910 resultados para Personal characteristics


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A prevalência de stress e burnout tem-se tornado um problema comum nas profissões assistenciais. Os ministros religiosos não são uma exceção. Evidências disponíveis derivadas de reflexões pessoais e pesquisas científicas demonstram que o trabalho pastoral hoje é uma ocupação com elevados índices de burnout; entretanto, pouca atenção tem sido dada a este assunto. O presente estudo tem como objetivo contribuir para o desenvolvimento de pré-condições e recursos individuais de forma a prevenir e controlar os efeitos da síndrome entre os pastores adventistas da cidade de São Paulo. Inicialmente o trabalho apresentará uma análise do burnout, a partir de referências selecionadas, incluindo informações gerais sobre os sintomas, antecedentes, instrumentos de medida; intervenções e métodos preventivos. Os ministros religiosos geralmente são tratados como outros profissionais de ajuda nas pesquisas de burnout, com pouca consideração para com a dimensão espiritual, o que é prioritário ou mesmo vital para o clero. Para este estudo, em particular, o burnout pastoral será considerado como um fator resultante de um relacionamento deficiente com Deus. Somam-se a isso as condições ambientais do trabalho e as características pessoais. Finalmente, o estudo pretende sugerir estratégias para ajudar na redução e na prevenção última da síndrome entre os pastores em foco.(AU)


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No presente trabalho realizamos uma análise sobre os novos paradigmas educacionais diante do fenômeno da expansão das tecnologias, as recomendações oficiais sobre a incorporação da tecnologia no contexto educacional e nas práticas docentes. Teve como objetivos pesquisar sobre as discussões acerca das contribuições da tecnologia no contexto educacional; analisar as competências necessárias para uma ação docente significativa utilizando as ferramentas que a tecnologia educacional disponibiliza para o professor; identificar como as inovações tecnológicas podem agregar valores às ações pedagógicas já existentes e suas múltiplas possibilidades de enriquecer a prática docente; analisar as razões pelas quais professores não conseguem agregar em sua rotina pedagógica a tecnologia. Realizamos uma pesquisa de campo que teve como sujeitos cinco professores do Fundamental 1ª fase, de Instituições Públicas(s) e Privadas(s) da cidade de Juiz de Fora/MG, atuantes na sala de aula. Para a coleta de dados aplicamos um questionário para a identificação do perfil dos sujeitos e entrevistas de aprofundamento. Para a análise dos dados das entrevistas utilizamos a metodologia de análise de conteúdo , proposta por Bardin (1979) e Franco (2003). Os resultados obtidos apontam para a necessidade de mudança no sistema educacional, um repensar da formação docente, pois hoje é fundamental que tenhamos professores capazes de incorporarem as tecnologias na prática cotidiana.


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Há indicativos de que recursos sociais do ambiente de trabalho, entre eles justiça organizacional, poderiam influenciar vínculos com o trabalho, além de impactarem os níveis de bem-estar dos trabalhadores. Além disso, evidências apontam que certas características psicológicas dos trabalhadores fariam variar positiva ou negativamente a magnitude da influência dos recursos sobre os vínculos com o trabalho e sobre bem-estar. Com base nessas evidências esse estudo teve como objetivo principal analisar a influência de justiça organizacional (distributiva, procedimentos e interacional) e capital psicológico sobre engajamento no trabalho e bem-estar subjetivo (balanço emocional e satisfação com a vida). A partir do objetivo principal, foram propostas quatro hipóteses: percepção de justiça organizacional aumenta o engajamento no trabalho (H1) e bem-estar subjetivo (H2); capital psicológico seria moderador da relação entre justiça organizacional e bem-estar subjetivo (H3) e da relação entre justiça organizacional e engajamento (H4), sendo que, níveis altos de capital psicológico fortaleceriam as relações. O delineamento utilizado foi de natureza quantitativa transversal, descritiva e com amostragem não probabilística. A partir de uma amostra composta por 293 trabalhadores com média de idade de 38,3 (DP=10,7) anos, dos quais um pouco mais da metade era composta por mulheres (56,3pc), oriundos de todas as regiões do Brasil, com predomínio da região Sudeste (65,2pc), mediu-se com escalas válidas e precisas, por meio de um questionário online, os níveis de justiça organizacional, capital psicológico, engajamento no trabalho e bem-estar subjetivo. Foram realizados dois conjuntos de análises de regressão linear múltipla para teste das hipóteses. No primeiro conjunto de análises, os resultados das regressões lineares múltiplas padrão indicaram que justiça organizacional influenciou os níveis de engajamento no trabalho e bem-estar subjetivo, sendo que, em relação a engajamento e balanço emocional, apenas a dimensão interacional da justiça foi preditora significativa, enquanto justiça distributiva foi a única preditora significativa de satisfação com a vida. No segundo conjunto de análises, as regressões lineares múltiplas hierárquicas de cada dimensão de justiça organizacional, juntamente com capital psicológico e termo de interação sobre engajamento no trabalho e sobre bem-estar subjetivo, indicaram que capital psicológico moderou as relações entre justiça de procedimentos e justiça interacional com engajamento no trabalho. Concluiu-se a partir dos resultados que a percepção de ser remunerado adequadamente pelos esforços no trabalho, participar das decisões que afetam o trabalho e ser tratado com respeito e sinceridade pode influenciar os níveis de orgulho e inspiração no trabalho, características de engajamento, além de poder aumentar os níveis de bem-estar subjetivo, contribuindo para a vivência predominante de afetos positivos e de avaliações positivas da satisfação com a vida. Além disso, apesar de não ser possível afirmar que trabalhadores com maiores níveis de crenças em sua capacidade para executar suas tarefas e com perspectivas positivas em relação ao futuro, possam prescindir de ambientes justos para se engajarem no trabalho, os resultados demonstraram que esses trabalhadores podem sofrer menos influência de justiça de procedimentos e interacional para estabelecerem esse vínculo com seu trabalho, demonstrando que essas características pessoais funcionariam como amortecedores diante da falta de recursos do ambiente.


