994 resultados para Mathias
The distribution and morphology of fat body of Brazilian diplopod Rhinocricus padbergi Verhoeff, 1938 are analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and histology. A terminology is proposed for description of the diplopods fat body.
In Part I, we formulate and examine some systems that have arisen in the study of the constructible hierarchy; we find numerous transitive models for them, among which are supertransitive models containing all ordinals that show that Devlin's system BS lies strictly between Gandy's systems PZ and BST'; and we use our models to show that BS fails to handle even the simplest rudimentary functions, and is thus inadequate for the use intended for it in Devlin's treatise. In Part II we propose and study an enhancement of the underlying logic of these systems, build further models to show where the previous hierarchy of systems is preserved by our enhancement; and consider three systems that might serve for Devlin's purposes: one the enhancement of a version of BS, one a formulation of Gandy-Jensen set theory, and the third a subsystem common to those two. In Part III we give new proofs of results of Boffa by constructing three models in which, respectively, TCo, AxPair and AxSing fail; we give some sufficient conditions for a set not to belong to the rudimentary closure of another set, and thus answer a question of McAloon; and we comment on Gandy's numerals and correct and sharpen other of his observations.
We prove that, under suitable assumptions on a category C, the existence of supercompact cardinals implies that every absolute epireflective class of objects of C is a small-orthogonality class. More precisely, if L is a localization functor on an accessible category C such that the unit morphism X→LX is an extremal epimorphism for all X, and the class of L-local objects is defined by an absolute formula with parameters, then the existence of a supercompact cardinal above the cardinalities of the parameters implies that L is a localization with respect to some set of morphisms.
Entamoeba histolytica, the protozoan parasite causing human amoebisis, has recently been found to comprise two genetically distinct forms, potentially pathogenic and constitutively nonpathogenic ones. Host tissue destruction by pathogenic forms is belived to result from cell functions mediaed by a lectin-type adherence receptor, a pore-forming peptide involved in host cell lysis, and abundant expression of cysteine proteinase(s). Isolation and molecular cloning of these amoeba products have provided the tools for structural analyses and manipulations of cell functions including comparisons between pathogenic and nonpathogenic forms.
Shigella flexneri, by invading intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) and inducing inflammatory responses of the colonic mucosa, causes bacillary dysentery. Although M cells overlying Peyer's patches are commonly considered the primary site of entry of S. flexneri, indirect evidence suggests that bacteria can also use IECs as a portal of entry to the lamina propria. Passive delivery of secretory IgA (SIgA), the major immunoglobulin secreted at mucosal surfaces, has been shown to protect rabbits from experimental shigellosis, but no information exists as to its molecular role in maintaining luminal epithelial integrity. We have established that the interaction of virulent S. flexneri with the apical pole of a model intestinal epithelium consisting of polarized Caco-2 cell monolayers resulted in the progressive disruption of the tight junction network and actin depolymerization, eventually resulting in cell death. The lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-specific agglutinating SIgAC5 monoclonal antibody (MAb), but not monomeric IgAC5 or IgGC20 MAbs of the same specificity, achieved protective functions through combined mechanisms, including limitation of the interaction between S. flexneri and epithelial cells, maintenance of the tight junction seal, preservation of the cell morphology, reduction of NF-κB nuclear translocation, and inhibition of proinflammatory mediator secretion. Our results add to the understanding of the function of SIgA-mediated immune exclusion by identifying a mode of action whereby the formation of immune complexes translates into maintenance of the integrity of epithelial cells lining the mucosa. This novel mechanism of protection mediated by SIgA is important to extend the arsenal of effective strategies to fight against S. flexneri mucosal invasion.
Aqueous suspension of ethanol extracts of Derris (Lonchocarpus) urucu (Leguminosae), collected in the state of Amazonas, Brazil, were tested for larvicidal activity against the mosquito Aedes aegypti (Diptera:Culicidae). The aim of this study was to observe the alterations of peritrophic matrix in Ae. aegypti larvae treated with an aqueous suspension of D. urucu extract. Different concentrations of D. urucu root extract were tested against fourth instar larvae. One hundred percent mortality was observed at 150 µg/ml (LC50 17.6 µg/ml) 24 h following treatment. In response to D. urucu feeding, larvae excreted a large amount of amorphous feces, while control larvae did not produce feces during the assay period. Ultrastructural studies showed that larvae fed with 150 µg/ml of D. urucu extract for 4 h have an imperfect peritrophic matrix and extensive damage of the midgut epithelium. Data indicate a protective role for the peritrophic matrix. The structural modification of the peritrophic matrix is intrinsically associated with larval mortality.
