982 resultados para Sergejeff, Andrei


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Two targets, reverse transcriptase (RT) and protease from HIV-1, were used during the past two decades to the discovery of non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTI) and protease inhibitors (PI) that belong to the arsenal of the antiretroviral therapy. Herein these enzymes were chosen as templates for conducting a computer-aided ligand design. Ligand and structure-based drug designs were the starting points to select compounds from a database bearing more than five million compounds by means of cheminformatic tools. New promising lead structures are retrieved from the database, which are open to acquisition and test. Classes of molecules already described as NNRTI or PI in the literature also came out and were useful to prove the reliability of the workflow, and thus validating the work carried out so far. (c) 2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Several protease inhibitors have reached the world market in the last fifteen years, dramatically improving the quality of life and life expectancy of millions of HIV-infected patients. In spite of the tremendous research efforts in this area, resistant HIV-1 variants are constantly decreasing the ability of the drugs to efficiently inhibit the enzyme. As a consequence, inhibitors with novel frameworks are necessary to circumvent resistance to chemotherapy. In the present work, we have created 3D QSAR models for a series of 82 HIV-1 protease inhibitors employing the comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA) method. Significant correlation coefficients were obtained (q(2) = 0.82 and r(2) = 0.97), indicating the internal consistency of the best model, which was then used to evaluate an external test set containing 17 compounds. The predicted values were in good agreement with the experimental results, showing the robustness of the model and its substantial predictive power for untested compounds. The final QSAR model and the information gathered from the CoMFA contour maps should be useful for the design of novel anti-HIV agents with improved potency.


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For finite Moufang loops, we prove an analog of the first Sylow theorem giving a criterion for the existence of a p-Sylow subloop. We also find the maximal order of p-subloops in the Moufang loops that do not possess p-Sylow subloops. (c) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We classify all unital subalgebras of the Cayley algebra O(q) over the finite field F(q), q = p(n). We obtain the number of subalgebras of each type and prove that all isomorphic subalgebras are conjugate with respect to the automorphism group of O(q). We also determine the structure of the Moufang loops associated with each subalgebra of O(q).


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We introduce a calculus of stratified resolution, in which special attention is paid to clauses that "define" relations. If such clauses are discovered in the initial set of clauses, they are treated using the rule of definition unfolding, i.e. the rule that replaces defined relations by their definitions. Stratified resolution comes with a powerful notion of redundancy: a clause to which definition unfolding has been applied can be removed from the search space. To prove the completeness of stratified resolution with redundancies, we use a novel combination of Bachmair and Ganzingerâ??s model construction technique and a hierarchical construction of orderings and least fixpoints.


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The famous Herbrand's theorem of mathematical logic plays an important role in automated theorem proving. In the first part of this article, we recall the theorem and formulate a number of natural decision problems related to it. Somewhat surprisingly, these problems happen to be equivalent. One of these problems is the so-called simultaneous rigid E-unification problem. In the second part, we survey recent result on the simultaneous rigid E-unification problem.


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This article explains these choices and their place in modern automated deduction.


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This paper uses canonical correlation analisys to identify leading and coincident indicators of economic activity in Brazil. ln contrast with the traditional literature on the subject, no restrictions are made regarding the number of common cycles that are necessary to explain the complete cyclical behavior of the coincident variables. For the brazillian data, it is found that three common cycles exhaust all the cyclical pattern of economic activity. Based on the methodology developed here, it is also sugested an alternative chronology of the recent brazillian recessions.


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This paper contributes to the debate on whether the Brazilian public debt is sustainable or not in the long run by considering threshold effects on the Brazilian Budget Deficit. Using data from 1947 to 1999 and a threshold autoregressive model, we find evidence of delays in fiscal stabilization. As suggested in Alesina (1991), delayed stabilizations reflect the existence of political constraints blocking deficit cuts, which are relaxed only when the budget deficit reaches a sufficiently high level, deemed to be unsustainable. In particular, our results suggest that, in the absence of seignorage, only when the increase in the budget deficit reaches 1.74% of the GDP will fiscal authorities intervene to reduce the deficit. If seignorage is allowed, the threshold increases to 2.2%, suggesting that seignorage makes government more tolerant to fiscal imbalances.


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Esse trabalho discute 3 índices alternativos de atividade econômica para o Brasil e, a partir dos mesmos, busca estabelecer uma cronologia de recessões para o passado recente da economia brasileira. Isso é feito incorporando à nossa pesquisa parte da experiência americana de quase um século de pesquisas sobre ciclos de negócios - da NBER e do TeB. Decidiu-se considerar aqui uma gama de possíveis indicadores coincidentes e antecedentes - uns baseados em métodos heurísticos e outros baseados em sofisticadas técnicas estatístico-econométricas - de forma a poder comparar seus resultados vis-à-vis a nossa pouca experiência de cronologia de recessões. Além disso, houve um grande esforço de construção de séries coincidentes à atividade econômica, pois nem todas estavam disponíveis na abrangência e extensão necessárias. A partir dos resultados de uma bateria de testes estatísticos, e também levando em conta a simplicidade de cálculo, concluímos por sugerir que o índice brasileiro deva seguir a metodologia do TeE.


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Considerando a relevância do tema Finanças Públicas para a economia Brasileira, este estudo contribui com o debate envolvendo a sustentabilidade da dívida pública e a alocação e distribuição dos recursos públicos no Brasil. A partir de dados para as finanças públicas nacionais compreendendo o período 1947-1999 o primeiro capítulo contribui com o debate acerca da sustentabilidade da dívida pública brasileira considerando a existência de efeitos não lineares na série de déficit público. O segundo capítulo faz uma pausa na discussão sobre o tema dívida pública e aborda a questão dos determinantes políticos e econômicos da alocação dos recursos públicos no Brasil, explicitando como os governantes lidam com o trade-off existente entre promoção da equidade e consecução de seus objetivos políticos. Finalmente, considerando a evolução da literatura relacionada ao tema abordado no primeiro capítulo, o terceiro capítulo apresenta uma abordagem alternativa para investigação da sustentabilidade da dívida pública nacional e uma aplicação para a Dívida Líquida do Setor Público (DLSP) entre 1991 e 2007. Deste modo são apresentados os avanços da técnica econométrica a partir das vantagens em relação às abordagens tradicionais e um novo diagnóstico para a solvência do setor público no Brasil.


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O processo de reforma que ocorreu na indústria petrolífera a partir da década de 1990, associada à transferência de serviços de utilidade pública para o setor privado, trouxe mudanças importantes para a economia. Neste contexto, a intensificação do uso de leilões, para a privatização das empresas públicas e para a concessão de direitos de exploração de seus serviços assumiu um papel de grande relevância na economia brasileira. A discussão sobre o desenho de leilão adotado para a venda de blocos petrolíferos é fundamental, pois representa o ponto inicial desta nova política. Sendo assim, este trabalho aborda os principais aspectos que fundamentam a escolha de um formato apropriado de leilão, detalhando as peculiaridades da indústria petrolífera e, finalmente, discutindo os resultados obtidos.