923 resultados para Social Action
A proposta desta pesquisa é discutir o trânsito religioso enquanto uma ação social que só pode ser compreendida a partir de um conjunto de condições sociais e políticas que influenciam o comportamento religioso contemporâneo. O objetivo principal é analisar as motivações para a prática do trânsito religioso dos evangélicos sem religião, no contexto das igrejas evangélicas, com a finalidade de entender o surgimento de um novo sujeito da fé que escolhe romper com a fé institucional, sem ser, necessariamente, um ateu. O que motiva este sujeito a professar uma fé sem vínculo com qualquer instituição religiosa é a questão fundamental deste trabalho, que se divide em três capítulos. No primeiro, analisamos o conjunto de transformações que legitimam o comportamento de transitar entre os vários vínculos religiosos, inclusive ficar sem vínculo. No Segundo, tentamos definir quem são os sem religião e por onde transitam. E no terceiro, discutimos a questão fundamental deste trabalho. O que motiva o evangélico a se desvincular, ou seja, ser um evangélico sem igreja?
Esta dissertação visa ampliar a discussão sobre comunicação e meio ambiente no fortalecimento de marcas e na consolidação da boa imagem das corporações. O estudo foi feito por meio de pesquisas qualitativas com algumas das mais importantes empresas em atividade no Brasil, representantes de segmentos emblemáticos, e que demonstraram já se utilizar não apenas dos apoios à preservação da natureza, mas, de uma maneira mais ampla, do cumprimento da responsabilidade social para ganharem credibilidade perante o consumidor e a sociedade, num exercício de transcendência simbólica em que não há culpados. A mudança de foco ocorrida na década de 1980, quando as companhias decidiram fortalecer suas marcas, e não mais a produção de bens, mostrou-se, do ponto de vista das corporações, ser uma alternativa muito interessante para elevar ganhos. Essa estratégia fez com que as empresas associassem suas marcas às boas ações socioambientais, o que tem gerado algumas melhorias e sinalizado que esta postura já é um diferencial de mercado. Mesmo assim, acima de todo simbolismo planejado e da força do capital, ainda está a ira da natureza devastando cidades, num exercício forçado de conscientização que deverá ditar relações mais humana s e transparentes em futuro próximo.
Esta dissertação visa ampliar a discussão sobre comunicação e meio ambiente no fortalecimento de marcas e na consolidação da boa imagem das corporações. O estudo foi feito por meio de pesquisas qualitativas com algumas das mais importantes empresas em atividade no Brasil, representantes de segmentos emblemáticos, e que demonstraram já se utilizar não apenas dos apoios à preservação da natureza, mas, de uma maneira mais ampla, do cumprimento da responsabilidade social para ganharem credibilidade perante o consumidor e a sociedade, num exercício de transcendência simbólica em que não há culpados. A mudança de foco ocorrida na década de 1980, quando as companhias decidiram fortalecer suas marcas, e não mais a produção de bens, mostrou-se, do ponto de vista das corporações, ser uma alternativa muito interessante para elevar ganhos...(AU)
Este estudo aborda os esforços para a democratização das escolas da rede municipal de Santo André (SP) e as políticas públicas implementadas para atingir esse fim no período de 1997 a 2008, tendo como foco principal a construção do projeto político pedagógico como alternativa democrática e buscando identificar a criação de mecanismos que corroboraram com essa construção. De caráter qualitativo, a pesquisa desenvolveu um trabalho de campo pautado na investigação dos documentos produzidos no período, realizou entrevistas, aplicou questionários e utilizaram-se grupos focais, a fim de que os dados possibilitassem uma reflexão teórica e uma análise dialogal sobre a temática escolhida. Apresenta-se um estudo bibliográfico ancorado nas idéias de Antonio Gramsci, o teórico da hegemonia cultural, que inspirou a caminhada em direção à democratização. Procura-se encontrar, ao longo desta pesquisa, o movimento contra-hegemônico que possa indicar sinais de possíveis mudanças na escola e sua contribuição com a construção de um