977 resultados para Polynomial vector field


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This paper presents the topology selection, design steps, simulation studies, design verification, system fabrication and performance evaluation on an induction motor based dynamometer system. The control algorithm used the application is well known field oriented control or vector control. Position sensorless scheme is adopted to eliminate the encoder requirement. The dynamometer is rated for 3.7kW. It can be used to determine the speed–torque characteristics of any rotating system. The rotating system is to be coupled with the vector controlled drive and the required torque command is given from the latter. The experimental verification is carried out for an open loop v/f drive as a test rotating system and important test results are presented.


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This paper describes the method of field orientation of the stator current vector with respect to the stator, mutual, and rotor flux vectors, for the control of an induction motor fed from a current source inverter (CSI). A control scheme using this principle is described for orienting the stator current with respect to the rotor flux, as this gives natural decoupling between the current coordinates. A dedicated micro-computer system developed for implementing this scheme has been described. The experimental results are also presented.


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Recently, Ebrahimi and Fragouli proposed an algorithm to construct scalar network codes using small fields (and vector network codes of small lengths) satisfying multicast constraints in a given single-source, acyclic network. The contribution of this paper is two fold. Primarily, we extend the scalar network coding algorithm of Ebrahimi and Fragouli (henceforth referred to as the EF algorithm) to block network-error correction. Existing construction algorithms of block network-error correcting codes require a rather large field size, which grows with the size of the network and the number of sinks, and thereby can be prohibitive in large networks. We give an algorithm which, starting from a given network-error correcting code, can obtain another network code using a small field, with the same error correcting capability as the original code. Our secondary contribution is to improve the EF Algorithm itself. The major step in the EF algorithm is to find a least degree irreducible polynomial which is coprime to another large degree polynomial. We suggest an alternate method to compute this coprime polynomial, which is faster than the brute force method in the work of Ebrahimi and Fragouli.


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We report on a comprehensive analysis of the renormalization of noncommutative phi(4) scalar field theories on the Groenewold-Moyal plane. These scalar field theories are twisted Poincare invariant. Our main results are that these scalar field theories are renormalizable, free of UV/IR mixing, possess the same fixed points and beta-functions for the couplings as their commutative counterparts. We also argue that similar results hold true for any generic noncommutative field theory with polynomial interactions and involving only pure matter fields. A secondary aim of this work is to provide a comprehensive review of different approaches for the computation of the noncommutative S-matrix: noncommutative interaction picture and noncommutative Lehmann-Symanzik-Zimmermann formalism. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.064014


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This paper presents an efficient approach to the modeling and classification of vehicles using the magnetic signature of the vehicle. A database was created using the magnetic signature collected over a wide range of vehicles(cars). A sensor dependent approach called as Magnetic Field Angle Model is proposed for modeling the obtained magnetic signature. Based on the data model, we present a novel method to extract the feature vector from the magnetic signature. In the classification of vehicles, a linear support vector machine configuration is used to classify the vehicles based on the obtained feature vectors.


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Given a smooth, projective variety Y over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, and a smooth, ample hyperplane section X subset of Y, we study the question of when a bundle E on X, extends to a bundle epsilon on a Zariski open set U subset of Y containing X. The main ingredients used are explicit descriptions of various obstruction classes in the deformation theory of bundles, together with Grothendieck-Lefschetz theory. As a consequence, we prove a Noether-Lefschetz theorem for higher rank bundles, which recovers and unifies the Noether-Lefschetz theorems of Joshi and Ravindra-Srinivas.


