964 resultados para Public housing -- Catalonia -- Vila-roja (Girona : Neighborhood)


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En este artículo se presenta la metodología y los resultados derivados de la aplicación de una adaptación del denominado modelo de evaluación de reducción de amenazas (Threat Reduction Assesment) en el Parque Natural de la Zona Volcánica de la Garrotxa (PNZVG). En definitiva, se pretende valorar la efectividad de la gestión a partir del grado de reducción de amenazas en el PNZVG. El estudio se realizó a partir de la elaboración de una evaluación externa e independiente, que ha contado a la vez con una estrecha colaboración de los órganos gestores y rectores del Parque, así como con una activa participación de distintos agentes sociales clave. Se concluye que, después de veinticinco años de existencia del Parque, muchas de las amenazas iniciales sólo se han reducido de forma modesta e incluso a partir del índice adaptado, considerado un enfoque más realista; con lo cual se llega a la preocupante conclusión de que algunas de las amenazas más importantes se han incrementado


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El treball que es presenta a continuació és una descripció del procés que ha seguit el Projecte Educatiu de Ciutat de Girona per elaborar-ne el propi disseny. Es defineix el PEC com a eina participativa de planificació municipal per a la concreció de les línies prioritàries de l’educació d’un territori i com a tal ha comptat d’un procés marcat principalment per la implicació ciutadana. Aquest procés ha tingut una durada de 17 mesos però en el present treball es desenvolupen, específicament, els últims mesos on hi ha hagut una participació més directe i vinculant


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The Reclau Caves, which form part of the Serinyà Prehistoric Caves Park (Pla de l’Estany, Girona), are shelters formed by waterfall travertines which have been in turn affected by karstification phenomena. Though relatively small, these cavities were big enough to held human occupation. Its evolution has seen the falling of blocks and infilling of terrigenous materials. Thus, the caves were completely filled and had most of their original roofs fallen. The first excavations of these caves were made in the mid 1940s and they continued, albeit with some interruptions, until present times. The caves were occupied by humans since the late Middle Pleistocene until the Holocene. Hence, the main occupation periods can be attributed to the Middle Paleolithic and Upper Paleolithic cultures. Given the existence of these sites, the project of an archeological park was started and its first phase opened to the public in the summer of 1997. The creation of this park has led to the protection of the three main caves of the site (Arbreda, Mollet and Reclau Viver Caves). The caves have also been adapted and singposted to open them to the public. Other facilities of the park include a reception building and an activity area. The caves can be visited in guided tours which include the projection of a film, the visit to the permanent exhibition room, the three main caves and the participation in some prehistoric-related activities


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The first protective activities of historical and archaeological heritage in the province of Girona (Catalonia, Spain), although some earlier precedents, were produced from the third decade of the nineteenth century. These arose as a reaction to this terrible destruction suffered as a result of the introduction of the liberal state and the disappearance of several regular orders. Preservationists actions were carried out by some pseudo-public entities, which acted at the request of local authorities. These entities include the the Diputación Arqueológica, the Sociedad de Amigos del País and the Comisión de Monumentos. These corporations, with significant human and economic constraints, began activities as important as the beginning of the excavations of the site of Ampurias, the formation of a provincial museum in Girona and the restoration of the monastery of Ripoll.


