894 resultados para Patient education handout
Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att söka evidens för metoder som kan stödja patienter med typ-2 diabetes till livsstilsförändringar. Metod: En litteraturstudie, som innehåller 16 kvantitativa och kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar, som var publicerade mellan 2000-2010. Databasen som användes var Cinahl och sökmotorn Elin@Dalarna. Sökorden som använts var: diabetes type 2, type 2 diabetes, lifestyle changes, patient education, empowerment, health behaviour och self-management. Resultat: I resultaten kom uppsatsförfattarna fram till olika kategorier som visar olika åtgärder till livsstilsförändringar. Studierna baserades på olika åtgärder såsom; datorintervention, utbildningar, telefonsamtal, motiverande samtal, transteoretiska modellen och sjuksköterskespecialister. Empowerment var enligt uppsatsförfattarna det övergripande temat som de flesta studier baserade åtgärderna på.
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att beskriva vad personer med diabetes anser inverka på deras möjlighet och vilja att följa egenvårdsråd (patientperspektivet) och att beskriva omvård-nad som stöder följsamhet (sjukvårdsperspektivet). Studien har genomförts som en litteratur-studie. Det visade sig att alla krav för att hålla sjukdomen under kontroll innebär livsstilsför-ändringar, som kan vara så utmanande för patienten, att han kanske inte kan eller vill vidta dessa. Bristande kunskap om sjukdomen och om dess egenvårdskrav kan göra honom dåligt emotionellt anpassad till denna, det vill säga han har inte accepterat att han har sjukdomen och han vill inte låta dess egenvårdskrav inkräkta på det sociala livet. Detta ger honom för-sämrade möjligheter att hantera sjukdomen på ett bra sätt. Barriärer av olika slag kan uppstå mellan patient och vårdgivare. Det kan röra sig om en upplevd brist på information och stöd när diabetes diagnosticerats eller en känsla av att vara utsatt för läkarens eller sjuksköterskans stereotypa föreställningar och/eller att bli paternalistiskt behandlad. Till barriärer räknas även klinisk misskötsel, det vill säga att läkare/sjuksköterska inte följer vedertagna riktlinjer för be-handling.Vad som kan inverka positivt på följsamheten är patientens stöd av anhöriga eller andra i det sociala nätverket. Omvårdnad som stöder följsamhet visade sig varapatientundervisning, främst om den inriktades på att öka patientens självständighet genom att låta undervisningen pågå under en längre tid, så att patienten hinner integrera sin nya kunskap med det dagliga livet. Med eller utan patientundervisning tar det tid att bygga upp ett socialt stöd och ett förtroende mellan patient och vårdare.
ABSTRACTThe general aim of this thesis was to investigate behavioral change communication at nurse-led chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) clinics in primary health care, focusing on communication in self-management and smoking cessation for patients with COPD.Designs: Observational, prospective observational and experimental designs were used.Methods: To explore and describe the structure and content of self-management education and smoking cessation communication, consultations between patients (n=30) and nurses (n=7) were videotaped and analyzed with three instruments: Consulting Map (CM), the Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity (MITI) scale and the Client Language Assessment in Motivational Interviewing (CLAMI). To examine the effects of structured self-management education, patients with COPD (n=52) were randomized in an intervention and a control group. Patients’ quality of life (QoL), knowledge about COPD and smoking cessation were examined with a questionnaire on knowledge about COPD and smoking habits and with St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire, addressing QoL. Results: The findings from the videotaped consultations showed that communication about the reasons for consultation mainly concerned medical and physical problems and (to a certain extent) patients´ perceptions. Two consultations ended with shared understanding, but none of the patients received an individual treatment-plan. In the smoking cessation communication the nurses did only to a small extent evoke patients’ reasons for change, fostered collaboration and supported patients’ autonomy. The nurses provided a lot of information (42%), asked closed (21%) rather than open questions (3%), made simpler (14%) rather than complex (2%) reflections and used MI non-adherent (16%) rather than MI-adherent (5%) behavior. Most of the patients’ utterances in the communication were neutral either toward or away from smoking cessation (59%), utterances about reason (desire, ability and need) were 40%, taking steps 1% and commitment to stop smoking 0%. The number of patients who stopped smoking, and patients’ knowledge about the disease and their QoL, was increased by structured self-management education and smoking cessation in collaboration between the patient, nurse and physician and, when necessary, a physiotherapist, a dietician, an occupational therapist and/or a medical social worker.Conclusion The communication at nurse-led COPD clinics rarely involved the patients in shared understanding and responsibility and concerned patients’ fears, worries and problems only to a limited extent. The results also showed that nurses had difficulties in attaining proficiency in behavioral change communication. Structured self-management education showed positive effects on patients’ perceived QoL, on the number of patients who quit smoking and on patients’ knowledge about COPD.
Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva distriktssköterskors upplevelser och erfarenheter av patientundervisning till patienter med diabetes samt att identifiera aspekter som kan relateras till ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt. Metod: Deskriptiv design med kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer användes vid datainsamlingen. Vid urvalet användes strategiskt urval. Nio intervjuer utfördes med distriktssköterskor på sex olika vårdcentraler i Mellansverige. Vid analysen användes kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Distriktssköterskorna önskade mer kunskap om invandrares kost- och motionsvanor. Distriktssköterskorna uttryckte att det var roligt och spännande med patientundervisning och att det var viktigt att de var engagerade. Distriktssköterskorna ville arbeta mer i team och de upplevde att de hade för lite tid avsatt för patientundervisning. De ansåg att de arbetade personcentrerat men det var svårare att arbeta personcentrerat vid gruppundervisning än vid enskild undervisning. Slutsats: Distriktssköterskor bör ha god kunskap om kulturella skillnader hos patienter med diabetes. Distriktssköterskorna upplever brist på tid- och resurser och önskar samarbeta mera i team. Det är viktigt med ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt där distriktssköterskorna utgår från den enskilda individen. En distriktssköterska som är engagerad och trivs med sitt arbete kan lättare klara av det ökade trycket och arbetsbelastningen.
Syfte: Syftet var att utvärdera effekten av sjuksköterskans föreslagna omvårdnadsåtgärder på cytostatikarelaterade biverkningar hos cancerpatienter som genomgår cytostatikabehandling. Metod: Examensarbetet utfördes som en litteraturöversikt. Resultatet grundar sig på 13 stycken kvantitativa artiklar. För datainsamlingen användes databaserna PubMed och Cinahl. Resultat: Resultatet visade att sjuksköterskan kan utföra omvårdnadsåtgärder som minskar patienters upplevelse av cytostatikarelaterade biverkningar. Effekterna som framkom av sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsåtgärder presenteras under rubrikerna; oral kryoterapi vid oral mukosit, personcentrerad patientutbildning med underrubriken utbildning utifrån ett teoretiskt perspektiv, automatiserad och sjuksköterske- assisterad symtombehandling samt musikterapi, bildspråk och avslappning. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskan kan genom olika omvårdnadsåtgärder hjälpa patienter att lindra symtom från cytostatikarelaterade biverkningar.
The prognosis of tooth replantation is usually related to the need of endodontic treatment, which has a direct relationship with the occurrence of root resorptions. Several studies have been undertaken in an attempt to prevent, delay, or treat these complications, which are the main causes of loss of replanted teeth. This literature review examines research evidence on intracanal dressings and root canal filling materials used in cases of tooth replantation. A comprehensive search was performed in the Medline/Pubmed, Bireme and Scielo full-text electronic journal databases to retrieve English-language articles referring to these topics that had been published between 1964 and 2010. Calcium hydroxide (CH) remains the usually recommended choice as an intracanal medicament in replanted teeth; however, there is evidence to support the initial use of a corticosteroid-antibiotic combination such as Ledermix paste to control potential early resorption, prior to the introduction of CH where the beneficial effect in the treatment of progressive root resorption has been well proven. Regarding root filling materials, CH-containing sealers are a good option because of their biological properties. Accurate diagnosis and adequate treatment plan may constitute very complex tasks, particularly in tooth avulsion because several variables are involved. In addition to the technical knowledge and clinical experience directed toward the quality of treatment, patient education may favorably influence the survival of replanted teeth.
