516 resultados para OLIGOMERS


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和共轭聚合物相比,单分散共轭齐聚物具有结构确定、易提纯等优点,不仅是建立共轭体系结构与性能关系的最佳模型,而且是一类高纯度光电子材料,还是构造具有规整结构嵌段共聚物和超分子体系的理想构造单元。鉴于基于芴单元的共轭齐聚物与聚合物具有优异的光电性能,引入不同端基能够有效调节共轭齐聚物的性能,本论文以端基官能化齐聚芴为研究对象,设计与合成了具有不同端基结构的系列单分散齐聚芴,研究了它们基本的物理化学性质,主要成果与创新点如下: 1、利用Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons反应、Wittig反应和Heck偶联反应,交替引入极性、非极性反应端基,成功解决了发散法合成较长单分散共轭齐聚物过程中产物难以提纯的技术问题,合成了系列芴撑乙烯撑共轭齐聚物。其中,最长的齐聚物含11个芴单元,光谱外推得到的有效共轭长度可达19个重复单元。DSC和偏光显微镜研究表明,芴单元数大于5的齐聚物可形成向列型液晶相。含7个芴单元以上的齐聚物可用于制备有机发光二极管,含11个芴单元的齐聚物电致发光效率是相应聚合物的5倍。 2、通过Hagigara-Sonogashira偶联、Diels-Alder环加成等反应合成了一系列端基为刚性的苯乙炔基和五苯基苯的单分散齐聚芴。但典型Scholl反应条件不能实现完全氧化脱氢,获得六苯并晕苯封端的齐聚芴。光谱研究表明苯乙炔基的引入导致吸收光谱和荧光光谱有1-2 nm的红移。五苯基苯结构的引入能显著提高齐聚芴的Tg,从而提高齐聚物的形态稳定性。 3、利用Yamamoto反应,采用端基溴代的齐聚芴大分子单体聚合结合制备色谱分离,成功地制备了分子量超过20000 Da的单分散共轭聚合物,说明大分子单体聚合结合制备色谱分离制备单分散共轭聚合物是可行的。 4、通过Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons反应合成一系列端基为三苯胺乙烯撑的单分散齐聚芴,其中,最长的齐聚物含9个芴单元。光谱研究表明,随芴单元数的增加,两个三苯胺乙烯撑端基间共轭作用显著减弱,最大吸收波长蓝移;当芴的单元数≥3时,最大发射波长均位于450 nm,和聚芴和齐聚芴相比,这类共轭齐聚物的蓝光发光峰位更佳。电化学研究表明三苯胺乙烯撑单元的氧化还原过程不受齐聚芴单元长度的影响,该封端齐聚芴的HOMO能级主要是由三苯胺乙烯撑单元决定。 关键词:端基官能化,齐聚芴,单分散共轭聚合物


