943 resultados para SYNTHETIC SPECTRA
The immunogenicity of a novel synthetic peptide consisting of an average of 40 (Asn-Ala-Asn-Pro) repeats of the circumsporozoite protein of Plasmodium falciparum, (NANP)40, was studied in mice without using any carrier proteins. First, high titers of anti-(NANP)40 antibodies could be obtained after immunization of C57BL/6 mice. These antibodies also reacted with an extract of mosquitoes infected with P. falciparum sporozoites. C57BL/6 nu/nu mice did not produce antibodies against (NANP)40. Secondly, when 14 strains of mice with nine different H-2 haplotypes were immunized with (NANP)40 without carrier, only H-2b mice were found to produce anti-(NANP)40 antibodies, whereas all non-H-2b mice were consistently unresponsive. This response was demonstrated to be I-A-linked by using recombinant and mutant mice. I-Ab [B10.A(5R)] mice produced anti-(NANP)40 antibodies as well as H-2b inbred mice. B6CH-2bm12 I-Ab-mutant mice showed only a very low response. Third, the antibody response against (NANP)40 could be induced in nonresponder mice by immunization with the peptide coupled to a carrier protein. In view of the existence of such an exceptional H-2b restriction in the response to sporozoite synthetic peptides in mice, the triggering of peptide-specific T cell responses in humans receiving sporozoite malaria vaccines might be difficult to achieve.
We describe a model structure for coloured operads with values in the category of symmetric spectra (with the positive model structure), in which fibrations and weak equivalences are defined at the level of the underlying collections. This allows us to treat R-module spectra (where R is a cofibrant ring spectrum) as algebras over a cofibrant spectrum-valued operad with R as its first term. Using this model structure, we give sufficient conditions for homotopical localizations in the category of symmetric spectra to preserve module structures.
Efficient HIV vaccines have to trigger cell-mediated immunity directed against various viral antigens. However little is known about the breadth of the response induced by vaccines carrying multiple proteins. Here, we report on the immunogenicity of a construct harbouring a fusion of the HIV-1 IIIB gag, pol and nef genes (gpn) designed for optimal safety and equimolar expression of the HIV proteins. The attenuated poxviruses, MVA and NYVAC, harbouring the gpn construct, induced potent immune responses in conventional mice characterised by stimulation of Gpn-specific IFN-gamma-producing cells and cytotoxic T cells. In HLA-A2 transgenic mice, recombinant MVA elicited cytotoxic responses against epitopes recognised in most HLA-A2+ HIV-1-infected individuals. We also found that the MVA vaccine triggered the in vitro expansion of peripheral blood cells isolated from a HIV-1-seropositive patient and with similar specificity as found in immunised HLA-A2 transgenic mice. In conclusion, the synthetic HIV polyantigen Gpn delivered by MVA is immunogenic, efficiently processed and presented by human MHC class I molecules.
BACKGROUND: Clinical small-caliber vascular prostheses are unsatisfactory. Reasons for failure are early thrombosis and late intimal hyperplasia. We thus prepared biodegradable small-caliber vascular prostheses using electrospun polycaprolactone (PCL) with slow-releasing paclitaxel (PTX), an antiproliferative drug. METHODS AND RESULTS: PCL solutions containing PTX were used to prepare nonwoven nanofibre-based 2-mm ID prostheses. Mechanical morphological properties and drug loading, distribution, and release were studied in vitro. Infrarenal abdominal aortic replacement was carried out with nondrug-loaded and drug-loaded prostheses in 18 rats and followed for 6 months. Patency, stenosis, tissue reaction, and drug effect on endothelialization, vascular remodeling, and neointima formation were studied in vivo. In vitro prostheses showed controlled morphology mimicking extracellular matrix with mechanical properties similar to those of native vessels. PTX-loaded grafts with suitable mechanical properties and controlled drug-release were obtained by factorial design. In vivo, both groups showed 100% patency, no stenosis, and no aneurysmal dilatation. Endothelial coverage and cell ingrowth were significantly reduced at 3 weeks and delayed at 12 and 24 weeks in PTX grafts, but as envisioned, neointima formation was significantly reduced in these grafts at 12 weeks and delayed at 6 months. CONCLUSIONS: Biodegradable, electrospun, nanofibre, polycaprolactone prostheses are promising because in vitro they maintain their mechanical properties (regardless of PTX loading), and in vivo show good patency, reendothelialize, and remodel with autologous cells. PTX loading delays endothelialization and cellular ingrowth. Conversely, it reduces neointima formation until the end point of our study and thus may be an interesting option for small caliber vascular grafts.
