928 resultados para Spiritual healing.


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There is a tendency to overlook the many fields that attracted Salvador Dalí, one of the most controversial figures of the 20th century. The Catalan artist was interested in painting, sculpture, engraving, opera, literature, advertising, dance, and even the theatre of life. Dalí was also a theoretician, constantly examining the processes of creation and knowledge: over the years he developed an imagery which, though changing, remained coherent, giving his body of work an unexpected unity.


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La pseudarthrose est définie comme une fracture qui ne guérit pas sans intervention additionnelle neuf mois après le traumatisme et en l'absence de progression radiologique pendant les trois derniers mois. Les fractures ostéoporotiques sont à plus grand risque de complications chirurgicales. On se pose de plus en plus souvent la question d'ajouter un traitement médicamenteux pour accélérer le processus de guérison fracturaire. Il existe des données montrant que le tériparatide (anabolisant osseux issu de l'hormone parathyroïdienne) accélère la guérison osseuse et améliore le devenir fonctionnel, avec ou sans chirurgie, dans des situations de fractures typiques ou atypiques. Les risques liés à ce traitement sont faibles, mais la prescription nécessite l'accord de l'assurance-maladie dans cette indication. Nous rapportons notre expérience sur l'utilisation de cette molécule, hors indication officielle, dans des cas complexes de non-guérison fracturaire. Pseudoarthrosis is defined as a non healing fracture 9 months after trauma and without radiological progression within the last three months. Osteoporotic fractures have a greater risk of chirurgical complications. The question of giving a medical treatment in the purpose of accelerating fracture healing is an increasing concern. There are data showing that with teriparatide (bone anabolic treatment derived from the parathyroid hormone) bone healing and functional status are improved, with or without surgery, in the case of either typical or atypical fractures. The risks of this treatment are low but health insurance agreement is needed in this indication. We report our experience with the use of this molecule, out of the official indication, in complex situations of non healing fractures.


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Background: Studies have found higher levels of insecure attachment in individuals with schizophrenia. Attachment theory provides a framework necessary for conceptualizing the development of interpersonal functioning. Some aspects of the attachment of the believer to his/her spiritual figure are similar to those between the child and his/her parents. The correspondence hypothesis suggests that early child-parent interactions correspond to a person's relation to a spiritual figure. The compensation hypothesis suggests that an insecure attachment history would lead to a strong religiousness/spirituality as a compensation for the lack of felt security. The aim of this study is to explore attachment models in psychosis vs. healthy controls, the relationships between attachment and psychopathology and the attachment processes related to spiritual figures. Methods: Attachment models were measured in 30 patients with psychosis and 18 controls with the AAI (Adult Attachment interview) in relationship with psychopathology. Beliefs and practices related to a spiritual figure were investigated by qualitative and quantitative analyses. Results: Patients with psychosis showed a high prevalence of insecure avoidant attachment. Spiritual entities functioned like attachment figures in two thirds of cases. Interviews revealed the transformation of internal working models within relation to a spiritual figure: a compensation process was found in 7 of the 32 subjects who showed a significant attachment to a spiritual figure. Conclusions: Attachment theory allows us to highlight one of the underlying dimensions of spiritual coping in patients with psychosis.


