929 resultados para Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Plus


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Purpose: To estimate the prevalence, potential determinants, and proportion of met need for near vision impairment (NVI) correctable with refraction approximately 2 years after initial examination of a multi-country cohort. Design: Population-based, prospective cohort study. Participants: People aged ≥35 years examined at baseline in semi-rural (Shunyi) and urban (Guangzhou) sites in China; rural sites in Nepal (Kaski), India (Madurai), and Niger (Dosso); a semi-urban site (Durban) in South Africa; and an urban site (Los Angeles) in the United States. Methods: Near visual acuity (NVA) with and without current near correction was measured at 40 cm using a logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution near vision tumbling E chart. Participants with uncorrected binocular NVA ≤20/40 were tested with plus sphere lenses to obtain best-corrected binocular NVA. Main Outcome Measures: Prevalence of total NVI (defined as uncorrected NVA ≤20/40) and NVI correctable and uncorrectable to >20/40, and current spectacle wearing among those with bilateral NVA ≤20/63 improving to >20/40 with near correction (met need). Results: Among 13 671 baseline participants, 10 533 (77.2%) attended the follow-up examination. The prevalence of correctable NVI increased with age from 35 to 50-60 years and then decreased at all sites. Multiple logistic regression modeling suggested that correctable NVI was not associated with gender at any site, whereas more educated persons aged >54 years were associated with a higher prevalence of correctable NVI in Nepal and India. Although near vision spectacles were provided free at baseline, wear among those who could benefit was <40% at all but 2 centers (Guangzhou and Los Angeles). Conclusions: Prevalence of correctable NVI is greatest among persons of working age, and rates of correction are low in many settings, suggesting that strategies targeting the workplace may be needed.


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Les films de simulations qui accompagnent le document ont été réalisés avec Pymol.


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Le Problème de Tournées de Véhicules (PTV) est une clé importante pour gérér efficacement des systèmes logistiques, ce qui peut entraîner une amélioration du niveau de satisfaction de la clientèle. Ceci est fait en servant plus de clients dans un temps plus court. En terme général, il implique la planification des tournées d'une flotte de véhicules de capacité donnée basée à un ou plusieurs dépôts. Le but est de livrer ou collecter une certain quantité de marchandises à un ensemble des clients géographiquement dispersés, tout en respectant les contraintes de capacité des véhicules. Le PTV, comme classe de problèmes d'optimisation discrète et de grande complexité, a été étudié par de nombreux au cours des dernières décennies. Étant donné son importance pratique, des chercheurs dans les domaines de l'informatique, de la recherche opérationnelle et du génie industrielle ont mis au point des algorithmes très efficaces, de nature exacte ou heuristique, pour faire face aux différents types du PTV. Toutefois, les approches proposées pour le PTV ont souvent été accusées d'être trop concentrées sur des versions simplistes des problèmes de tournées de véhicules rencontrés dans des applications réelles. Par conséquent, les chercheurs sont récemment tournés vers des variantes du PTV qui auparavant étaient considérées trop difficiles à résoudre. Ces variantes incluent les attributs et les contraintes complexes observés dans les cas réels et fournissent des solutions qui sont exécutables dans la pratique. Ces extensions du PTV s'appellent Problème de Tournées de Véhicules Multi-Attributs (PTVMA). Le but principal de cette thèse est d'étudier les différents aspects pratiques de trois types de problèmes de tournées de véhicules multi-attributs qui seront modélisés dans celle-ci. En plus, puisque pour le PTV, comme pour la plupart des problèmes NP-complets, il est difficile de résoudre des instances de grande taille de façon optimale et dans un temps d'exécution raisonnable, nous nous tournons vers des méthodes approcheés à base d’heuristiques.


