897 resultados para Objectivity of morality
A prática educativa na escola está carregada de uma postura tradicional e bancária , conforme aparece em várias obras de Freire, ainda que novas tecnologias sejam introduzidas em seu cotidiano pedagógico. A ênfase à informação em detrimento da construção do conhecimento e saberes, na verdade, afasta o aluno, particularmente nas escolas públicas, de apropriar-se dos instrumentos significativos de sua elaboração. Nesse sentido, dentro da linha de Políticas e Gestões Educacionais, esse trabalho se propõe à reflexão do espaço da escola no diálogo com a cidade, isto é, à possibilidade de protagonismo social no desenvolvimento do aluno. O procedimento da pesquisa fundamenta-se no estudo dos projetos de educação ambiental desenvolvidos na rede municipal de Mauá através dos registros e relatos descritivos das avaliações das escolas dessas atividades, de seus Projetos Políticos Pedagógicos e do Programa de Educação Ambiental de Mauá da Secretaria Municipal de Educação. O trabalho Dos muros da escola à abertura para a cidade foi desenvolvido de forma a entendermos o espaço geográfico, considerando sua territorialização e o conceito de espaço simbólico. Dessa forma, podemos compreender como a relação escola/espaço território e o Programa de Educação Ambiental desenvolvido em escolas da rede pública da cidade de Mauá aparece na atuação de um em relação ao outro. A metodologia de trabalho usada foi exploratória, de natureza bibliográfica e documental. A pesquisa buscou perceber a abordagem dialógica que se estabelece com a cidade a partir da conceituação do espaço simbólico da escola no processo ensino-aprendizagem. O Programa de Educação Ambiental e as escolas, de acordo com seus Projetos Políticos Pedagógicos se propõem, ainda que empiricamente, a trabalhar nessa direção. A prática pedagógica, como demonstraram algumas atividades, mesmo tratando do tema de forma sem a consciência diferenciada , aponta um avanço nesse sentido. Os textos coletivos, a participação solidária, são elementos que nos permitem concluir dessa forma. As respostas das crianças foram significativas, embora tenhamos apontado as dificuldades na execução dos procedimentos pedagógicos. Por tratar-se de algo novo, não só como proposta, o Programa de Educação Ambiental exigiu a capacidade de lidar com ações integrada e integradora, ou seja, mudança de subjetividade dos distintos atores envolvidos no processo. O tema poderia se tornar por demais abrangente e, dessa forma, perder-se em generalidades. Assim, alguns aspectos relevantes foram apontados sem, no entanto, partir para um maior aprofundamento a fim de garantir a objetividade do trabalho. A instituição escolar está presente de corpo e alma na cidade e, ainda que, a temática ambiental esteja presente em seu cotidiano ela se faz de maneira formal e informativa. Todos falam em meio ambiente, entretanto poucos internalizam os valores de um ambiente saudável e próprio para o desenvolvimento humano da maioria que produz a riqueza das nações. Consideradas as observações apontadas, o trabalho apresentou elementos que devem ser analisados com maior propriedade, isto é, com maior extensão, como proposta de continuidade da pesquisa.
This article considers the changing scope of research into UK food superstores over some three decades. Rather than catalogue changing market shares by format, we seek instead to show how such change links to national policy agendas. Academic research has evolved to address the growing complexities of the social, technological, economic and political impacts of the superstore format. We exemplify this by tracing the progression of retail change in Portsmouth, Hampshire, over 30 years. We discover that academic research can conflict with the preconceptions of some public policy makers. The position is exacerbated by a progressive decline in public information – and a commensurate rise in factual data held by commercial data companies – that leaves policy makers with a choice of which data to believe. This problem casts a shadow over the objectivity of macro-policy as currently formulated. Concerns currently arise because the UK Competition Commission (2006–2009 but ongoing) starts each inquiry afresh with a search for recent data. Furthermore, it has recently called for changes to retail planning – the very arena in which UK superstore research commenced.