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RGD peptide sequences are known to regulate cellular activities by interacting with α5β1, αvβ5 and αvβ3 integrin, which contributes to the wound healing process. In this study, RGDC peptide was immobilized onto chitosan derivative 1,6-diaminohexane-O-carboxymethyl-N,N,N-trimethyl chitosan (DAH-CMTMC) to display RGDC-promoting adhesion for enhanced wound healing. The efficiency of N-methylation, O-carboxymethylation and spacer grafting was quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed by (1)H NMR and FTIR, yielding 0.38 degree of substitution for N-methylation and >0.85 for O-carboxymethylation. The glass transition temperatures for chitosan derivatives were also studied. Peptide immobilization was achieved through sulfhydryl groups using sulfosuccinimidyl (4-iodoacetyl)amino-benzoate (sulfo-SIAB method). RGDC immobilized peptide onto DAH-CMTMC was found to be about 15.3μg/mg of chitosan derivative by amino acid analysis (AAA). The significant increase of human dermal fibroblast (HDF) viability in vitro over 7 days suggests that RGDC-functionalized chitosan may lead to enhanced wound healing (viability >140%). Moreover, bio-adhesion and proliferation assays confirmed that coatings of RGDC-functionalized chitosan derivatives exhibit in vitro wound healing properties by enhancing fibroblast proliferation and adhesion. These results showed that RGDC peptide-functionalized chitosan provides an optimal environment for fibroblast adhesion and proliferation.


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Pro gradu -tutkielmani käsittelee itsensä vahingoittamisen, hiljaisuuden ja toipumisen representaatioita Patricia McCormickin nuorille aikuisille suunnatussa teoksessa Cut. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on analysoida itsensä vahingoittamista kirjallisuudentutkimuksellisesta näkökulmasta. Vaikka itsensä vahingoittamisesta on englanninkielisillä markkinoilla olemassa runsaasti psykologista kirjallisuutta, ei sen representaatioita kirjallisuudessa ole vielä juurikaan tutkittu. Näiden representaatioiden analysointi on tärkeää, sillä 1990-luvun alkupuolella syntyi nuortenkirjallisuudessa genre, joka keskittyy juuri itsensä vahingoittamisen käsittelyyn. Patricia McCormickin Cut on edustava esimerkki tämän genren romaanista. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys koostuu monitieteellisistä teksteistä. Ensisijaisina lähteinä ovat Patrick Fueryn teoreettiset käsitykset hiljaisuudesta ja poissa-olosta sekä Christine Wilkie-Stibbsin feministiset luennat yksittäisistä nuortenkirjoista. Armando R. Favazzan kliiniset määritelmät itsensä vahingoittamisesta luovat perustan käyttämilleni termeille. Pääpaino tutkielmassa on kuitenkin omalla luennallani romaanista. Tutkimustuloksena on, että sekä päähenkilön hiljaisuus että itsensä viiltely ovat monimerkityksisiä ja dynaamisia tiloja. Ne toimivat kommunikaation ja itsehoidon välineinä. Viiltelyyn sisältyy voimakkaasti hoivan käsite, sillä viiltämällä itseään päähenkilö yrittää käsitellä ja helpottaa henkistä ahdistustaan. Sekä hiljaisuus että viiltely auttavat eri tavoin päähenkilöä käsittelemään ja sisäistämään oman tilansa ja näin ollen myös edistävät paranemisprosessia, joka jatkuu puheen kautta perinteisessä psykoterapeuttisessa diskurssissa. Teos painottaa puheen roolia, mutta myös hiljaisuus ja viiltely muodostavat yhtäläiset kommunikaatio- ja hoitoväylät.


