786 resultados para NH4
El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de soluciones nutritivas en el fertirriego, con diferentes relaciones entre el nitrgeno y el potasio, en la productividad y calidad de los frutos del tomate (hbrido Hazera 3019), en suelo Ferraltico Rojo. La experiencia se desarroll en el Instituto de Investigaciones Hortcolas Liliana Dimitrova (La Habana, Cuba). Se estudiaron cuatro soluciones nutritivas, que se diferenciaron en su relacin NO3-+NH4+/K+ en trminos de meq L-1 (N/K), con una relacin K+/Ca2++Mg2+ en todas las variantes de 0,75. Los tratamientos resultantes (T1, 1:0,45; T2, 1:0,60 o testigo de produccin, T3, 1:0,75 y T4, 1:0,90) fueron distribuidos en un diseo completamente aleatorizado con cuatro rplicas. La variacin de la relacin N/K en la solucin nutritiva influy en el rendimiento, la calidad externa y la vida en anaquel de los frutos de tomate, sin afectar la calidad bromatolgica. La mejor combinacin entre estructura del rendimiento y calidad de los frutos se obtiene con la relacin N/K 1:0,75, al presentar rendimientos superiores en las categoras de calidad comercial extra, primera y extra ms primera, as como frutos con mayor firmeza y grosor del endocarpio, menor porcentaje de frutos fuera de norma y valores inferiores de prdidas postcosecha.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a dinmica de nutrientes na soluo do solo aps a aplicao, via fertirrigao, de nitrognio, fsforo e potssio a laranjeiras. O experimento foi realizado entre setembro de 2007 e outubro de 2009, em pomares de laranjeiras 'Valncia' e 'Hamlin', enxertadas sobre citrumeleiro 'Swingle'. Foram avaliadas cinco doses de N, P2O5 e K2O (0, 25, 50, 100 e 200% da dose recomendada). A soluo do solo foi extrada a 30 e 60 cm de profundidade, com o auxlio de extratores com cpsulas porosas. Foram realizadas 11 avaliaes durante o perodo experimental, com as extraes iniciadas aps 12 horas das fertirrigaes. O aumento das doses reduziu o pH (pH~3,5, na maior dose), e aumentou a condutividade eltrica (CE~1,5 dS m-1, na maior dose) e os teores de NH4, NO3, P, K, Mn e Zn na soluo do solo, nas duas profundidades amostradas. Nos meses com maior precipitao pluvial, houve perda potencial de nutrientes por lixiviao, pois maiores concentraes de NO3, K e B foram observadas profundidade de 60 cm. A anlise da soluo do solo, obtida por extratores com cpsula de cermica porosa, pode ser considerada ferramenta auxiliar para monitorar e avaliar a disponibilidade de nutrientes s plantas.
Tyss tutkittiin sulfonoitujen polystyreenidivinyylibentseenirunkoisten geeli-, meso- ja makrohuokoistenioninvaihtohartsien rakennetta kytten useita eri karakterisointimenetelmi. Lisksi tyss tutkittiin hartsien huokoskoon vaikutusta aminohappojen kromatografisessa erotuksessa. Tyn ppaino oli hartsien huokoskoon ja huokoisuuden mrittmisess. Sen selvittmiseksi kytettiin hyvksi elektronimikroskopiaa, typpiadsorptiomittauksia, sek knteist kokoekskluusiokromatografiaa. Parhaat tulokset saatiin knteisell kokoekskluusiokromatografialla, joka perustuu erikokoisten dekstraanipolymeerien kyttn mallimolekyylein. Menetelm sopii meso- ja makrohuokoisuuden tutkimiseen, mutta sen heikkoutena on erittin pitk mittausaika. Menetelm antaa mys huokoskokojakauman, mutta yhden hartsin mittaaminen voi kest viikon. Menetelm muutettiin siten, ett kytettiin mritettv huokoskokoaluetta kuvaavien kahden dekstraanipolymeerin seosta. Kromatografiset ajo-olosuhteet optimoitiin sellaisiksi, ett injektoidussa seoksessa olevien dekstraanien vastehuiput erottuivat toisistaan. Tllin voitiin luotettavasti mritt tutkittavan stationaarifaasin suhteellinen huokoisuus. Tt tyss kehitetty nopeaa knteiseen kokoekskluusiokromatografiaan perustuvaa menetelm kutsutaan kaksipistemenetelmksi. Hartsien sulfonihapporyhmien mr ja jakautumista tutkittiin mrittmll hartsien kationinvaihtokapasiteetti sek tutkimalla hartsin pintaa konfokaali-Raman-spektroskopian avulla. Sulfonihapporyhmien ioninvaihtokyvyn selvittmiseksi mitattiin K+-muotoon muutetusta hartsista S/K-suhde poikkileikkauspinnasta. Tulosten perusteella hartsit olivat tasaisesti sulfonoituneet ja 95 % rikkiatomeista oli toimivassa ioninvaihtoryhmss. Aminohappojen erotuksessa malliaineina oli lysiini, seriini ja tryptofaani. Hartsi oli NH4+-muodossa ja petitilavuus oli 91 mL. Eluenttina kytettiin vett, jonka pH oli 10. Paras tulos saatiin virtausnopeudella 0,1 mL/min, jolla kaikki kolme aminohappoa erottuivat toisistaan Finex Oy:n mesohuokoisella KEF78-hartsilla. Muilla tutkituilla hartseilla kaikki kolme aminohappoa eivt missn ajo-olosuhteissa erottuneet tysin.