The intestinal immune system hasthe complex task to protect the sterilecore of the organism against invasion.Most of invasive enterobacteria targetintestinal epithelial cells (IEC) inducingmajor damages to the mucosa.Shigella flexneri, by invading IECand inducing inflammatory responsesof the colonic mucosa, causes bacillarydysentery, a bloody diarrhea thatis endemic worldwide. The mechanismof entry of this bacterium is stilla matter of debate. Mcells participatingin sampling antigens from the gutlumen through Peyers patches arecommonly considered as the primarysite of entry of the bacteria. Once inthe lamina propria, Shigella can invadeIEC via their basolateral poleand spread from cell-to-cell leading tomassive tissue destruction. More recently,data are accumulating demonstratingthat bacteria can also enter thelamina propria directly via IEC, underscoringIEC as another gate of entry.In addition, the protective role ofsecretory IgA (SIgA) produced byplasmocytes of the lamina propria hasbeen established in shigellosis contextbut few is known about its role inmaintaining IEC monolayer integrity.Here, the impact of the bacterium wasstudied using polarized CaCo 2 cellmonolayer apically infected with avirulent strain of S. flexneri eitheralone or complexed with its cognateanti LPS SIgA. Parameters associatedwith the infection process includingcytokine measurements (IL-8, IL-18)and laser scanning confocal microscopydetection of Zonula Occludens-1, a tight junction (TJ) protein werestudied.We demonstrate that bacteriaare able to infect IEC through theirluminal-like pole as well, inducingthe complete disruption of TJ and thedestruction of the whole reconstitutedCaCo-2 cell monolayer. SIgA uponneutralization of bacteria led to themaintenance of TJ supporting IEC integrity,and the modulation of cytokinereleases. Together with anti-inflammatoryproperties of SIgA, thefact that apical bacteria can damagethe IEC without the intervention ofother cells such as Mcells offers newpossibilities in understanding thepathogenic mechanisms involved inshigellosis.
Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar óbitos infantis na 15ª Regional de Saúde do Paraná utilizando o resultado das investigações do Comitê de Prevenção da Mortalidade Infantil. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo exploratório, a partir do Sistema de Investigação de Mortalidade Infantil e Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos no período de 2000 a 2006. O coeficiente de mortalidade infantil diminuiu de 13,2% para 11,6%. Dos 799 óbitos, o Comitê investigou 74,5%; destes, 56,5% no período neonatal precoce. As afecções originadas no período perinatal e as malformações congênitas foram causas principais de óbito. Foram considerados reduzíveis 70,1% dos óbitos. A redutibilidade foi maior para óbitos de mães adolescentes, recém-nascidos ≥ 2500g, parto normal, raça/cor preta, parda e indígena e mães sem consulta de pré-natal. As análises dos óbitos devem ser efetuadas mais próximas das equipes de saúde da família, que conhecem as gestantes para aprimoramento do trabalho e qualidade nas análises do Comitê.
Analisou-se a qualidade do Sistema de Informações de Nascidos Vivos no Estado do Paraná, de 2000 a 2005, por meio do percentual de não declaração das variáveis, utilizando banco de dados cedido pela Secretaria de Saúde de Estado. Utilizou-se a seguinte escala: excelente, percentual de não declaração < 1%; boa de 1% a 2,99%; regular de 3% a 6,99% e ruim > 7%. A qualidade do preenchimento do SINASC no Paraná foi excelente, principalmente a partir de 2003. A ocupação da mãe, classificada como regular e ruim, foi a variável de menor qualidade em todas as Macro-Regionais de Saúde. Filhos nascidos vivos, nascidos mortos e raça/cor, oscilaram de ruim a excelente qualidade. É necessário melhorar a qualidade das variáveis estado civil e número de filhos nascidos mortos em todas as Macro-Regionais de Saúde. A excelência do SINASC demonstrou a sua potencialidade como fonte de informação da saúde no Paraná.
