230 resultados para PBMC
Humanes MCSP ist ein gut charakterisiertes Tumorantigen, das auf der Mehrzahl aller malignen Melanome hoch exprimiert wird, und stellt somit eine gute Zielstruktur für immuntherapeutische Ansätze dar. rnInnerhalb der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Wirkmechanismen eines neuen bispezifischen Antikörpers, der gegen humanes MCSP und CD3 auf T-Zellen gerichtet ist, in vitro und im humanisierten Tumormausmodell in vivo untersucht. In humanen T Zellkokulturen induzierte der bispezifische MCSP-CD3 Antikörper in Gegenwart MCSP-positiver Melanomzellen konzentrationsabhängige T-Zellaktivierung, Sekretion von Zytokinen und effiziente Tumorzelllyse durch CD4- und CD8-positive T-Zellen. Die induzierte Lyse war hierbei unabhängig von der T-Zellrezeptorspezifität sowie kostimulatorischen Molekülen und allein abhängig von der Expression des Tumorantigens sowie CD3 auf den T-Zellen. Wie hier diskutiert, liegt es nahe, dass die Freisetzung lytischer Moleküle (Perforin und Granzym-B) durch CD8- und auch CD4 positiver T-Zellen den Hauptmechanismus in der Lyse der Melanomzellen darstellt. rnUm die Wirksamkeit in vivo testen zu können, wurde ein humanisiertes Tumormausmodell etabliert. Die Injektion humaner hämatopoetischer Stammzellen in neugeborene Rag2-/-gc-/- Mäuse führte zur Entwicklung funktioneller T-Zellen im murinen Thymus, welche lymphatische Organe besiedelten. In vitro induzierten die T-Zellen humanisierter Mäuse in Anwesenheit des bispezifischen MCSP-CD3 Antikörpers ebenfalls konzentrationsabhängige Lyse der Melanomzellen. Wie hier gezeigt, induzierte die Injektion humaner Melanomzellen in humanisierte Mäuse keine messbare Abstoβungsreaktion. Unter Behandlung mit MCSP-CD3 wurde zwar eine erhöhte Anzahl humaner T-Zellen im Tumorgewebe nachgewiesen, jedoch verfügte die verwendete Melanomzelllinie über eine geringe basale T Zellinfiltration, geringe Vaskularisierung und ein noduläres Wachstumsverhalten. Wie innerhalb dieser Arbeit diskutiert, kann durch die Kombination mit Therapien, die eine erhöhte T-Zellinfiltration in das Tumorgewebe ermöglichen, die Wirksamkeit von bispezifischen Antikörpern möglicherweise gesteigert werden. rn
CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ regulatorische T-Zellen (Treg) spielen eine essentielle Rolle bei der Unterdrückung von schädlichen Immunreaktionen. Da aktivierte CD4+ T-Helferzellen auch CD25 und FoxP3 exprimieren, können diese nicht als spezifische Marker zur Identifikation von Treg verwendet werden. Die Analyse der Membranproteinexpression beider Populationen führte zur Identifikation von GARP (glycoprotein A repetitions predominant) als spezifischer Marker auf aktivierten Treg. GARP bindet LAP und TGF-beta, welches für die Unterdrückung von entzündlichen T-Zellantworten von Bedeutung ist. Um die Funktion von GARP unabhängig von Treg zu untersuchen, wurde ein lösliches GARP Protein (sGARP) synthetisiert und sein Effekt auf die Aktivierung und Differenzierung von humanen T-Zellen untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sGARP die Proliferation von naiven CD4+ T-Zellen supprimiert und zu einer Phosphorylierung von SMAD2/3 sowie zu der Induktion von FoxP3 führt. Zusätzlich inhibiert sGARP die Produktion von Effektorzytokinen wie IL-2 und IFN-gamma. Die Stimulation von naiven CD4+ T-Zellen mit sGARP induziert die Differenzierung zu Treg, welche