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La recerca s'ha desenvolupat a través d'un estudi que ha interrelacionat el procés d'integració social i cultural de la comunitat marroquina en la societat d'assentament amb la integració escolar dels infants i joves en els centres d'educació obligatòria. El que suposa una anàlisi del paper integrador que l'escola desenvolupa i pot desenvolupar, i també una reflexió sobre la interculturalitat i l' educació intercultural com a posicionament que afavoreix la integració plural. Tot aquest treball s'ha desenvolupat des d' una perspectiva articulada, ja que permet una major comprensió del fet migratori que es viu a una i altra banda de la Mediterrània. La investigació s 'ha desenvolupat en un paradigma sociocrític i a través d'un procés etnogràfic (observació, relats de vida, entrevistes ... ) al llarg de quasi tres anys, que ha estudiat i ha analitzat des d' una perspectiva comprensiva i transformadora, com la comunitat marroquina valora l'escolarització dels infants i joves des de les concepcions d'educació i d'escola que ha construït a través: 1. El procés migratori, entenent-lo mitjançant l' emigració i la immigració, en una perspectiva articulada. 2. El procés d'integració sociocultural en la societat d'arribada. El treball realitzat ha plantejat un marc teòric de tipus interdisciplinar -que s'ha estès al llarg de la investigació- per tal de situar el procés migratori, el concepte d'integració en la societat d'avui, des d'una perspectiva habermasiana i el paper de l'educació i de l'escola des d'una posicionament comunicatiu. Un cop presentat el marc teòric s'ha estudiat el procés migratori situant-se primer en el context de partida, el Marroc, realitzant una anàlisi que s'ha desenvolupat mitjançant factors socioculturals i educatius que en aquest darrer cas s'han ubicat sobre: l'educació en l'islam i en l'actual sistema d'ensenyament nacional. Posteriorment s'ha estudiat el context d'immigració a través d'aspectes demogràfics, jurídics, socioculturals i educatius. Presentant en aquest darrers un perfil socioformatiu de l'alumnat d'origen marroquí a través d'un estudi realitzat a la província de Girona. En els últims capítols s'exposen, primer situant-se en el Rif Oriental (Marroc), la ciutat de Nador i el seu entorn, de forma mes breu, i després amb extensió sobre l'espai de les comunitats marroquines d'Angles i Palafrugell a Catalunya, localitats de les comarques gironines, les característiques del context sociocutural i escolar, com a elements sobre el quals analitzar el procés d'integració sociocultural i escolar en el context d'assentament. La recerca també ha recollit l'opinió i l'experiència dels treballadors i famílies d'origen marroquí sobre l'escolarització dels infants i joves de la comunitat marroquina i sobre les expectatives que els pares i adults tenen de l'escola corn a institució formativa i integradora. Finalment es presenta una anàlisi, partint de la inforrnació obtinguda, que interrelaciona el procés d'integració sociocultural i escolar en el país d' assentament que ha aportat els següents referents i orientacions: 1. El procés d'integració de la comunitat marroquina mostra que es dóna un replegament sobre si mateixa que dificulta la integració plural. Aquest replegament es dóna mitjançant els valors de la tradició i de l'islam que són simultàniament, elements de cultura i de control. 2. Cal analitzar la integració en funció del model d' integració dominant en la societat d'arribada que es basa sobretot en aspectes funcionals: econòmics, jurídics i productius. 3. La integració en els àmbits morals: drets i deures, i en els aspectes simbòlics: identitats i identificacions són dominats en el primer cas per l'assimilació en els aspectes socials, culturals i productius, i pels estereotips en els aspectes identitaris i d'identificació. Aquesta situació comporta la necessitat de desenvolupar un model d'integració escolar que ha de tenir corn a referent que l'escola no pot integrar ni l'alumnat pot integrar-se si viu un procés de marginació o exclusió fora del centre i si el centre educatiu no és conscient d'allò que succeeix al seu entorn i a l'alumnat més enllà del context escolar. 1- Ha de procurar la integració de l'alumnat en la xarxa relacional i formativa del centre. 2- Ha d'aconseguir la integració de l'alumnat a l'aula. 3- Ha de tenir present que les accions integradores, abans esmentades, han d'afavorir la integració de l'alumnat fora de l'espai escolar i en una perspectiva de futur, ha d' afavorir la integració sociolaboral. Per tant, l'escola ha de plantejar-se que és necessari establir un diàleg amb totes les famílies a través d'un nou model de participació en el qual l'escola passi de ser un lloc de pas a un lloc de trobada. Aquesta dinàmica també replanteja ara les actuals fronteres entre allò públic i privat, entre l'escola i la família, amb l' objectiu de descobrir les coincidències entre els projectes social, cultural i educatiu d'ambdues institucions.


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Este trabalho apresenta uma reflexão sobre a atual orientação da política habitacional brasileira de intervir em áreas de assentamentos precários, sem a remoção dos moradores, de modo a garantir sua permanência nos locais infraestruturados. O eixo da investigação gira em torno da seguinte questão: em que medida a atual orientação da política habitacional brasileira de intervir em áreas de assentamentos precários, sem a remoção da população, garante efetivamente a permanência dos moradores nos referidos locais, particularmente no Projeto de Urbanização e Habitação da Vila da Barca. O estudo apóia-se em referenciais teóricos sobre a produção da cidade capitalista e a desigualdade de apropriação do solo urbano, processos estes que impactam diretamente na constituição dos assentamentos precários como espaço de moradia para as frações da classe trabalhadora brasileira, que não conseguem acessar o mercado privado da habitação, dado os mecanismos de formação de preços da terra urbanizada. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida com base no método dialético, tendo como procedimento metodológico o levantamento bibliográfico, documental e de campo, sendo entrevistados 35 moradores que foram remanejados pelo projeto urbanístico da Vila da Barca. Os resultados apontam que as formas precárias de moradia popular constituídas em áreas insalubres e inadequadas, como os cortiços, as favelas, e, no caso de Belém, as baixadas, historicamente, foram removidas de forma repressiva pelo poder público. Entende-se que os projetos urbanísticos padronizados desenvolvidos na atualidade e voltados para o atendimento da necessidade de moradia dos trabalhadores, ainda que apresentem em sua configuração o tema da permanência, preservam os interesses da produção da cidade capitalista e evidenciam a lógica de segregação sócio-espacial, pois não imprimem mudanças substantivas na realidade das famílias. Além disso, ao contrário do que é propagado pelo discurso estatal, a pesquisa realizada na Vila da Barca, demonstra que tais projetos não conseguem garantir a fixação dos moradores nos locais de intervenção, uma vez que desarticulam as estratégias de sobrevivência das famílias, que sem condições financeiras e impossibilitadas de arcarem com os custos da nova moradia (taxas de serviços urbanos), tendem a vender os imóveis que lhes foram destinados, reproduzindo em outros assentamentos precários as condições anteriores de vida. Desta forma, o Projeto da Vila da Barca, concebido para resolver a situação de moradia das famílias da área, gerou graves consequências para as mesmas, em especial, a desestruturação das atividades ocupacionais, demonstrando os limites da intervenção estatal de acordo com a lógica de produção da cidade capitalista.


