987 resultados para Routes


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Tonoplast, the membrane delimiting plant vacuoles, regulates ion, water and nutrient movement between the cytosol and the vacuolar lumen through the activity of its membrane proteins. Correct traffic of proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the tonoplast requires (i) approval by the ER quality control, (ii) motifs for exit from the ER and (iii) motifs that promote sorting to the tonoplast. Recent evidence suggests that this traffic follows different pathways that are protein-specific and could also reflect vacuole specialization for lytic or storage function. The routes can be distinguished based on their sensitivity to drugs such as brefeldin A and C834 as well as using mutant plants that are defective in adaptor proteins of vesicle coats, or dominant-negative mutants of Rab GTPases.


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Much of the recent interest in educational gender differences is based on differences in academic performance. Several studies have shown that young women now out-perform males in terms of school grades and university degrees. But while there is a lot of research into the reasons for this shift, and into gender gaps in reading and maths achievement, little research has been done on the consequences of these differences in educational and early occupational success. - See more at: https://cerp.aqa.org.uk/perspectives/male-and-female-routes-success#sthash.HR8fFTen.dpuf


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Source routes and Spatial Diffusion of capuchin monkeys over the past 6 million years, rebuilt in the SPREAD 1.0.6 from the MCC tree. The map shows the 10 different regions to which distinctive samples were associated. The different transmission routes have been calculated from the average rate over time. Only rates with Bayes factor> 3 were considered as significantly different from zero. Significant diffusion pathways are highlighted with color varying from dark brown to red, being the dark brown less significant rates and deep red the most significant rates.


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The aim of this paper is to propose a model for the design of a robust rapid transit network. In this paper, a network is said to be robust when the effect of disruption on total trip coverage is minimized. The proposed model is constrained by three different kinds of flow conditions. These constraints will yield a network that provides several alternative routes for given origin–destination pairs, therefore increasing robustness. The paper includes computational experiments which show how the introduction of robustness influences network design


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The Caribbean and Central America are among the regions with highest HIV-1B prevalence worldwide. Despite of this high virus burden, little is known about the timing and the migration patterns of HIV-1B in these regions. Migration is one of the major processes shaping the genetic structure of virus populations. Thus, reconstruction of epidemiological network may contribute to understand HIV-1B evolution and reduce virus prevalence. We have investigated the spatio-temporal dynamics of the HIV-1B epidemic in The Caribbean and Central America using 1,610 HIV-1B partial pol sequences from 13 Caribbean and 5 Central American countries. Timing of HIV-1B introduction and virus evolutionary rates, as well as the spatial genetic structure of the HIV-1B populations and the virus migration patterns were inferred. Results revealed that in The Caribbean and Central America most of the HIV-1B variability was generated since the 80 s. At odds with previous data suggesting that Haiti was the origin of the epidemic in The Caribbean, our reconstruction indicated that the virus could have been disseminated from Puerto Rico and Antigua. These two countries connected two distinguishable migration areas corresponding to the (mainly Spanish-colonized) Easter and (mainly British-colonized) Western islands, which indicates that virus migration patterns are determined by geographical barriers and by the movement of human populations among culturally related countries. Similar factors shaped the migration of HIV-1B in Central America. The HIV-1B population was significantly structured according to the country of origin, and the genetic diversity in each country was associated with the virus prevalence in both regions, which suggests that virus populations evolve mainly through genetic drift. Thus, our work contributes to the understanding of HIV-1B evolution and dispersion pattern in the Americas, and its relationship with the geography of the area and the movements of human populations.


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This paper analyses the driving cycles of a fleet of vehicles with predetermined urban itineraries. Most driving cycles developed for such type of vehicles do not properly address variability among itineraries. Here we develop a polygonal driving cycle that assesses each group of related routes, based on microscopic parameters. It measures the kinematic cycles of the routes traveled by the vehicle fleet, segments cycles into micro-cycles, and characterizes their properties, groups them into clusters with homogeneous kinematic characteristics within their specific micro-cycles, and constructs a standard cycle for each cluster. The process is used to study public bus operations in Madrid.