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Thèse réalisée en cotutelle entre l'Université de Montréal et l'Université de Technologie de Troyes


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Deux tiers des cancers du sein expriment des récepteurs hormonaux ostrogéniques (tumeur ER-positive) et la croissance de ces tumeurs est stimulée par l’estrogène. Des traitements adjuvant avec des anti-estrogènes, tel que le Tamoxifen et les Inhibiteurs de l’Aromatase peuvent améliorer la survie des patientes atteinte de cancer du sein. Toutefois la thérapie hormonale n’est pas efficace dans toutes les tumeurs mammaires ER-positives. Les tumeurs peuvent présenter avec une résistance intrinsèque ou acquise au Tamoxifen. Présentement, c’est impossible de prédire quelle patiente va bénéficier ou non du Tamoxifen. Des études préliminaires du laboratoire de Dr. Mader, ont identifié le niveau d’expression de 20 gènes, qui peuvent prédire la réponse thérapeutique au Tamoxifen (survie sans récidive). Ces marqueurs, identifié en utilisant une analyse bioinformatique de bases de données publiques de profils d’expression des gènes, sont capables de discriminer quelles patientes vont mieux répondre au Tamoxifen. Le but principal de cette étude est de développer un outil de PCR qui peut évaluer le niveau d’expression de ces 20 gènes prédictif et de tester cette signature de 20 gènes dans une étude rétrospective, en utilisant des tumeurs de cancer du sein en bloc de paraffine, de patients avec une histoire médicale connue. Cet outil aurait donc un impact direct dans la pratique clinique. Des traitements futiles pourraient être éviter et l’indentification de tumeurs ER+ avec peu de chance de répondre à un traitement anti-estrogène amélioré. En conséquence, de la recherche plus appropriée pour les tumeurs résistantes au Tamoxifen, pourront se faire.


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O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar clinicamente o comportamento de 60 restaurações oclusais, em relação à sensibilidade pós-operatória em cavidades oclusais em pré-molares e molares. Foram selecionados dentes considerados dentro da normalidade, após testes clínicos e radiográficos, onde cavidades de média profundidade e largura máxima de ½ da distancia entre os vértices de cúspides na área do istmo, eram requeridas. A profundidade da parede pulpar foi estabelecida em dentina pelo menos 1 mm além da junção amelodentinária. Os detalhes do preparo foram registrados por fotografia (digitalizadas), por moldagem com silicone de condensação, modelos de gesso. Esses cuidados foram tomados para que futuramente servissem como auxiliar de interpretação de resultados. As restaurações foram feitas sob isolamento absoluto, para evitarmos contaminação pela saliva e sangue. Em 20 preparos foram feitos procedimentos restauradores com sistema de 3 passos (Scotchbond MP Plus). Em outros 20 preparos foram feitos procedimentos restauradores com sistema de 2 passos associado a dessensibilizantes (Gluma Confort Bond + Dessensitizer). Em outros 20 preparos foram feitos procedimentos restauradores com sistema de 1 passo autocondicionante simplificado (I Bond). Os 60 dentes foram restaurados com a resina composta Filtek Supreme, por ser um material apropriado para dentes posteriores, por meio da técnica incremental. Após 48 horas e 7 dias os pacientes retornavam para o controle da sensibilidade pós-operatória. Inicialmente era obtido um relato do paciente, para em seguida serem realizados testes clínicos (térmico, pressão e percussão). Os dados foram tabelados e os resultados analisados. Não houve diferença na sensibilidade antes e após (48 horas e 7 dias) a colocação das restaurações para todos os grupos.


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The disadvantages generated by the acid etching of the dentin, such as an increase in its permeability, in the surface moisture and in the potential to denature the external dentinal collagen, the formation of a fragility zone and the citotoxicity of the adhesive monomers; which are all aggravated by the depth of the dentin, have stimulated new and different treatment philosophies of the dentin. The purpose of the present study, therefore, was to investigate the effects of three dentin treatments: laser irradiation, acid etching and hypermineralization, in the shear bond strength of the SMP Plus bonding system. Sixty bovine incisors were extracted and randomly selected immediatly alter the animal's death. They were kept frozen (-18°C) for no longer than 14 days. After buccal dentinal surface had been exposed, X-Rays were taken to control the dentin thickness. The specimens were separated into two groups: (1) Control, kept in distilled water at 4ºC; (2) Mineralized, kept in hypermineralized solution at 4°C for 14 days. Each group was divided into three sub-groups according to the type of dentin treatment used: group F - followed the manufacturer instructions (acid-etching + primer + bond), group AL (acid-etching + primer + bond + laser) and group LA (laser + (laser + acid-etching + primer + bond). A composite resin standard cylinder (Z100-3M) was bond to the dentinal surface and the shear bond strength performed on a Universal lnstron machine 4301, with 500 Kg load and at 0,5mm/min. speed. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) determined that the treatments influenced the shear bond strength values (p<0,05) with the following average shearing load at failure: AL (9,96 MPa), F (7,28MPa) e LA (4,87 MPa). The interaction between the two factors analyzed Group (control and mineralized) and treatment (F, AL, LA) also influenced the shear bond strength (p<0,05). The highest values were obtained...


