220 resultados para Socket
MTA has been investigated as a root-end filling material. Its mechanism of action has some similarities to that of Ca(OH())2. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the repair process taking place in the delayed replantation of monkey teeth using calcium hydroxide and MTA as root canal filling materials. Five monkeys had their lateral incisors extracted and bench-dried for 60 minutes. After root canal preparation, the teeth were assigned to two groups according to root canal filling material: I, calcium hydroxide; and II, MTA. The same treatment sequence was followed for both groups: coronal seal, periodontal ligament removal, immersion of the tooth in 2% acidulated-phosphate sodium fluoride, irrigation of the socket with saline and replantation. Both groups exhibited replacement resorption, areas of ankylosis and absence of inflammatory root resorption. Statistically similar results (p > 0.05) were observed for both groups regarding replacement root resorption, but the groups differed significantly (p < 0.05) regarding the occurrence of ankylosis. MTA may be a viable clinical option for filling teeth submitted to delayed replantation, and is an acceptable option for treating replanted permanent teeth in order to prevent tooth resorption, particularly when dressing changes are not possible.
The objective of modern odontology is to reconstitute to the patient the comfort, the function, the aesthetic form, the phonetic capability, and normal health. However, the more the patient is toothless, the more this objective becomes difficult inside traditional dentistry. As a result of continuous research of materials and techniques, permissible success is now a reality, whitewashing many challenging clinical situations. Thus, the objective of the article was to present a clinical case where association of the universal cast to long abutment pillars and EsthetiCone were used for aesthetic whitewashing. A man presented to the clinic of the Faculty of Dentistry, Universidade Estadual Paulista. After clinical examination and radiographic evaluation evidenced the necessity of substitution of fixed prostheses (15-25), he was presented with disadaptation and a favorable aesthetic solution. Ahead of the evaluated picture and considering the extension of the toothless space made, it was opted more, to the accomplishment of surgery, the setting of 2 implantations in the region and 2 in each edentate side of the posterior portion of the jaw. On 6 implants and 2 teeth, 10 metal ceramic crowns had been confectioned: 4 of them being joined in the region of the 12 to the 22 and the other 6 as unit crowns in the region of the 13, the 14, the 15, the 23, the 24, and the 25. The carried-through treatment was capable to return the aesthetic form, the function, the phonetic capability, the comfort, and the health of the verbal socket.
The aim of this paper was to present a rehabilitation of a patient with a dynamic universal castable long abutment (UCLA) for a single tilted implant in the anterior maxillary area. A 57-year-old male patient attended the dentistry college clinic complaining of a vertical fracture of a residual root of the dental element 22. The tooth extraction was indicated for the implant installation. Due to the socket buccal wall thickness, the implant was installed with an inclination to the palate. It was done in a two-stage surgical protocol, and an external hexagon implant (3.75×11.5mm) was placed. After a six-month healing period to correct the implant position, a dynamic UCLA was set in place, rectifying the implant emergence profile at 20°. The ceramic structure fitting was performed and, after the patient's consent, the prosthesis was finalized and installed. After a follow-up period of twenty months, no complications were observed. The installation of tilted implants with a dynamic UCLA may be a viable option, faster and less invasive than bone grafts.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objective: The use of methods for tissue regeneration has been widely applied in Implantology, in clinical situations with disabilities or anatomical limitations that prevent the placement of osseointegrated dental implants. The evolution of the development of biomaterials revolutionized this therapeutic modality, facilitating the resolution of clinical cases with tissue deficiencies. Thus, this study aimed to describe a clinical case approaching the methods, techniques, and materials used in guided bone regeneration applied to Implantology. Case report: A clinical case of a patient who received a Morse taper dental implant (region 15) is described. The use of biomaterial and membrane on the buccal wall of the socket was required. After the osseointegration period, a reopening surgery was performed, and an immediate provisional implant was produced. After 2 months of follow-up, the final prosthesis was made involving other adjacent elements. Final considerations: The guided bone regeneration technique employed showed satisfactory performance. The patient was positive regarding esthetics and function. However, more controlled studies with longer follow-up period are needed for analyses of predictability
When implants are installed immediately after tooth extraction may occur anchoring primary decreased, delay or failure of osseointegration process. This occurs because of the large interface between the surrounding walls of the socket and the surface of the implant. For reconstruction, replacement or filling of bone defects the solution can be obtained with the use of autogenous, heterogenous or allogeneic bone grafts. However, these grafts suffer certain drawbacks, particularly a high rate of donor site morbidity, limited amounts of available bone, and the additional operative time required for harvest. For these reasons, intensive efforts have been directed toward developing alternative substances for to either augment or substitute. In this paper, we will examine some of the commonly used materials : fibrin and calcium phosphate.
