990 resultados para Municipal Budget


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O estudo tem por objetivo conhecer a realidade do planejamento de saúde do município de Queimados e da Baixada Fluminense, enfatizando a análise dos Planos Municipais de Saúde, identificando sobretudo em que bases o planejamento do município e da Baixada Fluminense foi estruturado. A metodologia foi realizada através de revisão bibliográfica, sites oficiais do Ministério da Saúde e análise dos Planos Municipais de Saúde da Baixada Fluminense, com vigência nos anos 20102013. A análise dos Planos Municipais de Saúde busca identificar as peculiaridades existentes, as características específicas de cada plano, a regionalização da rede de saúde e os instrumentos legais que norteiam sua elaboração. O resultado do estudo aponta que os planos são instrumentos de gestão elaborados pelos municípios no cumprimento da legislação e não são monitorados e acompanhados pela equipe municipal e pelos órgãos fiscalizadores. Assim, destaca-se a importância do tema na condução e perspectiva de melhorias nos O processos de estruturação e organização das políticas públicas de saúde em âmbito municipal e regional.


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O trabalho tem por objeto a terceirização da gestão municipal de unidades ambulatoriais de saúde mental no segundo, terceiro e quarto distritos do município de Duque de Caxias, no Rio de Janeiro, na modalidade de organização social, entre 2009 a 2012. O marco inicial refere-se a assinatura do Termo de parceria entre a Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Duque de Caxias (SMSDC) e uma Organização da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Público (OSCIP). O marco final refere-se a rescisão unilateral do Termo de Parceria com a OSCIP por parte da SMSDC. O objetivo geral: analisar a gestão terceirizada nos ambulatórios de saúde mental do município de Duque de Caxias no referido período na modalidade de OSCIP. Objetivos específicos: descrever as circunstâncias de implantação do processo de terceirização na gestão das unidades de saúde mental em Duque de Caxias na modalidade de OSCIP; analisar a participação da OSCIP nos ambulatórios de saúde mental no município de Duque de Caxias nos distritos de interesse do estudo; discutir as implicações do modelo de terceirização para a política de Saúde Mental em Duque de Caxias. Trata-se de abordagem quanti-qualitativa do tipo descritiva. As fontes primárias se constituíram de decretos, leis, portarias, resoluções, documentos, atas e relatórios de gestão da OSCIP e do programa de Saúde Mental de Duque de Caxias, atas do Conselho do Municipal de Caxias e atas das Conferencias Nacionais e Municipais de Saúde e de Saúde Mental. Para o processo de análise dos dados foi utilizada a analise documental e a analise estatística. Os dados quantitativos foram tabulados e analisados através de estatística simples e apresentados sob a forma de tabelas e gráficos a partir dos dados do TABNET, DATASUS, relatórios da OSCIP e do Programa de Saúde Mental de Duque de Caxias, em especial das unidades terceirizadas dos 2, 3 e 4 distritos do município. Os resultados mostraram que apesar da parceria entre a instituição terceirizada e a Secretaria Municipal de Saúde que previa aumento da produção de consultas em Saúde Mental, alcançando um mínimo 75% das consultas estimadas para psiquiatras e psicólogos, não resultou em diminuição significativa na taxa de internação psiquiátrica no período estudado, que passou de 1,19% do total de internações em 2009 para 0,77% deste total em 2012, apresentando até uma elevação para 1,26% no ano de 2010. Tal fato pode ser devido ao modelo de gestão terceirizado não estar adequado à complexidade da abordagem do paciente com transtorno mental, onde o envolvimento e a formação do profissional baseada no vínculo, na participação do paciente e a construção do seu plano terapêutico com a participação da família, são aspectos diferenciais na qualidade da assistência em saúde mental. O modelo de gestão adotado por Caxias para as Unidades estudadas não apresentou correspondência na redução efetiva da taxa de internação psiquiátrica dos pacientes residentes em Duque de Caxias.


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This report outlines the approaches for estimating the carbon budget for the United States, a data rich subcontinental area, and presents an overview of problems encountered and preliminary results obtained.


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An investigation into the seismic behaviour of municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills by dynamic centrifuge testing was undertaken. This paper presents physical modelling of MSW landfills for dynamic centrifuge testing, with regard to the following research areas: 1. amplification characteristics of municipal solid waste; 2. tension induced in geomembranes placed on landfill slopes due to earthquake loading; 3. damage to landfill liners due to liquefaction of foundation soil. A model waste, that has engineering properties similar to MSW, is presented. A model geomembrane that can be used in centrifuge tests is also presented. Results of dynamic centrifuge tests with the model geomembrane showed that an earthquake loading induces additional permanent tension (∼25%) in the geomembrane. © 2006 Taylor & Francis Group.


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In this study heat budget components and momentum flux for August and January 1992 over the north Arabian Sea are computed. The marine meteorological data measured on board during the cruises of PAK-US joint project (NASEER) are used for the computation. Significant differences were found in the heat budget components as well as in the momentum flux during different monsoon periods over the north Arabian Sea. The latent heat flux was always positive and attributed to the large vapour pressure gradient. The computed moisture and latent heat fluxes in January were higher than August The highest value of latent heat flux 309 W/m2 at station 8 was evaluated. These higher latent heat fluxes were due to the large vapour pressure gradient, air-sea temperature difference, the wind speed, and the prevailing wind direction (from north and northeast). Negative values of sensible heat fluxes in both seasons indicate that the heat transfer was from the atmosphere to the ocean. The negative values of net heat gain indicate that the sea surface field became an energy sink: or the sea surface supplied more energy to the atmosphere than it received from it. Large variation in the momentum flux mainly attributed to the variation in the wind speed. Aerial averages of heat and momentum fluxes were also computed.