INTRODUCTION: Mass casualty incidents involving victims with severe burns pose difficult and unique problems for both rescue teams and hospitals. This paper presents an analysis of the published reports with the aim of proposing a rational model for burn rescue and hospital referral for Switzerland. METHODS: Literature review including systematic searches of PubMed/Medline, reference textbooks and journals as well as landmark articles. RESULTS: Since hospitals have limited surge capacities in the event of burn disasters, a special approach to both prehospital and hospital management of these victims is required. Specialized rescue and care can be adequately met and at all levels of needs by deploying mobile burn teams to the scene. These burn teams can bring needed skills and enhance the efficiency of the classical disaster response teams. Burn teams assist with both primary and secondary triage, contribute to initial patient management and offer advice to non-specialized designated hospitals that provide acute care for burn patients with Total Burn Surface Area (TBSA) <20-30%. The main components required for successful deployments of mobile burn teams include socio-economic feasibility, streamlined logistical implementation as well as partnership coordination with other agencies including subsidiary military resources. CONCLUSIONS: Disaster preparedness plans involving burn specialists dispatched from a referral burn center can upgrade and significantly improve prehospital rescue outcome, initial resuscitation care and help prevent an overload to hospital surge capacities in case of multiple burn victims. This is the rationale behind the ongoing development and implementation of the Swiss burn plan.
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o padrão de utilização dos serviços de saúde por idosos cadastrados nos serviços públicos de Guarapuava-PR. Realizou-se inquérito domiciliar com 359 idosos selecionados por meio de amostragem estratificada proporcional. As entrevistas foram aplicadas entre janeiro e abril de 2010 no domicílio do idoso, utilizando-se as seções I e III do questionário BOAS (Brazil Old Age Schedule). Para apreciação aplicou-se análise de associação por meio do teste χ². Os serviços de saúde mais utilizados pelos idosos nos últimos três meses foram à consulta médica (49,6%) e os exames clínicos (38,4%). As mulheres utilizaram mais os serviços de saúde (p=0,0240); 55,6% dos idosos relataram não procurar os serviços dentários. Conclui-se que a população idosa é grande usuária dos serviços de saúde e a rede pública do município necessita se organizar frente a uma demanda crescente por procedimentos diagnósticos terapêuticos.
Presenting the rates of obstetric admissions of women living in Paraná in 2010.Method: A descriptive study in which the admission information of the hospital system of the Unified Health System was analyzed. Data from women aged between 10 to 49 years available on the DATASUS website were analyzed, using percentage and according to primary diagnosis, age and Regional Health area.Results: The Rate of Obstetric Complications (RtOC) was 38%, increasing with the age of women. Complications of labor and delivery (10.5%), and pregnancy with abortive outcome (9.1%) were the diagnoses with highest RtOC. The RtOC ranged between 8.4% in Telêmaco Borba, until 62.6% in Ponta Grossa.Conclusion: The healthcare team should monitor the rates of admissions for obstetric complications as these indicate the quality of health care of women, mainly focused on labor, delivery and women of older age.
OBJECTIVE to describe hospital admissions for ambulatory care sensitive conditions in children under five years of age in the State of Paraná, Brazil by condition type, age group and health region. METHOD a temporal ecological study was conducted using data from the Unified Health System Hospital Information System for the period 2000 to 2011. Conditions were grouped in accordance with the list of ambulatory care sensitive conditions in Brazil. RESULTS there was an increase in the rate of admissions for ambulatory care sensitive conditions in all age groups in 50% of the health regions, with a marked increase in children under the age of one. Pneumonia, gastroenteritis and asthma were the main causes of admissions. There was an increase in the proportion of overall admissions accounted for by pneumonia and gastroenteritis. CONCLUSION the increase in admissions reveals the need for actions to improve access to primary healthcare and provide effective treatment of the main ambulatory care sensitive conditions in order to prevent hospital admissions among children.