The ability of synthetic P. falciparum (NANP)n circumsporozoite peptides to elicit murine T cell proliferative responses was studied. When C57BL/6, C3H, and DBA/2 mice were injected with (NANP)40, only C57BL/6 (H-2b)-immune lymph node cells proliferated on restimulation in vitro with the same peptide. By using anti-I-A monoclonal antibodies or spleen cells from congenic H-2b mice as a source of antigen-presenting cells, the T cell proliferative response was shown to be restricted to the I-Ab region of the C57BL/6 haplotype. These results are in agreement with previous experiments which demonstrated that the anti-(NANP)40 antibody response was uniquely restricted to C57BL/6 (H-2b) mice. Several C57BL/6 long-term (NANP)n-specific T cell lines and clones were derived. All of the clones exhibited the L3T4 helper T cell phenotype. A considerable heterogeneity of T cell responses was observed when the lines and clones were stimulated with different concentrations of the various peptides studied. The results, together with the observed genetic restriction for both antibody and T cell responses, suggest that perhaps not all individuals who receive a similar repetitive tetrapeptide sporozoite malaria vaccine will develop T cell and or antibody responses.
The kinetics of atrial natriuretic peptides (ANP) and the kinetic profile of their effect on blood pressure and renal hemodynamic and electrolyte excretion were investigated in 20 salt-loaded healthy volunteers during and after constant rate infusion. At steady state, mean plasma concentrations of ANP were measured at 210, 430, and 2990 pg/ml and mean systemic clearance was 2.6, 2.5, and 1.7 L/min for ANP infusion rates of 0.5, 1, and 5 micrograms/min, respectively, which corresponds to the clearance rate of other vasoactive peptide hormones. The apparent volume of distribution averaged 17 L and the mean half-life was 4.5 minutes. ANP induced dose-related effects on systemic and renal hemodynamic, as well as urinary electrolyte excretion, albeit with a time lag between onset and full effect.
A survey on Plasmodium infection was carried out in gold mine camps located in the Brazilian Amazon. Antibody against P. falciparum ring-infected erythrocyte surface antigen (RESA) was quantified by an enzyme-immunoassay in order to assess P. falciparum exposure. Hepatitis B, a common infection in this area, was also investigated by serologic markers. Among 520 sampled subjects, 517 (99.4%) admitted previous symptomatic malaria, 106 (20.4%) had positive thick smears for malaria, 82.9% had HBV markers, and 7.1% were HBsAg positive. Anti-RESA titers was significantly lower in HBV carriers than in people with resolved HBV infection suggesting that the anti-RESA immune response could be supressed by HBV carrier status. Moreover, immunedeficient responses to both infections may take place in some subjects causing concomitant lower anti-RESA response and incapacity to clear HBV.
Reliable quantification of the macromolecule signals in short echo-time H-1 MRS spectra is particularly important at high magnetic fields for an accurate quantification of metabolite concentrations (the neurochemical profile) due to effectively increased spectral resolution of the macromolecule components. The purpose of the present study was to assess two approaches of quantification, which take the contribution of macromolecules into account in the quantification step. H-1 spectra were acquired on a 14.1 T/26 cm horizontal scanner on five rats using the ultra-short echo-time SPECIAL (spin echo full intensity acquired localization) spectroscopy sequence. Metabolite concentrations were estimated using LCModel, combined with a simulated basis set of metabolites using published spectral parameters and either the spectrum of macromolecules measured in vivo, using an inversion recovery technique, or baseline simulated by the built-in spline function. The fitted spline function resulted in a smooth approximation of the in vivo macromolecules, but in accordance with previous studies using Subtract-QUEST could not reproduce completely all features of the in vivo spectrum of macromolecules at 14.1 T. As a consequence, the measured macromolecular 'baseline' led to a more accurate and reliable quantification at higher field strengths.
