/dispersing agent. The catalysts were studied in the steam reforming of ethanol to investigate the effect of the partial substitution of Co3O4 with Fe2O3 on the catalytic behaviour. The reforming activity over Fe2O3, while initially high, underwent fast deactivation. In comparison, over the Co–Fe catalyst both the H2 yield and stability were higher than that found over the pure Co3O4 or Fe2O3 catalysts. DRIFTS-MS studies under the reaction feed highlighted that the Co–Fe catalyst had increased amounts of adsorbed OH/water; similar to Fe2O3. Increasing the amount of reactive species (water/OH species) adsorbed on the Co–Fe catalyst surface is proposed to facilitate the steam reforming reaction rather than decomposition reactions reducing by-product formation and providing a higher H2 yield.


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Highly reactive radicals play an important role in high-temperature gasification processes. However, the effect of radicals on gasification has not been systematically investigated. In the present study, the formation of carbon-radical precursors using atomic radicals such as OH, O, and H and molecules such as H2 and O2 was characterized, and the effect of the precursors on the adsorption step of steam char gasification was studied using quantum chemistry methods. The results revealed that the radicals can be chemisorbed exothermically on char active sites, and the following order of reactivity was observed: O > H2 > H > OH > O 2. Moreover, hydrogen bonds are formed between steam molecules and carbon-radical complexes. Steam molecule adsorption onto carbon-O and carbon-OH complexes is easier than adsorption onto clean carbon surfaces. Alternatively, adsorption on carbon-O2, carbon-H2, and carbon-H complexes is at the same level with that of clean carbon surfaces; thus, OH and O radicals accelerate the physical adsorption of steam onto the char surface, H radical and O2 and H2 molecules do not have a significant effect on adsorption. © 2010 American Chemical Society.


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A systematic theoretical study on the adsorption of steam and its thermal decomposition products on carbon both zigzag and armchair surface was performed to provide molecular-level understanding of the reaction activity of all these reactants in biomass steam gasification process. All the calculations were carried out using density functional theory (DFT) at the B3LYP/6-31+g(d,p) level. The structures of carbonaceous surfaces, all reactants and surface complexes were optimized and characterized. Based on the value of adsorption heat been obtained from the calculation, the activity of all reactants can be ordered as: O > O2 >H2 >H >OH >H2O for both zigzag and armchair surface, and the adsorption style is physisorption to water molecule and chemisorption to the other dissociated components.


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Through combined theoretical and experimental efforts, the reaction mechanism of ethanol steam reforming on Rh catalysts was studied. The results suggest that acetaldehyde (CH3CHO) is an important reaction intermediate in the reaction on nanosized Rh catalyst. Our theoretical work suggests that the H-bond effect significantly modifies the ethanol decomposition pathway. The possible reaction pathway on Rh (211) surface is suggested as CH3CH2OH -> CH3CH2O -> CH3CHO -> CH3CO -> CH3 + CO -> CH2 + CO -> CH + CO -> C + CO, followed by the water gas shift reaction to yield H-2 and CO2. In addition, we found that the water-gas shift reaction, not the ethanol decomposition, is the bottleneck for the overall ethanol steam reforming process. The CO + OH association is considered the key step, with a sizable energy barrier of 1.31 eV. The present work first discusses the mechanisms and the water effect in ethanol steam reforming reactions on Rh catalyst from both theoretical and experimental standpoints, which may shed light on designing improved catalysts.


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H2 is considered to be a potential alternative fuel due to its high energy density by weight and working with pollution free. Currently, ethanol conversion to hydrogen has drawn much attention because it provides a viable way for H2 production from renewable resources. In this work, we combined theoretical and experimental efforts to study the reaction mechanism of ethanol steam reforming on Rh catalysts. The results suggest that acetaldehyde (CH3CHO) is an important reaction intermediate in the reaction on nano-sized Rh catalyst. Our theoretical work suggests that the H-bond effect significantly modifies the ethanol decomposition pathway. The possible reaction pathway on Rh (211) surface is suggested as: CH3CH2OH → CH3CH2O → CH3CHO → CH3CO → CH3+CO → CH2+CO → CH+CO → C+CO, followed by the water gas shift reaction to yield H2 and CO2. It was found that that the water gas shift reaction is paramount in the ethanol steam reforming process.


