954 resultados para Onze-lieve vrouw van troost te Thienen (Church)
In the 17th and 18th centuries, the European hunting horn was an instrument associated with the thrill of the chase, rustic scenes, and the pageantry of royal hunts. The sound of this horn and the music that evolved from its heritage would inspire composers writing for the modern horn. TALLY HOrn! Echoes of Hoofbeats and Haunts: Recorded Selections for Horn and Piano are two compact discs of works for horn and piano as well as solo horn reflecting this association with the hunt and include additional works of expressive contrast – lyrical pieces and nocturnes. Nine of the pieces reflect the modern horn’s beginnings and they are Abbot’s Alla Caccia, Berge’s Horn-Lokk, Boutry’s Chassacor, Bozza’s En Fôret, Büsser’s La Chasse de St. Hubert, Pessard’s In the Forest, Piantoni’s Air de Chasse, Schmid’s Im Tiefsten Walde, and Vinter’s Hunter’s Moon. By contrast, three of the selections, Gliére’s Nocturne, Strauss’ Nocturno, and Van Ecchaute’s Nachtpoëma are nocturnes that showcase the expressive quality of the horn. In addition, Bush’s Autumn Poem, Bacon’s Song After the Rain, and Webber’s Summer Pastures are included for their lyric qualities and evocations of nature. The largest work of the project is John Williams’s Concerto for Horn. Its five movements feature both hunting horn traits and expressive qualities. Alejandro Hernandez-Valdez and Grace Cho were the two pianists engaged for the recording. The recording engineer was Edward Kelly. The producer was Carlos Rodriquez. The pieces were recorded at the Spencerville Seventh-day Adventist Church sanctuary in Spencerville, Maryland between November 2010 and February 2011.
This report details the archaeology completed at Reynolds Tavern in the years 1982,1983, and 1984. It was completed in 2013, nearly 30 years after the excavation took place, using archival materials such as the draft interim reports, unit summary forms, original notes and photographs which are currently stored in the University Archives at Hornbake Library, at the University of Maryland, College Park. This report has been a collaboration across time and space, drawing from preliminary reports written by Anne Yenstch and Susan Mira in 1982 and Joe Dent and Beth Ford in 1983, as well as original notes from students of the field schools held there during those years, various analyses by scholars from many universities (including the University of Maryland, University of Georgia, and the College of William and Mary), and historical research by Nancy Baker. Thomas Cuddy began the writing of this report in 2002, completing the first three chapters in addition to the artifact analysis that led to the postexcavation identification of the African bundles in the Reynolds Tavern basement. This remarkable discovery was made along with Mark Leone of the University of Maryland, founder and director of Archaeology in Annapolis, who also served as the Principle Investigator during all three years of the Reynolds Tavern excavations. Dr. Leone contributed the fifth and final chapter to this report, the Conclusions and Recommendations, during its final compilation in 2013. The final report, including the fourth chapter on the archaeology itself, was written in part and compiled by Patricia Markert of the University of Maryland in the spring of 2013. Reynolds Tavern has been part of the landscape of Annapolis for two-hundred and fifty five years (at the time of the publication of this report). It sits on Church Circle facing St. Anne’s Church, and is a beautiful example of 18th century Georgian architecture as well one of the defining features of Historic Annapolis today. It currently operates as a popular restaurant and pub, but has served variously as a hat shop, a tavern, an inn, a library and a bank over time, among other things. Its long history contributes to its significance as an archaeological site, and also as a historic marker in present day Annapolis. The archaeology conducted at Reynolds Tavern shed light on life in 18th and 19th century Annapolis, illuminating details of the occupants’ lives through the material traces they left behind. These include an 18th century cobblestone road that ran diagonally through the Tavern’s yard, telling of the movement through early Annapolis; a large and intact well, which was found ii to contain a 19 foot wooden pipe; a large, ovular privy containing many of the objects used on a day to day basis at the Tavern or the structures around it; a subterranean brick storage feature in the basement of the Tavern, which may have been used by Reynolds during his days operating a hat shop; and also in the basement, two African caches of objects, providing a glimpse into West African spiritual practices alive in historic Annapolis and the presence of African American individuals at the Tavern in the 18th and 19th centuries. The purpose of this report is to detail these archaeological investigations and their findings, so that a public record will be available and the archaeology completed at Reynolds Tavern can continue to contribute to the history of Annapolis.
New theoretical and experimental results on the acetylene-Ar van der Waals complex are presented and the literature is reviewed. New ab initio calculations at the MP2 level were performed using large basis sets with diffuse functions and taking into account the basis set superposition error. It was found that the structure of acetylene is not significantly altered by the complexation and that its vibrational frequencies are only slightly lowered. Finally, it was observed that the calculated properties of the complex (structure, vibrational spectrum, bond dissociation energy) are not sensitive to the structure imposed on acetylene. Experimentally, acetylene-Ar was produced in a supersonic expansion under experimental conditions corresponding to 9 K rotational temperature. Thanks to the performances of CW-CRDS detection, the Ka = 0 ← 1, 1 ← 0, and 2 ← 1 sub- bands of the v1 + v3 band could be recorded and resolved and most of their lines assigned. Upper-state rotational constants were fitted, however not including the upper Ka = 2 state, which shows K-doubling the opposite of the expected. The Lorentzian width of most line profiles sets the mean lifetime to some 7.5 ns. Local perturbations affecting line positions and/or line widths are demonstrated. Additional series of lines tentatively attributed to acetylene-Ar are discussed.© 2009 American Chemical Society.