These synthetic estimates were produced as part of a research project to test and produce area-level estimates of healthy lifestyle behaviours, which was carried out at the National Centre for Social Research. The estimates were produced in response to the twin requirements to develop small area estimates for Neighbourhood Statistics and to meet local public health information needs. Synthetic estimates with 95% Confidence Intervals (1) have been prepared using 2000-2002 data from the Health Survey for England, the 2001 Census and other information, at the 2003 Census Area Statistics (CAS) ward and Primary Care Organisation (PCO)(2) geographic level for the following variables: Prevalence of current smoking (at the time the data was collected); Obesity of adults; Binge drinking for adults; Consumption of 5 or more portions of fruit and vegetables a day (adults); Consumption of 3 or more portions of fruit and vegetables day (children).
In the present study, we have explored ways of inducing a CTL response to a previously defined H-2Kd MHC class I restricted epitope in the circumsporozoite (CS) protein of Plasmodium berghei, and studied in detail the fine specificity of the response. We found that the s.c. injection of a variety of synthetic peptides emulsified in Freund's adjuvant efficiently induced a specific CTL response in (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F1 (H-2d x H-2b) mice. In contrast, BALB/c mice responded only marginally, consistent with the possible requirement for a concomitant Th response that would be provided by the C57BL/6 strain. Similar to our previous observations in analyzing CTL clones from sporozoite-immunized mice, the CTL response induced by peptide immunization was in part cross-reactive with an epitope from the Plasmodium yoelii species. The minimal P. berghei CS epitope, the octapeptide PbCS 253-260, was studied in detail by the analysis of a series of variant CS peptides containing single Ala substitutions. The relative antigenic activity for each variant peptide was calculated for 28 different CTL clones. Overall, the response to this P. berghei CTL epitope appeared to be extremely diverse in terms of fine specificity. This was evident among the CTL derived from sporozoite-immunized mice, as well as among those from peptide-immunized animals. The heterogeneity found at the functional level correlates with the highly diverse TCR repertoire that we have found for the same series of CTL clones in a study that is reported separately. The relative competitor activity for each Ala-substituted peptide was also determined in a quantitative functional competition assay. For the residues (Tyr253 and Ile260) within the 8-mer CS peptide, substitution with Ala reduced competitor activity by at least 40-fold, and for two others the reduction was 5- to 10-fold. When the relative antigenic activity for each CTL/peptide combination was normalized to the relative competitor activity of the peptide, a striking pattern emerged. The two residues that most affected competitor activity showed no additional effect on recognition beyond that observed for competition. In marked contrast, Ala substitutions at the other five positions tested varied widely, depending on the CTL/peptide combination. This pattern not only supports a model whereby the Tyr253 and Ile260 residues anchor the peptide to the Kd molecule, but also implies that they are virtually inaccessible to the TCR.
The immunoreactivity of seven peptides synthesized from Schistosoma mansoni proteins, was evaluated by dot-blot and ELISA assays using two different sensitization methodologies. The best results were obtained on wells of the Costar 3590 microplates coated with peptides P1, P2, P3, P6, and P7 using conventional methodology. The signals increased considerably (p < 0.0003) on wells sensitized with P1 to P6 using alternative methodology. In contrast, the well coated with peptide P7 presented lower signal when compared with conventional methodology (p = 0.0019). These results, establish the basis for the application of synthetic peptides for laboratory diagnosis of schistosomiasis mansoni.
Phlebotomine sand flies are often captured with human bait and/or light traps, either with or without an animal bait. More recently, synthetic attractants have been used as bait in traps to improve the capture of phlebotomine sand flies as well as other insects of medical and veterinary importance. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of the kairomone 1-octen-3-ol (octenol) and the synthetic human odor BG-Mesh LureTM (BGML - lactic acid, caproic acid and ammonia) baited in modified CDC light traps on the capture of phlebotomine sand flies. The experiments followed the 5x5 Latin square design. Among the species caught, Lutzomyia intermedia apparently presented a dose-dependent response to octenol. The response obtained with the BGML, alone or in combination with octenol (5 mg/h), indicated some degree of attractiveness of these baits to different phlebotomine sand fly species. Octenol seems to be more attractive to L. intermedia than to Lutzomyia longipalpis, while the BGML presented a higher success in capturing L. longipalpis. When the components of the BGML were used separately, there was no increase in catching the female of L. intermedia. Apparently, there was no synergistic effect between the octenol and the BGML. In conclusion, the octenol and the BGML were demonstrated to be possible baits to attract some phlebotomine sand fly species.