in Kokultur die Aktivierung von T-Effektorzellen supprimieren. Die Wirkung war vergleichbar in naiven CD4+ und ruhenden CD4+CD45RA+ T-Zellen, konnte aber in differenzierten CD4+CD45RO+ T-Zellen nicht nachgewiesen werden. Die Induktion von FoxP3 und die Phosphorylierung von SMAD2/3 konnte durch eine Blockade des TGF-beta-Signalweges inhibiert werden. Dies lässt vermuten, dass die Funktion von sGARP zumindest teilweise von TGF-beta abhängig ist. Zusätzlich zu seiner passiven Rolle als TGF-beta-Transporter, induzierte sGARP die TGF-beta-Produktion in naiven T-Zellen und trägt so zum Mechanismus der infektiösen Toleranz bei. Des Weiteren fördert die Stimulation von sGARP in Anwesenheit von IL-6 und IL-23 die Differenzierung zu Th17 Zellen. rnNeben dem Einfluss von sGARP auf die Differenzierung von CD4+ T-Zellen, supprimiert sGARP die Proliferation und Granzyme B-Expression in CD8+ T-Zellen. rnFür die Analyse der immunmodulatorischen Funktion von sGARP in vivo wurde ein Modell einer xenogenen GvHD (graft-versus-host disease) verwendet. Der Transfer von humanen PBMC in neugeborene, immundefiziente Rag2-/-gamma-chain-/--Mäuse führt zu einer letalen GvHD, welche durch die Applikation von humanen Treg dosisabhängig unterdrückt werden kann. In diesem Modell konnte die repetitive Gabe von sGARP, ohne zusätzliche Zugabe von Treg, ebenfalls die GvHD unterdrücken. Dies lässt auf einen synergistischen Effekt von sGARP und Treg bei der Suppression inflammatorischer T-Zellantworten schließen. rnZusammengefasst lassen die Ergebnisse auf eine entscheidende Rolle von GARP in der Modulation der peripheren Toleranz folgern und zeigen sGARP als potentes Biological für die Behandlung von unerwünschten inflammatorischen Immunantworten.
Aus dem tumorreaktiven T-Zellrepertoire der Melanompatientin Ma-Mel-86/INTH, bei der im Verlauf Lymphknotenmetastasen HLA-Klasse I-negativer Tumorzellen auftraten, wurden durch Stimulation mit autologen Tumorzellen CD8+ T-Zellklone isoliert und expandiert, die auf Melanomzellen der Patientin CSF2RA (engl. GM-CSF receptor alpha chain) in HLA-unabhängiger Weise erkannten. Aus einem der T-Zellklone wurde ein CSF2RA-reaktiver α:β-T-Zellrezeptor (TCR, engl. T-cell receptor) kloniert (Bezeichnung: TCR-1A.3/46). Die α-Kette des TCR enthielt die Domänen TRAV14/DV4*01, TRAJ48*01 und TRAC*01, die β-Kette die Domänen TRBV10-3*01, TRBD2*01, TRBJ2-7*01 und TRBC2*01. Durch Austausch der humanen konstanten gegen die homologen murinen Domänen wurde der TCR optimiert (Bezeichnung: cTCR-1A.3/46) und hinsichtlich seiner Expression und Funktionalität nach retroviralem Transfer in humane PBMC (engl. peripheral blood mononuclear cells) im 51Chromfreisetzungstest, im IFN-γ-ELISpot-Assay und in einem Degranulations-Assay validiert. TCR-transgene T-Zellen lysierten nicht nur spezifisch die HLA-defizienten, CSF2RA+ Melanomlinien des Modells Ma-Mel-86, sondern erkannten auch Zelllinien verschiedener Spezies nach Transfektion von CSF2RA sowie Monozyten, Granulozyten, dendritische Zellen und ein breites Spektrum hämatologischer Malignome myeloiden Ursprungs ungeachtet deren HLA-Phänotypen. Lymphatische Zellen sowie CD34+ Blutstammzellen wurden in In vitro-Untersuchungen nicht erkannt. Der Zusatz von GM-CSF zu Zellen, die CSF2RA und CSF2RB exprimierten, inhibierte die Erkennung durch TCR-transgene PBMC, während die Koexpression der α- und der ß-Kette des