804 resultados para Relational marketing


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Este trabalho apresenta um projecto de investigação que relaciona a área do marketing social com a gestão do voluntariado em ONG’s. Trata-se de uma primeira reflexão que contextualiza a problemática da gestão de pessoas não remuneradas nessas organizações e introduz diversas questões sobre a gestão das ONG’s e do voluntariado. Nomeadamente, qual o papel do voluntariado nas ONG’s e quais as principais motivações associadas ao voluntariado? Como é que as ONG’s podem recrutar e seduzir de forma eficaz o voluntariado? Qual a particularidade do comportamento organizacional nestas organizações, como, por exemplo, que conflitos surgem entre os corpos profissionalizados e os voluntários nessas organizações?


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O presente artigo debruça-se sobre os conceitos de responsabilidade social e marketing, dando especial enfoque ao marketing relacionado a causas, servindo o sector lucrativo e não lucrativo. Focaliza-se a análise na campanha e projecto CAUSA MAIOR uma iniciativa do Modelo e Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa, com três anos de existência, dirigido a diversas franjas da população. Este é um projecto socialmente responsável por visar combater o isolamento e a exclusão social numa categoria demográfica especialmente frágil - os seniores, materializando-se em cirurgias, equipamentos ortopédicos de apoio, entre outros. O CAUSA MAIOR teve acções de marketing fortíssimas com vista à promoção do seu produto solidário, para isso recorreu à associação a figuras públicas, parceria com uma estação televisiva, surgimento em programas televisivos, de tal forma que o projecto per si garantiu a continuidade do mesmo e inputs muito importantes para a Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa.


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The development of economical relations increases the interaction between organizations and stakeholders. It is no more acceptable to manage an organization under a transactional perspective where suppliers had a fundamental role. Nowadays organizations are being managed under a relational perspective where relations and relationship management in general have consequences in identity management (Hakansson e Snehota, 1989, 1995). A correct perception and management of identity is necessary to achieve distinctiveness in the competitive environment. This way, identity is influenced by relations with stakeholders in general and particularly with competitors. The ICIG concept states that identity is related with the values of the organization and it helps creating distinctiveness in the competitive environment (Van Riel, Balmer, 1997); Baker and Balmer (1997) state that identity is what the organization is; Suvatjis and de Chernatony (2005) refer that expressing identity is a dynamic process that evolves the use of a management model to face context changes; Kapferer (1991) states that brand identity is the project, the self conception of the brand. After reviewing and confronting literature under the plethora of identities’ concepts and perspectives (He, Balmer, 2007) one can’t find an integrative answer with all the elements that contribute to identity of organizations. The authors are strongly interested to contribute to the elimination of this limitation and to answer to strategic management needs. In a marketing context one can find: - the corporate identity approach that is focused in the distinctive attributes of an organization (Abratt, Balmer, Marwick e Fill, Stuart, Balmer and Gray, Alessandri, Suvatjis and de Chernatony) - the brand identity approach (related with the application of corporate identity studies to brands) - Kapferer, Semprini, Aaker, de Chernatony). Kapferer (1991), one of the most prolific authors in this field was the first author to integrate identity in a brand concept. In his view, identity is an emission concept. This idea is shared also by Aaker (1996). Yet, identity has to be managed in a competitive environment which is constantly changing. After reviewing and confronting literature, authors select concepts that are generally accepted by the investigators in order to design a model to analyze and manage identity: - corporate identity models: personality, image/reputation, culture, philosophy, mission, strategy, structure, communication - some of these concepts derive from identity models and others from identity management models; - brand identity models – Kapferer (1991, 2008) identity prism, witch is basis of literature in this field: culture, physical facet, personality, relationship (between brand and consumer), reflected consumer, consumers` self-concept. After discussion authors decide to include other concept in line with other authors` view: country of origin (Aaker, 1996). A discussion eliminates the twin concepts and the final selection is as follows: personality, image/reputation, culture (including philosophy and mission), strategy, structure, communication, culture, physical facet, relationship (between brand and consumer), reflected consumer, consumers` self-concept and according to authors` reflections “relationships” deriving from competitors` actions in competitive environment. Competitors’ actions and decisions have a stronger influence in the organizations` positioning than any other stakeholder as stated before. This is a work in progress towards a new model in identity analysis and management so an exploratory study will follow inquiring experts on identity in order to evaluate these concepts and correct the theoretical perspectives.


