977 resultados para STRESS PROTEINS


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This paper reviews new drug targets in the treatment of depression and new drug candidates to treat depression. Depression is characterized by aberrations in six intertwined pathways: (1) inflammatory pathways as indicated by increased levels of proinflammatory cytokines, e.g. interleukin-1 (IL-1), IL-6, and tumour necrosis factor α. (2) Activation of cell-mediated immune pathways as indicated by an increased production of interferon γ and neopterin. (3) Increased reactive oxygen and nitrogen species and damage by oxidative and nitrosative stress (O&NS), including lipid peroxidation, damage to DNA, proteins and mitochondria. (4) Lowered levels of key antioxidants, such as coenzyme Q10, zinc, vitamin E, glutathione, and glutathione peroxidase. (5) Damage to mitochondria and mitochondrial DNA and reduced activity of respiratory chain enzymes and adenosine triphosphate production. (6) Neuroprogression, which is the progressive process of neurodegeneration, apoptosis, and reduced neurogenesis and neuronal plasticity, phenomena that are probably caused by inflammation and O&NS. Antidepressants tend to normalize the above six pathways. Targeting these pathways has the potential to yield antidepressant effects, e.g. using cytokine antagonists, minocycline, Cox-2 inhibitors, statins, acetylsalicylic acid, ketamine, ω3 poly-unsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, and neurotrophic factors. These six pathways offer new, pathophysiologically guided drug targets suggesting that novel therapies could be developed that target these six pathways simultaneously. Both nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2) activators and glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) inhibitors target the six above-mentioned pathways. GSK-3 inhibitors have antidepressant effects in animal models of depression. Nrf2 activators and GSK-3 inhibitors have the potential to be advanced to phase-2 clinical trials to examine whether they augment the efficacy of antidepressants or are useful as monotherapy.


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Aims/hypothesis We determined whether high-glucose-induced beta cell dysfunction is associated with oxidative stress in the DBA/2 mouse, a mouse strain susceptible to islet failure.

Materials and methods Glucose- and non-glucose-mediated insulin secretion from the islets of DBA/2 and control C57BL/6 mice was determined following a 48-h exposure to high glucose. Flux via the hexosamine biosynthesis pathway was assessed by determining O-glycosylated protein levels. Oxidative stress was determined by measuring hydrogen peroxide levels and the expression of anti-oxidant enzymes.

Results Exposure to high glucose levels impaired glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in DBA/2 islets but not C57BL/6 islets, and this was associated with reduced islet insulin content and lower ATP levels than in C57BL/6 islets. Exposure of islets to glucosamine for 48 h mimicked the effects of high glucose on insulin secretion in the DBA/2 islets. High glucose exposure elevated O-glycosylated proteins; however, this occurred in islets from both strains, excluding a role for O-glycosylation in the impairment of DBA/2 insulin secretion. Additionally, both glucosamine and high glucose caused an increase in hydrogen peroxide in DBA/2 islets but not in C57BL/6 islets, an effect prevented by the antioxidant N-acetyl-l-cysteine. Interestingly, while glutathione peroxidase and catalase expression was comparable between the two strains, the antioxidant enzyme manganese superoxide dismutase, which converts superoxide to hydrogen peroxide, was increased in DBA/2 islets, possibly explaining the increase in hydrogen peroxide levels.

Conclusions/interpretation Chronic high glucose culture caused an impairment in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in DBA/2 islets, which have a genetic predisposition to failure, and this may be the result of oxidative stress.


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Nicotine dependence is common in people with mood disorders; however the operative pathways are not well understood. This paper reviews the contribution of inflammation and oxidative stress pathways to the co-association of depressive disorder and nicotine dependence, including increased levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, increased acute phase proteins, decreased levels of antioxidants and increased oxidative stress. These could be some of the potential pathophysiological mechanisms involved in neuroprogression. The shared inflammatory and oxidative stress pathways by which smoking may increase the risk for development of depressive disorders are in part mediated by increased levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, diverse neurotransmitter systems, activation the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, microglial activation, increased production of oxidative stress and decreased levels of antioxidants. Depressive disorder and nicotine dependence are additionally linked imbalance between neuroprotective and neurodegenerative metabolites in the kynurenine pathway that contribute to neuroprogression. These pathways provide a mechanistic framework for understanding the interaction between nicotine dependence and depressive disorder.