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A presente pesquisa busca avaliar exegeticamente o texto que se encontra na Bíblia, especificamente no livro de Números capítulos 22-24 que relata sobre um personagem conhecido como Balaão. A pesquisa tem também como objeto o estudo sobre o panteão de divindades relatado no mesmo texto, assim como também o estudo dos textos descobertos em Deir Alla, na Jordânia, que apresentam um personagem designado como Balaão, possivelmente o mesmo personagem de Nm 22-24. A motivação que levou ao desenvolvimento dessa pesquisa foi o fato de se ter deparado com os conceitos dos diversos nomes divinos exibidos no texto, além da questão do profetismo fora de Israel, assim como as possibilidades hermenêuticas que se abrem para a leitura desse texto bíblico. O conceito geral sempre foi o de que Israel era a única nação onde existiam “verdadeiros” profetas e uma adoração a um único Deus, o “monoteísmo”. O que despertou interesse foi perceber, especialmente por meio da leitura dos livros bíblicos, que o profetismo não se restringiu somente a Israel. Ele antecede à formação do antigo Israel e já existia no âmbito das terras do antigo Oriente Médio, e que Israel ainda demorou muito tempo para ser monoteísta. Quem é esse Balaão, filho de Beor? Estudaremos sobre sua pessoa e sua missão. Examinaremos os textos de Deir Alla sobre Balaão e sua natureza de personagem mediador entre o divino e o humano. Esse personagem é apresentado como um grande profeta e que era famoso como intérprete de presságios divinos. Analisaremos a importante questão sobre o panteão de deuses que são apresentados na narrativa de Balaão nomeados como: El, Elyon Elohim e Shaddai, além de Yahweh. Entendemos, a princípio, que o texto possui uma conexão com a sociedade na qual foi criado e usando da metodologia exegética, faremos uma análise da narrativa em questão, buscando compreender o sentido do texto, dentro de seu cenário histórico e social. Cenário este, que nos apresentou esse profeta, não israelita, que profere bênçãos dos deuses sobre Israel e que, além disso, pronuncia maldições sobre os inimigos desse mesmo Israel. Percebemos que, parte do texto pesquisado é apresentado sob a ótica de Israel sobre as outras nações. A pesquisa defende, portanto, que o texto de Nm 22-24, além de nos apresentar um profeta fora de Israel igual aos profetas da Bíblia, defende que, o panteão de divindades também era adorado por Israel e que tais nomes são epítetos de uma mesma divindade, no caso YHWH. Defende, também, um delineamento de um projeto de domínio político e militar de Israel sobre as nações circunvizinhas.