espaço democrático. O projeto político pedagógico é visto como referência para o diálogo, e discutem-se sua elaboração, acompanhamento e avaliação com base no conceito de "qualidade negociada" a partir das contribuições de Luiz Carlos de Freitas. Também se expõem contribuições de autores econhecidos no meio acadêmico que pesquisam a temática em pauta, trazendo à tona a dinâmica contraditória e conflituosa para a instauração de processos participativos em um país de tradição autoritária como o Brasil. A análise dos dados permitiu apresentar e reconhecer os limites da gestão escolar historicamente centralizada e hierarquizada, observando neste processo a criação de mecanismos de participação para que uma nova cultura de gestão da escola seja construída. A pesquisa elucida a importância da construção do lugar do convívio ou seja, de luta, segundo Gramsci, e de fronteira, segundo Freitas , espaço que pode permitir a criação das possibilidades de atuação social construídas pela sociedade política e pela sociedade civil.(AU)
Knowledge is of crucial, and growing importance in social, political and economic relations in modern society. The range and variety of available knowledge dramatically enlarges the available options of social action. Featuring essays from philosophers who have investigated the foundations of knowledge, and addressing different forms of knowledge in society such as common sense and practical knowledge, this collection also discusses the role of knowledge in economic process and gives attention to the role of expert knowledge in political decision making.
Knowledge is of crucial, and growing importance in social, political and economic relations in modern society. The range and variety of available knowledge dramatically enlarges the available options of social action. This five volume collection brings together a broad array of contributions from a variety of disciplines. Featuring essays from philosophers who have investigated the foundations of knowledge, and addressing different forms of knowledge in society such as common sense and practical knowledge, this collection also discusses the role of knowledge in economic process and gives attention to the role of expert knowledge in political decision making. Including a collection of articles from the sociology of knowledge and science, the set also provides a new introduction by the editors, making it a unique and invaluable research resource for both student and scholar.
Knowledge is of crucial, and growing importance in social, political and economic relations in modern society. The range and variety of available knowledge dramatically enlarges the available options of social action. This five volume collection brings together a broad array of contributions from a variety of disciplines. Featuring essays from philosophers who have investigated the foundations of knowledge, and addressing different forms of knowledge in society such as common sense and practical knowledge, this collection also discusses the role of knowledge in economic process and gives attention to the role of expert knowledge in political decision making. Including a collection of articles from the sociology of knowledge and science, the set also provides a new introduction by the editors, making it a unique and invaluable research resource for both student and scholar.
Knowledge is of crucial, and growing importance in social, political and economic relations in modern society. The range and variety of available knowledge dramatically enlarges the available options of social action. This five volume collection brings together a broad array of contributions from a variety of disciplines. Featuring essays from philosophers who have investigated the foundations of knowledge, and addressing different forms of knowledge in society such as common sense and practical knowledge, this collection also discusses the role of knowledge in economic process and gives attention to the role of expert knowledge in political decision making. Including a collection of articles from the sociology of knowledge and science, the set also provides a new introduction by the editors, making it a unique and invaluable research resource for both student and scholar.
