273 resultados para Parr bombs


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Renewing engagement with literature and integrating technologies in order to address the needs of an increasingly diverse student cohort are some of the challenges confronting 21st century English teachers as they go about implementing the Australian Curriculum: English. This chapter reports on an action research cycle of classroom inquiry into the interpretation and creation of poetry, drawing on both multimodal and traditional poetic forms. Three middle school teachers, in partnership with three university-based researchers, sought to explore the possibilities of one-to-one computing for creating differentiated literacy curriculum based on personalised learning goals and harnessing the affordances of multimodal literacy pedagogies. The learning gains achieved through this collaboration exceeded the expectations of all concerned: teachers, students and researchers. Student achievement was shown by their enhanced knowledge and creativity when interpreting and composing poetry. Furthermore, students increased their capacities in other ways, through collaborating and problem-solving, as well as increased technological mastery, meta-cognition and self-assessment. Such transformations in student learning challenge standardised notions of accomplishment in English and the kinds of pedagogy necessary to support their learning. The teachers involved in this research engaged in rich forms of collaboration, engaging in professional learning that matched the learning of their students. For academics, the co-creation of professional praxis with middle years teachers and students reaffirmed their sense of the value of generating literacy pedagogies through reflective dialogue within local, situated knowledge communities


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Objective: To investigate the role of medical emergency teams in end-of-life care planning.

Design: One month prospective audit of medical emergency team calls.

Setting: Seven university-affiliated hospitals in Australia, Canada, and Sweden.

Patients: Five hundred eighteen patients who received a medical emergency team call over 1 month.

Interventions: None.

Measurements and Main Results: There were 652 medical emergency team calls in 518 patients, with multiple calls in 99 (19.1%) patients. There were 161 (31.1%) patients with limitations of medical therapy during the study period. The limitation of medical therapy was instituted in 105 (20.3%) and 56 (10.8%) patients before and after the medical emergency team call, respectively. In 78 patients who died with a limitation of medical therapy in place, the last medical emergency team review was on the day of death in 29.5% of patients, and within 2 days in another 28.2%. Compared with patients who did not have a limitation of medical therapy, those with a limitation of medical therapy were older (80 vs. 66 yrs; p < .001), less likely to be male (44.1% vs. 55.7%; p .014), more likely to be medical admissions (70.8% vs. 51.3%; p < .001), and less likely to be admitted from home (74.5% vs. 92.2%, p < .001). In addition, those with a limitation of medical therapy were less likely to be discharged home (22.4% vs. 63.6%; p < .001) and more likely to die in hospital (48.4% vs. 12.3%; p < .001). There was a trend for increased likelihood of calls associated with limitations of medical therapy to occur out of hours (51.0% vs. 43.8%, p .089).

Conclusions: Issues around end-of-life care and limitations of medical therapy arose in approximately one-third of calls, suggesting a mismatch between patient needs for end-of-life care and resources at participating hospitals. These calls frequently occur in elderly medical patients and out of hours. Many such patients do not return home, and half die in hospital. There is a need for improved advanced care planning in our hospitals, and to confirm our findings in other organizations.


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This chapter explores the context of constructing the Australian Curriculum: English and how it represents and responds to the diversity of students. It starts with the brief genealogy of neoliberal standards-based reforms as a way of managing differences. In doing so, the chapter situates the national agenda of curriculum reforms in the semiotic order of ‘risk societies’ (Beck, 1992) through which various risks are both manufactured and managed. The semiotic order of managing educational risks through reforms is presented as a discursive force-field that both creates ‘moral panics’ and provides solutions, thereby appealing to the broader public and securing its consent. This discussion prepares the ground for the reading of texts produced in the lead-up to the actual release of the national curriculum for English and statements about diversity in these documents as well as in the curriculum itself. The chapter then goes on to explore what might be possible in the process of the curriculum implementation, by drawing on ideas of hospitality, responsibility and dialogism. In conclusion, this essay argues that no national curriculum can be successfully implemented unless it is sensitive to the textual and cultural practices of other groups and unless it wins their political consent. Equally, no national curriculum can be ethically implemented unless it recognises and responds to difference and unless it creates a possibility of transcending the logic of the Same.


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This chapter inquires into four very different Australian middle-school classrooms where teachers are innovating their practices and developing new approaches to aspects of English curriculum. These classrooms from diverse settings (one middle-class urban, one elite private inner urban, one regional disadvantaged, one middle-class regional) have all taken imaginative leaps and reworked their curricula to put the students’ needs at the centre. At one school, Year 8 students design, make and play their own computer games, at another Year 6 students script, design, craft and shoot their own claymation film; at another, Year 9 students use videogames as texts in their literature studies; and at another, a group of Year 6 students work with a theatre company and their teachers to rework Shakespeare into a contemporary, accessible, enjoyable performance. The chapter considers how in each case these different approaches engage and extend the students in meaningful and relevant ways. The chapter includes a mix of teacher and student interview data, principal data and teacher writing. The chapter investigates how each of these projects worked to achieve its aims and discusses how the single national curriculum might be re-envisioned in local contexts.


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The introduction of a national curriculum into Australian schools coincides with an increasing body of research emphasising the importance of completing Year 12 or its equivalent if young people are to achieve successful transitions beyond school. This research is reflected in Australian government policy targets to achieve secondary school completion rates to at least 90% by 2015. State governments across the country have also embraced these targets, with some states already achieving above this level thanks to innovative curriculum and pedagogical initiatives that are more attuned to applied ways of learning.

