991 resultados para Ortopedic prototype
Poster. Introduction: One in five menand one half of women over the age of 50 will experience a bone fracture, whichis frequently accompanied by poor bone health. This combination of poor bonehealth and fracture is a two edge sword, because not only does poor bone healthmake fractures more likely, it also reduces the efficacy of standard fracturetreatments. Currently available surgical fixation devices that were originallydeveloped for healthy bone, such as pins, plates and bone screws, are often noteffective for patients with osteoporosis, resulting in unsatisfactory outcomesor longer and more painful recovery times. One major issue is the design ofbone screws, which can loosen or pull-out from osteoporotic bone. Osteopenicscrews with larger outer thread diameters have been developed to try andaddress this problem. The larger diameter screws have been shown to be 60–70 %stronger in lab tests of individual screws but the larger diameter screwscannot be used with the standard spacing in fixation plates without the risk ofcausing fractures between the screws. In addition, many fractures occur nearjoints where there is not room to increase the spacing between screws.Therefore, new bone screws are needed for treatment of fractures in osteoporoticbone. Materials and Methods: Afterdeveloping a novel bone screw design, we fabricated screws using rapidprototyping methods. Screws were inserted into 10 pcf density sawbones polyurethanefoam as a model for osteoporotic bone. Pull-out tests were conducted using theprototype bone screw design and the standard screw design for comparison inaccordance with ASTM 543-13. Results and Discussion: Ourprototype screws have the same outer diameter as standard bone screws, but haveoptimised threads. For pull-out tests in 10 psf density sawbones poly-urethanefoam, the prototype screw design was 60 % stronger than the standard bone screwdesign (p<0.01). Conclusion: Our novel bonescrew design provides significant improvement in standard tests with syntheticbone material. Additional tests are needed to determine if the bone screwswould be suitable for human trials.
Poster Purpose: A study to validate a prototype Hartmann-Shack (HS) wavefront aberrometer. Methods: The dynamic range was assessed using a calibrated model eye. It was validated against a conventional HS-aberrometer (Topcon KR1W) in 75 eyes using both instruments in random order. Additionally, intra-sessional repeatability was tested. Results: The aberrometer showed a large dynamic range of +21.0 D to −25.0 D. It was comparable to a conventional HS aberrometer for spherical-equivalent SE (MD ± 95% CI: 0.02 ± 0.49D; correlation: r = 0.995, p < 0.001), astigmatic components (J0: 0.02 ± 0.15D; r = 0.977, p < 0.001; J45: 0.03 ± 0.28; r = 0.666, p < 0.001) and HOAs RMS (0.02 ± 0.20D; r = 0.620, p < 0.001). Intra-sessional repeatability correlation was also excellent (SE = 1.000, p < 0.001; astigmatic-components J0 = 0.998, p < 0.001, J45 = 0.980, p < 0.01; HOAs RMS = 0.961, p < 0.001). Conclusions: This study confirms the validity of the prototype aberrometer. The prototype aberrometer can measure continuously to provide direct feedback of the optical status of the eye during surgery.
Purpose: To ascertain the agreement level between intra-operative refraction using a prototype surgical Hartmann-Shack aberrometer and subjective refraction a month later. Methods: Fifty-four consecutive patients had their pseudophakic refractive measured with the aberrometer intra-operatively at the end of their cataract surgery. A masked optometrist performed subjective refraction 4 weeks later. The two sets of data were then analysed for correlation. Results: The mean spherical equivalent was −0.14 ± 0.37 D (Range: −1.41 to +1.72 D) with the prototype aberrometer and −0.34 ± 0.32 (−1.64 to +1.88 D) with subjective refraction. The measurements positively correlated to a very high degree (r =+0.81, p < 0.01). In 84.3% of cases the two measurements were within 0.50D of each other. Conclusion: The aberrometer can verify the aimed refractive status of the eye intraoperatively to avoid a refractive surprise. The aberrometer is a useful tool for real time assessment of the ocular refractive status.
The present research is carried out from the viewpoint of primarily space applications where human lives may be in danger if they are to work under these conditions. This work proposes to develop a one-degree-of-freedom (1-DOF) force-reflecting manual controller (FRMC) prototype for teleoperation, and address the effects of time delays commonly found in space applications where the control is accomplished via the earth-based control stations. To test the FRMC, a mobile robot (PPRK) and a slider-bar were developed and integrated to the 1-DOF FRMC. The software developed in Visual Basic is able to telecontrol any platform that uses an SV203 controller through the internet and it allows the remote system to send feedback information which may be in the form of visual or force signals. Time delay experiments were conducted on the platform and the effects of time delay on the FRMC system operation have been studied and delineated.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
The agent-based social simulation component of the TELL ME project (WP4) developed prototype software to assist communications planners to understand the complex relationships between communication, personal protective behaviour and epidemic spread. Using the simulation, planners can enter different potential communications plans, and see their simulated effect on attitudes, behaviour and the consequent effect on an influenza epidemic.
The model and the software to run the model are both freely available (see section 2.2.1 for instructions on how to obtain the relevant files). This report provides the documentation for the prototype software. The major component is the user guide (Section 2). This provides instructions on how to set up the software, some training scenarios to become familiar with the model operation and use, and details about the model controls and output.
