1000 resultados para Partição temporal de recursos


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The reasons for the intra- and interindividual variability in the clearance of valproic acid (VPA) have not been completely characterized. The aim of this study was to examine day-night changes in the clearance of 3-oxo-valproate (3-oxo-VPA), 4-hydroxy-valproate (4-OH-VPA), and valproic acid glucuronides under steady state. Six diurnally active healthy male volunteers ingested 200 mg sodium valproate 12 hourly, at 0800 and 2000, for 28 days. On the last study day, two sequential 12-h urine samples were collected commencing at 2000 the evening before. Plasma samples were obtained at the end of each collection. Following alkaline hydrolysis, urine was analyzed for concentrations of VPA, 3-oxo-VPA, and 4-OH-VPA. A separate aliquot was assayed for creatinine (CR). The plasma concentrations of VPA, 3-oxo-VPA, 2-en-VPA, and CR were determined. The analysis of VPA and its metabolites was performed by CC-MS. There was an increase in plasma 3-oxo-VPA concentration at 0800, sampling as compared to 2000 sampling (p < .05). The urinary excretion of 3-oxo-VPA and VPA glucuronides were decreased between 2000 and 0800, compared to between 0800, and 2000, by 30% and 50% respectively (p < .05). These results indicate a nocturnal decrease in renal clearance of 3-oxo-VPA rather than a decrease in the beta -oxidation of VPA at night. These differences were not explained by differences between the sampling periods in CR excretion. These results indicate the importance of collecting samples of 24-h duration when studying metabolic profiles of VPA.


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The influence of temporal association on the representation and recognition of objects was investigated. Observers were shown sequences of novel faces in which the identity of the face changed as the head rotated. As a result, observers showed a tendency to treat the views as if they were of the same person. Additional experiments revealed that this was only true if the training sequences depicted head rotations rather than jumbled views: in other words, the sequence had to be spatially as well as temporally smooth. Results suggest that we are continuously associating views of objects to support later recognition, and that we do so not only on the basis of the physical similarity, but also the correlated appearance in time of the objects.


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Single-unit electrophysiology was used to record the nerve impulses from the carbon dioxide receptors of female Queensland fruit flies, Bactrocera tryoni. The receptors responded to stimulation in a phasic-tonic manner and also had a period of inhibition of the nerve impulses after the end of stimulation, at high stimulus intensities. The cell responding to carbon dioxide was presented with a range of environmental odorants and found to respond to methyl butyrate and 2-butanone. The coding characteristics of the carbon dioxide cell and the ability to detect other odorants are discussed, with particular reference to the known behavior of the fly.


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The spatiotemporal expression patterns of the chemorepulsive EphA receptors, EphA4 and EphA7, and three ephrins-A2, A4 and A5, were examined in the developing rat primary olfactory system. Unlike the visual system that has simple and stable gradients of Ephs and ephrins, the olfactory system demonstrates complex spatiotemporal expression patterns of these molecules. Using immunohistochemistry, we demonstrate that expression of these molecules is dynamic and tightly regulated both within and between different cell types. We reveal restricted targeting of these proteins within subcellular compartments of some neurons. EphA4, ephrin-A2 and ephrin-A5 were expressed by primary olfactory axons during the embryonic formation of the olfactory nerve. There were no gradients in expression along the rostrocaudal or ventrodorsal axes in the nasal cavity and olfactory bulb. However, during the early neonatal period, axons expressing different levels of ephrin-A5 sorted out and terminated in a subpopulation of glomeruli that were mosaically dispersed throughout the bulb. The expression of EphA4 and ephrin-A2 was dramatically down-regulated on all axons during the early neonatal period of glomerular formation. The uniform co-expression of receptors and ligands before glomerular formation suggests they play a generic role in axon-axon interactions in the olfactory nerve and nerve fibre layer. In contrast, loss of EphA4 from axons during glomerular formation may facilitate the interaction of ephrin-A5 with Eph receptors on target cells in the bulb. While EphA4, EphA5 and EphA7 are not mosaically expressed by bulbar neurons, other Eph receptors may have expression patterns complementary to the ephrin-A5-positive subpopulation of glomeruli. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Spatial and temporal variability in wheat production in Australia is dominated by rainfall occurrence. The length of historical production records is inadequate, however, to analyse spatial and temporal patterns conclusively. In this study we used modelling and simulation to identify key spatial patterns in Australian wheat yield, identify groups of years in the historical record in which spatial patterns were similar, and examine association of those wheat yield year groups with indicators of the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO). A simple stress index model was trained on 19 years of Australian Bureau of Statistics shire yield data (1975-93). The model was then used to simulate shire yield from 1901 to 1999 for all wheat-producing shires. Principal components analysis was used to determine the dominating spatial relationships in wheat yield among shires. Six major components of spatial variability were found. Five of these represented near spatially independent zones across the Australian wheatbelt that demonstrated coherent temporal (annual) variability in wheat yield. A second orthogonal component was required to explain the temporal variation in New South Wales. The principal component scores were used to identify high- and low-yielding years in each zone. Year type groupings identified in this way were tested for association with indicators of ENSO. Significant associations were found for all zones in the Australian wheatbelt. Associations were as strong or stronger when ENSO indicators preceding the wheat season (April-May phases of the Southern Oscillation Index) were used rather than indicators based on classification during the wheat season. Although this association suggests an obvious role for seasonal climate forecasting in national wheat crop forecasting, the discriminatory power of the ENSO indicators, although significant, was not strong. By examining the historical years forming the wheat yield analog sets within each zone, it may be possible to identify novel climate system or ocean-atmosphere features that may be causal and, hence, most useful in improving seasonal forecasting schemes.