This thesis is based on ethnographic research carried out on a Liverpool protest movement which occurred between November, 1980 and July,1983. The protest movement was waged by residents of the working class community of Croxteth Liverpool who wished to retain their state secondary school, Croxteth Comprehensive. The Liverpool City Council voted in favour of closing Croxteth Comprehensive in January, 1981 because of its declining roles. Residents began theIr campaign as soon as they became aware of intentions to close the school at the end of the previous year. The campaIgn itself went through a number of different phases, distinguishable accordIng to the groups of people involved, the strategy and tactics they employed, the ways in which they justified their campaign, and the goals they pursued. In July of 1982 the organisation which led the protest, the Croxteth Community Action Committee, took illegal possession of the school buildings and ran a pilot summer school project. In September of 1982 they opened the school doors for all secondary pupils on the council estate and began running classes, with the help of volunteer teachers. The school was run successfully in this way for the entire 1982/83 school year. By the end of this period the school was officially reinstated by a new Labour Party majorIty on the city council. This thesis presents a comprehensive account of the entire campaign, from its beginning to end. The campaign is analysed in a number of ways: by situating the closure itself in the economic and political conditions of Liverpool in the 1980s, by examining the relation of Croxteth Comprehensive to its community, by describing the conditions in which different groups of people contributed to the campaign and the changes it went through in its use of tactics, and through a close examination of the activities which took place inside the school during its year of occupation. A number of levels of analysis are used in the study. To explain the closure and the early forms of resistance which developed to oppose it, the structural location of the local government of Liverpool in the late 1970s and early 1980s is described. To explain the relationship of the school to its community, the formation of a group of activists and their leaders, and the resources available to the protestors for pursuing their aims, a single-group model of social action is used. To analyse the establishment of social routines and schooling practices within the school during its occupation, action-theoretica1 models are drawn upon., The chapters of literature review and concept analysis with which this thesis begins link these different levels theoretIcalIy through a model of actIon and its conditions. The theoretical framework employed is reviewed in the last chapter. It is one which could be used to study any social movement, and has applications to other social phenomena as well. Lastly various issues within the sociology of education are examined in light of the events which took place in Croxteth Comprehensive, especially the theory of community education.
In this article it is argued that while Glynos and Howarth’s logics of critical explanation (LCE) offers an important and promising contribution to critical policy analysis, it, along with other approaches that focus on the meaning of social action, faces a growing challenge in the form of a so-called new materialist turn in social and political theory. The article argues that there is much to be gained for the logics approach in paying closer attention to the materiality of practices in terms not only of lending greater clarity to the conception and role of social practices in the logics approach but also in enabling it fully to deliver on its critical ambition. The article explores an alternative materialist approach to the study of social practices, which hails from the post-actor–networktheory tradition and which has ontological affinities with post-structuralism. The article begins with a brief analysis of the new materialist turn in its various guises. It then critically examines the logics approach, and, in particular its conception of practice. It then explores an alternative materialist and ethnographic reading of practice, focusing on medical and care practices. It concludes with an examination of the implications for a more materialist conception of practices for the LCE’s broad deconstructive, psychoanalytic and onto-political ambitions.
Textbooks are an integral part of structured syllabus coverage in higher education. The argument advanced in this article is that textbooks are not simply products of inscription and embodied scholarly labour for pedagogical purposes, but embedded institutional artefacts that configure entire academic subject fields. Empirically, this article shows the various ways that motives of the (non-) adoption of textbooks have field institutional configuration effects. The research contribution of our study is threefold. First, we re-theorise the textbook as an artefact that is part of the institutional work and epistemic culture of academia. Second, we empirically show that the vocabularies of motive of textbook (non-) adoption and rhetorical strategies form the basis for social action and configuration across micro, meso and macro field levels. Our final contribution is a conceptualization of the ways that textbook (non-) adoption motives ascribe meaning to the legitimating processes in the configuration of whole subject fields.
Purpose – By analyzing organizations as social actors and business relationships as social relationships, sociology can improve business relationship management. This paper aims to explore the issues involved. Design/methodology/approach – A business relationship is an interactive exchange between two organizations embedded in a network of business connections. The paper reviews theories of social actions and social actors and the concepts of economic field and embeddedness to illustrate some social dimensions of business relationships. Findings – Social action and social actor theories emphasize that co-operation is always encumbered with conflicts, that consciousness about the relationship is fundamental for both strongly and weakly structured actors, and that actors (people involved in a business relationship) always have some freedom of manoeuvre. The concept of economic field underscores the specificity of each business relationship and the critical need for concrete analysis. The concept of embeddedness highlights that no business relationship is possible without personal bonds. Research limitations/implications – These are the first results of a deeper and broader research directed towards a conceptual model of business relationship management. Practical implications – The paper can help managers to analyze more deeply the social dimensions of business relations with both suppliers and buyers. Consciousness, the ongoing presence of conflicts, the unavoidable role of personal bonds, and interactivity are always relevant in business relationship management. Originality/value – The paper integrates sociological and business marketing approaches. It applies essential sociological theories and concepts to business relationship management.