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Denna vårdvetenskapliga avhandling syftar till att avtäcka och belysa en vårdande och helande dimension vid existentiellt lidande patienters möten med bildkonst inom vårdkontext. Kunskapssökandet sker i två studier. Den första (studie I) är en ikonografi sk tolkning av konstnären Matthias Grünewalds (ca 1460–1528) senmedeltida altarskåpsmålningar. I studien uttolkas lidandets uttryck och narrativa budskap samt symboliska gestaltningar av vårdande och helande i valda delar av detta s.k. Isenheimaltares bildprogram. Tolkningen utgår från rekonstruktionen av altarskåpets ursprungskontext, det medeltida Isenheimklostret, där svårt sjuka och döende patienter vårdades. I studie två (II) fortsätter sökandet i den moderna hospicevårdens kontext med hjälp av en kvalitativ intervjustudie som utforskar patienters meningsskapande vid möten med självvald bildkonst (oljemålningar och akvareller av fi nländska konstnärer som donerats till det sjukhus där intervjustudien gjordes). Forskningsansatsen är inspirerad av Hans-Georg Gadamers (1901–2002) hermeneutik. Vidare används några nyare tolkningsteoretiska ansatser inom bildkonstens område. Forskningens tolkningsresultat visar att bildkonsten har potentialer såväl på ett miljöestetiskt plan som på en djupare individuell symbolnivå. Som designkomponent i vårdmiljöns rumsliga gestaltning bygger bildkonsten in estetiska, etiska och andliga kvaliteter utifrån tidsmässiga och kulturella koder. I den medeltida klostervårdens kontext sammanföll bildkonstens dekorativa betydelse med andliga och helande syften. När det gäller självvalda konstverk i den moderna vårdkontexten bidrar de till det enskilda patientrummets atmosfär på ett unikt sätt utifrån patientens personlighet och behov. På en fördjupad mötesnivå, i samspel med bildens symboliska funktion, sker en inlevelsemässig förfl yttning in i bildens värld. Betraktarens inlevelse aktiveras till en transcenderande rörelse som går bortom det faktiska rummets och den reella tidens gränser. Vid resor i konstens bildvärld spelas minnesvärda händelser upp från det förgångna, men även framtiden kommer betraktaren till mötes. I en existentiell livssituation söker människan i konstverkets bildinnehåll efter symbolisk mening som kan ge svar på lidandets frågor. Bilderna iscensätter då helande motbilder som utgör korrektiv i symboliska former när olika existentiella förluster hotar. När livet förbleknats av sjukdom besvarar bildvärlden den lidandes blick med lysande violer som blommar upp, ger livskraft och bekräftar personens värdighet mitt i det förvissnande människolivet. När ångest och otrygghet nalkas inbjuds betraktaren till besök i landskap som utvidgar sjukhusrummets väggar mot hemgårdens trygghet. Där livet hotas av förgänglighet tar bildvärlden människan med sig till naturens eviga återfödelse. Upplevelsen av att vara delaktig i ett större och heligt sammanhang öppnar vägen ut ur lidandets avskurenhet. I medeltidens vårdkontext erbjöd den sakrala bilden en kollektiv och helande Symbolon som genom sin representationskraft synliggjorde det osynliga. Vid bildmöten i den moderna hospicevårdens kontext var det naturteman som gläntade på dörren till ”det hemliga rummet i djupet av hjärtat”. Forskningen antyder att även om meningsskapandet i ett bildmöte är avhängigt tidsepok, betraktarens förförståelse och kulturella kontext samt typen av bilder kan bildsymboliken, generellt förstådd som den saknade formen eller det saknade livssammanhanget, framvisa en helande och hoppingivande ordning i lidandets kaos.


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Matrix metalloproteinase-13 (MMP-13) is a potent proteolytic enzyme, whose expression has been previously associated with fetal bone development and postnatal bone remodeling and with adult gingival wound healing. MMP-13 is also known to be involved in the growth and invasion of various cancers including squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the skin. The aim of this study was to further elucidate the function and regulation of MMP-13 in wound repair and cancer. In this study, it was shown that fetal skin fibroblasts express MMP-13 in response to transforming growth factor-β in a p38 MAP kinase dependent manner. In addition, MMP-13 was found to be expressed in vivo by wound fibroblasts in human fetal skin grafted on SCID mice. Adenovirally delivered expression of MMP-13 enhanced collagen matrix contraction by fibroblasts in vitro in association with altered cytoskeletal structure, enhanced proliferation and survival. These results indicate that MMP-13 is involved in cell-mediated collagen matrix remodeling and suggest a role for MMP-13 in superior matrix remodeling and scarless healing of fetal skin wounds. Using an MMP-13 deficient mouse strain, it was shown that MMP-13 is essential for the normal development of experimental granulation tissue in mice. MMP-13 was implicated in the regulation of myofibroblast function and angiogenesis and the expression of genes involved in cellular proliferation and movement, immune response, angiogenesis and proteolysis. Finally, epidermal mitogen, keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) was shown to suppress the malignant properties of skin SCC cells by downregulating the expression of several target genes with potential cancer promoting properties, including MMP-13, and by reducing SCC cell invasion. These results provide evidence that MMP-13 potently regulates cell viability, myofibroblast function and angiogenesis associated with wound healing and cancer. In addition, fibroblasts expressing MMP-13 show high collagen reorganization capacity. Moreover, the results suggest that KGF mediates the anti-cancer effects on skin SCC