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The term “corporate brand” has been widely used in literature since the eighties. According to Balmer (1998) this concept tends to be used as an alternative to the concept of corporate identity. The author argues that the use of branding principles to discuss corporate identity has tended to align the area more closely with marketing. However, the literature on brand management (Aaker, 1991; Kapferer, 1991 and de Chernatony and McDonald, 1992), gives little attention to the corporate brand” (p. 985). Based on the concepts of corporate brand, brand identity and B2B relationship, the authors are interested in eliminating this gap in literature by designing a framework of corporate brand identity management. The aim of this investigation is to investigate the impact of B2B relationships in corporate brand identity management. The methodology used is quantitative analysis of surveys and scale development. The originality of this paper is to investigate the influence of the relationship between brands in corporate brand identity. This investigation is very important to help the decisions of the corporate brand managers and academics. According to literature, namely on corporate brands (Balmer 2002b, Hatch and Schultz, 2001, 2003) and on brand identity (Kapferer, 1991, 2008, Aaker, 1996, de Chernatony, 1999) the authors developed a corporate brand identity management framework considering relationships between brands a context variable with definite impact on identity management as stated by Hakansson and Snehota (1989, 1995). These authors consider that organisations´ identity management is pursued under a relational perspective with impact on identity management. Most researchers on identity and corporate brand emphasise the importance of external influences (Kennedy, 1977; King, 1991; de Chernatony, 1999; Balmer and Gray, 2000; Balmer, 2002a). Those influences concern legislation, concurrence, political issues... and stakeholders’ perceptions and reputations (due to the holistic approach demanded by corporate brands). In this context the authors claim the importance of another influence: B2B relationships. This decision is inspired in sociological studies (Mannheim, 1950; and Tajfel and Turner, 1979) regarding individual identity. These authors claim that individuals form their personality by interacting in the social field. The authors argue that corporate brand identity also develops itself under a relational approach. The relationships selected to pursue this investigation are the ones that are developed by Portuguese universities and investigation centres that cooperate by developing investigation. Those centres are administrative and financially autonomous


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão e Conservação da Natureza, 12 de Junho de 2014, Universidade dos Açores.


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O estágio decorreu na empresa Susiarte, mais precisamente numa das suas lojas, a de Ponta Delgada. A sua principal atividade é o comércio de eletrodomésticos, aparelhos de rádio e de televisão. O estágio teve duração de 12 meses, iniciando-se em 2 de janeiro de 2012 e com o termo a 31 de Dezembro de 2012. Os objetivos do estágio tiveram como finalidade a realização de atividades de marketing inerentes à empresa para obtenção do grau de mestre. Na última parte deste relatório são apresentadas algumas lacunas da loja. Após detetar questões a melhorar é feito todo um processo de planeamento e a realização de atividades de marketing na loja EXPERT, em Ponta Delgada, visando o aumento de vendas anuais.


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão de Empresas/MBA.


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências Económicas e Empresariais.


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Educação, especialidade em Administração e Organização Escolar.


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão de Empresas/MBA.


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Mestrado em Gestão e Empreendedorismo


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The purpose of this paper is to analyze the business interactions involved in the purchase of services related to marketing activities. We build on the literature about business services classifications and the interaction between clients and providers of business services. An empirical study is conducted by means of a survey questionnaire. Data were collected from a sample of 80 buying firms of services related to marketing activities who agreed to cooperate and represent medium and large Portuguese’s firms. The results show that the buying of services related to marketing activities involves both the client and the provider in the interaction process. This paper contributes to understanding the interaction process of buying services related to marketing activities in terms of the parties involved, product/service exchange, financial and information exchange. Providers of services related to marketing activities can expect stable and preferred relationships if they can offer a good price and quality of service, meet the agreed deadlines and respond quickly to client orders. On the client’s side, the relevance, the characteristics and the wide diversity of services related to marketing activities requires a good understanding and management of the interaction portfolio with providers.


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No passado, as acções publicitárias eram rotuladas como above the line e below the line, referindo-se à dicotomia de pontos de contacto com os públicos-alvo via Meios de Comunicação Social ou via Ponto de Venda. A esta dicotomia de meios e instrumentos, os anos 90 vieram trazer um terceiro ponto de contacto, crescentemente omnipresente e hegemónico, a world wide web ou rede, a que se acedia via computador. As acções de marketing e comunicação passaram então a rotular-se como online e offline, passando, não já a referir-se aos pontos de contacto, mas aos canais pelos quais circulavam as mensagens e acções das marcas. Desde o início deste século, o poder do digital veio crescendo, em software e hardware, em terminais e tecnologias, assistindo-se a uma transferência de esforços de comunicação, da esfera real para a esfera do digital. O deslumbramento pelo digital conquistou mesmo algumas marcas de dimensão mundial que hoje apostam integralmente o seu orçamento nesta forma de marketing, nas suas múltiplas facetas. Contudo, e porque se tem tornado óbvio que os públicos distribuem os seus favores por múltiplos touch points, para maximizar o impacto, assiste-se agora a um fenómeno único, potenciado por novas tecnologias que surgem todos os dias: em estratégias que se podem denominar de all-line, verifica-se a fusão entre dois mundos, mundo real e mundo digital, em múltiplas actividades de marketing que fazem convergir estas duas realidades em plataformas que vão do computador ao tablet, do smartphone à vending machine interactiva, do facebook ao Google maps, da imprensa tradicional ao pinterest. É esta convergência mundo real - mundo digital que abre agora novas oportunidades à comunicação publicitária, potenciando os ingredientes das marcas de sucesso no futuro: sensações (estímulo dos sentidos), intimidade e mistério, num cocktail suportado por uma nova criatividade.


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Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.