A experincia em fertirrigao na citricultura mundial est localizada em clima mediterrnico, geralmente em solos alcalinos, nos quais a acidificao apontada como uma das vantagens dessa tcnica. Por outro lado, nas condies de solos tropicais, a acidificao tem sido um ponto de estrangulamento, pois poder comprometer a sustentabilidade do sistema de fertirrigao. Este trabalho foi elaborado com objetivo de avaliar a dinmica de ons no perfil do solo, quantificar as perdas de nutrientes por lixiviao e seus efeitos sobre a acidificao do solo em diferentes sistemas de manejo com adubao slida e fertirrigao. O experimento foi instalado em um Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrfico, na cidade de Piraju - SP, em um talho de variedade Natal sobre limo Cravo, com quatro anos de idade. Os tratamentos foram constitudos por duas doses de nutrientes (200; 40 e 160 kg ha-1, respectivamente de N, P2O5 e K2O e sua metade) e trs formas de aplicao (adubao slida sem irrigao, adubao slida irrigada e fertirrigao), totalizando seis tratamentos. A dinmica de ons no solo foi monitorada pela amostragem do solo, nas profundidades de 0-20; 20-40 e 40-60 cm e tambm pela coleta da soluo do solo, por meio de extratores de soluo colocados em todas as parcelas, nas profundidades de 30 e 60 cm, durante trs anos. As maiores concentraes de ons na soluo do solo ocorreram nos tratamentos fertirrigados; conseqentemente, estes tratamentos foram os que apresentaram maiores valores de condutividade eltrica. Teores elevados de N-NH4 e N- NO3 na soluo do solo foram observados nos tratamentos fertirrigados, nas duas profundidades, mostrando que existe grande potencial de perda de nitrognio por lixiviao. Essas perdas de nutrientes por lixiviao, observadas nos tratamentos fertirrigados, com conseqente acidificao do solo, podem acarretar em restries ao uso da tcnica de fertirrigao em solos tropicais.
Diplomityss kehitettiin ioninvaihtoon perustuva ammoniakin talteenottoprosessi NSSC (Neutral Sulphite Semi Chemical) -prosessin haihduttamon lauhteille. Tarkoituksena oli saada aallotuskartonkitehtaan kemi-kaalikiertoa suljettua ja sit kautta ammoniakkipstj vhennetty. Ammoniakki tuli ottaa hytymuodossa (ammoniakkihyry tai ammoniumsulfiitti) talteen. Ammoniumsulfiittiliuosta kytetn NSSC-prosessissa keittonesteen. Kirjallisuusosassa selvitetn strippaukseen perustuvia ammoniakin talteenottomahdollisuuksia. Tutkitaan ioninvaihdon teoriaa ja ammoniumin talteenottoon sopivien ioninvaihtomateriaalien ominaisuuksia ioninvaihtajina. Lisksi esitetn ioninvaihtoprosesseihin liittyvi laitteistoratkaisuja ja prosessiolosuhteita. Tyn kokeellisessa osassa on yleiskuvaus Powerflute Oy Savon Sellun prosesseista ja selvitetn ammoniakin merkityst tehtaalle. Laboratoriokokein tutkittiin orgaanisten kationihartsien sek eporgaanisen luonnon zeoliitin soveltuvuutta ammoniumionien vaihtoon esihaihduttamon lauhteesta. Ammoniakin talteenottoprosessin toimivuutta teollisessa mittakaavassa selvitettiin rakennetulla pilotlaitteistolla suoritettujen kokeiden avulla. Lopuksi tehtiin ammoniakin talteenottoprosessin scale-up: laskettiin prosessin talteenottokapasiteetti, arvioitiin kustannuksia sek annettiin lausunto prosessin toteutettavuudesta. Laboratoriokokeiden perusteella luonnon zeoliitti ja heikosti hapan ioninvaihtohartsi eivt sovellu ammoniumionien vaihtoon NSSC haihduttamon lauhteista. Vahvasti hapan kationihartsi toimi ammoniumin talteenotossa parhaiten, joten se valittiin pilotkokeiden ioninvaihtomateriaaliksi. Pilotkokeissa ioninvaihtomateriaaliin saatiin sidottua ammoniumia noin 30 g NH4+ / dm3 hartsia, kun materiaalin teoreettinen ioninvaihtokapasiteetti oli 32 g NH4+ / dm3 hartsia. Ammoniumin lpisykyrien muotoon vaikutti suuresti syttlauhteen virtausnopeus ja ammoniumpitoisuus. Ioninvaihtomateriaalipedin