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OBJECTIVE: To gather and clarify the actual effects of low-level laser therapy on wound healing and its most effective ways of application in human and veterinary medicine.METHODS: We searched original articles published in journals between the years 2000 and 2011, in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese languages, belonging to the following databases: Lilacs, Medline, PubMed and Bireme; Tey should contain the methodological description of the experimental design and parameters used.RESULTS: doses ranging from 3 to 6 J/cm2 appear to be more effective and doses 10 above J/cm2 are associated with deleterious effects. The wavelengths ranging from 632.8 to 1000 nm remain as those that provide more satisfactory results in the wound healing process.CONCLUSION: Low-level laser can be safely applied to accelerate the resolution of cutaneous wounds, although this fact is closely related to the election of parameters such as dose, time of exposure and wavelength.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of preoperative supplementation of omega-3 fatty acids on the healing of colonic anastomoses in malnourished rats receiving paclitaxel. METHODS: we studied 160 male Wistar rats, divided in two groups: one subjected to malnutrition by pair feeding (M) for four weeks, and another that received food ad libitum (W). In the fourth week, the groups were further divided into two subgroups that received omega-3 or olive oil by gavage. The animals were submitted to colonic transection and end-to-end anastomosis. After the operation, each of the four groups was divided into two subgroups that received intraperitoneal isovolumetric solutions of saline or paclitaxel. RESULTS: mortality was 26.8% higher in the group of animals that received paclitaxel (p = 0.003). The complete rupture strength was greater in well-nourished-oil Paclitaxel group (WOP) compared with the the malnourished-oil Paclitaxel one (MOP). The collagen maturation index was higher in well-nourished-oil saline group (WOS) in relation to the malnutrition-oil-saline group (MOS), lower in malnourished-oil-saline group (MOS) in relation to malnourished-ômega3-saline one (M3S) and lower in the well-nourished-omega3-saline group (W3S) compared with the malnourished-omega3-saline (M3S). The blood vessel count was higher in the malnourished-oil-saline group (MOS) than in the malnourished-oil-paclitaxel group (MOP) and lower in the malnourished-oil-saline group (MOS) in relation to the malnourished-omega3-paclitaxel group (M3P). CONCLUSION: supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids was associated with a significant increase in the production of mature collagen in malnourished animals, with a reversal of the harmful effects caused by malnutrition associated with the use of paclitaxel on the rupture strength, and with a stimulus to neoangiogenesis in the group receiving paclitaxel.


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Objective: to evaluate the healing effect of the babassu aqueous extract and andiroba oil on open wounds in the cecum of rats. Methods: fifty-four Wistar rats were divided into three groups of 18: 1) babassu group with application of aqueous extract of babassu; 2) andiroba group with application of the oil; and 3) control group, with application of saline solution. All procedures were done by gavage. Each group was divided into three subgroups of six animals according to the observation period of 7, 14 or 21 days. From each animal was removed caecum fragment of 1.5cm² diameter. The areas of the lesions were analyzed macroscopically and resected specimens by light microscopy using hematoxylin-eosin and Masson's trichrome. Results: abscess and infection were observed in two aroeira group animals, and in one only hematoma. In relationship to adhesions degree, babassu group had higher incidence of grade II while in the control and aroeira groups predominated adhesions grade I. On microscopic examination on day 7 fibroblast proliferation was greater in aroeira and lower in babassu group (p=0.028). On the 14th day polymorphonuclear were less pronounced in babassu (p=0.007). As for the resistance test of air insufflation, it was observed that in all andiroba group in all tested days showed be higher. As for collagen, on the 7th day it was present in 100% of animals of aroeira group. On the 14th day was more pronounced in the control group and at day 21 similar results were found in the control and aroeira groups. Conclusion: animals in babassu and andiroba groups showed better cecum healing compared to the control group.