Autogenous bone grafts are considered to be the gold standard in bone regeneration because of their osteogenic activity; however, due to limited availability of intraoral donor sites and the need to resolve the demands of patients requires an alternative to these. Two male patients were submitted to implant surgery in two stages with 6 months intervals between each of them: the first was exodontia and placement of DBM graft into the socket; the second stage was the drill with a 2 mm internal diameter trephine in center of the alveolar ridge previously grafted with DBM and subsequent implant placement. The samples were analyzed under histological techniques. A very mature bone was observed at 6 months after DBM graft placement in the sockets, showing it to be a good alternative as bone graft.
Aim: To evaluate the effect of implant length (6 mm vs. 11 mm) on osseointegration (bone-toimplant contact) of implants installed into sockets immediately after tooth extraction. Material and methods: In six Labrador dogs, the pulp tissue of the mesial roots of P-3(3) was removed and the root canals were filled. Flaps were elevated bilaterally, the premolars hemisectioned and the distal roots removed. Recipient sites were prepared in the distal alveolus and a 6 mm or an 11 mm long implant was installed at the test and control sites, respectively. Non-submerged healing was allowed. After 4 months of healing, block sections of the implant sites were obtained for histological processing and peri-implant tissue assessment. Results: No statistically significant differences were found between test and control sites both for hard and soft tissue parameters. The bone-to-implant contact evaluated at the apical region of the implants was similar as well. Although not statistically significant, the location of the top of the bony crest at the buccal aspect was more apical in relation to the implant shoulder at the test compared with the control sites (2.0 +/- 1.4 and 1.2 +/- 1.1 mm, respectively). Conclusions: Shorter implants (6 mm) present with equal osseointegration than do longer implants (11 mm).
Aim: To evaluate the influence of the presence of both adjacent teeth on the level of alveolar bony crest at sites where implants were installed into the socket immediately after tooth extraction. Material and methods: Six Labrador dogs were used. Extractions of all teeth from the second premolar to the first molar were performed in the right side of the mandible, after full-thickness flap elevation. In the left side of the mandible, an endodontic treatment of the mesial root of the third and fourth premolars was performed. Full-thickness flaps were elevated, the teeth hemisected, and the distal roots removed. Immediately after, implants were bilaterally installed with the margin flush to the buccal bony crest. The implants were placed in the center of the alveolus at the third premolars and toward the lingual bony plate of the alveolus at the fourth premolars. After 3 months of healing, the animals were euthanized. Results: All implants were integrated in mature bone. More bone resorption was observed at the test compared to the control sites. At the buccal aspect, a resorption of 2.8 +/- 0.5 and 1.6 +/- 0.4 mm at the third premolars and of 2.4 +/- 0.6 and 0.8 +/- 0.7 mm at the fourth premolars were found, at the test and control sites, respectively. At the lingual aspect, the bony crest was apically located in relation to the implant shoulder 1.5 +/- 0.3 and 0.5 +/- 0.5 mm at the third premolars and 1.6 +/- 0.6 and 0.3 +/- 1.1 mm at the fourth premolars, at the test and control sites, respectively. A lower buccal bone resorption was found at the control implants placed lingually. Conclusion: Multiple extractions of teeth adjacent to a socket into which implants were installed immediately after, tooth extraction induced more alveolar bone recession compared to sites where the adjacent teeth were preserved. Moreover, an implant placed more lingually yielded less recession of the buccal aspect of the implant.