The model contains many parameters. Default values and their source are described at Section 3. These are unlikely to be suitable for all countries, and may also need to be changed as new research is conducted. Instructions for how to customise these values are also included (see section 3.5).
The final technical reference contains two parts. The first is a guide for advanced users who wish to run multiple simulations and analyse the results (section 4.1). The second is to orient programmers who wish to adapt or extend the simulation model (section 4.2). This material is not suitable for general users.
ARAUJO, Márcio V. ; ALSINA, Pablo J. ; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D. ; PEREIRA, Jonathan P.P. ; DOMINGOS, Elber C. ; ARAÚJO, Fábio M.U. ; SILVA, Jáder S. . Development of an Active Orthosis Prototype for Lower Limbs. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 20., 2009, Gramado, RS. Proceedings… Gramado, RS: [s. n.], 2009
This study describes how we used a prototype e-participation plat-form as a digital cultural probe to investigate youth motivation and engagement strategies. This is a novel way of considering digital cultural probes which can contribute to the better creation of e-participation platforms. This probe has been conducted as part of the research project STEP which aims at creating an e-participation platform to engage young European Citizens in environmental decision making. Our probe technique has given an insight into the environ-mental issues concerning young people across Europe as well as possible strat-egies for encouraging participation. How the e-participation platform can be utilised to support youth engagement through opportunities for social interac-tion and leadership is discussed. This study leads to a better understanding of how young people can co-operate with each other to provide collective intelli-gence and how this knowledge could contribute to effective e-participation of young people.
ARAUJO, Márcio V. ; ALSINA, Pablo J. ; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D. ; PEREIRA, Jonathan P.P. ; DOMINGOS, Elber C. ; ARAÚJO, Fábio M.U. ; SILVA, Jáder S. . Development of an Active Orthosis Prototype for Lower Limbs. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 20., 2009, Gramado, RS. Proceedings… Gramado, RS: [s. n.], 2009
This article discusses the potential of audio games based on the evaluation of three projects: a story-driven audio role-playing game (RPG), an interactive audiobook with RPG elements, and a set of casual sound-based games. The potential is understood, both in popularity and playability terms. The first factor is connected to the degree of players’ interest, while the second one to the degree of their engagement in sound-based game worlds. Although presented projects are embedded within the landscape of past and contemporary audio games and gaming platforms, the authors reach into the near future, concluding with possible development directions for this non-visual interactive entertainment.
Les inventaires archéologiques représentent une part importante des travaux archéologiques qui sont effectués en sol québécois. Il s’agit d’interventions qui sont réalisées en milieux urbains ou ruraux, mais également dans des milieux forestiers parfois éloignés. Lors de ces interventions, plusieurs informations de nature spatiale sont prises, tant pour évaluer la présence ou l’absence de vestiges archéologiques que pour décrire l’environnement et les perturbations observées. Les données issues de ces travaux sont de manière générale enregistrées sur le terrain sur des supports papiers, pour être éventuellement transférées en format numérique après l’intervention, et la localisation sur le terrain est effectuée à l’aide de cartes, de la boussole et d’un appareil GPS. Ce projet cherche à évaluer la contribution potentielle d’une solution géomatique mobile qui permettrait d’assister les archéologues sur le terrain, tant au niveau de la saisie de données que de la géolocalisation sur le terrain. Afin d’identifier l’intérêt, les attentes et les besoins prioritaires d’une telle solution, une enquête a été réalisée auprès de la communauté archéologique. Subséquemment, afin de démontrer qu’une solution géomatique mobile pourrait être développée afin de soutenir les travaux archéologiques, un appareil mobile adapté aux contraintes du terrain archéologique a été identifié et un prototype d’application a été développé, sur la base des résultats de l’enquête obtenus. Il nous a par la suite été possible de faire prendre en main la solution mobile développée par une archéologue et un essai en milieu contrôlé a pu être réalisé afin d’avoir une évaluation critique de l’application et de proposer des pistes d’amélioration. Les résultats obtenus indiquent que la technologie géomatique mobile est aujourd’hui suffisamment accessible pour pouvoir bien s’adapter aux réalités de terrain et ainsi venir répondre à certains besoins des professionnels de terrain tout en demeurant abordable. Malgré quelques pistes d’amélioration qui ont été identifiées, l’enthousiasme suscité par l’application développée démontre l’intérêt des utilisateurs à intégrer ces nouvelles technologies. La démarche de développement employée est également novatrice puisqu’elle permet de développer, en l’espace de quelques mois, une application adaptée à un contexte de terrain professionnel particulier, tout en demeurant grandement modulable et pouvant s’adapter à d’autres domaines d’application.
The use of electrocardiogram nowadays, is very important in diagnosis of heart disease. The emergent increase of portable technology provides medica] monitoring of vital signs allowing freedom ofmovement and watching during normal activity of the patient. In this shidy, it is described the development of a prototype of an ambulatory cardiac monitoring system using 3 leads. The systems consists on conversion of an analog signal, having been previously processed and conditioned, into digital ECG signal and after processed with a microcontroller (MCU). The heartbeat rate can be observed in an LCD display. The LCD display is also used as the interface during the setup process. Ali digital data stream can be stored on a SD memory card llowing the ECG signa] to be accessed later on a PC.