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With the growing appreciation of the contribution of small technology-based ventures to a healthy economy, an analysis of the individual who initiates and manages such ventures - the technical entrepreneur - is highly desirable, predominantly because of the influence of such an individual on the management and future strategy of the venture. An examination of recent research has indicated that a study of the previous experience and expertise of the entrepreneur, gained in previous occupations, may be highly relevant in determining the possible success of a new venture. This is particularly true where the specific expertise of the entrepreneur forms the main strategic advantage of the business, as in the case of small technology-based firms. Despite this, there has been very little research which has attempted to examine the relationship between the previous occupational background of the technical entrepreneur, and the management of the small technology-based firm. This thesis will examine this relationship, as well as providing an original contribution to the study of technical entrepreneurship in the UK. Consequently, the exploratory nature of the research prompted an inductive qualitative approach being adopted for the thesis. Through a two stage, multiple-site research approach, an examination was made of technical entrepreneurs heading award-winning technology-based small firms in the UK. The main research questions focused on management within the firm, the novelty and origin of the technology adopted, and the personal characteristics of the entrepreneur under study. The results of this study led to the creation of a specific typology for technical entrepreneurs, based on the individual's role in the development of technology within his previous occupation.


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Past studies resulted in conflicting definitions of consumer motivation. Motivations are seen either as the consumer? s characteristics that shape her general behavior (motivational trait), or as contextual variables representing the reason why the individual is behaving specific to today?s context (motivational state). The objective of this research is to understand the impact of each on consumer behavior. Applied to shopping motivations, our study shows a strong interaction between motivational trait and state: motivational traits influence behavior only when associated with a recreational motivational state. In a functional motivational state, individuals prevent their personal characteristics from being fully expressed.


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Purpose: To assess the range of macular pigment optical density (MPOD) in a healthy group of young adults of South Asian origin; to investigate whether any dietary factors or personal characteristics were related to inter-subject variations in MPOD; and to compare the mean MPOD of the South Asian group with the mean MPOD of a white group. Methods: Heterochromatic flicker photometry was used to measure the MP levels of 169 healthy volunteers, of which 117 were Asian and 52 were white. In addition, the Asian participants completed a questionnaire pertaining to the various physical, ocular, lifestyle, dietary and environmental factors that may be associated with MPOD or age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Results: The mean MPOD of the Asian subjects was 0.43±0.14. The male participants had a higher mean MPOD than the females (0.47±0.13 vs 0.41±0.14, p<0.01). Possible associations also emerged between MPOD and form of refractive correction, and iris colour. No MPOD associations were found for the other variables examined in the questionnaire. The mean MPOD of the white subject group was 0.33±0.13, which was significantly lower than the Asian group (p<0.0005). Conclusions: This study adds to the currently limited information on MPOD in South Asians, and while a comparison between Asians and Whites was not the main focus here, highly significant differences between these two ethnicities were revealed. This provokes the possibility that South Asian individuals could have a lower risk for AMD, and it warrants further study.


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ACM Computing Classification System (1998): K.3.1, K.3.2.