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Adsorption of target molecules on the immobilized microcantilever surface produced beam displacement due to the differential surface stress generated between the immobilized and non-immobilized surface. Surface stress is caused by the intermolecular forces between the molecules. Van der Waals, electrostatic forces, hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic effect and steric hindrance are some of the intermolecular forces involved. A theoretical framework describing the adsorption-induced microcantilever displacement is derived in this paper. Experimental displacement of thrombin aptamer-thrombin interactions was carried out. The relation between the electrostatic interactions involved between adsorbates (thrombin) as well as adsorbates and substrates (thrombin aptamer) and the microcantilever beam displacement utilizing the proposed mathematical model was quantified and compared to the experimental value. This exercise is important to aid the designers in microcantilever sensing performance optimization.


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Lipolysis involves the sequential breakdown of fatty acids from triacylglycerol and is increased during energy stress such as exercise. Adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL) is a key regulator of skeletal muscle lipolysis and perilipin (PLIN) 5 is postulated to be an important regulator of ATGL action of muscle lipolysis. Hence, we hypothesized that non-genomic regulation such as cellular localization and the interaction of these key proteins modulate muscle lipolysis during exercise. PLIN5, ATGL and CGI-58 were highly (>60%) colocated with Oil Red O (ORO) stained lipid droplets. PLIN5 was significantly colocated with ATGL, mitochondria and CGI-58, indicating a close association between the key lipolytic effectors in resting skeletal muscle. The colocation of the lipolytic proteins, their independent association with ORO and the PLIN5/ORO colocation were not altered after 60 min of moderate intensity exercise. Further experiments in cultured human myocytes showed that PLIN5 colocation with ORO or mitochondria is unaffected by pharmacological activation of lipolytic pathways. Together, these data suggest that the major lipolytic proteins are highly expressed at the lipid droplet and colocate in resting skeletal muscle, that their localization and interactions appear to remain unchanged during prolonged exercise, and, accordingly, that other post-translational mechanisms are likely regulators of skeletal muscle lipolysis.


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The nature of depression has recently been reconceptualized, being conceived as the clinical expression of activated immune-inflammatory, oxidative, and nitrosative stress (IO&NS) pathways, including tryptophan catabolite (TRYCAT), autoimmune, and gut–brain pathways. IO&NS pathways are similarly integral to the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The increased depression prevalence in IBD associates with a lower quality of life and increased morbidity in IBD, highlighting the role of depression in modulating the pathophysiology of IBD.This review covers data within such a wider conceptualization that better explains the heightened co-occurrence of IBD and depression. Common IO&NS underpinning between both disorders is evidenced by increased pro-inflammatory cytokine levels, eg, interleukin-1 (IL-1) and tumor necrosis factor-α, IL-6 trans-signalling; Th-1- and Th-17-like responses; neopterin and soluble IL-2 receptor levels; positive acute phase reactants (haptoglobin and C-reactive protein); lowered levels of negative acute phase reactants (albumin, transferrin, zinc) and anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-10 and transforming growth factor-β); increased O&NS with damage to lipids, proteinsm and DNA; increased production of nitric oxide (NO) and inducible NO synthase; lowered plasma tryptophan but increased TRYCAT levels; autoimmune responses; and increased bacterial translocation. As such, heightened IO&NS processes in depression overlap with the biological underpinnings of IBD, potentially explaining their increased co-occurrence. This supports the perspective that there is a spectrum of IO&NS disorders that includes depression, both as an emergent comorbidity and as a contributor to IO&NS processes. Such a frame of reference has treatment implications for IBD when “comorbid” with depression.


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Oxidative and nitrosative stress (O&NS) is causatively implicated in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, schizophrenia and depression. Many of the consequences stemming from O&NS, including damage to proteins, lipids and DNA, are well known, whereas the effects of O&NS on lipoprotein-based cellular signalling involving palmitoylation and plasma membrane lipid rafts are less well documented. The aim of this narrative review is to discuss the mechanisms involved in lipid-based signalling, including palmitoylation, membrane/lipid raft (MLR) and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) functions, the effects of O&NS processes on these processes and their role in the abovementioned diseases. S-palmitoylation is a post-translational modification, which regulates protein trafficking and association with the plasma membrane, protein subcellular location and functions. Palmitoylation and MRLs play a key role in neuronal functions, including glutamatergic neurotransmission, and immune-inflammatory responses. Palmitoylation, MLRs and n-3 PUFAs are vulnerable to the corruptive effects of O&NS. Chronic O&NS inhibits palmitoylation and causes profound changes in lipid membrane composition, e.g. n-3 PUFA depletion, increased membrane permeability and reduced fluidity, which together lead to disorders in intracellular signal transduction, receptor dysfunction and increased neurotoxicity. Disruption of lipid-based signalling is a source of the neuroimmune disorders involved in the pathophysiology of the abovementioned diseases. n-3 PUFA supplementation is a rational therapeutic approach targeting disruptions in lipid-based signalling.