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Objective : to evaluate the effect of topical delivery of latex cream-gel in acute cutaneous wounds induced on the back of rats. Methods : we subjected sixteen rats to dermo-epidermal excision of a round dorsal skin flap, with 2.5cm diameter. We divided the animals into two groups: Latex Group: application of cream-gel-based latex throughout the wound bed on postoperative days zero, three, six and nine; Control group: no treatment on the wound. Photographs of the lesions were taken on the procedure day and on the 6th and 14th postoperative days, for analyzing the area and the larger diameter of the wound. We carried out euthanasia of all animals on the 14th postoperative day, when we resected he dorsal skin and the underlying muscle layer supporting the wound for histopathological study. Results : there was no statistically significant difference in the percentage of wound closure, in the histopathological findings or in the reduction of the area and of the largest diameter of the wounds among the groups studied on the 14th postoperative day. Conclusion : according to the experimental conditions in which the study was conducted, latex cream-gel did not interfere in the healing of acute cutaneous wounds in rats.


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Nådegåvorna eller de andliga gåvorna är en betydande drivkraft hos en del kristna församlingar. Lekmän attraheras till församlingar i ökande grad av nådegåvornas dragkraft och detta är en global trend. C. Peter Wagner som tidigare arbetat som professor vid Fuller Theological Seminary har skrivit ovanligt många publikationer, både akademiska och allmänna, som behandlar nådegåvor. Han representerar den neokarismatiska kristendomen och den så kallade nya apostoliska reformationen. Jag har undersökt strukturer och grundläggande principer i Wagners tänkande. En central fråga i avhandlingen är att dryfta vilka styrkor och svagheter som kan påvisas i hans uppfattning om församlingslivet. En ytterligare målsättning är att hitta länkar mellan nådegåvorna och församlingens tillväxt. Vidare har jag undersökt förhållandet mellan den neokarismatiska kristendomen och den nya apostoliska reformationen till tidigare karismatiska rörelser, till exempel till neopentekostalismen och den klassiska pentekostalismen? I denna avhandling kommer dessa frågor och några andra att diskuteras. Kännetecknande för Wagners församlingslära är att han kombinerar metoder och element från businessvärlden och kristliga tron. Avhandlingen presenterar de centrala elementen i Wagners teologi. Wagner har tidigare karakteriserats av klart evangelikalt tänkande. Hans teologi har dock under senare år utvecklats i karismatisk riktning. Hans senare produktion tar upp bl.a. sådana teman som postmillennial eskatologi. Wagner uppskattar grunderna i den klassiska pentekostalismen men vidareutvecklar många läror. Hans tänkande skiljer sig från den klassiska pentekostalismen bl.a. i det att han ser likheter mellan nådegåvorna och de naturliga begåvningarna. Den kraftiga betoningen av apostelns funktion och den hierarki som detta medför i församlingen har väckt anstöt hos somliga ledare i den klassiska pingströrelsen. Wagern anser, i motsats till den klassiska pingströrelsens syn, att en kristen människa kan vara besatt av onda andar. Wagner indelar nådegåvorna i två olika viktiga kategorier. Till de för församlingen centrala nådegåvorna hör de apostoliska och profetiska nådegåvorna som tillsammans utgör de grundläggande gåvorna. Vidare betonar han betydelsen av ledarskap och trons nådegåva samt den så kallade "power evangelism", som omfattar övertygande evangelisation, helande och under. Vidare betonar Wagner vikten av de nådegåvor som behövs vid andlig krigföring: förmågan att skilja mellan olika andar, frigöring från unda andar och förbön. De nådegåvor som har med tjänande och själavård att göra får en mer perifer plats i hans tänkande. De andliga gåvor som befrämjar församlingens tillväxt och förkristnande av samhället betraktas som de viktigaste. Wagners teologi nyanseras ytterligare av kopplingar till postmillenial rekonstruktivism, den så kallade "Kingdom Now" teologin och rörelsen Word of Faith. Wagerns postmilleniala syn förpliktar de kristina att anta en aktiv roll vid förverkligandet av Guds rike på jorden före parusi. Wagner har fått kritik för det att han ger kristendomen marknadsekonomiska drag. Dessa element kommer till synes i bl.a. i hans tanke om att Gud belönar de kristna med förmögenhet som tas från de icke-kristna. Wagners ställning som teolog är omdiskuterad. Han förbinder sig vid den kristna tronbekännelsen och är på sitt sätt bibeltrogen, men de animistiska dragen och kapitalismens inflytande i hans teologi gör honom till en omstridd person.


