968 resultados para Singular optics


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Metrology of XUV beams (X-ray lasers, high-harmonic generation and VUV free-electron lasers) is of crucial importance for the development of applications. We have thus developed several new optical systems enabling us to measure the optical properties of XUV beams. By use of a Michelson interferometer working as a Fourier-transform spectrometer, the line shapes of different X-ray lasers have been measured with a very high accuracy (Deltalambda/lambdasimilar to10(-6)). Achievement of the first XUV wavefront sensor has enabled us to measure the beam quality of laser-pumped as well as discharge-pumped X-ray lasers. A capillary discharge X-ray laser has demonstrated a very good wavefront allowing us to achieve an intensity as high as 3x10(14) W cm(-2) by focusing with a f=5 cm mirror. The sensor accuracy has been measured using a calibrated spherical wave generated by diffraction. The accuracy has been estimated to be as good as lambda/120 at 13 nm. Commercial developments are underway. At Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquee, we are setting up a new beamline based on high-harmonic generation in order to start the femtosecond, coherent XUV optic .


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We present a general method to construct a set of local rectilinear vibrational coordinates for a nonlinear molecule whose reference structure does not necessarily correspond to a stationary point of the potential-energy surface. We show both analytically and with a numerical example that the vibrational coordinates satisfy Eckart's conditions. In addition, we find that the Watson Hamiltonian provides a fairly robust description even of highly excited vibrational states of triatomic molecules, except for a few states of large amplitude motion sampling the singular region of the Hamiltonian. These states can be identified through slow convergence.


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The applicability of the Watson Hamiltonian for the description of nonlinear molecules—especially triatomic ones—has always been questioned, as the Jacobian of the transformation that leads to the Watson Hamiltonian, vanishes at the linear configuration. This results in singular behavior of the Watson Hamiltonian, giving rise to serious numerical problems in the computation of vibrational spectra, with unphysical, spurious vibrational states appearing among the physical vibrations, especially in the region of highly excited states. In this work, we analyze the problem and propose a simple way to confine the nuclear wavefunction in such a way that the spurious solutions are eliminated. We study the water molecule and observe an improvement compared with previous results. We also apply the method to the van der Walls molecule XeHe2.


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Semiclassical nonlocal optics based on the hydrodynamic description of conduction electrons might be an adequate tool to study complex phenomena in the emerging field of nanoplasmonics. With the aim of confirming this idea, we obtain the local and nonlocal optical absorption spectra in a model nanoplasmonic device in which there are spatial gaps between the components at nanometric and subnanometric scales. After a comparison against time-dependent density functional calculations, we conclude that hydrodynamic nonlocal optics provides absorption spectra exhibiting qualitative agreement but not quantitative accuracy. This lack of accuracy, which is manifest even in the limit where induced electric currents are not established between the constituents of the device, is mainly due to the poor description of induced electron densities.


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The simulation of open quantum dynamics has recently allowed the direct investigation of the features of system-environment interaction and of their consequences on the evolution of a quantum system. Such interaction threatens the quantum properties of the system, spoiling them and causing the phenomenon of decoherence. Sometimes however a coherent exchange of information takes place between system and environment, memory effects arise and the dynamics of the system becomes non-Markovian. Here we report the experimental realisation of a non-Markovian process where system and environment are coupled through a simulated transverse Ising model. By engineering the evolution in a photonic quantum simulator, we demonstrate the role played by system-environment correlations in the emergence of memory effects.


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We present an ab initio real-time-based computational approach to study nonlinear optical properties in condensed matter systems that is especially suitable for crystalline solids and periodic nanostructures. The equations of motion and the coupling of the electrons with the external electric field are derived from the Berry-phase formulation of the dynamical polarization [Souza et al., Phys. Rev. B 69, 085106 (2004)]. Many-body effects are introduced by adding single-particle operators to the independent-particle Hamiltonian. We add a Hartree operator to account for crystal local effects and a scissor operator to correct the independent particle band structure for quasiparticle effects. We also discuss the possibility of accurately treating excitonic effects by adding a screened Hartree-Fock self-energy operator. The approach is validated by calculating the second-harmonic generation of SiC and AlAs bulk semiconductors: an excellent agreement is obtained with existing ab initio calculations from response theory in frequency domain [Luppi et al., Phys. Rev. B 82, 235201 (2010)]. We finally show applications to the second-harmonic generation of CdTe and the third-harmonic generation of Si. 