syvyydell ei ollut niinkn merkityst. Pilotkokeiden regenerointitavoista tehokkaimmaksi osoittautui hyrystrippaus, jossa saavutettiin noin 90 %:n talteenottotehokkuus. Rikkihapokeksittelyll talteenottotehokkuus ji 50 %:iin. Teollisen mittakaavan laitoksella voidaan vuosittain regenerointitavasta riippuen ottaa talteen esihaihdut-tamon lauhteesta noin 100-150 tonnia ammoniakkia. Prosessin kyttkustannukset ovat talteenotetusta ammoniakista saataviin sstihin verrattuna suuret ja niihin vaikuttaa merkittvsti ioninvaihtohartsin kyttik sek regenerointikemikaalien kulutus. Osittaisella kemikaalikierron sulkemisella saavutetaan NSSC-prosessissa sekundrietuja, joiden vaikutuksen merkittvyys pitisi tarkentaa listutkimuksilla.
This work presents a detailed study of the leaching behavior of deactivated hydrotreating catalysts (CoMo, NiMo/Al2O3) in presence of oxalate and NH4+ ions in various media. The yield of metals recovery may be optimized by adjusting several experimental parameters (time, temperature, etc). Leaching is limited by physical factors (diffusional effects caused by coke) and by the existence of silicate/spinel-like species which are poorly soluble in leaching solutions. Coke may be eliminated by an oxidation step at temperatures between 300-400C. Above 400C, solubilization of Ni and Co is drastically reduced. 50-90% wt of sulphate species and 15-30% wt of phosphate ions are solubilized during leaching. Silicon (as SiO2) is not solubilized. The best Ni-Co-Mo recoveries are in the 70-90% wt range; Fe recovery may be quantitative, whereas Al leaching may be lower than 5% wt.
The aim of this work is to show an experiment from which students can learn some of the main characteristics of buffer solutions. A mixture of some acid-base indicators, named as Yamada's indicator, can be used to estimate pH values in an acid-base titration of a buffer, with good approximation. In the experiment it is also possible to verify the relationship between the buffer capacity and the concentrations and the molar ratio of the components of a NH3 / NH4+ buffer solution. The shortage of experiments associated with the relative small importance given to many aspects of buffer solutions, is now explored with simplicity. In the proposed experiments, students prepare buffer solutions by themselves, calculate the pH, understand how acid-base indicators act and learn how buffer solutions work through graph constructed by sharing experimental data.
The atrazine photoelectrochemical degradation has been examined in solutions containing TiO2 on immobilized films under a variety of experimental conditions. It was possible to observe that the supporting electrolyte nature affects the intensity of the photocurrent, being an indicative of the adsorption process. The disappearance of the organic molecule follows approximately a pseudo-first order kinetic. As mineralization product, NH4+ and NO3- ion have been identified. These results indicated that the formation of NH4+ ion can be associated to the effect of atrazine adsorption, due to need of potential adaptation together with a variation in the supporting electrolyte concentration.
The present work is a preliminary study of total and wet precipitation in the Candiota region, RS. The samples were collected from January to June 2001 at four different sites. The following variables were analysed: pH, conductivity, alkalinity, Cl-, NO3-, F-, SO4(2-), Na+, K+, Mg2+, NH4+, Ca2+ and Zn, Cu, Fe, Al, Mn. The results showed slightly acidic precipitation and higher concentrations of NH4+, Na+, Cl- and SO4(2-). Factor analysis applied to the variables studied allowed identifying the major sources. Na+, Cl- and Mg2+ have their origin in sea salts and NH4+, Ca2+, K+, SO4(2-) and NO3- are from local anthropogenic sources.