GM-CSF-Rezeptors alleine keinen negativen Effekt auf die Erkennung hatte. Daraus war zu schließen, dass CSF2RA präferentiell freistehend und weniger nach Integration in den heteromultimerischen GM-CSF-Rezeptor-Komplex erkannt wurde. In der zweidimensionalen Collier-de-Perles-Visualisierung der IMGT-Datenbank (engl. International immunogenetics information system) wies der CSF2RA-reaktive TCR-1A.3/46 im Vergleich zu TCR von konventionellen, HLA-restringierten T-Zellen keine Besonderheiten auf. Darüber hinaus waren auch die von den HLA-unabhängigen T-Zellen exprimierten CD8-Moleküle identisch zu den CD8-Molekülen HLA-abhängiger CTL (engl. cytotoxic T lymphocytes). Die Präsenz von CD8-Molekülen förderte die HLA-unabhängige Erkennung von CSF2RA, schien aber dafür nicht zwingend erforderlich zu sein, da Antikörper gegen CD8 die Erkennung zu ca. 65 % blockierten und TCR-transgene CD4+ T-Zellen im Vergleich zu TCR-transduzierten CD8+ T-Zellen eine deutlich verringerte, aber noch erhaltene Funktionalität aufwiesen. Es ist derzeit nicht klar, ob HLA-unabhängige T-Zellen gegen CSF2RA im peripheren Blut der Patientin vorkamen, weil sie der im Tiermodell postulierten Thymusselektion MHC-unabhängiger TCR (Tikhonova et al., Immunity 36:79, 2012) entkommen waren, oder weil ein ursprünglich gegen einen HLA-Peptid-Komplex gerichteter TCR eine HLA-unabhängige Kreuzreaktivität aufwies. CSF2RA verbessert die Glucoseutilisation in malignen Zellen, und es wurden ihm embryotrophe Eigenschaften zugeschrieben (Spielholz et al., Blood 85:973, 1995; Sjöblom et al., Biol. Reprod. 67:1817, 2002). Damit kann CSF2RA malignes Wachstum fördern und ist somit ein potentielles Zielmolekül für die Immuntherapie. Seine HLA-unabhängige Erkennung würde sowohl die HLA-Vielfalt als auch den HLA-Verlust als typische Limitationen der T-Zellimmuntherapie umgehen. Zur Überprüfung der In vivo-Spezifität des HLA-unabhängigen TCR gegen CSF2RA und damit zum Ausschluss relevanter off-tumor-/on-target- bzw. off-tumor-/off-target-Effekte ist jedoch eine Testung in einem präklinischen Tiermodell erforderlich.
T-cells specific for foreign (e.g., viral) antigens can give rise to strong protective immune responses, whereas self/tumor antigen-specific T-cells are thought to be less powerful. However, synthetic T-cell vaccines composed of Melan-A/MART-1 peptide, CpG and IFA can induce high frequencies of tumor-specific CD8 T-cells in PBMC of melanoma patients. Here we analyzed the functionality of these T-cells directly ex vivo, by multiparameter flow cytometry. The production of multiple cytokines (IFNγ, TNFα, IL-2) and upregulation of LAMP-1 (CD107a) by tumor (Melan-A/MART-1) specific T-cells was comparable to virus (EBV-BMLF1) specific CD8 T-cells. Furthermore, phosphorylation of STAT1, STAT5 and ERK1/2, and expression of CD3 zeta chain were similar in tumor- and virus-specific T-cells, demonstrating functional signaling pathways. Interestingly, high frequencies of functionally competent T-cells were induced irrespective of patient's age or gender. Finally, CD8 T-cell function correlated with disease-free survival. However, this result is preliminary since the study was a Phase I clinical trial. We conclude that human tumor-specific CD8 T-cells can reach functional competence in vivo, encouraging further development and Phase III trials assessing the clinical efficacy of robust vaccination strategies.