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Fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFRs) undergo highly regulated spatial and temporal changes of expression during development. This study describes the use of quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction and immunochemistry to assess the changes in expression of FGFR4 as compared to its FGFR4-17a and -17b isoforms in mouse tissues, from early embryogenesis through to adulthood. Compared to FGFR4, the expression of the isoforms is more restricted at all developmental stages tested. The reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction demonstrated that FGFR4 is expressed in more tissue types than either of its isoforms: it was found predominantly in lung, liver, brain, skeletal muscle and kidney, whereas the FGFR4-17a form was detected in lung and skeletal muscle, and the FGFR4-17b form only in lung, liver, skeletal muscle and kidney. Immunohistochemistry confirmed strong FGFR4-17b expression in the postnatal lung. When combined, the results suggest that FGFR4 variants play important roles particularly in lung and skeletal muscle development.


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Although the co-ordination of promotive root-sourced cytokinin (CK) and inhibitory shoot apex-sourced auxin (IAA) is central to all current models on lateral bud dormancy release, control by those hormones alone has appeared inadequate in many studies. Thus it was hypothesized that the IAA : CK model is the central control but that it must be considered within the relevant timeframe leading to lateral bud release and against a backdrop of interactions with other hormone groups. Therefore, IAA and a wide survey of cytokinins (CKs), were examined along with abscisic acid (ABA) and polyamines (PAs) in released buds, tissue surrounding buds and xylem sap at 1 and 4 h after apex removal, when lateral buds of chickpea are known to break dormancy. Three potential lateral bud growth inhibitors, IAA, ABA and cis-zeatin 9-riboside (ZR), declined sharply in the released buds and xylem following decapitation. This is in contrast to potential dormancy breaking CKs like trans-ZR and trans-zeantin 9-riboside 5'phosphate (ZRMP), which represented the strongest correlative changes by increasing 3.5-fold in xylem sap and 22-fold in buds. PAs had not changed significantly in buds or other tissues after 4 h, so they were not directly involved in the breaking of bud dormancy. Results from the xylem and surrounding tissues indicated that bud CK increases resulted from a combination synthesis in the bud and selective loading of CK nucleotides into the xylem from the root.


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Recent studies have revealed marked regional variation in pyramidal cell morphology in primate cortex. In particular, pyramidal cells in human and macaque prefrontal cortex (PFC) are considerably more spinous than those in other cortical regions. PFC pyramidal cells in the New World marmoset monkey, however, are less spinous than those in man and macaques. Taken together, these data suggest that the pyramidal cell has become more branched and more spinous during the evolution of PFC in only some primate lineages. This specialization may be of fundamental importance in determining the cognitive styles of the different species. However, these data are preliminary, with only one New World and two Old World species having been studied. Moreover, the marmoset data were obtained from different cases. In the present study we investigated PFC pyramidal cells in another New World monkey, the owl monkey, to extend the basis for comparison. As in the New World marmoset monkey, prefrontal pyramidal cells in owl monkeys have relatively few spines. These species differences appear to reflect variation in the extent to which PFC circuitry has become specialized during evolution. Highly complex pyramidal cells in PFC appear not to have been a feature of a common prosimian ancestor, but have evolved with the dramatic expansion of PFC in some anthropoid lineages.