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This paper aims to review the concept of Festival in the area of Public Relations and discuss about it according to the Classical Anthropology, Urban Anthropology and Public Relations theories, by their main exponents Emile Durkhein, Rita Amaral, Roberto Damatta and Joseph Guilherme Magnani, Waldemar Kunsch, Margarida Kunsch, Cicilia Peruzzo, Rennan Mafra and Márcio Simeone. The 33rd Vila Madalena Fair, a craft fair that takes place once a year in São Paulo, was chosen as a case study to provide this research with an empirical dimension. The Fair emerged as a result of the neighborhood residents and merchants´ mobilization in the late 70's and until today, has been responsible for the re-updating and the strengthening of the neighborhood identity. Thus, the proposal is to evaluate the possibilities of the Festival performance as a favorable strategy to sociability, to the strengthening and the re-updating the symbolic representations of a community


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The student residence is a subject widely discussed throughout Brazil. Academics across the country needing assistance. The evasion in universities is still large. IBGE data show that the most needy students coming from public schools, have attended higher education in private universities through programs that facilitate their entry, but still, has made difficult their permanence. The place of living variable, before access to the university, is the most important determinant in academic life, as many move from their family background to enter university. The city of Mogi das Cruzes, strongly presents the problem in question, mainly concerning student housing, where despite a high housing stock and the rest of the country, these are not available to students in general, much less needy because not with the presence of specific houses, and when yes, these are very distant and / or have poor conditions, and a high cost, fully weakening these students to remain in the city. So, is based on this student body and student assistance mainly in affirmative action that include programs in academic life, but do not guarantee its permanence, the present work aims to propose a new proposed student accommodation, which through programs, spaces and actions, consistent with the integrated academic life services, can provide a financial support of these needy students in relation to the costs of their stays at the university, and also benefit the university, since it does not invest in the project without a guaranteed return