This study was to explore the psychoanalytic process that writers experience when they write memoirs. With psychoanalytic theory, the findings were that when writers compose memoirs which include repressed information, the writer's word choice or word block is heavily influenced by his/her own moral code. This idea led to the assertions that first, we are fragmented because of the discordance that arises between the structures of morality and language, the latter which includes good and evil; second, when we write memoirs, we must create a fictional identity that allows the different fragments of identity to operate under the illusion of continuity that language provides; and third, the language we use may transcend our repressed information into consciousness. The conclusion was that when past immoral truths are uncovered, the various fragments with their selfish aims and the fictional identity cease to exist in the wake of being. ^
The scope of this study was to investigate to what extent the feeling of compassion is important for the moral reasons. Thus, we will build on the analysis of moral reasoning of the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, in his essay “On The Basis of Morality”, who was a supporter of the feeling of compassion in their ethical reasoning. In order to deepen the discussion on the dichotomy of the human being, that the split between reason and sensibility in the moral field, also investigate Schopenhauer's criticism of the Kantian moral, which is fundamentally rational. We believe that analyzing both its moral foundation, as his critique of Kantian morality, we can understand the true import of the feeling of compassion in the moral field. Thus, we believe that one must take into account the value of this feeling on ethical grounds. As proposed will try an approach with regard to reason and sensitivity in the moral field.
The research examines the problem lie in the thought of Immanuel Kant. This field of law, of the history of political morality, we seek to investigate the Kantian rejection of falsehood and unconditional obligation to be truthful. Defends the thesis of the exception to lie and not be objectionable in two cases, namely: the torture and before the murderer. Thus, it is demonstrated that it is possible the exception to lie under the law, politics and history, considering the perspective of harmony of external freedoms and the idea of moral progress. In this sense, it is argued that the source of law is established to guarantee the external freedoms. From the point of view of morality, reaffirmed the absoluteness is that for Kant the duty of veracity, but it points to the possibility of a practical rule that allows the lie based on human dignity, weighting values as political equality, respect for rational agents, as well as the principle of humanity which teaches always treat the other as an end in itself.
The present numerical investigation offers evidence concerning the validity and objectivity of the predictions of a simple, yet practical, finite element model concerning the responses of steel fibre reinforced concrete structural elements under static monotonic and cyclic loading. Emphasis is focused on realistically describing the fully brittle tensile behaviour of plain concrete and the contribution of steel fibres on the post-cracking behaviour it exhibits. The good correlation exhibited between the numerical predictions and their experimental counterparts reveals that, despite its simplicity, the subject model is capable of providing realistic predictions concerning the response of steel fibre reinforced concrete structural configurations exhibiting both ductile and brittle modes of failure without requiring recalibration.
Based on the empirical comparative study between two churches from Pentecostal guidance - both located in Parnamirim/RN - and supported on a dialogic interaction between my interlocutors and theoretical references, I proposed me to reflect about how this protestant segment represents and articulates questions such as gender and power relationships, and the daily impact of that in their followers life. In other words, this dissertation aims to understand the reason of the asymmetry attributed to male and female, especially in what concerns the distribution of ecclesiastic works and the authority given to male, as well as the implication of this reality in the reconfiguration of morality and religious praxis in daily life of individuals and involved groups. From this perspective, this work was divided in three chapters, in which I investigate the tension/relationship between faith and secularism, for from this question on concessions and/or prohibitions related to the limits and involvement of the followers with the world and with the very Pentecostal ethos arise. I also analyze here aspects concerning to both ecclesiastic hierarchy and power, with the objective of elucidating how it occurs, what kind of criteria and implications they consider as well as about the nature of the religious labor division between men and women and, finally, I try to understand how the conversion/adhesion of members is reflected in the redefinitions of gender and its relationship between the ecclesiastical and domestic spaces. The diligence and energy spent in this work is in the hope that its fruits can corroborate in the expansion of anthropological knowledge which, in this particular case, involves the Brazilian Pentecostal phenomenon
This participative research interested in the social praxis attempts to understand the moral principles that set the magic rituals and the places of worship of three jurema centers of the potiguar region of Canguaretama. Among other inner particularly aspects of each focused catimbó-jurema center, it is being discussed the collective standards involved in the reliance and fellowship values assumed in the private magical gatherings by the juremeiras leaders and their partners, in contrast to the prestige seeking and the individualism that influence both the symbolic competitions and the witchcraft works that link these agents to the broader catimbozeiro universe of this region. Finally, the moral practices which make part of the juremeiro left-right dualism are investigated based on the understanding that the referred native pantheonic-ritual dichotomy does not necessarily express two moralities substantially adversed in terms of benefits or harms, but a series of moral actions subject to the specular logic of the tit-for tat. Thus, this research seeks to prove that this moral structure of symbolic reciprocity, as well as the witchcraft centrality in the catimbozeiro world, finds a certain causal link in a world view which guiding principle is the ontological evil of the catholic cosmology