Accurate ab initio intermolecular potential energy surfaces (IPES) have been obtained for the first time for the ground electronic state of the C 2H2-Kr and C2H2-Xe van der Waals complexes. Extensive tests, including complete basis set and all-electron scalar relativistic results, support their calculation at the CCSD(T) level of theory, using small-core relativistic pseudopotentials for the rare-gas atoms and aug-cc-pVQZ basis sets extended with a set of 3s3p2d1f1g mid-bond functions. All results are corrected for the basis set superposition error. The importance of the scalar relativistic and rare-gas outer-core (n.1)d correlation effects is investigated. The calculated IPES, adjusted to analytical functions, are characterized by global minima corresponding to skew T-shaped geometries, in which the Jacobi vector positioning the rare-gas atom with respect to the center of mass of the C2H2 moiety corresponds to distances of 4.064 and 4.229Å, and angles of 65.22° and 68.67° for C 2H2-Kr and C2H2-Xe, respectively. The interaction energy of both complexes is estimated to be -151.88 (1.817 kJ mol-1) and -182.76 cm-1 (2.186 kJ mol-1), respectively. The evolution of the topology of the IPES as a function of the rare-gas atom, from He to Xe, is also discussed. © 2012 Taylor and Francis.
El presente artículo es un producto derivado de la investigación: “La elipse como lugar geométrico a través de la geometría del doblado de papel en el contexto de Van Hiele”, en la que se analizó el proceso de comprensión del concepto de elipse como lugar geométrico, de cinco estudiantes del grado décimo de una Institución Educativa de la ciudad de Medellín. El estudio de casos cualitativo permitió el establecimiento de los descriptores de los niveles de razonamiento de Van Hiele que caracterizaron dicho proceso de comprensión y a su vez, iluminaron la creación de un guion de entrevista de carácter socrático, que se convirtió en una experiencia de aprendizaje para los estudiantes en tanto que les permitió avanzar en su nivel de razonamiento.
El presente reporte articula el modelo educativo de van Hiele en su aspecto prescriptivo con la enseñanza de uno de los conceptos fundamentales del Análisis Matemático, continuidad local, a través de la implementación y el desarrollo de un Módulo de Aprendizaje que permite procesos de razonamiento en los estudiantes con el fin de promoverlos de un Nivel II a un Nivel III, el módulo es construido en correspondencia con los descriptores de fases para de dar cuenta de las estructuras mentales elaboradas. Posteriormente, en el análisis de cada uno de los tres casos, se describe en categorías en correspondencia los descriptores y donde se hace explícito como razonan los estudiantes en su paso del Nivel II al Nivel III respecto al concepto de continuidad local.
Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación realizada en alumnos de primer año medio del Liceo Eleuterio Ramírez de Osorno. El objetivo de dicha investigación era conocer el desarrollo del pensamiento geométrico en el tema de transformaciones isométricas según la Teoría de Van Hiele. La metodología de investigación es cualitativa, específicamente mediante estudio de casos. La recolección de datos se realizó mediante un seguimiento en el desarrollo de las actividades planteadas, observación de participantes y entrevistas. Como resultado se obtuvo que los alumnos mayoritariamente exhiben características del nivel 1 de reconocimiento para la isometría de simetría.
En el contexto del modelo de Van Hiele, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio comparativo de dos colecciones de descriptores para el mismo concepto: El de aproximación local en su manifestación de la recta tangente a la gráfica de una curva en un punto. A partir de las visualizaciones que se obtienen de los mecanismos llamados "haz de secantes" y del "zoom", se concluye que, en efecto, el nivel de razonamiento es independiente de la forma de abordar el concepto, de ese mecanismo particular usado para acercarse al mismo.
Mooij, T., & Fettelaar, D. (2013). Observatie van voorlichtingslessen seksuele diversiteit in het Voortgezet Onderwijs: Een pilot onderzoek. Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek, 52(6), 282-298.
De laatste decennia is er in onderwijspraktijk en onderwijsonderzoek veel aandacht voor sociaal leren van (aanstaande) leraren als een stimulans voor hun professionele ontwikkeling. Bij het nastreven van innovatie in dergelijke lerarengroepen, blijkt faciliteren van belang. In deze studie is onderzocht op welke wijze lerarengroepen gefaciliteerd kunnen worden ter optimalisatie van de professionele ontwikkeling van de groepsleden. Hiervoor is gebruik gemaakt van een eerder ontwikkeld theoretisch kader met 4 dimensies en 11 indicatoren van sociaal leren. Het onderzoek is uitgevoerd in een lerarenopleiding primair onderwijs (pabo) waar groepen van pabodocenten, pabostudenten en leerkrachten primair onderwijs zijn gevolgd gedurende twee jaren in een enkelvoudige en meervoudige casestudie. Data zijn verzameld in de vorm van video/audio-opnames van de werkbijeenkomsten, het beantwoorden van reflectieve vragen, het volgen van de digitale leeromgeving en het uitvoeren van retrospectieve interviews. Op basis van kwalitatieve analyses is op diverse momenten samen met de groepsleden bekeken hoe de sociale configuratie eruit zag, of dit passend was bij de groepsdoelen en welke vervolgstappen wenselijk waren. De in deze studie ontwikkelde interviewleidraad blijkt een bruikbaar kwalitatief instrument in dit faciliteringsproces.