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Em 2006, a IEA (Agência Internacional de Energia), publicou alguns estudos de consumos mundiais de energia. Naquela altura, apontava na fabricação de produtos, um consumo mundial de energia elétrica, de origem fóssil de cerca 86,16 EJ/ano (86,16×018 J) e um consumo de energia nos sistemas de vapor de 32,75 EJ/ano. Evidenciou também nesses estudos que o potencial de poupança de energia nos sistemas de vapor era de 3,27 EJ/ano. Ou seja, quase tanto como a energia consumida nos sistemas de vapor da U.E. Não se encontraram números relativamente a Portugal, mas comparativamente com outros Países publicitados com alguma similaridade, o consumo de energia em vapor rondará 0,2 EJ/ano e por conseguinte um potencial de poupança de cerca 0,02 EJ/ano, ou 5,6 × 106 MWh/ano ou uma potência de 646 MW, mais do que a potência de cinco barragens Crestuma/Lever! Trata-se efetivamente de muita energia; interessa por isso perceber o onde e o porquê deste desperdício. De um modo muito modesto, pretende-se com este trabalho dar algum contributo neste sentido. Procurou-se evidenciar as possibilidades reais de os utilizadores de vapor de água na indústria reduzirem os consumos de energia associados à sua produção. Não estão em causa as diferentes formas de energia para a geração de vapor, sejam de origem fóssil ou renovável; interessou neste trabalho estudar o modo de como é manuseado o vapor na sua função de transporte de energia térmica, e de como este poderá ser melhorado na sua eficiência de cedência de calor, idealmente com menor consumo de energia. Com efeito, de que servirá se se optou por substituir o tipo de queima para uma mais sustentável se a jusante se continuarem a verificarem desperdícios, descarga exagerada nas purgas das caldeiras com perda de calor associada, emissões permanentes de vapor para a atmosfera em tanques de condensado, perdas por válvulas nos vedantes, purgadores avariados abertos, pressão de vapor exageradamente alta atendendo às temperaturas necessárias, “layouts” do sistema de distribuição mal desenhados, inexistência de registos de produção e consumos de vapor, etc. A base de organização deste estudo foi o ciclo de vapor: produção, distribuição, consumo e recuperação de condensado. Pareceu importante incluir também o tratamento de água, atendendo às implicações na transferência de calor das superfícies com incrustações. Na produção de vapor, verifica-se que os maiores problemas de perda de energia têm a ver com a falta de controlo, no excesso de ar e purgas das caldeiras em exagero. Na distribuição de vapor aborda-se o dimensionamento das tubagens, necessidade de purgas a v montante das válvulas de controlo, a redução de pressão com válvulas redutoras tradicionais; será de destacar a experiência americana no uso de micro turbinas para a redução de pressão com produção simultânea de eletricidade. Em Portugal não se conhecem instalações com esta opção. Fabricantes da República Checa e Áustria, têm tido sucesso em algumas dezenas de instalações de redução de pressão em diversos países europeus (UK, Alemanha, R. Checa, França, etc.). Para determinação de consumos de vapor, para projeto ou mesmo para estimativa em máquinas existentes, disponibiliza-se uma série de equações para os casos mais comuns. Dá-se especial relevo ao problema que se verifica numa grande percentagem de permutadores de calor, que é a estagnação de condensado - “stalled conditions”. Tenta-se também evidenciar as vantagens da recuperação de vapor de flash (infelizmente de pouca tradição em Portugal), e a aplicação de termocompressores. Finalmente aborda-se o benchmarking e monitorização, quer dos custos de vapor quer dos consumos específicos dos produtos. Esta abordagem é algo ligeira, por manifesta falta de estudos publicados. Como trabalhos práticos, foram efetuados levantamentos a instalações de vapor em diversos sectores de atividades; 1. ISEP - Laboratório de Química. Porto, 2. Prio Energy - Fábrica de Biocombustíveis. Porto de Aveiro. 3. Inapal Plásticos. Componentes de Automóvel. Leça do Balio, 4. Malhas Sonix. Tinturaria Têxtil. Barcelos, 5. Uma instalação de cartão canelado e uma instalação de alimentos derivados de soja. Também se inclui um estudo comparativo de custos de vapor usado nos hospitais: quando produzido por geradores de vapor com queima de combustível e quando é produzido por pequenos geradores elétricos. Os resultados estão resumidos em tabelas e conclui-se que se o potencial de poupança se aproxima do referido no início deste trabalho.


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Remote monitoring of a power boiler allows the supplying company to make sure that equipment is used as supposed to and gives a good chance for process optimization. This improves co-operation between the supplier and the customer and creates an aura of trust that helps securing future contracts. Remote monitoring is already in use with recovery boilers but the goal is to expand especially to biomass-fired BFB-boilers. To make remote monitoring possible, data has to be measured reliably on site and the link between the power plant and supplying company’s server has to work reliably. Data can be gathered either with the supplier’s sensors or with measurements originally installed in the power plant if the plant in question is not originally built by the supplying company. Main goal in remote monitoring is process optimization and avoiding unnecessary accidents. This can be achieved for instance by following the efficiency curves and fouling in different parts of the process and comparing them to past values. The final amount of calculations depends on the amount of data gathered. Sudden changes in efficiency or fouling require further notice and in such a case it’s important that dialogue toward the power plant in question also works.


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Receipt from Rolph Smith Lithographers by Steam Power and Co. of Toronto for a name plate, Aug. 23, 1886.


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Receipt from John Burrow, Steam and Gas Fitter and Plumber, St. Catharines for work done, March 31, 1887.


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Receipt from Chatfield and Neelon, St. Catharines for cleaning out boilers, Oct. 1, 1887.


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Flyer for the Georgian Bay, Ontario Steam Show, 1983.


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Broadside, 47 cm. x 31 cm. with a coloured picture of a case engine and tender [steam engine] printed by Meyer-Rotier of Milwaukee. On the back is a sketch of a building. This has a stamp on the back which indicates that this is an exhibit in the High Court of Justice in Coburg in the case of Bigelow vs. Powers et al. This item has been torn down the middle and taped. This does not affect the text nor picture, Oct. 11, 1909.