The objective of this paper is to investigate the physical and chemical quality of the water of the Descoberto River during the dry and rainy seasons by measuring pH, temperature, electric conductivity, total dissolved solids, turbidity, color, alkalinity and NO3-, SO4(2-), PO4(3-), NH4+, Cl- and HCO3-, and the elements Sr, Mo, Cd, Y, Ti, Ca, V, Mg, Fe, Si, Ni, Zr, Cu, Al, Cr, Mn, Ba, Co, Zn, P, Na and K. The results showed high concentrations in both seasons, with dilution along the course of the river, minimizing for a while problems that compromise the quality of the water of this source. However, a progressive deterioration can occur due to an increase in the discharge of pollutants, resulting from population growth, agricultural activities and other factors.
Several extraction procedures are described for the determination of exchangeable and fixed ammonium, nitrate + nitrite, total exchangeable nitrogen and total nitrogen in certified reference soils and petroleum reservoir rock samples by steam distillation and indophenol method. After improvement of the original distillation system, an increase in worker safety, a reduction in time consumption, a decrease of 73% in blank value and an analysis without ammonia loss, which could possibly occur, were achieved. The precision (RSD < 8%, n = 3) and the detection limit (9 mg kg-1 NH4+-N) are better than those of published procedures.
In the begining of April 2004, concentrations of NHx (NH3 + NH4+) were measured in surface waters of the Guanabara Bay. Concentrations varied from 2 to 143 mmol L-1. Ammonia exchange at the air-sea interface was quantified using a numerical model. No measurement of NH3 concentration in air (c air) was performed. Thus, calculations of NH3 flux were based on the assumptions of c air = 1 and 5 g m-3. Fluxes were predominantly from the water to the atmosphere and varied from -20 to almost 3500 g N m-2 h-1.
Wet (n = 21) and dry (n = 23) deposition samples were collected from March to September 2002 at the southern coast of Ilha Grande. Rainwater pH varied from 4.3 to 6.3 and ionic concentrations (in mol L-1) decreased in the order Cl- > Na+ > Mg2+ > SO4(2-) > NO3- ~ NH4+ > K+ ~ H+ > Ca2+. Scavenging of sea-salt aerosols was the major source of Cl-, Na+, Mg2+, and Ca2+. Half of total SO4(2-) was non-sea-salt SO4(2-). Total deposition fluxes of NH4+, NO3-, and non-sea-salt SO4(2-) were respectively 9.3, 17.8, and 16.0 mol ha-1 month-1.
El LNH4SO4 ( LAS) presenta dos transiciones de fase, una alrededor de 10 C y la otra a 186 C. La fase intermedia es ferroelctrica. En este trabajo se estudia el efecto que produce la sustitucin parcial del catin amonio por rubidio y del anin sulfato por seleniato en dichas transiciones de fase. Se establece la zona de existencia de las soluciones slidas Li(NH4)-^_^Rb^S04 y LiNH4(SO^)^_^(Se04)^ en las que se mantiene la estructura del LAS. La presencia de aniones seleniato o de cationes rubidio afecta a las transiciones de fase de alta y baja temperatura, por lo que, tanto los tetraedros sulfato como el catin amonio intervienen en dichas transiciones. Hay un efecto cooperativo entre el desorden de los grupos sulfato y las distorsiones de los tetraedros amonio. El mecanismo que puede explicar estas transiciones es del tipo orden-desorden.
In this work, aqueous suspensions of aluminas with different particle sizes were evaluated. The effect of pH on the electrosteric stabilization using PMAA-NH4 (ammonium polymethacrylate) as deflocculant was studied. The amount of deflocculant was optimized and rheologic properties were determined at four different pH values. Sedimentation was also evaluated. For suspensions with pH 4, an electrostatic mechanism of stabilization was observed, probably due to a flat adsorption of PMMA- on the alumina surface, leading to a small efficiency in relation to steric stabilization. For a suspension with pH 12, the steric mechanism of stabilization prevails. Suspensions with pH 7 and 9 present a higher flocculation degree. In relation to particle size, A-1000 samples present a smaller particle size, leading to a smaller interparticle distance (IPS), making stabilization more difficult.