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In this paper, we extend the characterization of Zx]/(f), where f is an element of Zx] to be a free Z-module to multivariate polynomial rings over any commutative Noetherian ring, A. The characterization allows us to extend the Grobner basis method of computing a k-vector space basis of residue class polynomial rings over a field k (Macaulay-Buchberger Basis Theorem) to rings, i.e. Ax(1), ... , x(n)]/a, where a subset of Ax(1), ... , x(n)] is an ideal. We give some insights into the characterization for two special cases, when A = Z and A = ktheta(1), ... , theta(m)]. As an application of this characterization, we show that the concept of Border bases can be extended to rings when the corresponding residue class ring is a finitely generated, free A-module. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The concept of state vector stems from statistical physics, where it is usually used to describe activity patterns of a physical field in its manner of coarsegrain. In this paper, we propose an approach by which the state vector was applied to describe quantitatively the damage evolution of the brittle heterogeneous systems, and some interesting results are presented, i.e., prior to the macro-fracture of rock specimens and occurrence of a strong earthquake, evolutions of the four relevant scalars time series derived from the state vectors changed anomalously. As retrospective studies, some prominent large earthquakes occurred in the Chinese Mainland (e.g., the M 7.4 Haicheng earthquake on February 4, 1975, and the M 7.8 Tangshan earthquake on July 28, 1976, etc) were investigated. Results show considerable promise that the time-dependent state vectors could serve as a kind of precursor to predict earthquakes.


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Attosecond-pulse extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) photoionization in a two-color laser field is investigated. Attosecond pulse trains with different numbers of pulses are examined, and their strong dependence on photoelectronic spectra is found. Single-color driving-laser-field-assisted attosecond XUV photoionization cannot determine the number of attosecond pulses from the photoelectronic energy spectrum that are detected orthogonally to the beam direction and the electric field vector of the linearly polarized laser field. A two-color-field-assisted XUV photoionization scheme is proposed for directly determining the number of attosecond pulses from a spectrum detected orthogonally. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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Freshwater fish of the genus Apteronotus (family Gymnotidae) generate a weak, high frequency electric field (< 100 mV/cm, 0.5-10 kHz) which permeates their local environment. These nocturnal fish are acutely sensitive to perturbations in their electric field caused by other electric fish, and nearby objects whose impedance is different from the surrounding water. This thesis presents high temporal and spatial resolution maps of the electric potential and field on and near Apteronotus. The fish's electric field is a complicated and highly stable function of space and time. Its characteristics, such as spectral composition, timing, and rate of attenuation, are examined in terms of physical constraints, and their possible functional roles in electroreception.

Temporal jitter of the periodic field is less than 1 µsec. However, electrocyte activity is not globally synchronous along the fish 's electric organ. The propagation of electrocyte activation down the fish's body produces a rotation of the electric field vector in the caudal part of the fish. This may assist the fish in identifying nonsymmetrical objects, and could also confuse electrosensory predators that try to locate Apteronotus by following its fieldlines. The propagation also results in a complex spatiotemporal pattern of the EOD potential near the fish. Visualizing the potential on the same and different fish over timescales of several months suggests that it is stable and could serve as a unique signature for individual fish.

Measurements of the electric field were used to calculate the effects of simple objects on the fish's electric field. The shape of the perturbation or "electric image" on the fish's skin is relatively independent of a simple object's size, conductivity, and rostrocaudal location, and therefore could unambiguously determine object distance. The range of electrolocation may depend on both the size of objects and their rostrocaudal location. Only objects with very large dielectric constants cause appreciable phase shifts, and these are strongly dependent on the water conductivity.


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The effect on the scattering amplitude of the existence of a pole in the angular momentum plane near J = 1 in the channel with the quantum numbers of the vacuum is calculated. This is then compared with a fourth order calculation of the scattering of neutral vector mesons from a fermion pair field in the limit of large momentum transfer. The presence of the third double spectral function in the perturbation amplitude complicates the identification of pole trajectory parameters, and the limitations of previous methods of treating this are discussed. A gauge invariant scheme for extracting the contribution of the vacuum trajectory is presented which gives agreement with unitarity predictions, but further calculations must be done to determine the position and slope of the trajectory at s = 0. The residual portion of the amplitude is compared with the Gribov singularity.