Résumé: Le rapport entre la morale et la politique est un des plus vieux problèmes et des plus durables que s’est posé la philosophie morale, la philosophie politique, et plus récemment la philosophie du droit. Pour certains, la Morale, au sens large, doit guider les actions humaines dans toutes les sphères d’activité et les individus devraient ainsi, au mieux de leur capacité, chercher à se conformer à ses exigences. Dans ce cas, il ne peut y avoir de dilemme moral entre les exigences normatives issues de l’univers politique et les exigences, prétendument universelles, de la Morale. En contrepartie, d’autres suggèrent que l’on peut être justifié d’enfreindre, à certains moments, les exigences que l’on considère comme morales dans la vie « ordinaire » étant donné le caractère adversatif de la politique. Le dilemme se présente, ainsi, comme une tension entre deux normativités qui suggèrent une distinction entre ce qui relève du public et ce qui relève du privé. C’est en voulant répondre à ce dernier problème que s’est développé une littérature qui porte au cœur de sa conception le problème de la justification morale d’une action politique qui est moralement condamnable. Dans son ensemble, ce mémoire s’intéresse à analyser comment la littérature portant sur le problème des mains sales traite la question du couple conceptuel public – privé. Nous soutenons, qu’en retenant la possibilité d’une réelle distinction entre ces deux univers à normativités différentes, l’hypothèse qu’il y a effectivement une tension entre le domaine privé et le domaine public, qui ne peut totalement se soumettre aux exigences de la morale étant donné les particularités de l’action politique. Ceci étant dit, nous désirons nuancer une telle prise de position qui fait écho aux écrits de Machiavel. Ainsi, nous soutiendrons que cette distance entre le public et le privé est bien réelle, cependant, elle ne se présente pas aussi radicalement. Plutôt, elle se présente comme une distinction qui est liée à l’enjeu de l’évaluation, du jugement moral, faite par les individus qui sont hors de la politique et de ceux étant à l’intérieur de la politique.
Wydział Nauk Społecznych: Instytut Filozofii
Com vista a abandonar a ideia tradicional de que a observação é objetiva e que, decorrente da objetividade dos factos empíricos é possível estabelecer uma correspondência com a realidade e a verdade, procura-se, através de uma situação experimental problemática, inserida num contexto de História da Ciência, criar um contexto didático apropriado para a compreensão da relação da observação com a teoria que a interpreta. Os resultados obtidos no decurso do Projeto lbero-americano de Avaliação de Atitudes Relativas a Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade, através da aplicação do Cuestionario de Opiniones sobre Ciencia-Tecnologia-Sociedad mostraram que a conceção que os alunos têm sobre a Natureza da Ciência e Tecnologia e sobre a relação entre observação e teoria não é a mais adequada. A Sequência de Ensino-Aprendizagem proposta baseia-se na realização de uma atividade experimental problemática e na discussão dos resultados, relacionando-os com a análise e debate de dois textos sobre a Teoria do Flogisto e a Teoria do Oxigénio.
Este estudo, procura explicar a modularidade da mente humana, como um conjunto de módulos, permitindo desta forma contribuir para o estudo das ciências cognitivas. Estes módulos da arquitetura mental, permitem que a nossa mente interprete a cor resultante do sistema visual e das longitudes de ondas do espetro eletromagnético refratado dos objetos. Tendo por base o estudo do sistema visual, as células sensíveis, designadas por fotorrecetores percorrem o nervo ótico até atingir o encéfalo, localizando-se aí o sistema percetivo, permitindo desta forma realizar o estudo sobre busca visual da cor, como medida avaliadora do funcionamento do sistema visual, um estudo exploratório a propósito da objetividade da felicidade em crianças, que visa explorar a busca visual disjuntiva da cor como medida objetiva do bom funcionamento mental, do bem-estar subjetivo, como construto da felicidade. A amostra foi constituída por um grupo de 49 crianças não institucionalizadas e por um grupo de 16 crianças institucionalizadas, de ambos os sexos. Para a concretização deste estudo, foi necessária a utilização de uma tarefa de busca visual disjuntiva, que utilizou as simetrias de cores pertencentes ao mesmo par oponente e cores pertencentes a diferentes pares oponentes. Os resultados sugerem que não há qualquer interferência da institucionalização no funcionamento mental, logo no bem-estar subjetivo nas crianças; ABSTRACT: This study seeks to explain the modularity of the human mind, as a set of modules, giving this way a contribution to the study of the cognitive sciences. These modules of the mental architecture, allow our mind to interpret the resulting color of the visual system and the wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum refracted from the objects. Based on the study of our visual system, sensitive cells known as photoreceptors, which run along the optic nerve to the encephalon, being the perceptive system located there, allowing in this way to carry out the study on visual search of colour, as an assessment measure of the functioning of the visual system, an exploratory study concerning the objectivity of happiness in children, which aims to explore the disjunctive visual search of color as an objective measure of good mental functioning, of subjective well-being, as a construct of happiness. The sample consisted of a group of 49 non institutionalized children and of a group of 16 institutionalized children from both sexes. For the implementation of this study it was necessary to use a disjunctive visual search task, which used the Symmetry of colours belonging to the same opponent pair, and colours belonging to different opponent pairs. The results suggest that there is no interference from the institutionalization in mental functioning, therefore in the children’s subjective well being.