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Reproducible segmentation of brain tumors on magnetic resonance images is an important clinical need. This study was designed to evaluate the reliability of a novel fully automated segmentation tool for brain tumor image analysis in comparison to manually defined tumor segmentations. METHODS We prospectively evaluated preoperative MR Images from 25 glioblastoma patients. Two independent expert raters performed manual segmentations. Automatic segmentations were performed using the Brain Tumor Image Analysis software (BraTumIA). In order to study the different tumor compartments, the complete tumor volume TV (enhancing part plus non-enhancing part plus necrotic core of the tumor), the TV+ (TV plus edema) and the contrast enhancing tumor volume CETV were identified. We quantified the overlap between manual and automated segmentation by calculation of diameter measurements as well as the Dice coefficients, the positive predictive values, sensitivity, relative volume error and absolute volume error. RESULTS Comparison of automated versus manual extraction of 2-dimensional diameter measurements showed no significant difference (p = 0.29). Comparison of automated versus manual segmentation of volumetric segmentations showed significant differences for TV+ and TV (p<0.05) but no significant differences for CETV (p>0.05) with regard to the Dice overlap coefficients. Spearman's rank correlation coefficients (ρ) of TV+, TV and CETV showed highly significant correlations between automatic and manual segmentations. Tumor localization did not influence the accuracy of segmentation. CONCLUSIONS In summary, we demonstrated that BraTumIA supports radiologists and clinicians by providing accurate measures of cross-sectional diameter-based tumor extensions. The automated volume measurements were comparable to manual tumor delineation for CETV tumor volumes, and outperformed inter-rater variability for overlap and sensitivity.


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BACKGROUND The treatment and outcomes of patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-associated Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) continue to evolve. The International Prognostic Score (IPS) is used to predict the survival of patients with advanced-stage HL, but it has not been validated in patients with HIV infection. METHODS This was a multi-institutional, retrospective study of 229 patients with HIV-associated, advanced-stage, classical HL who received doxorubicin, bleomycin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine (ABVD) plus combination antiretroviral therapy. Their clinical characteristics were presented descriptively, and multivariate analyses were performed to identify the factors that were predictive of response and prognostic of progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS). RESULTS The overall and complete response rates to ABVD in patients with HIV-associated HL were 91% and 83%, respectively. After a median follow-up of 5 years, the 5-year PFS and OS rates were 69% and 78%, respectively. In multivariate analyses, there was a trend toward an IPS score >3 as an adverse factor for PFS (hazard ratio [HR], 1.49; P=.15) and OS (HR, 1.84; P=.06). A cluster of differentiation 4 (CD4)-positive (T-helper) cell count <200 cells/μL was associated independently with both PFS (HR, 2.60; P=.002) and OS (HR, 2.04; P=.04). The CD4-positive cell count was associated with an increased incidence of death from other causes (HR, 2.64; P=.04) but not with death from HL-related causes (HR, 1.55; P=.32). CONCLUSIONS The current results indicate excellent response and survival rates in patients with HIV-associated, advanced-stage, classical HL who receive ABVD and combination antiretroviral therapy as well as the prognostic value of the CD4-positive cell count at the time of lymphoma diagnosis for PFS and OS. Cancer 2014. © 2014 American Cancer Society.


