841 resultados para Mireille Delmas-Marty
MarcoPolo-R is a sample return mission to a primitive Near-Earth Asteroid (NEA) proposed in collaboration with NASA. It will rendezvous with a primitive NEA, scientifically characterize it at multiple scales,and return a unique sample to Earth unaltered by the atmospheric entry process or terrestrial weathering. MarcoPolo-R will return bulk samples (up to 2 kg) from an organic-rich binary asteroid to Earth for laboratory analyses, allowing us to: explore the origin of planetary materials and initial stages of habitable planet formation; identify and characterize the organics and volatiles in a primitive asteroid; understand the unique geomorphology, dynamics and evolution of a binaryNEA. This project is based on the previous Marco Polo mission study,which was selected for the Assessment Phase of the first round of Cosmic Vision. Its scientific rationale was highly ranked by ESA committees andit was not selected only because the estimated cost was higher than theallotted amount for an M class mission. The cost of Marco Polo-R will be reduced to within the ESA medium mission budget by collaboration withAPL (John Hopkins University) and JPL in the NASA program for coordination with ESA's Cosmic Vision Call. The baseline target is a binary asteroid (175706) 1996 FG3, which offers a very efficient operational and technical mission profile. A binary target also providesenhanced science return. The choice of this target will allow newinvestigations to be performed more easily than at a single object, andalso enables investigations of the fascinating geology and geophysics ofasteroids that are impossible at a single object. Several launch windows have been identified in the time-span 2020-2024. A number of otherpossible primitive single targets of high scientific interest have beenidentified covering a wide range of possible launch dates. The baselinemission scenario of Marco Polo-R to 1996 FG3 is as follows: a singleprimary spacecraft provided by ESA, carrying the Earth Re-entry Capsule, sample acquisition and transfer system provided by NASA, will be launched by a Soyuz-Fregat rocket from Kourou into GTO and using two space segment stages. Two similar missions with two launch windows, in 2021 and 2022 and for both sample return in 2029 (with mission durationof 7 and 8 years), have been defined. Earlier or later launches, in 2020 or 2024, also offer good opportunities. All manoeuvres are carried out by a chemical propulsion system. MarcoPolo-R takes advantage of three industrial studies completed as part of the previous Marco Polo mission (see ESA/SRE (2009)3, Marco Polo Yellow Book) and of the expertise of the consortium led by Dr. A.F. Cheng (PI of the NASA NEAR Shoemaker mission) of the JHU-APL, including JPL, NASA ARC, NASA LaRC, and MIT.
The coupling between magnetization and polarization in a room temperature multiferroic (Pb(Zr,Ti)O3–Pb(Fe,Ta)O3) is explored by monitoring changes in capacitance that occur when a magnetic field is applied in each of three orthogonal directions. Magnetocapacitance effects, consistent with P2M2 coupling, are strongest when fields are applied in the plane of the single crystal sheet investigated.
In this single centre study of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) patients treated on the Medical Research Council UKALL 97/99 protocols, it was determined that minimal residual disease (MRD) detected by real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RQ-PCR) and 3-colour flow cytometry (FC) displayed high levels of qualitative concordance when evaluated at multiple time-points during treatment (93.38%), and a combined use of both approaches allowed a multi time-point evaluation of MRD kinetics for 90% (53/59) of the initial cohort. At diagnosis, MRD markers with sensitivity of at least 0.01% were identified by RQ-PCR detection of fusion gene transcripts, IGH/TRG rearrangements, and FC. Using a combined RQ-PCR and FC approach, the evaluation of 367 follow-up BM samples revealed that the detection of MRD >1% at Day 15 (P = 0.04), >0.01% at the end of induction (P = 0.02), >0.01% at the end of consolidation (P = 0.01), >0.01% prior to the first delayed intensification (P = 0.01), and >0.1% prior to the second delayed intensification and continued maintenance (P = 0.001) were all associated with relapse and, based on early time-points (end of induction and consolidation) a significant log-rank trend (P = 0.0091) was noted between survival curves for patients stratified into high, intermediate and low-risk MRD groups.