Accurate diagnosis and adequate treatment plan may constitute very complex tasks, particularly in tooth avulsion, because several variables are involved. In addition to the technical knowledge and clinical experience directed toward the quality of treatment, patient education may favorably influence the survival of replanted teeth. The aim of this study was to analyze the procedures used in the management of tooth avulsion by 100 dental surgeons (DSs). Thus, by means of a descriptive questionnaire, information was obtained about the profile of the professionals interviewed, procedures used in cases of tooth avulsion, and patient orientation and education. One hundred properly filled questionnaires were obtained. Descriptive statistics was used for the data, and the chi-squared statistics was employed (EPI-INFO 3.2 software). According to the results, this type of trauma is part of the routine of 15 DSs, although 71 have reported some experience with avulsed,teeth. Great deficiencies were found regarding root surface treatment and occlusal adjustment. Positive findings were related to socket treatment, adjunctive therapy, and patient education and orientation (extra-alveolar period, storage medium, manipulation of the avulsed tooth, replantation by the own patient). It was possible to conclude that 47.5% of the procedures reported by, 100 professionals interviewed are adequate, and patient education is favorable in 87.7% of cases, a fact that can positively interfere with the prognosis of tooth replantation.
This chapter aims to give a global perspective to paediatric rheumatology. The main points covered are the incidence, recognition of paediatric autoimmune diseases, and ethnic/geographic distribution. The most prevalent disease is juvenile idiopathic arthritis; robust data are still required for childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, and scleroderma. Mimicking or overlapping infections are a major challenge in developing countries, and immunization policies in our patients in these areas need specific attention. The delivery of paediatric rheumatology care is also overviewed. Discrepancies in health-care resources and priorities are found in developing countries. Although most anti-rheumatic treatments are available worldwide, they are prohibitively expensive in many countries. For more traditional antirheumatic drugs there is still an ongoing need for good core outcome data across the world to ensure valid comparisons. Parent/patient education has been implemented worldwide in paediatric rheumatology through the power of the Internet. Physician and undergraduate training goals must be met to facilitate competent musculoskeletal assessment, a proper understanding of age-dependent variations, diagnosis, referral to specialists, and improved standards of care.
The aim of this study was to estimate the necessary time and cost for periodontal prevention and treatment in a working population from sugar and alcohol refineries in Araraquara, SP, Brazil. A stratified sample of 528 employees aged 18-64 from administrative, industrial and agricultural staffs was examined by one examiner, previously trained, according to the community periodontal index of treatment needs (CPITN). The time required for procedures and the cost was extrapolated to the total worker population. The results showed that the estimated time required for periodontal prevention/treatment was 4527 hours. Of this time, 1783 hours were required for oral hygiene instruction, 2531 for scaling, 151 for surgery and 62 for maintenance. The cost would be US $17,655 for hiring a dentist for 8 hours/day to provide oral hygiene instruction, scaling, surgery and maintenance. However, the cost would be US $9,028 for hiring a dentist for 4 hours/day to provide surgery and maintenance and a dental hygienist for 8 hours/day to provide scaling and oral hygiene instruction. Taking into account epidemiologic, technical and economic aspects, the decision relating to manpower should be this second option.
There are few published papers about group psychotherapy for patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and usually restricted psychoeducational, support or cognitive-behavioral approaches. This article describes the experience of group psychotherapy for OCD patients started in 1996 in Botucatu Medical School - Unesp, São Paulo, Brazil. The two-hour sessions occur once a month, with 6 to 10 female patients, and are based on psychodramatic techniques. Psychotropic prescriptions are given after the sessions. In the beginning, aggressive obsessions were more prominent and were reported with much anguish and shame. Gradually, the themes changed from OCD specific issues (symptoms, pharmacological treatment, outcome, need of exposure and response prevention) to deeper and more personal psychodynamic aspects. The psychodramatic approach (techniques of double, mirror, role inversion, search for prymary scenes) has mostly shown: difficulty in accepting their own human mistakes or negative emotions due to excessive personal demands. This seems to generate guilt, low self-esteem, idealization of others, difficulty in enjoying pleasant situations, fear of taking responsibilities and of losing control (madness/aggressiveness). The group has been considered very important by the patients, since sharing experiences helps to diminish feelings of isolation, shame and guilt, stimulates the exposure to feared situations and enhances self-esteem. The fact that all participants have the same disorder favors group cohesion and provides relief, as they see in the others some of their afflictions and are able to share similar feelings and experiences. Many times the burden of the symptoms are dealt with humor. The confidence in such therapeutic setting is helping the identification and resolution of personal conflicts and contributing to the adherence to pharmacological treatment. The group also provides valuable training experiences for resident physicians in psychiatry.