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In the successful strategic management of the modern companies each function plays their specific role. While today’s businesses in many ways are different from their ancestors, the key fundamentals are derived from the same roots. Their main purpose of existence is to serve the needs of their shareholders and stakeholders by creating value (Pike et al., 1993). To achieve this effectively and efficiently the various functions need to work in close cooperation with each other. The global crisis, starting in 2008, proved that volatility is higher for the financial markets and the ordinary businesses that have been anticipated before. As the recession started as a financial crisis many people started to blame – amongst others – banks and financial institutions for excessive risk taking and taking short profits ahead of long term sustainable growth. Accordingly the lost confidence in the financial institutions has taken a toll on the reputation of other Finance professionals such as accountants, book keepers, treasury, tax people and others. The finance function’s strategic importance is linked to its ability to help interpreting the business performance and provide transparency. In order to restore the trust the finance profession is now facing one of the biggest challenges of its history, the need to reinvent itself. This paper presents the findings of a recent international research conducted in the United Kingdom, France, Hungary and Poland interviewing 169 executives of the business sector plus the review of 237 job descriptions of finance professionals in order to understand the challenges of the modern finance function. The findings of the study could provide relevant answers and help to overcome a very current problem that Finance is facing today, how to rebuild reputation and to stay a trusted partner and enabler for long term business strategy.


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Résumé : Dans une ère de concurrence économique accrue, les organisations éprouvent de plus en plus le besoin de mesurer le rendement de leurs employés, y compris celui de leurs dirigeants. À cette fin, l'évaluation demeure un outil de gestion privilégié. Au nombre des systèmes d'évaluation existants, le feed-back multi-source (FMS) — ou feed-back 360°— est en progression. Malheureusement, on ne connaît pas encore très bien l'incidence de ce type de système, la littérature étant plutôt muette sur ce qu'il donne concrètement et, particulièrement, sur la réaction des évalués subséquemment à l'obtention de leur rapport d'évaluation. Il ressort néanmoins de certaines études que les dirigeants, et surtout, les chefs se sentent laissés à eux-mêmes quant à l'évaluation de leurs compétences. Il y a quelques années, à la demande du Groupement des chefs d'entreprise du Québec (GCEQ), un instrument de type multi-source a été conçu par le Laboratoire de recherche sur la performance des entreprises (LaRePe), afin de mesurer spécifiquement la performance des chefs d'entreprise comme leader. À ce stade-ci, les promoteurs désirent mieux comprendre l'incidence de l'utilisation de leur outil : le PDG-Leadership. Pour combler les lacunes de la littérature, et aussi pour répondre au besoin du GCEQ, la présente thèse porte sur la réaction des chefs à la suite de la réception de leur rapport d'évaluation. L'objet de la recherche est double : il s'agit d'examiner les variables qui influencent le fait que les évalués entreprennent des actions à la suite de leur feed-back (considération théorique) et, d'autre part, de connaître davantage ces actions entreprises bref, ce que le système de feed-back multi-source XFMS) donne vraiment (considération pratique). Afin de mener à bien la recherche, une résidence a été réalisée. Elle a fourni le contexte pour élaborer un questionnaire d'enquête s'appliquant particulièrement aux chefs d'entreprise. L'enquête a permis de rejoindre 351 dirigeants ayant été évalués au moins une fois par l'entremise du PDG-Leadership. De ce nombre, 87 répondants, membres du Groupement se sont manifestés. Le cadre conceptuel utilisé consiste en une adaptation du modèle proposé par Smither, London et Reilly (2005a). comporte sept variables, desquelles ont été tirées cinq hypothèses de recherche. Quatre hypothèses ont été rejetées alors qu'une autre ne s'est avérée supportée que pour le groupe constitué des femmes faisant partie de l'échantillon. De plus, il est intéressant de constater que ce n'est pas le feed-back (rapport) qui déclenche l'acceptation puis les actions, mais une attitude personnelle représentée par la possibilité d'un changement perçue (V4). Chez les chefs, il ne se produit donc pas de réaction en chaîne comme le suppose le modèle théorique utilisé. Il semble que ce soit plutôt la possibilité de changement perçu qui est à la base du fait d'entreprendre des actions, laquelle s'apparente au sentiment d'auto-efficacité défini par Bandura (2007). Les données recueillies auront aussi servies à générer de nouvelles connaissances et à faire ressortir une liste de 112 actions que les chefs disent avoir engagées à la suite de l'obtention de leur rapport d'évaluation. Cette liste a permis de faire une catégorisation des actions posées. Les actions qu'ils entreprennent sont toutefois davantage dirigées vers l'amélioration de l'organisation que vers leur propre amélioration. Il s'agit là, d'une des contributions de la présente thèse.||Abstract : In a context of intense economic competition, organizations are increasingly using instruments of performance evaluation. The multi-source feedback or 360 [degrees] is one of those. The literature seems still silent on what type of evaluation is really about the reaction it generates among evaluated. In response to a request from the Groupement des chefs d'entreprise du Québec (GCEQ), a System of multi-source assessment was designed by the Laboratoire de recherche sur la performance des entreprises (LaRePe). The PDG-Leadership, specifically used to measure the skills of managers of SMLs as a leader. After some years of use, developers want to better understand its impact in order to improve it and make it even better. To address these theoretical and practical considérations, a survey was conducted among 87 business leaders from Quebec who had already been assessed using this tool. This research bas the purpose, the validation of a preliminary model proposed by Smither, London, and Reilly, 2005a, to examine the variables that influence that evaluated undertake actions as a result of their feedback and the other, to know these actions, in short, that the System of feed-back multi-source (FMS) really. From the analysis of data collected, a list of 112 shares was established. In turn, this led to a categorization of actions taken. Although the FMS system is effective, it should be noted that entrepreneurs seem to react differently from other catégories assessed.