Hematopoietic chimerism is a measure of the number of donor and recipient cells in the host following stem cell transplantation (SCT). The type of conditioning therapy prior to SCT has a major impact on the chimeric status in the recipient. Different techniques of measurement have varying sensitivities. The use of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of short tandem repeats (STR) using fluorescent amplification permits quantification using Genescan analysis. When SCT is used for malignant haematological disorders, measurement of chimeric status may indicate early relapse and in aplastic anemia graft rejection. Reduced intensity or T-cell depletion is associated with mixed haemopoietic chimerism. SCT for benign haematological disorders does not require complete donor chimerism for a successful outcome.
La tradition lexicographique de langue française opère, en théorie, une séparation stricte entre noms communs et noms propres. Or, dans les faits, cette séparation touche surtout les noms propres de lieux et de personnes. En effet, l'observation des articles du vocabulaire politique révèle un nombre important de noms propres d'une autre nature dans les pages de dictionnaires, comme des noms propres d'institutions, de partis politiques ou d'événements et de périodes historiques. Qui plus est, ces noms propres reçoivent souvent un traitement lexicographique comparable à celui des noms communs. Toutefois, ce traitement n'a pas encore fait l'objet d'une étude approfondie. Afin de faire la lumière sur le traitement lexicographique des noms propres du vocabulaire politique, nous avons procédé à une analyse de ces noms propres à travers quatre dictionnaires généraux de langue française : Le Nouveau Petit Robert 2007 (version électronique), Le Petit Larousse Illustré 2007 (version électronique), le Dictionnaire du français Plus - À l'intention des francophones d'Amérique (1988) et le Dictionnaire québécois d'aujourd'hui (1992). Nous avons d'abord mis sur pied une typologie des noms propres du vocabulaire politique susceptibles d'être définis dans les dictionnaires généraux de langue française; puis nous avons relevé ces noms propres dans les dictionnaires à l'étude. Il ressort de ce relevé que le nombre de noms propres du vocabulaire politique dans les dictionnaires est assez élevé pour nécessiter une caractérisation de la pratique lexicographique les entourant. En outre, la description du vocabulaire politique passe par une description de certains types de noms propres en plus des mots du lexique commun. Nous nous sommes penchée sur la manière dont sont présentés les noms propres dans les dictionnaires, pour conclure que leur intégration et leur identification n'obéissent pas à une méthode systématique.La majuscule initiale n'est pas systématiquement utilisée pour les noms propres de même type.La nomenclature des noms propres à inclure dans le dictionnaire de langue à été étudiée à travers l'exemple des noms de partis politiques.La méthode servant à dresser cette nomenclature devrait se baser sur l'observation d'un corpus (fréquence) et l'importance dans un système socioculturel de référence - pour les noms de partis politiques, les noms des partis représentés dans les instances officielles devraient être décrits dans les dictionnaires généraux. Nous avons ensuite analysé les catégories de noms propres les plus représentées dans notre corpus d'articles du vocabulaire politique (les noms propres d'événements et de périodes historiques, les noms de partis politiques, dont les sigles, et les noms propres d'institutions). À la suite de cette analyse, nous proposons une liste d'éléments que le traitement lexicographique devrait inclure afin de permettre une circonscription efficace du référent (c'est-à-dire les traits distinctifs que devrait contenir une définition suffisante pour ces types de noms propres). Un point commun à toutes les catégories concerne l'explicitation du contexte référentiel : en contexte francophone particulièrement, le lieu doit être précisé par le traitement lexicographique. L'étude se termine par une analyse de l'arrimage entre noms propres et lexique commun dans les dictionnaires où ils sont intégrés dans un même ouvrage (PLI) ou dans une même nomenclature ( Dictionnaire Hachette, Dixel ). Nous arrivons à la conclusion que ces particularités dictionnairiques n'ont pas pour l'instant permis de corriger certaines faiblesses dans l'intégration des noms propres du vocabulaire politique, surtout en ce qui a trait à leur présence (nomenclature) et à leur traitement en terme de définition suffisante.
