791 resultados para Reflective thinking
The aim of this activity is to allow students to explore the nature of political action, which can be thought of as a form of active as opposed to passive citizenship. By learning about and reflecting upon past instances of political action, or activism, students will be able to start thinking about what is likely to make a campaign successful. It is intended that these reflections can then be applied to their own actions as active citizens. It is hoped that the historical case studies combined with the information provided on different campaigning tools and methods will help to make students feel empowered and inspired to take action. In setting students the task of planning an action, it is expected that time management and organizational skills will be improved. It is believed that by putting themselves in the shoes of activists and going through the process of planning an action, they will have an engaged learning experience. The reflective element of the activity encourages students to form and defend opinions on the relative strengths and weaknesses of different campaigning methods, and on the acceptable limits to political action. This learning activity has been designed presuming no prior knowledge of activism or its methods, and has been successfully used with first year undergraduate students from a variety of disciplines. However, the activity provides a basis for more in-depth study of several issues, or alternatively study into further examples of campaign organizations. There are 3 different learning activities presented on this web site. For a dynamic and well-illustrated introduction to contemporary activism, see Jordan, T. (2002) Activism!: Direct Action, Hacktivism and the Future of Society, London: Reaktion Books Ltd. This material is also available via JORUM.
In this session we look at how to think systematically about a problem and create a solution. We look at the definition and characteristics of an algorithm, and see how through modularisation and decomposition we can then choose a set of methods to create. We also compare this somewhat procedural approach, with the way that design works in Object Oriented Systems,
4 examples of student reflections
This is the framework we would like you to complete for your daily diary log.
One working day: Reflection on practice: facilitating an occupational therapy student.
Revisión del problema de la filosofía de la Inteligencia Artificial a la vista del Equilibrio refractivo. La revisión del problema se lleva a cabo para mostrar como "¿pueden pensar las máquinas?" sólo se ha evaluado en los terminos humanos. El equilibrio refractivo se plantea como una herramienta para definir conceptos de tal modo que la experiencia y los preceptos se encuentren en equilibrio, para con él construir una definición de pensar que no esté limitada exclusivamente a "pensar tal y como lo hacen los humanos".
The portfolio comprises a cover sheet plus five pages of reflective writing, one page addressing each different portfolio topic This document summarises the contents of the portfolio IT IS NOT THE PORTFOLIO TEMPLATE The questions shown under each sub-heading are meant to act as thinking prompts to help you in the reflective process.
Download and edit this document to prepare your hand in. The portfolio comprises a cover sheet plus five pages of reflective writing, one page addressing each different portfolio topic This shows the cover sheet, the assessment criteria and the portfolio summary IT IS NOT THE PORTFOLIO TEMPLATE The questions shown under each sub-heading are meant to act as thinking prompts to help you in the reflective process.
This handout summarises obvious differences between reports or essays and reflective writing.
Two reflection exercise to help you understand the reflection process better, and how to evaluate this type of activity In each case you are asked to read through some reflective writing, and then decide how they compare
Some documents which may help you identify key disciplines on which to use to frame your understanding of inter-disciplinarity
Basic workplan