Recent studies in animals have shown pronounced resorption of the buccal bone plate after immediate implantation. The use of flapless surgical procedures prior to the installation of immediate implants, as well as the use of synthetic bone graft in the gaps represent viable alternatives to minimize buccal bone resorption and to favor osseointegration. The aim of this study was to evaluate the healing of the buccal bone plate following immediate implantation using the flapless approach, and to compare this process with sites in which a synthetic bone graft was or was not inserted into the gap between the implant and the buccal bone plate. Lower bicuspids from 8 dogs were bilaterally extracted without the use of flaps, and 4 implants were installed in the alveoli in each side of the mandible and were positioned 2.0 mm from the buccal bone plate (gap). Four groups were devised: 2.0-mm subcrestal implants (3.3 x 8 mm) using bone grafts (SCTG), 2.0-mm subcrestal implants without bone grafts (SCCG), equicrestal implants (3.3 x 10 mm) with bone grafts (EGG), and equicrestal implants without bone grafts (ECCG). One week following the surgical procedures, metallic prostheses were installed, and within 12 weeks the dogs were sacrificed. The blocks containing the individual implants were turned sideways, and radiographic imaging was obtained to analyze the remodeling of the buccal bone plate. In the analysis of the resulting distance between the implant shoulder and the bone crest, statistically significant differences were found in the SCTG when compared to the ECTG (P = .02) and ECCG (P = .03). For mean value comparison of the resulting linear distance between the implant surface and the buccal plate, no statistically significant difference was found among all groups (P > .05). The same result was observed in the parameter for presence or absence of tissue formation between the implant surface and buccal plate. Equicrestally placed implants, in this methodology, presented little or no loss of the buccal bone. The subcrestally positioned implants presented loss of buccal bone, even though synthetic bone graft was used. The buccal bone, however, was always coronal to the implant shoulder.
The Chilean genus Nanophareus Roewer, 1929 is revised and three new species are described: N. araucanus sp. nov. (type locality: Parque Nacional La Campana, Valparaiso, Chile); N. bipartitus sp. nov. (type locality: Parque Nacional La Campana, Valparaiso, Chile); N. bosqenublado sp. nov. (type locality: Parque Nacional Fray Jorge, Coquimbo, Chile). The type species, N. palpalis Roewer, 1929, is redescribed and a lectotype is designated. A cladistic analysis was performed using these three new species plus N. palpalis and 14 more laniatorid species, and a data matrix of 72 characters: Seven from the ocularium, 22 from the dorsal scutum, one from the venter, one from the chelicera, eight from the pedipalp, 24 from male legs, and nine from male genitalia. Two equally most parsimonious trees were found (L = 210; C.I. = 0.41; R.I. = 0.51). Nanophareus was recovered as nested within a paraphyletic subfamily Pachylinae. The genus Nanophareus was found to be monophyletic based on the following exclusive synapomorphies: An external row of enlarged tubercles inserted among small ones on lateral margin of the dorsal scutum (innapplicable in N. bosqenublado); the ventro-basal margin of pedipalpal tibia curved 90 degrees in lateral view; and retrolateral seta of the pedipalpal tibia with a socket apically bifid (socket and seta longer than pedipalpal tibia length).