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芳香环状低聚物的合成是二十世纪八十年代末发展起来的研究领域,其特有的环状结构和可进行可控的开环聚合决定了芳香环状低聚物具有广阔的应用前景。本文从研究单体结构与成环反应的关系出发,开拓了一种合成芳香环状聚醚酮的新方法—改进的Friedel-Crafte反应法,采用该方法成功地合成了一系列新型结构的大环化合物,并首次利用流变仪对开环聚合过程中的流变行为进行了较为系统的观测。根据acoson-Stockmayer环化理论,应用基质辅助激光解吸离子化飞行时间质谱(MAIDL-TOF MS),对一系列芳香环状低聚物组分分布进行分析,研究了芳香环状低聚物的产率、组分分布与单体结构的关系。结果表明:芳香聚醋、聚麟酸醋及芳香聚醚环状低聚物系列中,InCn与1nn呈良好的线性关系,符合J-S理论分布。环状齐聚物的产率与组分分布受单体的中心键角影响,单体的中心键角在100°~120°范围内,其中心键角愈小,γ值愈大。γ值愈大,反应产物中小环化合物的含量越高,而小环化合物的含量的增加是高产率地合成环状齐聚物的前提之一。在此理论的指导下,通过对单体结构的模拟,高选择性地合成了一种新型结构的芳香环状聚硫醋二聚体,对其结构进行了精确的表征,在不同溶剂中得到了该环状二聚体的单晶,单晶X闪ray衍射表明该二聚体为环张力极小的大环化合物。基于上述理论,以有利于成环的邻苯二酞氯为酞基化试剂,对Friedel-Crafts酞基化反应在合成芳香环状齐聚物中的应用进行了系统研究,开拓了一种合成芳香环状预聚体的新方法—改进的Friedel-Crafts酞基化反应法。发现反应体系中Lewis碱的存在有利于选择性地形成环状产物。并进一步确定反应最佳条件为: Lewis碱和催化剂Alcl3与富电单体的摩尔比分别为1.2和3.4; 1,2-二氯乙烷为本反应的最佳溶剂;等当量的反应单体要求缓慢滴加到形成“假高稀”的溶剂体系中;Lewis碱NMP,DMF等都适用于本反应体系。在此优化条件下,以邻苯二酞氯和间苯二酞氯为酞基化试剂,室温下,合成了一系列芳香环状聚醚酮酮、聚醚酮、聚醚矾酮等新型结构的环状齐聚物,利用MALDI-TOF-MS,NMR,GPC,FTIR,DSC,元素分析等手段对环状结构进行了精确的表征;DSC分析表明含邻苯二拨基结构的环状齐聚物为无定型材料;部分产物的产率高达90%。在阴离子引发剂联苯双酚钾存在下,制备的环状齐聚物成功进行了熔融开环聚合,得到了相应结构的高分子量的线性开环聚合产物。其中,含邻苯二拨基结构的环状聚醚酮酮、环状聚醚酮矾的开环聚合产物的比浓粘度分别达到0.42dL/g,0.36 dL/g(0.5%的DMF溶液,25士0.1℃);四种含间苯二锁基结构的环状齐聚物的开环聚合产物的Tg与常规亲电沉淀反应合成的线性高聚物的Tg相同。含侧甲基的开环聚合产物的Tg比对应的开环聚合的产物的Tg高约5℃。研究结果表明用亲电缩聚方法制备芳香环状聚醚酮与亲核缩聚法相比较,具有成本低廉、反应条件温和丫产率高、易于大规模制备等优势,开拓了一种制备环状化合物的方法。自从美国G.E.公司利用环状聚碳酸酷的开环聚合制备线性聚碳酸醋以来,对芳香环状低聚物的开环聚合过程的研究仅局限在由GPC监测反应某一时刻的产物的分子量,而缺乏对与应用更为接近的开环聚合中的粘度的变化的研究。本文以界面缩聚反应高产率地合成芳香环状双酚A聚酷二聚体为对象,研究了流变仪在开环聚合中的应用。利用流变仪对环状二聚体开环聚合过程进行了较为系统的观测,研究了不同条件下的开环聚合中的流变行为,结果表明,开环聚合存在引发期,而且在引发期,熔融体的粘度低于10Pa·S,超过引发期,粘度呈指数级增长。引发期的长短可以通过引发剂的种类、浓度、开环聚合的温度等条件进行有效地控制。芳香环状聚酷二聚体与环状聚碳酸醋的开环共聚合的流变行为的研究结果表明:开环共聚合可以降低开环聚合的温度,调整引发期,是提高聚合产物的分子量的有效途径。用流变仪对以改进的Friedel-Crafts反应合成的芳香环酮齐聚物的开环聚合中的流变行为进行了监控。在330℃,剪切速率为0.05S-l下,熔融的环状齐聚物的粘度为2.0Pa·S。通过对开环聚合的反应条件的控制,同样实现了开环聚合的可控,通过改变其开环聚合的引发期的长短及粘度的变化规律,可、适应不。条一定为加工设计与成型加工提供理论指导和模型设计,必将进一步推进开环聚合工 艺向应用方向的发展。


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Oligothiophenes (OThs) end-capped with 3-quinolyl or pyridyl with nitrogen atom at meta-, ortho- or para-position were synthesized. The single-crystal structures of the resulting molecules, i.e., o-PyTh4, m-PyTh4, p-PyTh4, QuTh2, and QuTh3, were successfully determined by single-crystal X-ray analysis. Pyridyl end-capped OThs; o-PyTh4, m-PyTh4, and p-PyTh4, adopt the different herringbone packing arrangement in crystals depending on the position of the nitrogen atom because of the presence of weak C-H center dot center dot center dot N hydrogen bonds. The p-PyTh4 molecules are linked each other along the long axis of the molecules to form the extended chains by C-H center dot center dot center dot N dimer synthon. For m-PyTh4, the C-H center dot center dot center dot N interactions two-dimensionally extend through C-H center dot center dot center dot N trimer synthon.


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The effects of processing conditions on film morphology and molecular orientation were studied for a novel conjugated fluorene-bithiophene oligomer, oligo(9,9-dioctylfluorene-alt-bithiophene) (OF8T2). Depending on the method of film preparation, OF8T2 molecules adopt different orientations in the films. X-ray diffraction peak at 4.9 degrees of the OF8T2 film deposited from petroleum ether/dichloromethane mixture is attributed to a layering distance between sheets of OF8T2 chains, which are separated by the octyl side chains. Preferred orientation is clearly inferred through the absence of peaks corresponding to pi-pi stacking.