Horses are particularly prone to allergic and autoimmune diseases, but little information about equine regulatory T cells (Treg) is currently available. The aim of this study therefore was to investigate the existence of CD4(+) Treg cells in horses, determine their suppressive function as well as their mechanism of action. Freshly isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from healthy horses were examined for CD4, CD25 and forkhead box P3 (FoxP3) expression. We show that equine FoxP3 is expressed constitutively by a population of CD4(+) CD25(+) T cells, mainly in the CD4(+) CD25(high) subpopulation. Proliferation of CD4(+) CD25(-) sorted cells stimulated with irradiated allogenic PBMC was significantly suppressed in co-culture with CD4(+) CD25(high) sorted cells in a dose-dependent manner. The mechanism of suppression by the CD4(+) CD25(high) cell population is mediated by close contact as well as interleukin (IL)-10 and transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) and probably other factors. In addition, we studied the in vitro induction of CD4(+) Treg and their characteristics compared to those of freshly isolated CD4(+) Treg cells. Upon stimulation with a combination of concanavalin A, TGF-beta1 and IL-2, CD4(+) CD25(+) T cells which express FoxP3 and have suppressive capability were induced from CD4(+) CD25(-) cells. The induced CD4(+) CD25(high) express higher levels of IL-10 and TGF-beta1 mRNA compared to the freshly isolated ones. Thus, in horses as in man, the circulating CD4(+) CD25(high) subpopulation contains natural Treg cells and functional Treg can be induced in vitro upon appropriate stimulation. Our study provides the first evidence of the regulatory function of CD4(+) CD25(+) cells in horses and offers insights into ex vivo manipulation of Treg cells.
Insect bite hypersensitivity (IBH) is an IgE-mediated dermatitis caused by bites of midges from the genus Culicoides. We have shown previously that peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from IBH-affected horses produce higher levels of IL-4 and lower levels of IL-10 and TGF-beta1 than those from healthy horses, suggesting that IBH is associated with a reduced regulatory immune response. FoxP3 is a crucial marker of regulatory T cells (Tregs). Here we have determined the proportion of CD4(+)CD25(+)FoxP3(+) T cells by flow cytometry in PBMC directly after isolation or after stimulation with Culicoides extract or a control antigen (Tetanus Toxoid). There were no differences between healthy and IBH horses either in the proportion of FoxP3(+)CD4(+)CD25(+) cells in freshly isolated PBMC or in the following stimulation with Tetanus Toxoid. However, upon stimulation of PBMC with the allergen, expression of FoxP3 by CD4(+)CD25(+high) and CD4(+)CD25(+dim) cells was significantly higher in healthy than in IBH horses. Addition of recombinant IL-4 to PBMC from healthy horses stimulated with the allergen significantly decreased the proportion of FoxP3 expressing cells within CD4(+)CD25(+high). These results suggest that IBH is associated with a decreased number of allergen-induced Tregs. This could be a consequence of the increased IL-4 production by PBMC of IBH-affected horses.
