962 resultados para ST-SEGMENT ELEVATION


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Background: Monocytes are implicated in the initiation and progression of theatherosclerotic plaque contributing to plaque instability and rupture. Little is knownof the role played by the 3 phenotypically and functionally different monocytesubpopulations in determining ventricular remodeling following ST elevation my-ocardial infarction (STEMI). Mon1 are "classical" inflammatory monocytes, whilstMon3 are considered reparative with fibroblast deposition ability. The function ofthe newly described Mon2 is yet to be elucidated. Method: STEMI patients (n=196, mean age 62±13 years; 72% male) treatedwith percutaneous revascularization were recruited within the first 24 hours. Pe-ripheral blood monocyte subpopulations were enumerated and characterizedusing flow cytometry after staining for CD14, CD16 and CCR2. Phenotypi-cally, monocyte subpopulations are defined as: CD14+CD16-CCR2+ (Mon1),CD14+CD16+CCR+ (Mon2) and CD14lowCD16+CCR2- (Mon3) cells. Transtho-racic 2D echocardiography was performed within 7 days and 6 months post infarctto assess ventricular volumes, mass, systolic, and diastolic functions. Results: Using linear regression analysis higher counts for Mon1, and lowercounts for Mon2 and Mon3 were significantly associated with the baseline leftventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) within seven days post infarction. At 6 monthspost STEMI lower counts of Mon2 remained positively associated with decreasedLVEF (p value= 0.002).Monocyte subsets correlation with LVEFMonocytes mean florescence Baseline left ventricular Left ventricular ejectionintensity (cells/μl) ejection fraction (%) fraction (%) at 6 months post infarctβ-value P-valueβ-value P-valueTotal Mon0.31 P<0.001 0.360.009Mon 10.019 2−0.28 0.001 −0.420.002Mon 3−0.27 0.001 −0.180.21 Conclusion: Peripheral monocytes of all three subsets correlate with LVEF af-ter a myocardial infarction. High counts of the inflammatory Mon1 are associatedwith reduction in the baseline LVEF. Post remodelling, the convalescent EF wasindependently predicted by monocyte subpopulation 2. As lower counts depictednegative ventricular remodeling, this suggests a reparative role for the newly de-scribed Mon2, possibly via myofibroblast deposition and angiogenesis, in contrastto an anticipated inflammatory role.


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© The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Geriatrics Society. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oup.com.


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Melatonin, an endocrine product of the pineal gland, is formed predominantly during the nighttime. Light has an inhibitory effect on pineal melatonin secretion. Pineal melatonin release is synchronised by this daily light-dark cycle via a multisynaptic pathway between the eyes and the pineal gland. Light stimulates the retina to modulate the activity of the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the master biological clock.1 The suprachiasmatic nucleus controls pineal melatonin synthesis and the concentrations of melatonin in the sera of healthy subjects, which reach values of 10−10 to 10−9 mol/L during the night, with much lower concentrations being present during the day. Many publications have shown that melatonin has an important role in a variety of cardiovascular pathophysiologic processes: the indoleamine has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antihypertensive, antithrombotic and antilipaemic properties.


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A problem with use of the geostatistical Kriging error for optimal sampling design is that the design does not adapt locally to the character of spatial variation. This is because a stationary variogram or covariance function is a parameter of the geostatistical model. The objective of this paper was to investigate the utility of non-stationary geostatistics for optimal sampling design. First, a contour data set of Wiltshire was split into 25 equal sub-regions and a local variogram was predicted for each. These variograms were fitted with models and the coefficients used in Kriging to select optimal sample spacings for each sub-region. Large differences existed between the designs for the whole region (based on the global variogram) and for the sub-regions (based on the local variograms). Second, a segmentation approach was used to divide a digital terrain model into separate segments. Segment-based variograms were predicted and fitted with models. Optimal sample spacings were then determined for the whole region and for the sub-regions. It was demonstrated that the global design was inadequate, grossly over-sampling some segments while under-sampling others.