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Tanulmányunk célja a versenyképesség közösségi beágyazottságának elemzéséhez alkalmas elemzési keretek bemutatása és a versenyképesség fogalmának elemzése a fogalom intézményi, normatív tartalma szempontjából. Célunk a közösségi versenyképesség fogalmának és az ezt elemezni képes megközelítés kidolgozása. A feladat kettős: 1. A versenyképesség értelmezése a döntések közösségi keretei szempontjából 2. A közösségi keretek versenyképességre gyakorolt hatásának elemzése Ennek érdekében a tanulmány első fejezetében az egyéni döntést meghatározó tényezőket és az egyéni döntések jövőbeli interakciók környezetére gyakorolt hatását elemző keretet vázoljuk fel. Megközelítésünk szerint az egyéni döntést négy tényező határozza meg. a közösségi környezet, a természeti környezet, s személyes jellemzők és az interakciós partnerek. Az ez alapján születő döntések formálják a jövőbeli döntési környezetet. A döntések hatásának elemzéséhez a környezetre gyakorolt hatások értékelését orientáló fogalomra van szükség. Elemzésünk esetében ez a fogalom az értékteremtés, amit a következőképp határozunk meg: az értékteremtő tevékenységek során valaki arra törekszik, hogy saját személyes céljait a másokkal való kölcsönösen előnyös együttműködések lehetőségeinek bővítésével, hozamainak növelésével szolgálja. A második fejezetben az egyéni döntések közösségi kereteit és az egyéni döntések közösségre gyakorolt hatását elemezzük részletesen. A formális és informális intézmények világát, a közösségi magatartásokat szabályozó normák és konvenciók rendszerét a következő öt – a valóságban gyakran keveredő - alapelemre bontjuk értékrend, konvenció, közösségi szabály, hivatalos előírás, egyének közötti megállapodás. Ezek közül a magánszereplők együttműködésének az érintett szereplők által módosítható intézményi elemeinek (konvenció, megállapodás) alkalmazkodása a leggyorsabb, a közösség egészét irányító formális intézmények a status quo iránti elfogultságuk miatt lomhábbak, míg a közösség életét informálisan befolyásoló normák a legstabilabb intézményi elemek. A közösségek változása általában lassú, legtöbbször nem szándékolt hatások következménye. Mindezek mellett a közösségi intézmények tudatos alakításában komoly szerepe van (1) a konvenciókat megújító intézményi innovátoroknak, (2) a szerződéses formulákon módosító vállalkozóknak és (3) a hivatalos előírások formálásába bekapcsolódó politikai szereplőknek politikai vállalkozóként, tisztviselőként, vagy közéleti résztvevőként. A harmadik fejezetben a versenyképesség fogalmát elemezzük, és ez alapján határozzuk meg a közösségi versenyképesség fogalmát. Megvizsgáljuk, milyen feltevésekkel él a fogalom a közösségi környezettel kapcsolatban, illetve milyen normatív elemei vannak a definíciónak. A vizsgálathoz a versenyképesség fogalmának egy lecsupaszított változatát használtuk. E szerint a versenyképesség valaki képessége értékteremtő módon bekapcsolódni a gazdasági munkamegosztásba úgy, hogy tevékenysége relatív hozama nem csökken. Az elemzés alapján a versenyképesség a közösségi környezet következő hét elemére épül: 1. A közösség tagjainak és a tagság tartalmának meghatározottsága; 2. a potenciális együttműködő felek közös múltja, jövője, konvenció- és normarendszere; 3. A gazdasági együttműködés intézményeinek (csere, vállalkozás, tulajdon, szerződés) működőképessége; 4. Az értékteremtés normatív koncepciója és az arra épülő részleteiben meghatározott, és részleteiben is közösségi legitimációval bíró szabályrendszer; 5. Az innovációt támogató és a kellően rugalmas értékrend és közösségi szabályok. 6. A gazdasági munkamegosztás igényeihez részleteiben és változásával is igazodó konvenciók, hivatalos előírások és szerződések; 7. A közösségi környezet tudatos alakításával foglalkozó szereplők (közösségi innovátorok, vállalkozók és politikai szereplők) motivációja és lehetősége a hozamok relatív szintjének tartását támogató intézményi környezet karbantartásában. A versenyképesség fogalmának intézményi elemzése rámutat, hogy a fogalom gazdag értéktartalommal és határozott közösségi intézményrendszer-képpel rendelkezik. A közösségi versenyképesség ez alapján a versenyképesség fogalmába kódolt közösségi környezetként határozható meg. A kutatás következő lépése a közösségi versenyképesség meghatározása, az azt befolyásoló mechanizmusok feltárása és javítását támogató elemzési eszközök, gyakorlati segédletek kidolgozása. Ezen feladatok előkészítése érdekében a tanulmány mellékletében két történelmi esettanulmányt mutatunk be, röviden áttekintjük a téma szempontjából releváns irodalom főbb eredményeit és bemutatunk egy praktikus alkalmazásra szánt normatív elemzési eszközt, mellyel az elemezhető, hogy az állami lépések mennyire bátorítják az értékteremtő vállalkozást. _________ This paper (1) introduces an analytical framework to study the impact of the community on competitiveness and (2) analyses the institutional and normative content in the concept of competitiveness. The goal is to elaborate an approach that supports the definition and analysis of the ‘competiveness of community’. This task has two main parts: 1. interpretation of competiveness from social choice perspective 2. assessing the impact of social settings on the competiveness of a community The first chapter of the study draws up an analytical framework to study the social factors of individual decisions and their impact on the environment of future interactions. We focus on four main factors that shape setting of future interactions: social environment, natural environment, personal characteristics and partners in interactions. We use the concept of value creation to assess the impact of individual decisions on these factors. The second chapter discusses the social factors of individual decisions and the impact of individual decisions on the community. Institutions are conceptualized as value systems, conventions, community rules, official rules and contracts in the study. The conventions and contracts can accommodate to the changes of environment more smoothly, formal institutions are less flexible due to their bias toward status quo. Informal rules and value systems resists change more frequently. The formation of social environment is usually slow and based on unintended effects. Altogether (1) innovators who revise social conventions, (2) entrepreneurs who reshape contracts and (4) political entrepreneurs who formulate formal rules have influential roles on the institutional setting. The third chapter discusses the social assumptions included into the definition of competitiveness and we give a definition for the competiveness of communities. A simplified definition of competitiveness is used for this analysis: competiveness is someone’s ability and motivation to participate in the economic division of labor in a way that is based on value creation and maintains the relative return of activities. Our analysis reveals that competitiveness assumes the following features of the community: 1. Defined membership of community: who are the members and what does membership mean. 2. Common past, future, convention and norm system of the potential participants of interactions 3. Functionality of institutions that facilitate division of labor (exchange, entrepreneurship, property, contract) 4. Existing normative concept on value creation and social accepted rules that govern interactions 5. Value system and rules that promote innovation 6. Conventions, official norms and contracts that fits to economic division of labor in a detailed and dynamic way 7. Motivation and potential of actors who shape social environment consciously to maintain institutions in order to sustain the relative return of economic activities This analysis shows that the concept of competitiveness assumes well established values and detailed expectations on institutional settings. Followingly, competiveness of community can be defined with these criteria of social environment. Two historical case studies and the draft of a policy oriented toolkit demonstrate the applicability of the introduced approach in the appendix. The core findings of the literature are also reviewed there.