Insect bite hypersensitivity (IBH) is an IgE-mediated dermatitis of horses caused by bites of Culicoides spp. IBH does not occur in Iceland where Culicoides are absent. However, following importation into continental Europe where Culicoides are present, >or=50% of Icelandic horses (1st generation) develop IBH but
Based on the structural similarity of viral fusion proteins within the family Paramyxoviridae, we tested recently described and newly synthesized acetanilide derivatives for their capacity to inhibit measles virus (MV)-, canine distemper virus (CDV)- and Nipah virus (NiV)-induced membrane fusion. We found that N-(3-cyanophenyl)-2-phenylacetamide (compound 1) has a high capacity to inhibit MV- and CDV-induced (IC(50) muM), but not NiV-induced, membrane fusion. This compound is of outstanding interest because it can be easily synthesized and its cytotoxicity is low [50 % cytotoxic concentration (CC(50)) >/= 300 muM], leading to a CC(50)/IC(50) ratio of approximately 100. In addition, primary human peripheral blood lymphocytes and primary dog brain cell cultures (DBC) also tolerate high concentrations of compound 1. Infection of human PBMC with recombinant wild-type MV is inhibited by an IC(50) of approximately 20 muM. The cell-to-cell spread of recombinant wild-type CDV in persistently infected DBC can be nearly completely inhibited by compound 1 at 50 muM, indicating that the virus spread between brain cells is dependent on the activity of the viral fusion protein. Our findings demonstrate that this compound is a most applicable inhibitor of morbillivirus-induced membrane fusion in tissue culture experiments including highly sensitive primary cells.
BACKGROUND: Flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) is a common skin disease in dogs and can be induced experimentally. It often coexists with other allergic conditions. So far no studies have investigated the quantitative production of cytokine mRNA in skin biopsies and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in flea allergic dogs. OBJECTIVE: The aim of our study was to improve the understanding of the immunopathogenesis of allergic dermatitis as a response to fleabites. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Allergic and non-allergic dogs were exposed to fleas. Before and after 4 days of flea exposure mRNA was isolated from biopsies and PBMC. Production of chymase, tryptase, IL-4, IL-5, IL-13, TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma mRNA was measured by real-time RT-PCR. The inflammatory infiltrate in the skin was scored semi-quantitatively. The number of eosinophils, mast cells (MC) and IgE+ cells/mm2 was evaluated to complete the picture. RESULTS: FAD was associated with a higher number of MC before flea exposure and with a significant increase of eosinophils after flea exposure as compared to non-allergic dogs. The number of IgE+ cells was higher in allergic dogs before and after flea exposure. In allergic dogs mRNA for most cytokines and proteases tested was higher before flea exposure than after flea exposure. After exposure to fleas an increased mRNA production was only observed in non-allergic dogs. In vitro stimulation with flea antigen resulted in a decreased expression of most cytokines in allergic dogs before flea exposure. In contrast, in PBMC, only increased levels of IL-4 and IL-5 mRNA were observed in allergic dogs before flea exposure. However, after flea exposure and additional stimulation with flea antigen the production of mRNA for all cytokines tested was significantly increased in allergic dogs. CONCLUSION: We demonstrated that the response in biopsies and PBMC is different and that FAD is associated with a TH2 response.
BACKGROUND: Quinolones are widely used, broad spectrum antibiotics that can induce immediate- and delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions, presumably either IgE or T cell mediated, in about 2-3% of treated patients. OBJECTIVE: To better understand how T cells interact with quinolones, we analysed six patients with delayed hypersensitivity reactions to ciprofloxacin (CPFX), norfloxacin (NRFX) or moxifloxacin (MXFX). METHODS: We confirmed the involvement of T cells in vivo by patch test and in vitro by means of the lymphocyte proliferation test (LTT). The nature of the drug-T cell interaction as well as the cross-reactivity with other quinolones were investigated through the generation and analysis (flow cytometry and proliferation assays) of quinolone-specific T cell clones (TCC). RESULTS: The LTT confirmed the involvement of T cells because peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) mounted an enhanced in vitro proliferative response to CPFX and/or NRFX or MXFX in all patients. Patch tests were positive after 24 and 48 h in three out of the six patients. From two patients, CPFX- and MXFX-specific CD4(+)/CD8(+) T cell receptor (TCR) alphabeta(+) TCC were generated to investigate the nature of the drug-T cell interaction as well as the cross-reactivity with other quinolones. The use of eight different quinolones as antigens (Ag) revealed three patterns of cross-reactivity: clones exclusively reacting with the eliciting drug, clones with a limited cross-reactivity and clones showing a broad cross-reactivity. The TCC recognized quinolones directly without need of processing and without covalent association with the major histocompatability complex (MHC)-peptide complex, as glutaraldehyde-fixed Ag-presenting cells (APC) could present the drug and washing quinolone-pulsed APC removed the drug, abrogating the reactivity of quinolone-specific TCC. CONCLUSION: Our data show that T cells are involved in delayed immune reactions to quinolones and that cross-reactivity among the different quinolones is frequent.