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The security of strong designated verifier (SDV) signature schemes has thus far been analyzed only in a two-user setting. We observe that security in a two-user setting does not necessarily imply the same in a multi-user setting for SDV signatures. Moreover, we show that existing security notions do not adequately model the security of SDV signatures even in a two-user setting. We then propose revised notions of security in a multi-user setting and show that no existing scheme satisfies these notions. A new SDV signature scheme is then presented and proven secure under the revised notions in the standard model. For the purpose of constructing the SDV signature scheme, we propose a one-pass key establishment protocol in the standard model, which is of independent interest in itself.


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Purpose Multi-level diode-clamped inverters have the challenge of capacitor voltage balancing when the number of DC-link capacitors is three or more. On the other hand, asymmetrical DC-link voltage sources have been applied to increase the number of voltage levels without increasing the number of switches. The purpose of this paper is to show that an appropriate multi-output DC-DC converter can resolve the problem of capacitor voltage balancing and utilize the asymmetrical DC-link voltages advantages. Design/methodology/approach A family of multi-output DC-DC converters is presented in this paper. The application of these converters is to convert the output voltage of a photovoltaic (PV) panel to regulate DC-link voltages of an asymmetrical four-level diode-clamped inverter utilized for domestic applications. To verify the versatility of the presented topology, simulations have been directed for different situations and results are presented. Some related experiments have been developed to examine the capabilities of the proposed converters. Findings The three-output voltage-sharing converters presented in this paper have been mathematically analysed and proven to be appropriate to improve the quality of the residential application of PV by means of four-level asymmetrical diode-clamped inverter supplying highly resistive loads. Originality/value This paper shows that an appropriate multi-output DC-DC converter can resolve the problem of capacitor voltage balancing and utilize the asymmetrical DC-link voltages advantages and that there is a possibility of operation at high-modulation index despite reference voltage magnitude and power factor variations.


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Computer simulation has been widely accepted as an essential tool for the analysis of many engineering systems. It is nowadays perceived to be the most readily available and feasible means of evaluating operations in real railway systems. Based on practical experience and theoretical models developed in various applications, this paper describes the design of a general-purpose simulation system for train operations. Its prime objective is to provide a single comprehensive computer-aided engineering tool for most studies on railway operations so that various aspects of the railway systems with different operation characteristics can be investigated and analysed in depth. This system consists of three levels of simulation. The first is a single-train simulator calculating the running time of a train between specific points under different track geometry and traction conditions. The second is a dual-train simulator which is to find the minimum headway between two trains under different movement constraints, such as signalling systems. The third is a whole-system multi-train simulator which carries out process simulation of the real operation of a railway system according to a practical or planned train schedule or headway; and produces an overall evaluation of system performance.