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Many rural communities are experiencing population decline. However, rural residents have continued to show a strong attachment to their communities. How do rural Nebraskans feel about their community? Are they satisfied with the services provided? Do they own their home? What is the condition of their home? This report details 2,851 responses to the 2005 Nebraska Rural Poll, the tenth annual effort to understand rural Nebraskans’ perceptions. Respondents were asked a series of questions about their community and housing. Trends for some of these questions are examined by comparing data from the nine previous polls to this year’s results. For all questions, comparisons are made among different respondent subgroups, that is, comparisons by age, occupation, region, etc. Based on these analyses, some key findings emerged: Rural Nebraskans’ views of the change in their community are similar to those expressed last year. This year, 28 percent believe their community has changed for the better, compared to 26 percent last year. And, in 2005, only 20 percent think their community has changed for the worse, compared to 22 percent last year. The proportion of expected movers who plan to leave the state decreased this year. Last year, 56 percent of the persons planning to move from their community expected to leave the state. That proportion decreased to 47 percent this year. Rural Nebraskans living in or near the largest communities are more likely than persons living in or near the smaller communities to say their community has changed for the better. Thirty-nine percent of persons living in or near communities with populations of 10,000 or more believe their community has changed for the better during the past year, but only 15 percent of persons living in or near communities with less than 500 people share this opinion. The community services and amenities that rural Nebraskans are most dissatisfied with include: entertainment, retail shopping and restaurants. At least one-third of rural Nebraskans express dissatisfaction with these three services. They are most satisfied with parks and recreation, library services, basic medical care services, highways and bridges, and education (K - 12). At least one-half of rural Nebraskans are satisfied with the following items in their community: appearance of residential areas (66%), crime control (61%), maintenance of sidewalks and public areas (57%) and noise (54%). Rural Nebraskans generally have positive views about their community. Sixty percent agree that their community is an ideal place to live and 52 percent say their community has good business leaders. Rural Nebraskans have mixed opinions about the future of their community. Fortyfour percent agree that their community’s future looks bright, but 42 percent disagree with this statement. Fourteen percent have no opinion. Rural Nebraskans living in or near the larger communities are more likely than residents of the smaller communities to think their community’s future looks bright. Fifty-nine percent of persons living in or near communities with populations of 10,000 or more agree with this statement, compared to only 25 percent of residents living in or near communities with less than 500 people. Further, 61 percent of the residents of the smallest communities disagree with this statement, compared to only 28 percent of the residents of the largest communities. Over three-quarters of rural Nebraskans disagree that younger residents of their community tend to stay there after completing high school. Seventy-six percent disagree with this statement, 16 percent have no opinion and eight percent agree that younger residents stay after completing high school. When comparing responses by age, younger persons are more likely than older persons to agree that younger residents stay in their community after high school. Sixteen percent of persons age 19 to 29 agree with this statement, compared to only six percent of persons age 50 to 64. Younger persons are more likely than older persons to be planning to move from their community next year. Fifteen percent of persons between the ages of 19 and 29 are planning to move next year, compared to only two percent of persons age 65 and older. An additional 17 percent of the younger respondents indicate they are uncertain if they plan to move. Most rural Nebraskans own their home. Eighty-four percent of rural Nebraskans own their home. Older persons are more likely than younger persons to own their home. Eighty-eight percent of persons over the age of 50 own their home, compared to only 52 percent of persons age 19 to 29. Housing in rural Nebraska has an average age of 50 years. Twenty-four percent of residences were built before 1930. Another 24 percent were built between 1930 and 1959. Twenty-nine percent were built between 1960 and 1979 and the remaining 24 percent were built in 1980 or later. The housing stock in smaller communities is older than the housing located in larger communities. Over one-third (35%) of the residences in communities with less than 1,000 people were built before 1930. Only 12 percent of the homes in communities with populations of 10,000 or more were built in this time period. Most rural Nebraskans appear satisfied with their home. Only 24 percent say the current size of their home does not meet their needs. The same proportion (24%) say their home is in need of major repairs. Thirty-eight percent agree that their home needs a lot of routine maintenance, but 87 percent like the location (neighborhood) of their home. One-third of rural Nebraskans living in or near the smallest communities say their home is in need of major repairs. Only 19 percent of persons living in or near communities with populations of 5,000 or more are facing this problem. Home ownership is very important to most rural Nebraskans. Eighty-two percent believe it is very important to own their home. An additional 12 percent say it is somewhat important and six percent say it is not at all important. However, persons who do not currently own their home do not feel it is important for them to do so. Only 32 percent of renters say it is very important to own their home, compared to 91 percent of home owners. And, 35 percent of renters say it is not at all important to own their home.


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Transportation infrastructure is known to affect the value of real estate property by virtue of changes in accessibility. The impact of transportation facilities is highly localized as well, and it is possible that spillover effects result from the capitalization of accessibility. The objective of this study was to review the theoretical background related to spatial hedonic models and the opportunities that they provided to evaluate the effect of new transportation infrastructure. An empirical case study is presented: the Madrid Metro Line 12, known as Metrosur, in the region of Madrid, Spain. The effect of proximity to metro stations on housing prices was evaluated. The analysis took into account a host of variables, including structure, location, and neighborhood and made use of three modeling approaches: linear regression estimation with ordinary least squares, spatial error, and spatial lag. The results indicated that better accessibility to Metrosur stations had a positive impact on real estate values and that the effect was marked in cases in which a house was for sale. The results also showed the presence of submarkets, which were well defined by geographic boundaries, and transport fares, which implied that the economic benefits differed across municipalities.


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Arquitectos y no arquitectos como Rossi, Grassi, Jacobs, Sennett o Lefebvre, denunciaron críticamente durante los 50, 50 y 70 la ruptura entre la calle y el espacio doméstico y el consiguiente declive del dominio público urbano a escala de ciudad y a escala de barrio. La crítica a la "Ville Contemporaine" no solo se escribía, también se dibujaba y a veces, incluso, se construía. La primera generación post-CIAM trabajó intensamente en desmentir con palabras y obras al Oud que ya en los años 20 del pasado siglo, tomando la delantera a Le Corbusier y desde su mejor sentido práctico y estético afirmaba: "Las calles para el negocio, los patios interiores para la vida. Los dos estrictamente separados y con un carácter contradictorio".


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Bibliography: p. 267-277.