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Based on the freshwater and seawater budgets, the mean in/out water fluxes as well as the monthly changes in freshwater content were determined in Lake Manzalah. About 6693 x 10^6m^3 of fresh and brackish water inflow to the lake annually through the main drains discharging into the southeastern basin. Allowances of precipitation (105.7 x 10^6m^3/y) and evaporation (1075 x 10^6m^3/y) yield a net runoff of 5723 x 10^6m^3/y. The average changes in the freshwater content (dF) of the lake was 547.0 x 10^6m^3 with the maximum i.e. 72.4 x 10^6m^3 in July. Using the quantity of inflowing and outflowing water through Boughaz El-Gamil (Lake-Sea connection), the change in water volume relative to sea level change was 549 x 10^6m^3/y. The sea-level height (dh) induced an average monthly change of 6.5 cm. Using the amount of freshwater discharge as well as the lake volume, the lake water is replaced every 48 days.


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We studied seasonal variation in the activity budget of a habituated group of Nomascus concolor jingdongensis at Mt. Wuliang, Central Yunnan, China from March 2005 to April 2006 via scan sampling at 5-min intervals. The study site is near the northern extreme of the distribution of hylobatids, at high altitude with extreme seasonality of temperature and rainfall. During the day, feeding manifested a bimodal pattern of high activity levels in mid-morning and mid-afternoon, whereas resting reached a peak at midday, with proportionally less time used for traveling. Annually, the group spent an average of 40.0% of the time resting, 35.1% feeding, 19.9% traveling, 2.6% singing, 1.2% playing, and 1.3% in other activities. The proportion of time allocated to activities showed significant monthly variations and was influenced by the diet and temperature. Gibbons increased traveling and playing time and decreased feeding time when they ate more fruit, and they decreased traveling, singing, and playing time and increased feeding time when they ate more leaves. Moreover, when the temperature was low, the gibbons decreased time traveling and increased time resting. In summary, black-crested gibbons employed high-effort activities when they ate more fruit and energy-conservation patterns when they ate more leaves and in low temperature. Behavioral data from the site are particularly useful in understanding gibbon behavioral adaptations to different sets of ecological conditions.


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From 26 March to 2 August 2003, both the time budget and the diurnal rhythm of behavior of breeding Black-necked Cranes (Grus nigricollis) were studied at Ruoergai Wetlands National Natural Reserve, Sichuan Province, China. The breeding season was divided


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Wavelength offset super Gaussian optical filters enable 7dB increases in optical power budget of 11.25Gb/s optical OFDM PON systems using directly modulated DFBs, considerably relax filter bandwidth requirement and improve performance robustness to bandwidth variation. © 2011 Optical Society of America.


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The use of 0.02nm bandwidth optical bandpass filters with 0.01nm wavelength offsets from optical carrier wavelengths in the optical OFDM (OOFDM) transmitter improves optical power budgets by 7dB at a total channel BER of 1×10 -3 in directly modulated laser-based IMDD PON systems. ©2010 Optical Society of America.


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An investigation into the seismic behaviour of municipal solidwaste (MSW) landfills by dynamic centrifuge testing was undertaken. This paper presents physical modelling of MSW landfills for dynamic centrifuge testing, with regard to the following research areas: 1. amplification characteristics of municipal solid waste; 2. tension induced in geomembranes placed on landfill slopes due to earthquake loading; 3. damage to landfill liners due to liquefaction of foundation soil. A model waste, that has engineering properties similar to MSW, is presented. A model geomembrane that can be used in centrifuge tests is also presented. Results of dynamic centrifuge tests with the model geomembrane showed that an earthquake loading induces additional permanent tension (∼25%) in the geomembrane. © 2006 Taylor & Francis Group, London.


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The seasonal variations of estrogenic compounds and the estrogenicities of influent and effluent were investigated by OF chemical analysis and in vitro assay in a municipal sewage treatment plant in Wuhan (China). The levels of eight estrogenic compounds, including 17 beta-estradiol (E-2) estrone (E-1), estriol (E-3) diethylstilbestrol (DES), 17 alpha-ethinylestradiol, nonylphenol (NP), 4-tert-octylphenol (OP), and bisphenol A (BPA), were measured by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Total estrogenic activity of sewage was quantitatively assessed using primary cultured hepatocytes of male Megalobrama amblycephala Yih using vitellogenin as a biomarker. The E-2 equivalents (EEQs) obtained from the chemical analysis were consistent with those measured by bioassay. The natural (E-1, E-2, and E-3) and synthetic (DES) estrogens, as well as NP, were the main contributors of the total EEQs of influent and effluent in the present study. The levels of natural estrogens E-1 and E-3 in the influent and effluent were higher in winter than in summer, whereas the situation for NP and OP was the reverse. The levels of E-2, DES, and BPA varied little among different seasons. 17 alpha-Ethinylestradiol was not detected in the influent and effluent. The estrogenicities of the influent and of the primary and secondary effluents were all higher in summer than in winter. Estrogenic activities in winter mainly originated from natural (E-1, E-2, and E-3) and synthetic (DES) estrogens, whereas the increase of EEQs in summer was contributed by NP The results from chemical analysis and bioassay demonstrate that estrogenic compounds cannot be entirely removed by the existing sewage treatment process, which should be further improved to protect aquatic ecosystems and human health.