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Air-stable n-type field effect transistors were fabricated with an axially oxygen substituted metal phthalocyanine, tin (IV) phthalocyanine oxide (SnOPc), as active layers. The SnOPc thin films showed highly crystallinity on modified dielectric layer, and the electron field-effect mobility reached 0.44 cm(2) V-1 s(-1). After storage in air for 32 days, the mobility and on/off ratio did not obviously change. The above results also indicated that it is an effective approach of seeking n-type semiconductor by incorporating the appropriate metal connected with electron-withdrawing group into pi-pi conjugated system.


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The large-size domain and continuous para-sexiphenyl (p-6P) ultrathin film was fabricated successfully on silicon dioxide (SiO2) substrate and investigated by atomic force microscopy and selected area electron diffraction. At the optimal substrate temperature of 180 degrees C, the first-layer film exhibits the mode of layer growth, and the domain size approaches 100 mu m(2). Its saturated island density (0.018 mu m(-2)) is much smaller than that of the second-layer film (0.088 mu m(-2)), which begins to show the Volmer-Weber growth mode.


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The para-sexiphenyl (p-6P) monolayer film induces weak epitaxy growth (WEG) of disk-like organic semiconductors, and their charge mobilities are increased dramatically to the level of the corresponding single crystals [Wang et al., Adv. Mater. 2007, 19, 2168]. The growth behavior and morphology of p-6P monolayer film play decisive roles on WEG. Here, we investigated the growth behavior of p-6P submonolayer film as a function of the substrate temperature. Its growth exhibited two different mechanisms at high and low substrate temperature.


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Weak epitaxy growth (WEG) can afford high-mobility thin films of disk-like organic semiconductor of which mobility is up to the level of the corresponding single crystals. We investigated the WEG behavior and mechanism of planar phthalocyanine in the model system of metal-free phthalocyanine (H2Pc) grown on p-sexiphenyl (p-6P) ultrathin films (monolayers and double layers). Highly oriented H2Pc films with molecules standing up exhibited two kinds of different in-plane orientations, i.e., three sets of in-plane orientations and only one set of in-plane orientation, on p-6P monolayer and double-layer films, respectively.


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Ambipolar transport has been realized in organic heterojunction transistors with metal phthalocyanines, phenanthrene-based conjugated oligomers as the first semiconductors and copper-hexadecafluoro-phthalocyanine as the second semiconductor. The electron and hole mobilities of ambipolar devices with rod-like molecules were comparable to the corresponding single component devices, while the carrier mobility of ambipolar devices with disk-like molecules was much lower than the corresponding single component devices.


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Phthalocyanato tin(IV) dichloride, an axially dichloriniated MPc, is an air-stable high performance n-type organic semiconductor with a field-effect electron mobility of up to 0.30 cm(2) V-1 s(-1). This high mobility together with good device stability and commercial availability makes it a most suitable n-type material for future organic thin-film transistor applications.


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The dependence of electron conduction of oligo(1,4-phenylene ethynylene)s (OPEs) on length, terminal group, and main chain structure was examined by conductive probe-atomic force microscopy (CP-AFM) via a metal substrate-molecular wire monolayer-conductive probe junction. The electron transport in the molecular junction was a highest occupied molecule orbital (HOMO)-mediated process following a coherent, non-resonant tunneling mechanism represented by the Simmons equation.


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A ruthenium(II) bis(sigma-arylacetylide)-complex-based molecular wire functionalized with thiolacetyl alligator clips at both ends (OPERu) was used to fabricate gold substrate-molecular wire-conductive tip junctions. To elucidate the ruthenium-complex-enhanced charge transport, we conducted a single-molecule level investigation using the technique-combination method, where electronic delay constant, single-molecular conductance, and barrier height were obtained by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) apparent height measurements, STM break junction measurements, and conductive probe-atomic force microscopy (CP-AFM) measurements, respectively.


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In this paper, we have described a chiral binaphthyl-based fluorescent organogel. Very interestingly, similar to sonocrystallisation of organics, ultrasound can promote the gelation while it cannot occur spontaneously at relatively high temperature or low concentration. The fluorescence enhancement of the gel obtained via ultrasound irradiation is observed. In solution there exist rapid dynamic equilibria between (S)-1 oligomers. The association interactions both between gelator molecules and between solvent and gelator molecules could together effect the helical growth of distorted (S)-1 nanocrystals.


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A series of donor-acceptor (D-A) co-oligomers with oligo(fluorene-alt-bithiophene) and perylene diimide as donor and acceptor segments, respectively, have been designed and synthesized. They can self-assembly into alternating D-A lamellar nanostructured films with the periods depending on the molecular length. These films have been successfully used in fabrication of high-performance single-molecular solar cells with power conversion efficiency up to 1.50%.