INTRODUCTION: Hip fractures are responsible for excessive mortality, decreasing the 5-year survival rate by about 20%. From an economic perspective, they represent a major source of expense, with direct costs in hospitalization, rehabilitation, and institutionalization. The incidence rate sharply increases after the age of 70, but it can be reduced in women aged 70-80 years by therapeutic interventions. Recent analyses suggest that the most efficient strategy is to implement such interventions in women at the age of 70 years. As several guidelines recommend bone mineral density (BMD) screening of postmenopausal women with clinical risk factors, our objective was to assess the cost-effectiveness of two screening strategies applied to elderly women aged 70 years and older. METHODS: A cost-effectiveness analysis was performed using decision-tree analysis and a Markov model. Two alternative strategies, one measuring BMD of all women, and one measuring BMD only of those having at least one risk factor, were compared with the reference strategy "no screening". Cost-effectiveness ratios were measured as cost per year gained without hip fracture. Most probabilities were based on data observed in EPIDOS, SEMOF and OFELY cohorts. RESULTS: In this model, which is mostly based on observed data, the strategy "screen all" was more cost effective than "screen women at risk." For one woman screened at the age of 70 and followed for 10 years, the incremental (additional) cost-effectiveness ratio of these two strategies compared with the reference was 4,235 euros and 8,290 euros, respectively. CONCLUSION: The results of this model, under the assumptions described in the paper, suggest that in women aged 70-80 years, screening all women with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) would be more effective than no screening or screening only women with at least one risk factor. Cost-effectiveness studies based on decision-analysis trees maybe useful tools for helping decision makers, and further models based on different assumptions should be performed to improve the level of evidence on cost-effectiveness ratios of the usual screening strategies for osteoporosis.
To assess the impact of admission to different hospital types on early and 1-year outcomes in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Between 1997 and 2009, 31 010 ACS patients from 76 Swiss hospitals were enrolled in the AMIS Plus registry. Large tertiary institutions with continuous (24 hour/7 day) cardiac catheterisation facilities were classified as type A hospitals, and all others as type B. For 1-year outcomes, a subgroup of patients admitted after 2005 were studied. Eleven type A hospitals admitted 15987 (52%) patients and 65 type B hospitals 15023 (48%) patients. Patients admitted into B hospitals were older, more frequently female, diabetic, hypertensive, had more severe comorbidities and more frequent non-ST segment elevation (NSTE)-ACS/unstable angina (UA). STE-ACS patients admitted into B hospitals received more thrombolysis, but less percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Crude in-hospital mortality and major adverse cardiac events (MACE) were higher in patients from B hospitals. Crude 1-year mortality of 3747 ACS patients followed up was higher in patients admitted into B hospitals, but no differences were found for MACE. After adjustment for age, risk factors, type of ACS and comorbidities, hospital type was not an independent predictor of in-hospital mortality, in-hospital MACE, 1-year MACE or mortality. Admission indicated a crude outcome in favour of hospitalisation during duty-hours while 1-year outcome could not document a significant effect. ACS patients admitted to smaller regional Swiss hospitals were older, had more severe comorbidities, more NSTE-ACS and received less intensive treatment compared with the patients initially admitted to large tertiary institutions. However, hospital type was not an independent predictor of early and mid-term outcomes in these patients. Furthermore, our data suggest that Swiss hospitals have been functioning as an efficient network for the past 12 years.
Etat de collection : 1,1908-3,1910 ; NS,1930
1908 (A1,FASC3).
1911 (A3).
1908 (A1,FASC2).
1908 (A1,FASC1).
1909/01/10 (A2).
Avec prologues, arguments et « capitula ». Evang. Matthaei (7v), Marci (38), Lucae (58), Johannis (90v) ; « Capitula Evangeliorum tam in dominicis quam in feriis totius anni legendorum » (113).