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O caso relata situa????o na qual o gerente de uma unidade colocou um de seus servidores ?? disposi????o da ??rea de RH alegando n??o ter necessidade dos seus servi??os. A ??rea de RH encaminhou o servidor para uma entrevista de avalia????o de potencial de desenvolvimento, de forma a recomendar alternativas de realoca????o. Apurou-se que o servidor havia se submetido a uma junta m??dico-pericial cujo laudo concluiu por ressalvas de sa??de no campo ps??quico, mas recomendou a sua perman??ncia no trabalho, desde que compat??vel com a sua capacidade. O servidor demonstrou disposi????o e interesse para o retorno e remanejamento interno ?? pr??pria unidade e de adapta????o a novas tarefas. Ilustra situa????o que poder?? contribuir em discuss??es sobre gest??o de pessoas e lideran??a


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Este trabalho descreve a metodologia para desenvolvimento, implementa????o e avalia????o dos protocolos assistenciais no Hospital de Cl??nicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA), concebida para duas fases: fase I: elabora????o dos protocolos e implementa????o em material impresso e fase II: adapta????o para sistema informatizado e concep????o de um software para acompanhamento dos protocolos assistenciais. Na avalia????o foram considerados indicadores cl??nico-assistenciais espec??ficos para cada patologia e percep????o dos m??dicos residentes desta ferramenta


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Esta monografia trata do financiamento da educa????o b??sica e p??blica do Distrito Federal via Fundo Constitucional do Distrito Federal ??? FCDF. O objetivo ?? avaliar a contribui????o do FCDF para a oferta e a qualidade do servi??o p??blico de educa????o no Distrito Federal, a partir de uma an??lise descritiva da evolu????o desses recursos desde a sua regulamenta????o no ano de 2002. O FCDF transfere todo ano ?? capital do Brasil um montante de recurso que representa historicamente mais de 50% de toda a receita ordin??ria do DF, em fun????o deste sediar a capital pol??tica e administrativa do pa??s. A partir de um painel descritivo da evolu????o dos recursos pagos do FCDF, esta pesquisa analisou o rebatimento desse montante no setor p??blico da educa????o b??sica oferecida pelo Governo do Distrito Federal. A hip??tese guia ?? que esse volume de recursos extras do FCDF transferidos ao DF n??o garante a boa presta????o do servi??o p??blico de educa????o na capital do pa??s. A monografia sistematizou dados do Censo Escolar da Educa????o B??sica e do ??ndice de Desenvolvimento da Educa????o B??sica ??? IDEB. Assim, a partir de uma an??lise comparada dos dados da educa????o do DF com outros Estados da Federa????o, esta pesquisa objetiva aferir se esta unidade da Federa????o conta com uma educa????o p??blica ?? altura do volume de recursos que recebe


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Procedimentos adotados - com a finalidade de colocar a pessoa certa no lugar certo - na localiza????o de 249 servidores que ingressaram do Banco Central do Brasil - BC, por meio do Concurso Analista/2000. O BC decidiu investir nos conceitos e pr??ticas presentes na gest??o do conhecimento. Foram utilizados m??todos e programas de computador j?? testados no mercado, buscando adequar o perfil comportamental e de conhecimentos do futuro servidor ao dos postos de trabalho do BC. Sua valida????o ocorreu por meio de pesquisa de satisfa????o com os servidores e respectivas chefias


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A organiza????o universit??ria, dada a sua complexidade, requer uma Administra????o de Recursos Humanos diferenciada. O sistema de Recursos Humanos, nos moldes tradicionais, estrutura por fun????o, provocando atendimento prec??rio aos servidores docentes e t??cnico-administrativos, o que motivou o estudo de uma nova concep????o de Administra????o de Recursos Humanos para UFSC. Esta nova concep????o foi idealizada ap??s pesquisa da literatura sobre Administra????o Universit??ria, sobre as novas tend??ncias de Administra????o de Recursos Humanos e discuss??es com as chefias e demais servidores do Departamento de Recursos Humanos (DRH). A experi??ncia consiste na passagem da estrutura funcional, verticalizada do DRH, estruturada (dire????o, coordena????o, secretaria, divis??es, servi??os e se????es) com elevado n??mero de n??veis hier??rquicos, numa concep????o de trabalho totalmente fragmentado, para uma estrutura flex??vel, por processo, horizontalizada, estruturada em apenas dois n??veis hier??rquicos (dire????o/coordena????o e gest??es) e numa nova concep????o de trabalho onde cada gest??o desenvolve integralmente as a????es de Recursos Humanos que est??o sobre sua responsabilidade


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Texto que analisa aspectos diversos relativos aos Recursos Humanos do Servi??o P??blico nos pa??ses industrializados, visando contribuir para a solu????o dos dilemas enfrentados pelos pa??ses em desenvolvimento nos seus atuais processos de reforma do Estado.