BACKGROUND: Galectins are involved at different stages in inflammation. Galectin-3, although mostly described as proinflammatory, can also act as an immunomodulator by inducing apoptosis in T cells. The present study aims to determine galectin-3 expression in the normal and inflamed intestinal mucosa and to define its role in T cell activity. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Galectin-3 was detected by quantitative polymerase chain reaction with total RNA from endoscopic biopsies and by immunohistochemistry. Biopsies and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were stimulated in vitro and were used to assess the functional consequences of inhibition or exogenous addition of galectin-3. RESULTS: Galectin-3 is expressed at comparable levels in controls and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients in remission. In the normal mucosa, galectin-3 protein was mainly observed in differentiated enterocytes, preferentially at the basolateral side. However, galectin-3 was significantly downregulated in inflamed biopsies from IBD patients. Ex vivo stimulation of uninflamed biopsies with tumor necrosis factor led to similar galectin-3 messenger RNA downregulation as in vivo. When peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were analyzed, galectin-3 was mainly produced by monocytes. Upon mitogen stimulation, we observed increased proliferation and decreased activation-induced cell death of peripheral blood T cells in the presence of galectin-3-specific small interfering RNA. In contrast, exogenous addition of recombinant galectin-3 led to reduced proliferation of mitogen-stimulated peripheral blood T cells. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that downregulation of epithelial galectin-3 in the inflamed mucosa reflects a normal immunological consequence, whereas under noninflammatory conditions, its constitutive expression may help to prevent inappropriate immune responses against commensal bacteria or food compounds. Therefore, galectin-3 may prove valuable for manipulating disease activity.
Background: A growing body of literature suggests that caregiving burden is associated with impaired immune system functioning, which may contribute to elevated morbidity and mortality risk among dementia caregivers. However, potential mechanisms linking these relationships are not well understood. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether stress-related experience of depressive symptoms and reductions in personal mastery were related to alterations in ss2-adrenergic receptor sensitivity.Methods: Spousal Alzheimer's caregivers (N = 106) completed measures assessing the extent to which they felt overloaded by their caregiving responsibilities, experienced depressive symptoms, and believed their life circumstances were under their control. We hypothesized that caregivers reporting elevated stress would report increased depressive symptoms and reduced mastery, which in turn would be associated with reduced ss2- adrenergic receptor sensitivity on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), as assessed by in vitro isoproterenol stimulation.Results: Regression analyses indicated that overload was negatively associated with mastery (beta = -0.36, p = 0.001) and receptor sensitivity (beta = -0.24, p = 0.030), whereas mastery was positively associated with receptor sensitivity (beta = 0.29, p = 0.005). Finally, the relationship between overload and receptor sensitivity diminshed upon simultaneous entry of mastery. Sobel's test confirmed that mastery significantly mediated some of the relationship between overload and receptor sensitivity (z = -2.02, p = 0.044).Conclusions: These results suggest that a reduced sense of mastery may help explain the association between caregiving burden and reduced immune cell ss2-receptor sensitivity.