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Sodium carboxymethylcellulose (SCMC) has been effective in reducing adhesion formation and corticosteroids reduce the inflammatory process. The objective of this study was to define the intraperitoneal (ip) effects of SCMC combined with intramuscular (im) methylprednisolone on peritoneal adhesion formation and on jejunal anastomosis healing in rats. Twenty Wistar rats (200-350 g) were divided into four groups (N = 5): groups I and III (controls) 5 and 21 days of treatment before sacrifice, respectively; groups II and IV (experimental groups) 5 and 21 days of treatment, respectively. SCMC (1%) was infused into the abdominal cavity and methylprednisolone (10 mg kg-1 day-1) was injected im daily from the day before surgery for animals of groups II and IV. All rats were submitted to a jejunal anastomosis. Sections of the anastomosis were prepared for routine histopathological analysis. The abdominal adhesion of group IV was less intense when compared with group III (P<0.0008). Anastomotic resistance was higher in groups II and IV when compared with groups I and III, respectively (P<0.05). There was no histological difference between groups I and II (exuberant granulation tissue on the serosal surface). Group III presented little peritoneal fibrinous tissue, with numerous thick collagen fibers. Group IV presented extensive although immature young fibrous tissue with rare thick collagen fibers. Sodium carboxymethylcellulose combined with corticosteroids seemed to diminish peritoneal adhesion but did not reduce anastomotic resistance.


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The healing of colorectal anastomoses after irradiation therapy continues to be a major concern. The authors evaluated the healing of rectal anastomoses in a rat model after a preoperative 500-cGy dose of cobalt60 irradiation. Thirty-six male Wistar rats were divided into two equal groups: control (group A), and irradiation group (group B). Group B received a single 500-cGy dose of irradiation, and a rectal resection and end-to-end anastomosis was performed in both groups on the 7th day after irradiation. Parameters of the healing process included bursting pressure and collagen content on the 5th, 7th, and 14th days after surgery. In the irradiation group, the mean bursting pressure on the 5th, 7th, and 14th days was 116, 218, and 273 mmHg, respectively. The collagen content assessed by histomorphometry was 9.0, 20.8, and 32%, respectively. In contrast, the control group had a mean bursting pressure of 175, 225 and 263 mmHg, and a collagen content of 17.8, 28.1, and 32.1%, respectively. The adverse effect of irradiation on healing was detectable only on the 5th postoperative day, as demonstrated by lower bursting pressure (P < 0.013) and collagen content (P < 0.008). However, there was no failure of anastomotic healing such as leakage or dehiscence due to irradiation. We conclude that a single preoperative 500-cGy dose of irradiation delays the healing of rectal anastomosis in rats.