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Köztudott, hogy a nők lényeges szerepet töltenek be a gazdasági életben, ezért fontos megvizsgálni azt, hogy melyek az ösztönző és az akadályozó tényezők a vállalkozásindításuk során. Egy 2011-es nemzetközi kutatás többek között a magyar női hallgatók vállalkozói hajlandóságát befolyásoló tényezőket vizsgálta. A kutatás többek között a motivációs tényezőkre, a személyiségjegyekre, valamint a korlátozó tényezőkre irányult. A vizsgálat eredményei azt igazolták, hogy a női vállalkozói létet nemcsak a pénzügyi indítékok vezérelték, hanem a belső tényezők is. Elsősorban az egyéni tényezők jelentették az akadályokat számukra, a szervezeti-környezeti korlátok szerepe kisebb jelentőséggel bírt. A vizsgálat eredményei többnyire a szakirodalmi adatokat igazolták. _____ It is widely known, that women play an important role in the economy, which makes the determination of motives and obstacles during business start-ups inevitable. Hungarian female students were surveyed during an international study in 2011 to determine the factors of entrepreneurial intentions. The survey included among other factors the motives for self‐employment, the personal characteristics and the barriers they faced. Results revealed that primary motivations for females during business start-ups were not only monetary motives, but also intrinsic factors. Problems faced by Hungarian female students were mainly individual; the organizationalenvironmental ones had lower importance. Results on motives and barriers were mostly consistent with the authors’ literature findings.


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The project management literature on project success is rich. Numerous papers focus on the evolution of the understanding of project success, identification of success criteria and critical success factors. Critical success factors increase the potential for achieving project success, while project success can be evaluated with the help of success criteria. Although the interrelationships between critical success factors and success criteria are rarely analyzed, yet there is a strong demand for it. The aim of this paper is twofold. One of the aims is to identify the impact of one of the critical success factors, the project manager’s project management attitude on project success. The other aim is to highlight the interrelationship between the project manager’s personal characteristics and project management attitude and leadership style, which are three critical success factors. These aim to address the shortcoming mentioned above, which is considering the lack of the interrelationships between critical success factors and success criteria. The research outcomes are drawn from qualitative field research at the Hungarian subsidiaries of multinational companies operating in the ICT sector.


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Higher education always plays an important role in the development of a nation. Taiwan is no exception. Graduates of the National Taiwan University have occupied most of the important positions in this country and today many devote themselves to the development of Taiwan since the central government of the Republic of China (ROC) withdrew from Mainland China and re-located to Taiwan in the winter of 1949. The higher education system in Taiwan, including university and junior colleges, received special attention from the government except from 1945 to 1949 during the transitional period; the time of the early restoration year and the central government's retreating period from Mainland China.^ The five presidents of National Taiwan University who served from 1949 to 1993, Fu Szu-nien, Chien Seu-liang, Yen Chen-Hsing, Yu Chao-chung, and Sun Chen, are the subject of this research. All of the presidents were appointed by the government which established a direct connection between the government and the university leadership. The purpose of this study is to understand how each president balanced politically assigned roles and expectations with personal visionary academic responsiveness to the principles which define the university.^ Each president and his tenure were analyzed using historical research, a developed leadership model, an integration of role theory, Locke's leadership model, Wiles and Bondi curriculum leader tasks, and Burn's leadership style. Results of analyses of documents showed that all presidents of the National Taiwan University were highly respected due to their academic background, personal characteristics, and contribution to the university as a leader. Meanwhile, implementation and achievement of the presidents led to the conclusion that appointed university presidents had significant relationships with government policy. Their leadership style was affected strongly by their personal traits and knowledge and the social and political climate of the time. ^