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Let L be the algebra of all linear transformations on an n-dimensional vector space V over a field F and let A, B, ƐL. Let Ai+1 = AiB - BAi, i = 0, 1, 2,…, with A = Ao. Let fk (A, B; σ) = A2K+1 - σ1A2K-1 + σ2A2K-3 -… +(-1)KσKA1 where σ = (σ1, σ2,…, σK), σi belong to F and K = k(k-1)/2. Taussky and Wielandt [Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 13(1962), 732-735] showed that fn(A, B; σ) = 0 if σi is the ith elementary symmetric function of (β4- βs)2, 1 ≤ r ˂ s ≤ n, i = 1, 2, …, N, with N = n(n-1)/2, where β4 are the characteristic roots of B. In this thesis we discuss relations involving fk(X, Y; σ) where X, Y Ɛ L and 1 ≤ k ˂ n. We show: 1. If F is infinite and if for each X Ɛ L there exists σ so that fk(A, X; σ) = 0 where 1 ≤ k ˂ n, then A is a scalar transformation. 2. If F is algebraically closed, a necessary and sufficient condition that there exists a basis of V with respect to which the matrices of A and B are both in block upper triangular form, where the blocks on the diagonals are either one- or two-dimensional, is that certain products X1, X2…Xr belong to the radical of the algebra generated by A and B over F, where Xi has the form f2(A, P(A,B); σ), for all polynomials P(x, y). We partially generalize this to the case where the blocks have dimensions ≤ k. 3. If A and B generate L, if the characteristic of F does not divide n and if there exists σ so that fk(A, B; σ) = 0, for some k with 1 ≤ k ˂ n, then the characteristic roots of B belong to the splitting field of gk(w; σ) = w2K+1 - σ1w2K-1 + σ2w2K-3 - …. +(-1)K σKw over F. We use this result to prove a theorem involving a generalized form of property L [cf. Motzkin and Taussky, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 73(1952), 108-114]. 4. Also we give mild generalizations of results of McCoy [Amer. Math. Soc. Bull., 42(1936), 592-600] and Drazin [Proc. London Math. Soc., 1(1951), 222-231].


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The analytical vectorial structure of HGB is investigated in the far field based on the vector plane wave spectrum and the method of stationary phase. The energy flux distributions of HGB in the far-field, which is composed of TE term and TM term, are demonstrated. The physics pictures of HGB is illustrated from the vectorial structure, which is important to understand the theoretical aspects of both scalar and vector HGB propagation. (c) 2008 Optical Society of America.


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We present measurements of grid turbulence using 2D particle image velocimetry taken immediately downstream from the grid at a Reynolds number of Re M = 16500 where M is the rod spacing. A long field of view of 14M x 4M in the down- and cross-stream directions was achieved by stitching multiple cameras together. Two uniform biplanar grids were selected to have the same M and pressure drop but different rod diameter D and crosssection. A large data set (10 4 vector fields) was obtained to ensure good convergence of second-order statistics. Estimations of the dissipation rate ε of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) were found to be sensitive to the number of meansquared velocity gradient terms included and not whether the turbulence was assumed to adhere to isotropy or axisymmetry. The resolution dependency of different turbulence statistics was assessed with a procedure that does not rely on the dissipation scale η. The streamwise evolution of the TKE components and ε was found to collapse across grids when the rod diameter was included in the normalisation. We argue that this should be the case between all regular grids when the other relevant dimensionless quantities are matched and the flow has become homogeneous across the stream. Two-point space correlation functions at x/M = 1 show evidence of complex wake interactions which exhibit a strong Reynolds number dependence. However, these changes in initial conditions disappear indicating rapid cross-stream homogenisation. On the other hand, isotropy was, as expected, not found to be established by x/M = 12 for any case studied. © Springer-Verlag 2012.


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Operation of induction machines in the high-speed and/or high-torque range requires field-weakening to comply with voltage and current physical limitations. This paper presents an anti-windup approach to this problem: rather than developing an ad-hoc field weakening strategy in the high-speed region, we equip an unconstrained vector-control design with an anti-windup module that automatically adjusts the current and flux set-points so that voltage and current constraints are satisfied at every operating point. The anti-windup module includes a feedforward modification of the set point aimed at maximizing the available torque in steady-state and a feedback modification of the controller based on an internal model-based antiwindup scheme. This paper includes a complete stability analysis of the proposed solution and presents encouraging experimental results on an industrial drive. © 2012 IEEE.