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Stress response is a universal mechanism developed by all organisms to deal with adverse changes in the environment, which lead to the synthesis of heat shock proteins (Hsps). In this study, the effect of moderate (41degreesC) and severe (44degreesC) heat stress on Hsp70 transcript expression pattern was investigated during chicken embryogenesis. Acute exposure to severe heat stress for one hour resulted in a fifteen-fold increase in Hsp70 mRNA levels. The return of stressed embryos to normal incubation temperature resulted in Hsp70 mRNA levels five-fold higher than control after three hours and normal levels after six hours. Moderate heat stress did not induce enhancements on Hsp70 mRNA levels. The spatial expression of Hsp70 transcripts was detected in embryos under normal incubation conditions. Whole-mount in situ hybridization analysis showed that Hsp70 transcripts were constitutively present in somite and in distinct encephalic domains (predominantly in prosencephalon and mesencephalon areas) of the chicken embryo. These results showed that Hsp70 induction is dependent on incubation temperature conditions, suggesting that early chicken embryos may induce a quick emergence response to cope with severe heat stress by increasing Hsp70 mRNA levels.


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Tick bites may trigger acute phase responses. Positive and negative acute phase proteins were measured in infested cattle genetically resistant and susceptible to ticks. During heavier infestations levels of haptoglobin increased significantly in susceptible bovines; levels of serum amyloid A increased in resistant bovines; levels of alpha-l-acid glycoprotein decreased significantly in resistant bovines; levels of transferrin decreased significantly in susceptible bovines.In conclusion, tick infestations trigger acute phase responses and enhancement of specific acute phase proteins differs according to the genetic composition of hosts. Acute phase proteins may constitute useful biological signatures for monitoring the stress induced by tick infestations. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Silicon has beneficial effects on many crops, mainly under biotic and abiotic stresses. Silicon can affect biochemical, physiological, and photosynthetic processes and, consequently, alleviates drought stress. However, the effects of Si on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants under drought stress are still unknown. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of Si supply on some biochemical characteristics and yield of potato tubers, either exposed or not exposed to drought stress. The experiment was conducted in pots containing 50 dm(3) of a Typic Acrortox soil (33% clay, 4% silt, and 63% sand). The treatments consisted of the absence or presence of Si application (0 and 284.4 mg dm(-3)), through soil amelioration with dolomitic lime and Ca and Mg silicate, and in the absence or presence of water deficit (-0.020 MPa and -0.050 MPa soil water potential, respectively), with eight replications. Silicon application and water deficit resulted in the greatest Si concentration in potato leaves. Proline concentrations increased under lower water availability and higher Si availability in the soil, which indicates that Si may be associated with plant osmotic adjustment. Water deficit and Si application decreased total sugars and soluble proteins concentrations in the leaves. Silicon application reduced stalk lodging and increased mean tuber weight and, consequently, tuber yield, especially in the absence of water stress.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We imaged pores on the surface of the cell wall of three different industrial strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae using atomic force microscopy. The pores could be enlarged using 10 mM diamide, an SH residue oxidant that attacks surface proteins. We found that two strains showed signs of oxidative damage via changes in density and diameter of the surface pores. We found that the German strain was resistant to diamide induced oxidative damage, even when the concentration of the oxidant was increased to 50 mM. The normal pore size found on the cell walls of American strains had diameters of about 200nm. Under conditions of oxidative stress the diameters changed to 400nm.This method may prove to be a useful rapid screening process (45-60 min) to determine which strains are oxidative resistant, as well as being able to screen for groups of yeast that are sensitive to oxidative stress. This rapid screening tool may have direct applications in molecular biology (transference of the genes to inside of living cells) and biotechnology (biotransformations reactions to produce chiral synthons in organic chemistry.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Uncoupling proteins (UCPs) are membrane proteins that mediate purine nucleotide-sensitive free fatty acid-activated H(+) flux through the inner mitochondrial membrane. After the discovery of UCP in higher plants in 1995, it was acknowledged that these proteins are widely distributed in eukaryotic organisms. The widespread presence of UCPs in eukaryotes implies that these proteins may have functions other than thermogenesis. In this review, we describe the current knowledge of plant UCPs, including their discovery, biochemical properties, distribution, gene family, gene expression profiles, regulation of gene expression, and evolutionary aspects. Expression analyses and functional studies on the plant UCPs under normal and stressful conditions suggest that UCPs regulate energy metabolism in the cellular responses to stress through regulation of the electrochemical proton potential (Delta mu(H)+) and production of reactive oxygen species.