This study evaluated bone responses to titanium implants in the presence of an inorganic graft material. The bilateral mandible incisors of 24 rabbits were surgically extracted and one of the exposed sockets, chosen at random, was filled with an inorganic xenogenic bone graft (Gen-ox (R)), whereas the remaining socket was left to heal naturally and served as a control. After 60 days, titanium implants were inserted in the specific areas, and on days 0, 30, 60, and 180 after the implant insertions, six animals of each group were killed. Digital periapical radiography of implant region was obtained and vertical bone height (VBH) and bone density (BD) were evaluated by digital analysis system. In the undecalcified tissue cuts, bone-to-implant contact (BIC) and bone area (BA) within the limits of the implant threads were evaluated and compared statistically by means of two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (rho < 0.05). No significant differences were detected in VBH and BA, either between groups or between different experimental intervals. The BD was significantly higher in the experimental group than in the control group in all the intervals tested, but there were no significant differences by interval. The BIC was statistically lower in the control group on day 0; however, a significant increase was observed on days 60 and 180 (rho < 0.05). The use of an inorganic xenograft prior to insertion of a titanium implant did not interfere with the course of osseointegration.
Many techniques have been proposed for root coverage. However, none of them presents predictable results in deep and wide recessions. Objective: The aim of this case series report is to describe an alternative technique for root coverage at sites showing deep recessions and attachment loss >4 mm at buccal sites. Material and Methods: Four patients presenting deep recession defects at buccal sites (>= 4 mm) were treated by the newly forming bone graft technique, which consists in the creation of an alveolar socket at edentulous ridge and transferring of granulation tissue present in this socket to the recession defect after 21 days. Clinical periodontal parameters, including recession depth (RD), probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL), bleeding on probing (BOP), plaque index (PI) and keratinized gingiva width (KGW) were evaluated by a single examiner immediately before surgery and at 1, 3, 6 and 9 months postoperatively. Results: All cases showed reduction in RD and PD, along with CAL gain, although no increase in KGW could be observed. These findings suggest that the technique could favor periodontal regeneration along with root coverage, especially in areas showing deep recessions and attachment loss.
Legg-Calv,-Perthes (LCP) disease is currently managed by mechanical containment of the femoral head in the hip socket. As evidence suggests that hip distraction may offer a new treatment strategy, we used arthrodistraction as a primary treatment for active forms of LCP disease and prospectively compared the results with the Salter innominate osteotomy. A total of 54 children, six years or older of both genders with severe forms of LCP disease in the stages of necrosis or revascularisation, were enrolled. Patients were submitted to either Salter innominate osteotomy (n = 28) or hip arthrodistraction (n = 26). Final radiographs were used to evaluate the Mose index, Wiberg angle, extrusion index and the Stulberg et al. classification. There were no significant differences in gender, age, lateral pillar classification and average follow-up time between the two groups. The osteotomy group progressed without major complications, but children in the joint distraction group experienced episodes of pin tract pain and infection, leading to the early removal of the external device in one case. Two patients developed joint stiffness, treated by physiotherapy or manipulation, and one child developed subluxation of the femoral head. The average time in distraction was 4.44 months (2.53-7.23 months). In the final evaluation the osteotomy group showed better containment of the femoral head. The Mose index and the Stulberg et al. classification were statistically similar between the two groups. Despite similar final radiological results, arthrodistraction was associated with a higher morbidity. Consequently, we do not recommend hip distraction as a primary treatment for the early stages of LCP disease.
Objective. Patients (n = 110) free of antibiotics, operated on by 3 surgeons ranging in clinical experiences, were evaluated for infection. Study Design. In the preoperative period and during the second and seventh postoperative days, the following parameters were analyzed: pain, infection, swelling, trismus, body temperature, C-reactive protein levels (CRP), and salivary neutrophil counts (SNC). During surgery, the following parameters were analyzed: systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressure; oximetry; heart rate; anesthesia quality; local anesthetic amount; bleeding; surgery difficulty; and surgery duration. Results. There were some differences in the surgery duration, local anesthetic amount, anesthesia quality, bleeding, pain experienced, trismus, CRP, and SNC, and no changes in hemodynamic parameters, rescue analgesic medication, wound healing, swelling, body temperature, confirmed case of dry socket, or any other type of local infection. Particularly, no systemic infections were found after lower third molar removal (LTMR). Conclusions. This study suggests that antibiotic prescriptions are unnecessary after LTMR when preoperative infections are absent. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2012;114(suppl 5):S199-S208)