During the nineties, Colombia experienced a two-fold process of restructuring. First, the political system underwent a process of constitutional reform in order to strengthen the state and increase its legitimacy, surpass the exclusionary character of the political regime, and achieve greater equity in the distribution of social resources. Second, the economy made the transition from a Keynesian development strategy to a strategy of “opening” or liberalization and internationalization of the economy, in order to increase the economic efficiency by reducing the “size” of the state and its regulatory role. The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the interplay and contradictions of economic and political factors in the restructuring of the Colombian politico-economic system. ^ The main finding of this dissertation is that the simultaneous adoption of a neoliberal economic strategy and of the Political Constitution of 1991, have had a contradictory relationship: while the “political opening” has produced favorable conditions for fostering programs of democratization and social integration, the “economic opening” has counteracted that possibility given that it implies a social exclusionary process. This tension has aggravated the problems of political and social integration that have traditionally characterized Colombian society. ^ This crucial tension has also been characteristic of Latin America in the nineties. However, it has been neglected and undertheorized in most of the democratization studies of American comparative politics. Most of them lack consideration of structural aspects. According to those studies, the cause of regime change is determined by the strategic elections of actors. Contrary to these approaches, I develop a structural perspective. I consider that social phenomena are partly determined by structural factors, and scientific research should assign them decisive importance, since a fundamental basis for social action and transformation is to be found in the dynamics of relationships between individuals and structures and the development of contradictions within structures. ^
Reconhecendo, a partir da constatação empírica, a multiplicidade de escolhas de crenças no Mundo e em particular na periferia urbana paulistana, reconhecemos, também, a emergência criativa de novas possibilidades de crer e não crer. Tal amplitude não apenas aponta para o crer (segundo as ofertas de um sem número de religiões) e o não crer (ateu e agnóstico), mas para uma escolha que poderia vir a ser silenciada e esquecida, neste binômio arcaico e obsoleto, quando alguém se dá à liberdade crer sem ter religião. Reconhecer interessadamente os sem-religião nas periferias urbanas paulistanas é dar-se conta das violências a que estes indivíduos estão submetidos: violência econômica, violência da cidadania (vulnerabilidade) e proveniente da armas (grupos x Estado). Tanto quanto a violência do esquecimento e silenciamento. A concomitância espaço-temporal dos sem-religião nas periferias, levou-nos buscar referências em teorias de secularização e de laicidade, e, a partir destas, traçar uma história do poder violento, cuja pretensão é a inelutabilidade, enquanto suas fissuras são abertas em espaços de resistências. A história da legitimação do poder que se quer único, soberano, de caráter universal, enquanto fragmenta a sociedade em indivíduos atomizados, fragilizando vínculos horizontais, e a dos surgimentos de resistências não violentas questionadoras da totalidade trágica, ao reconhecer a liberdade de ser com autonomia, enquanto se volta para a produção de partilha de bens comuns. Propomos reconhecer a igual liberdade de ser (expressa na crença da filiação divina) e de partilhar o bem comum em reconhecimentos mútuos (expressa pela ação social), uma expressão de resistência não violenta ao poder que requer a igual abdicação da liberdade pela via da fragmentação individualizante e submissão inquestionável à ordem totalizante. Os sem-religião nas periferias urbanas, nossos contemporâneos, partilhariam uma tal resistência, ao longo da história, com as melissas gregas, os profetas messiânicos hebreus, os hereges cristãos e os ateus modernos, cuja pretensão não é o poder, mas a partilha igual da liberdade e dos bens comuns. Estes laicos, de fato, seriam agentes de resistências de reconhecimento mútuos, em espaços de multiplicidade crescente, ao poder violento real na história.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.