In this chapter we examine the challenges faced by school leaders and teachers as they re-conceptualise approaches to youth literacy development through applied learning pedagogy. We begin by exploring definitions and applications of applied learning and examining the relatively recent growth of applied learning in secondary schools. We discuss the impetus for using applied learning approaches to literacy development and consider the challenges manifest in the day-to-day professional practices of secondary school teachers who use applied learning to engage young people who may otherwise leave school early. We conclude by exploring tensions emerging from the use of applied learning approaches to youth literacy development in Australia and the new demands created by a national curriculum.


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Archaeobotany is the study of plant remains from archaeological contexts. Despite Australasian research being at the forefront of several methodological innovations over the last three decades, archaeobotany is now a relatively peripheral concern to most archaeological projects in Australia and New Guinea. In this paper, many practicing archaeobotanists working in these regions argue for a more central role for archaeobotany in standard archaeological practice. An overview of archaeobotanical techniques and applications is presented, the potential for archaeobotany to address key historical research questions is indicated, and initiatives designed to promote archaeobotany and improve current practices are outlined.


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This chapter describes the professional learning of the author while coordinating a literacy intervention program at the state secondary school where she was teaching English.


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Most studies of Rapid-Response Teams (RRTs) assess their effect on outcomes of all hospitalised patients. Little information exists on RRT activation patterns or why RRT calls are needed. Triage error may necessitate RRT review of ward patients shortly after hospital admission. RRT diurnal activation rates may reflect the likely frequency of caregiver visits.

To study the timing of RRT calls in relation to time of day and day of week, and their frequency and outcomes in relation to days after hospital admission.

We prospectively studied RRT calls over 1 month in seven hospitals during 2009, collecting data on patient age, sex, admitting unit, admission source, limitations of medical therapy (LOMTs), and admission and discharge dates. We assessed the timing of RRT calls in relation to hospital admission and circadian variation; and differences in characteristics and outcomes of calls occurring early (Days 0 and 1) versus late (after Day 7) after hospital admission.

There were 652 RRT calls for 518 patients. Calls were more likely on Mondays (P=0.018) and during work hours (P<0.0001) but less likely on weekends (P=0.003) or overnight (P<0.001). There were 177 early calls (27.1%) and 198 late calls (30.4%). Early calls involved younger patients (median ages, 67.5 years [early calls] v 73 years [late calls]; P= 0.01), fewer LOMTs (P=0.029), and lower in hospital mortality (12.8% [early calls] v 32.3% [late calls]; P<0.0001). The mortality difference remained in patients without LOMTs (5.6% [early calls] v 19.6% [late calls]; P=0.003).

About one-quarter of RRT calls occurred shortly after hospital admission, and were more common when caregivers were around. Early calls may partially reflect suboptimal triage, though the associated mortality appeared low. Late calls may reflect suboptimal end-of-life care planning, and the associated mortality was high. There is a need to further assess the epidemiology of RRT calls at different phases of the hospital stay.


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This volume in the Documents on Australian Foreign Policy series draws on unpublished records from the National Archives of Australia to document the negotiation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) from an Australian perspective. Commencing with early post-war efforts to control nuclear energy following the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the volumes traces Australia’s changing attitude to the issue of nuclear arms control and disarmament during the Cold War years of the 1950s and 1960s and its ambiguous approach to the acquisition of nuclear weapons in the subsequent negotiation of the NPT. Signed by the Gorton government in 1970 after considerable debate in the policymaking community in Canberra, the treaty was ratified by the Whitlam government in 1973 and has since formed a fundamental plank in Australian attitudes and policies towards international efforts to reduce and eventually eliminate nuclear weapons.


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This article offers an account of a series of writing workshops involving English teachers in Victoria, Australia, known as the stella2.0 project. It argues that storytelling can potentially provide a valuable counterpoint to the ‘knowledge’ underpinning standards-based reforms. The argument serves to introduce two other essays published in this issue of Changing English: ‘Storytelling and Professional Learning’, in which Brenton Doecke articulates a standpoint about storytelling that helped to shape the workshops, and ‘Professional Learning and the Unfinalizable: English Educators Writing and Telling Stories Together…’, by Graham Parr and Scott Bulfin, in which they inquire into the conceptual foundations of the stella2.0 project and discuss some of the writing generated by teachers in the workshops.


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Neste trabalho temos o Estudo da Hidrogenação Catalítica de NBR em meio Homogêneo, empregando complexos dos metais de transição. Nos experimentos de hidrogenação foram testados os complexos de paládio e rutênio em duas etapas diferentes. Para estes complexos, foram estudados os efeitos de temperatura, pressão, tempo e concentração de catalisador. Ainda, investigou-se os efeitos do teor de sólido de NBR em solução. Os solventes utilizados foram acetona e metiletilcetona. A Hidrogenação do Butadieno-Acrilonitrila (NBR) foi realizado em escala laboratorial num reator Parr de 1 L. No sistema utilizando o complexo de Paládio, as duplas ligações foram totalmente convertidas nas condições de 60 °C, 27 atm, 2 g de NBR, 58 mg de catalisador e 1 h de reação. Nas reações com o complexo de Rutênio, a conversão total ocorreu nas condições de 140 °C, 40 atm, 10 g de NBR, 60 mg de catalisador e 8 h de reação. As Hidrogenações de NBR mostraram-se efetiva para ambos os catalisadores atingindo a máxima conversão (100% em mol) nos dois sistemas. No entanto, o sistema utilizando catalisador de rutênio mostrou-se mais efetivo e viável para a produção de HNBR em escala industrial.