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Urban inequality has emerged as one of the dominant themes of modern life and globalization. More than three million people experienced homelessness in the United States last year; in Miami-Dade, more than 15,000 individuals were homeless. Surviving extreme poverty, and exiting or avoiding homelessness, involves negotiating a complex mix of public and private assistance. However, a range of factors influence what types of help are available and how they can be accessed. Frequently, larger social structures determine which resource are available, leaving many choices entirely out of the individual's control. For single men, who are ineligible for many benefits, homelessness can be difficult to avoid and even harder to exit. My study seeks to better understand how adult, minority men living in extreme poverty in Miami-Dade negotiate their daily survival. Specific research questions address: Do black and Hispanic men who are homeless or at risk of homelessness have different personal characteristics and different experiences in avoiding or exiting homelessness? How does Miami's response to extreme poverty/homelessness, including availability of public benefits and public and private service organizations, either maximize or constrain the choices available to this population? And, what is the actual experience of single, adult men who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, in negotiating their daily survival? A mixed methods approach combines quantitative survey data from 7,605 homeless men, with qualitative data from 54 semi-structured interviews incorporating the visual ethnography techniques of Photo Elicitation Interviewing. Results show the differences experienced by black and Hispanic men who are poor and homeless in Miami. Findings also highlight how the community's official and unofficial responses to homelessness intersect with the actual experiences of the persons targeted by the policies and programs, challenging preconceived notions regarding the lives of persons living in extreme poverty. It adds to the existing body of literature by focusing on the urban Miami context, emphasizing disparities amongst racial and ethnic groups. Findings are intended to provide an empirically grounded thesis that humanizes the subjects and illuminates their personal experiences, helping to inform public policy around the needs of extremely poor populations.


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Hospitality managers can expect to confront have challenges in the decades ahead. A study of luxury hotel general managers identifies the skills and personal characteristics respondents perceived as most important to their career development, as well as the future requirements for unit level managers and the major challenges they anticipate. The author then maps those skills and personal characteristics identified by respondents against future industry challenges to suggest additional managerial needs. Recommendations are presented for development strategies that will ensure hospitality organizations identify, develop, and retain individuals with the "right stuff."


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This study examined the motivation of college and university faculty to implement service-learning into their traditional courses. The benefits derived by faculty, as well as those issues of maintenance, including supports and/or obstacles, were also investigated in relation to their impact on motivation. The focus was on generating theory from the emerging data. ^ Data were collected from interviews with 17 faculty teaching courses that included a component of service-learning. A maximum variation sampling of participants from six South Florida colleges and universities was utilized. Faculty participants represented a wide range of academic disciplines, faculty ranks, years of experience in teaching and using service-learning as well as gender and ethnic diversity. For data triangulation, a focus group with eight additional college faculty was conducted and documents, including course syllabi and institutional service-learning handbooks, collected during the interviews were examined. The interviews were transcribed and coded using traditional methods as well as with the assistance of the computerized assisted qualitative data analysis software, Atlas.ti. The data were organized into five major categories with themes and sub-themes emerging for each. ^ While intrinsic or personal factors along with extrinsic factors all serve to influence faculty motivation, the study's findings revealed that the primary factors influencing faculty motivation to adopt service-learning were those that were intrinsic or personal in nature. These factors included: (a) past experiences, (b) personal characteristics including the value of serving, (c) involvement with community service, (d) interactions and relationships with peers, (e) benefits to students, (f) benefits to teaching, and (g) perceived career benefits. Implications and recommendations from the study encompass suggestions for administrators in higher education institutions for supporting and encouraging faculty adoption of service-learning including a well developed infrastructure as well as incentives, particularly during the initial implementation period, rewards providing recognition for the academic nature of service-learning and support for the development of peer relationships among service-learning faculty. ^