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Self-passivating tungsten based alloys will provide a major safety advantage compared to pure tungsten when used as first wall armor of future fusion reactors, due to the formation of a protective oxide layer which prevents the formation of volatile and radioactive WO3 in case of a loss of coolant accident with simultaneous air ingress. Bulk WCr10Ti2 alloys were manufactured by two different powder metallurgical routes: (1) mechanical alloying (MA) followed by hot isostatic pressing (HIP) of metallic capsules, and (2) MA, compaction, pressureless sintering in H2 and subsequent HIPing without encapsulation. Both routes resulted in fully dense materials with homogeneous microstructure and grain sizes of 300 nm and 1 μm, respectively. The content of impurities remained unchanged after HIP, but it increased after sintering due to binder residue. It was not possible to produce large samples by route (2) due to difficulties in the uniaxial compaction stage. Flexural strength and fracture toughness measured on samples produced by route (1) revealed a ductile-to-brittle-transition temperature (DBTT) of about 950 °C. The strength increased from room temperature to 800 °C, decreasing significantly in the plastic region. An increase of fracture toughness is observed around the DBTT.


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NADPH-protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (POR; EC catalyzes the only known light-dependent step in chlorophyll synthesis of higher plants, the reduction of protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) to chlorophyllide. In barley, two distinct immunoreactive POR proteins were identified. In contrast to the light-sensitive POR enzyme studied thus far (POR-A), levels of the second POR protein remained constant in seedlings during the transition from dark growth to the light and in green plants. The existence of a second POR-related protein was verified by isolating and sequencing cDNAs that encode a second POR polypeptide (POR-B) with an amino acid sequence identity of 75% to the POR-A. In the presence of NADPH and Pchlide, the in vitro-synthesized POR-A and POR-B proteins could be reconstituted to ternary enzymatically active complexes that reduced Pchlide to chlorophyllide only after illumination. Even though the in vitro activities of the two enzymes were similar, the expression of their genes during the light-induced transformation of etiolated to green seedlings was distinct. While the POR-A mRNA rapidly declined during illumination of dark-grown seedlings and soon disappeared, POR-B mRNA remained at an approximately constant level in dark-grown and green seedlings. Thus these results suggest that chlorophyll synthesis is controlled by two light-dependent POR enzymes, one that is active only transiently in etiolated seedlings at the beginning of illumination and the other that also operates in green plants.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Chart of the world on Mercators projection : exhibiting all the new discoveries to the present time, with the tracks of the most distinguished navigators since the year 1700 carefully collected from the best charts, maps, voyages, &c. extant and regulated from the accurate astronomical observations made in three voyages performed under the command of Captn. James Cook in the years 1768, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79 & 80, compiled and published by A. Arrowsmith, geographer; by permission of Simon McTavish Esq[r] is correctly delineated the discoveries of Mr. McKenzie laid down from his original journal in the year 1789. It was published by A. Arrowsmith, April 1, 1790. Scale [ca. 1:20,000,000]. This layer is image 1 of 8 total images of the seven sheet source map. Covers portions of eastern Asia, Siberia, Russia, Pacific Islands, and western portions of Canada and the United States including Alaska. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to a non-standard 'World Mercator' projection, with the central meridian at 180 degrees west. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. Note: The central meridian of this map is not the same as the Prime Meridian and may wrap the International Date Line or overlap itself when displayed in GIS software. This map shows features such as drainage, cities and other human settlements, territorial boundaries, shoreline features, and more. Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by soundings. Includes routes, locations, and dates of James Cook's voyages. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection and the Harvard University Library as part of the Open Collections Program at Harvard University project: Organizing Our World: Sponsored Exploration and Scientific Discovery in the Modern Age. Maps selected for the project correspond to various expeditions and represent a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.