Objective: The aim of this study was to analyse denture users' oral care habits with regard to the use of their prostheses. Background: Rehabilitative treatment is only successful when patients are motivated and aware of correct prosthesis use and hygiene. Materials and methods: Questionnaires were distributed to 150 complete denture users at the Federal University of Bahia School of Dentistry, the Esmeralda Natividade Health Center, the Bahian Science Development Foundation and a Salvador nursing home. The questionnaire included information on gender, age, length of prosthesis use, cleaning methods and materials, etc. The data were analysed using EpiInfo version 6 software. The chi-squared test was used for statistical analysis, with a significance level of 5%. Results: Questionnaire results showed that 78% of the subjects, with an average age of 67.3 years, had used the same complete denture for over 5 years. 64% slept with their prostheses and 44% removed them from the mouth only for cleaning. None of the patients interviewed knew anything about brushes designed specifically for complete dentures. 37.3% had a restricted diet and 44% believed that a complete denture would last for more than 10 years. Conclusion: Within the limitations of this study, it was concluded that the edentulous patients surveyed had limited awareness of prosthetic hygiene and long-term oral care despite extended periods of denture use. © 2008 The Authors.
Ewing sarcoma is a common primary bone malignancy occurring in childhood and adolescence. This case report describes a 4-year-old female patient who had Ewing sarcoma in the left clavicular region. The patient underwent total excision of the left clavicle and subsequently developed periodontitis and multiple carious lesions after chemotherapy. Caries risk and salivary flow rate tests were performed, followed by periodontal treatment, topical fluoride application, restoration of caries, and oral hygiene instruction. The care of this patient demonstrates that an interdisciplinary approach is essential to eliminate all foci of infection, minimize morbidity, and improve the patient's general health before, during, and after oncological treatment. © 2012 Special Care Dentistry Association and Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Solid-organ transplant recipients present a high rate of non-adherence to drug treatment. Few interventional studies have included approaches aimed at increasing adherence. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of an educational and behavioral strategy on treatment adherence of kidney transplant recipients. In a randomized prospective study, incident renal transplant patients (n = 111) were divided into two groups: control group (received usual transplant patient education) and treatment group (usual transplant patient education plus ten additional weekly 30-min education/counseling sessions about immunosuppressive drugs and behavioral changes). Treatment adherence was assessed using ITAS adherence questionnaire after 3 months. Renal function at 3, 6, and 12 months, and the incidence of transplant rejection were evaluated. The non-adherence rates were 46.4 and 14.5 % in the control and treatment groups (p = 0.001), respectively. The relative risk for non-adherence was 2.59 times (CI 1.38-4.88) higher in the control group. Multivariate analysis demonstrated a 5.84 times (CI 1.8-18.8, p = 0.003) higher risk of non-adherence in the control group. There were no differences in renal function and rejection rates between groups. A behavioral and educational strategy addressing the patient's perceptions and knowledge about the anti-rejection drugs significantly improved the short-term adherence to immunosuppressive therapy.
OBJETIVOS: Adaptar culturalmente o Cardiac Patients'Leaning Needs Inventory para uso no Brasil e testar sua confiabilidade (consistência interna e estabilidade) em pacientes brasileiros com doença arterial coronariana. MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo 65 pacientes com infarto agudo do miocárdio, internados em um hospital público do interior do Estado de São Paulo. Para a coleta dos dados, foram utilizados um instrumento para caracterização sociodemográfica e a versão em português do Cardiac Patients Leaning Needs Inventory. A consistência interna foi estimada com base no alfa de Cronbach. A estabilidade foi medida apoiada no teste-reteste e calculada pelo teste t de Student. O nível de significância adotado foi 0,05. RESULTADOS: Identificou-se consistência interna alta (0,96 na primeira medida e 0,78 na segunda). O domínio que apresentou melhor consistência interna foi Fatores de Risco (α= 0,91). CONCLUSÃO: A versão adaptada manteve as equivalências conceituais, semânticas e idiomáticas da versão original e apresentou confiabilidade e estabilidade adequadas.