Based on the empirical comparative study between two churches from Pentecostal guidance - both located in Parnamirim/RN - and supported on a dialogic interaction between my interlocutors and theoretical references, I proposed me to reflect about how this protestant segment represents and articulates questions such as gender and power relationships, and the daily impact of that in their followers life. In other words, this dissertation aims to understand the reason of the asymmetry attributed to male and female, especially in what concerns the distribution of ecclesiastic works and the authority given to male, as well as the implication of this reality in the reconfiguration of morality and religious praxis in daily life of individuals and involved groups. From this perspective, this work was divided in three chapters, in which I investigate the tension/relationship between faith and secularism, for from this question on concessions and/or prohibitions related to the limits and involvement of the followers with the world and with the very Pentecostal ethos arise. I also analyze here aspects concerning to both ecclesiastic hierarchy and power, with the objective of elucidating how it occurs, what kind of criteria and implications they consider as well as about the nature of the religious labor division between men and women and, finally, I try to understand how the conversion/adhesion of members is reflected in the redefinitions of gender and its relationship between the ecclesiastical and domestic spaces. The diligence and energy spent in this work is in the hope that its fruits can corroborate in the expansion of anthropological knowledge which, in this particular case, involves the Brazilian Pentecostal phenomenon
This participative research interested in the social praxis attempts to understand the moral principles that set the magic rituals and the places of worship of three jurema centers of the potiguar region of Canguaretama. Among other inner particularly aspects of each focused catimbó-jurema center, it is being discussed the collective standards involved in the reliance and fellowship values assumed in the private magical gatherings by the juremeiras leaders and their partners, in contrast to the prestige seeking and the individualism that influence both the symbolic competitions and the witchcraft works that link these agents to the broader catimbozeiro universe of this region. Finally, the moral practices which make part of the juremeiro left-right dualism are investigated based on the understanding that the referred native pantheonic-ritual dichotomy does not necessarily express two moralities substantially adversed in terms of benefits or harms, but a series of moral actions subject to the specular logic of the tit-for tat. Thus, this research seeks to prove that this moral structure of symbolic reciprocity, as well as the witchcraft centrality in the catimbozeiro world, finds a certain causal link in a world view which guiding principle is the ontological evil of the catholic cosmology
The developmental progression of emotional competence in childhood provides a robust evidence for its relation to social competence and important adjustment outcomes. This study aimed to analyze how this association is established in middle childhood. For this purpose, we tested 182 Portuguese children aged between 8 and 11 years, of 3rd and 4th grades, in public schools. Firstly, for assessing social competence we used an instrument directed to children using critical social situations within the relationships with peers in the school context - Socially in Action-Peers (SAp) (Rocha, Candeias & Lopes da Silva, 2012); children were assessed by three sources: themselves, their peers and their teacher. Secondly, we assessed children’s emotional understanding, individually, with the Test of Emotion Comprehension (Pons & Harris, 2002; Pons, Harris & Rosnay, 2004). Relations between social competence levels (in a composite score and using self, peers and teachers’ scores) and emotional comprehension components (comprehension of the recognition of emotions, based on facial expressions; external emotional causes; contribute of desire to emotion; emotions based on belief; memory influence under emotional state evaluation; possibility of emotional regulation; possibility of hiding an emotional state; having mixed emotions; contribution of morality to emotion experience) were investigated by means of two SSA (Similarity Structure Analysis) - a Multidimensional Scaling procedure and the external variable as points technique. In the first structural analysis (SSA) we will consider self, peers and teachers’ scores on Social Competence as content variables and TEC as external variable; in the second SSA we will consider TEC components as content variables and Social Competence in their different levels as external variable. The implications of these MDS procedures in order to better understand how social competence and emotional comprehension are related in children is discussed, as well as the repercussions of these findings for social competence and emotional understanding assessment and intervention in childhood is examined.