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Arrays of vertically aligned gold nanotubes are fabricated over several square centimetres which display a geometry tunable plasmonic extinction peak at visible wavelengths and at normal incidence. The fabrication method gives control over nanotube dimensions with inner core diameters of 15–30 nm, wall thicknesses of 5–15 nm and nanotube lengths of up to 300 nm. It is possible to tune the position of the extinction peak through the wavelength range 600–900 nm by varying the inner core diameter and wall thickness. The experimental data are in agreement with numerical modelling of the optical properties which further reveal highly localized and enhanced electric fields around the nanotubes. The tunable nature of the optical response exhibited by such structures could be important for various label-free sensing applications based on both refractive index sensing and surface-enhanced Raman scattering.


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Critical phenomena involve structural changes in the correlations of its constituents. Such changes can be reproduced and characterized in quantum simulators able to tackle medium-to-large-size systems. We demonstrate these concepts by engineering the ground state of a three-spin Ising ring by using a pair of entangled photons. The effect of a simulated magnetic field, leading to a critical modification of the correlations within the ring, is analysed by studying two- and three-spin entanglement. In particular, we connect the violation of a multipartite Bell inequality with the amount of tripartite entanglement in our ring.


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Esta dissertação estuda essencialmente dois problemas: (A) uma classe de equações unidimensionais de reacção-difusão-convecção em meios não uniformes (dependentes do espaço), e (B) um problema elíptico não-linear e paramétrico ligado a fenómenos de capilaridade. A Análise de Perturbação Singular e a dinâmica de Hamilton-Jacobi são utilizadas na obtenção de expressões assimptóticas para a solução (com comportamento de frente) e para a sua velocidade de propagação. Os seguintes três métodos de decomposição, Adomian Decomposition Method (ADM), Decomposition Method based on Infinite Products (DIP), e New Iterative Method (NIM), são apresentados e brevemente comparados. Adicionalmente, condições suficientes para a convergência da solução em série, obtida pelo ADM, e uma aplicação a um problema da Telecomunicações por Fibras Ópticas, envolvendo EDOs não-lineares designadas equações de Raman, são discutidas. Um ponto de vista mais abrangente que unifica os métodos de decomposição referidos é também apresentado. Para subclasses desta EDP são obtidas soluções numa forma explícita, para diferentes tipos de dados e usando uma variante do método de simetrias de Bluman-Cole. Usando Teoria de Pontos Críticos (o teorema usualmente designado mountain pass) e técnicas de truncatura, prova-se a existência de duas soluções não triviais (uma positiva e uma negativa) para o problema elíptico não-linear e paramétrico (B). A existência de uma terceira solução não trivial é demonstrada usando Grupos Críticos e Teoria de Morse.


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Nesta tese, consideram-se operadores integrais singulares com a acção extra de um operador de deslocacamento de Carleman e com coeficientes em diferentes classes de funções essencialmente limitadas. Nomeadamente, funções contínuas por troços, funções quase-periódicas e funções possuíndo factorização generalizada. Nos casos dos operadores integrais singulares com deslocamento dado pelo operador de reflexão ou pelo operador de salto no círculo unitário complexo, obtêm-se critérios para a propriedade de Fredholm. Para os coeficientes contínuos, uma fórmula do índice de Fredholm é apresentada. Estes resultados são consequência das relações de equivalência explícitas entre aqueles operadores e alguns operadores adicionais, tais como o operador integral singular, operadores de Toeplitz e operadores de Toeplitz mais Hankel. Além disso, as relações de equivalência permitem-nos obter um critério de invertibilidade e fórmulas para os inversos laterais dos operadores iniciais com coeficientes factorizáveis. Adicionalmente, aplicamos técnicas de análise numérica, tais como métodos de colocação de polinómios, para o estudo da dimensão do núcleo dos dois tipos de operadores integrais singulares com coeficientes contínuos por troços. Esta abordagem permite também a computação do inverso no sentido Moore-Penrose dos operadores principais. Para operadores integrais singulares com operadores de deslocamento do tipo Carleman preservando a orientação e com funções contínuas como coeficientes, são obtidos limites superiores da dimensão do núcleo. Tal é implementado utilizando algumas estimativas e com a ajuda de relações (explícitas) de equivalência entre operadores. Focamos ainda a nossa atenção na resolução e nas soluções de uma classe de equações integrais singulares com deslocamento que não pode ser reduzida a um problema de valor de fronteira binomial. De forma a atingir os objectivos propostos, foram utilizadas projecções complementares e identidades entre operadores. Desta forma, as equações em estudo são associadas a sistemas de equações integrais singulares. Estes sistemas são depois analisados utilizando um problema de valor de fronteira de Riemann. Este procedimento tem como consequência a construção das soluções das equações iniciais a partir das soluções de problemas de valor de fronteira de Riemann. Motivados por uma grande diversidade de aplicações, estendemos a definição de operador integral de Cauchy para espaços de Lebesgue sobre grupos topológicos. Assim, são investigadas as condições de invertibilidade dos operadores integrais neste contexto.