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RESUMEN Introducción: La enfermedad cardiovascular es una de las principales causas de morbilidad y mortalidad tanto en hombres como en mujeres a nivel mundial (1). En Colombia para el 2010, se presentaron 26.334 muertes por infarto agudo de miocardio, siendo la primera causa de defunción a nivel nacional (2). Objetivo: Determinar factores de riesgo asociados a troponina I de alta sensibilidad como predictores de enfermedad coronaria ateroesclerótica en pacientes con infarto agudo de miocardio sin elevación del ST, con alteración vascular coronaria ateroesclerótica demostrada por coronoangiografía en una población de pacientes ingresados a la unidad coronaria de una clínica privada de III nivel de la ciudad de Bogotá durante los años 2010 al 2013. Metodología: Se propuso un estudio retrospectivo observacional analítico, tipo casos y controles, en una población con diagnóstico de infarto agudo de miocardio sin elevación ST que consultó a un servicio de urgencias de una clínica privada de Bogotá, en la cual se quiso evaluar la predictividad de la troponina I ultrasensible para el diagnóstico de enfermedad coronaria ateroesclerótica comprobada por coronoangiografía, y los factores de riesgo asociados que pudieran aumentar dicha predictividad. Resultados: De los 918 pacientes diagnosticados con infarto agudo de miocardio sin elevación del ST, estratificados según presencia de enfermedad coronaria ateroesclerótica comprobada por coronoangiografía, se encontró que la troponina I presentó una sensibilidad de 89% y una especificidad de 18% para el diagnóstico de enfermedad coronaria sin elevación del ST al ingreso a urgencias en un paciente diagnosticado clínicamente con IAM sin elevación del ST. En cuanto al valor predictivo positivo este fue de 77% y el valor predictivo negativo fue de 35%. En el modelo propuesto, si un paciente presentara edad avanzada (65 años), troponina I ultrasensible positiva, diabetes mellitus, dislipidemia, tabaquismo, enfermedad coronaria previa, enfermedad artero-oclusiva, historia de stent previo, revascularización previa, este paciente presentaría un riesgo de tener enfermedad ateroesclerótica coronaria de 99.83%; mientras que si un paciente presentara edad avanzada (65 años), troponina I ultrasensible positiva, diabetes mellitus, dislipidemia, tabaquismo, enfermedad artero-oclusiva, este paciente presentaría un riesgo de tener enfermedad ateroesclerótica coronaria de 96.81%. Adicionalmente, el modelo propuesto presenta una probabilidad pronostica de 0,828, evaluado por curva ROC. Conclusión: La predictividad de la troponina I para enfermedad coronaria ateroesclerótica fue aceptable. Sin embargo esta aumenta cuando se suma a factores de riesgo como ser hombre, edad avanzada, diabetes, tabaquismo, enfermedad coronaria previa, enfermedad arterial oclusiva previa, STENT previo, PCI previo y revascularización previa.


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The authors admit that the conjunctive-muscular constitution of the walls of the superior venae cavae throughout the length of the intrapericardium segment and the debouchement in the right atrium, associated with the presence of a myocardium sheath can be made up of a functional device of sphincter form able to act on the control of the blood flow to the interior of the arterial chamber as well as stopping blood flow during the arterial systole. The fixation of the venous wall to the deep chamber of the serous pericardium, contributes to growth in resistance during the elevation of venous pressure, making possible the preservation of integrity of the superior venae cavae. The expansion of fasciculi of nodal fibers in the right wall of the superior venae cavae permits that the unlocked impulse in the S-A node also reaches the vascular wall contributing to the shortening and diminution in caliber of the vein.


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We previously reported a record of regionally significant volcanic eruptions in the North Pacific using an ice core from Eclipse Icefield (St. Elias Mountains, Yukon, Canada). The acquisition of two new ice cores from Eclipse Icefield, along with the previously available Eclipse Icefield and Mount Logan Northwest Col ice cores, allows us to extend our record of North Pacific volcanism to 550 years before present using a suite of four ice cores spanning an elevation range of 3 - 5 km. Comparison of volcanic sulfate flux records demonstrates that the results are highly reproducible, especially for the largest eruptions such as Katmai ( A. D. 1912). Correlation of volcanic sulfate signals with historically documented eruptions indicates that at least one-third of the eruptions recorded in St. Elias ice cores are from Alaskan and Kamchatkan volcanoes. Although there are several moderately large ( volcanic explosivity index (VEI) >= 4) eruptions recorded in only one core from Eclipse Icefield, the use of multiple cores provides signals in at least one core from all known VEI >= 4 eruptions in Alaska and Kamchatka since A. D. 1829. Tephrochronological evidence from the Eclipse ice cores documents eruptions in Alaska (Westdahl, Redoubt, Trident, and Katmai), Kamchatka (Avachinsky, Kliuchevoskoi, and Ksudach), and Iceland (Hekla). Several unidentified tephra-bearing horizons, with available geochemical evidence suggesting Alaskan and Kamchatkan sources, were also found. We present a reconstruction of annual volcanic sulfate loading for the North Pacific troposphere based on our ice core data, and we provide a detailed assessment of the atmospheric and climatic effects of the Katmai eruption.