BACKGROUND: Equine insect bite hypersensitivity (IBH) is an immediate-type hypersensitivity reaction provoked by insect-derived allergens. Icelandic horses living in Iceland do not have IBH due to absence of relevant insects, but acquire it at high frequency after being imported to mainland Europe. In contrast, their offspring born in mainland Europe has reduced IBH incidence. T helper 1 (Th1) and Th2 cells and cytokines were determined in Icelandic horses born in Iceland and on the continent and which either have IBH or are healthy. METHODS: Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from these horses were stimulated for 18 h during summer and winter with polyclonal T cell stimuli, IBH allergen(s) or irrelevant allergen(s). Cells were analysed by flow cytometry for interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and interleukin-4 (IL-4); RNA was analysed for IFN-gamma, IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13 mRNA. RESULTS: During summer, but not during winter, IBH PBMC stimulated polyclonally showed reduced IFN-gamma mRNA and IFN-gamma-producing cells when compared with those of healthy horses, regardless of origin. PBMC stimulated polyclonally or with IBH allergen showed increased IL-4 mRNA levels and higher numbers of IL-4-producing cells when born in Iceland or showing IBH symptoms. IL-5 and IL-13 mRNA were modulated neither by disease nor by origin. Abrogation of IL-4 production in healthy horses born in mainland Europe may be due, at least in part, to IL-10. There was an increased level of IL-10 in supernatants from PBMC of healthy horses born in mainland Europe and stimulated polyclonally or with IBH allergen. CONCLUSIONS: Modulation of IBH incidence is governed by altered Th1/Th2 ratio, which might be influenced by IL-10.
Insect bite hypersensitivity (IBH) is an allergic dermatitis of horses caused by IgE-mediated reactions to bites of insects of the genus Culicoides. IBH does not occur in Iceland due to the absence of Culicoides. However, Icelandic horses exported to mainland Europe as adults (1st generation) have a >/=50% incidence of developing IBH. In contrast, their progeny (2nd generation) has a <10% incidence of IBH. Here we show that peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from Icelandic horses born in mainland Europe and belonging either to the IBH or healthy subgroup produce less interleukin (IL)-4 after polyclonal or allergen-specific stimulation when compared with counterparts from horses born in Iceland. We examined a role of IL-10 and transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta1 in down-regulation of IL-4 in healthy 2nd generation Icelandic horses. Supernatants of PBMC from 2nd generation healthy horses down-regulated the proportion of IL-4-producing cells and IL-4 production in stimulated cultures of PBMC from 1st generation IBH. This inhibition was mimicked by a combination of IL-10 and TGF-beta1 but not by the single cytokines. Cultures of stimulated PBMC of healthy 2nd generation horses produced a low level of IL-4, but IL-4 production was increased by anti-equine IL-10 and anti-human TGF-beta1. This shows for the first time that in horses, IL-10 and TGF-beta1 combined regulate IL-4 production in vitro. It is suggested that in this naturally occurring IgE-mediated allergy, IL-10 and TGF-beta1 have a role in the down-regulation of IL-4-induced allergen-specific Th2 cells, thereby reducing the incidence of IBH.
BACKGROUND: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is based on a genetic predisposition, but environmental factors may trigger skin inflammation. According to the hygiene hypothesis, decreased exposure to microbial products in early childhood does not allow sufficient maturation of the immune system that is associated with an increased risk of atopic sensitization. OBJECTIVES: The effect of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on the cytokine production of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of AD patients and nonatopic controls was studied. PATIENTS AND METHODS: PBMC were isolated from heparinized blood of 10 patients with AD and 10 nonatopic individuals, suspended in culture medium and stimulated with LPS. Cytokine levels in the supernatants were measured by immunoassays. Results Upon stimulation with LPS, PBMC from AD patients produced significantly higher amounts of tumour necrosis factor-alpha, interferon-gamma and interleukin (IL)-10 compared with control PBMC. LPS stimulation blocked the increased spontaneous production of IL-4 and IL-5 by PBMC from AD patients, but had no effect on IL-13 production. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that the effects of LPS stimulation depend on both the type of cytokine and the origin of PBMC. Endotoxin exposure is suggested to modulate the disease course of AD.