980 resultados para Maria Antonieta, reina, consort de Lluís XVI, rei de França


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Impacto de mudanças climáticas globais sobre a microbiota terrestre - Raquel Ghini. Impacto de xenobióticos e metais pesados na microbiota do solo - Célia Maria Maganhotto de Souza Silva e Rosana Faria Vieira. Microrganismos, minerais e metais - Oswaldo Garcia Jr. e Denise Bevilaqua. Bioprospecção da diversidade microbiana cultivável e não cultivável - Raquel Silva Peixoto, Alexandre Soares Rosado e Rodrigo Gouvêa Taketani. Técnicas moleculares aplicadas aos estudos de ecologia microbiana: A PCR em tempo real - Paulo Teixeira Lacava e João Lúcio de Azevedo. Biofilmes microbianos - René P Schneider. Biossurfactantes - Fátima Menezes Bento, Flavio A. de Oliveira Camargo e Christine Claire Gaylarde. Importância ambiental da biocatálise - Viridiana Santana Ferreira-Leitão, Maria Antonieta Ferrara e Elba P S. Bom. Estratégias de isolamento de microrganismos envolvidos na degradação de xenobióticos - Itamar Soares de Melo e João Lúcio de Azevedo. Biodegradação anaeróbia - Rosana Filomena Vazoller, Márcia Helena Rissato Zamariolli Damianovic e Juliana Calábria Araújo. Biodegradação de compostos aromáticos - Aneli de Melo Barbosa, Ellen Cristine Giese e Luiz Gustavo Covizzi. Biodegradação de organoclorados no solo por basidiomicetos lignovelulolíticos - Vera Lúcia Ramos Bonomi, Kátia Maria Gomes Machado, Dácio Roberto Mateus e Vera Maria Vitali. Biodegradação de lignina e tratamento de efluentes por fungos ligninolíticos: atualização - Nelson Durán e Elisa Esposito. Biodegradação de corantes têxteis - Priscila Maria Dellamatrice, Regina Teresa Rosim Monteiro e Doralice de Souza Luro Balan. Biodegradação de superfícies pintadas - Denise de Souza Saad. Biodegradação de polímeros sintéticos - Sandra Mara Martins Franchetti, José Carlos Marconato e Adriana de Campos. Biodegradação de fungicidas - Célia Maria Maganhotto de Souza Silva, Elisabeth Francisconi Fay e Rosângela Blotta Abakerli. Biodegradação de monoterpenos - Lucia Regina Durrant. Degradação de cafeína por bactérias - Paulo Mazzafera e Dirce Mithico Yamaoka-Yano. Degradação abiótica de xenobióticos - Elisabeth Francisconi Fay, Célia Maria Maganhotto de Souza Silva e Itamar Soares de Melo. Biodeterioração no ambiente construído - Márcia A. Shirakawa, Vanderley M. John e Maria Alba Cincotto. Biodeterioração de monumentos históricos - Maria Aparecida de Resende. Biodeterioração de monumentos históricos - Maria Aparecida de Resende. Biorremediação de solos contaminados por petróleo e derivados - Paulo Negrais Seabra. Fitorremediação de metais - Marcia Pletsch, Á ndrea C. A. Barros e Brancilene S. de Araujo. Importância da rizosfera na biodegradação de xenobióticos - Itamar Soares de Melo. Microbiologia aquática marinha - Irnia Nelly G. Rivera, Claudete Rodrigues Paula e Claudiana Paula de Souza. Transferência horizontal de genes de plantas geneticamente modificadas: avaliação dos riscos para as comunidades microbianas - Welington Luiz Araújo, Priscilla de Barros Rossetto e Júlia Ifuklinsky-Sobral.


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No Brasil, a aplicação dos royalties do petróleo não é feita necessariamente de forma a gerar benfeitorias para a população da localidade que recebe o recurso. Estudos têm mostrado que as populações residentes em localidades beneficiadas pelos royalties não estão usufruindo deste recurso, sendo notórias as desigualdades sociais e os impactos no meio ambiente. O objetivo desta tese foi o de verificar se as Leis que regulam o setor do petróleo no Brasil visam a destinação dos recursos com o intuito de satisfazer as necessidades básicas das pessoas, melhorar a qualidade de vida, preservar o meio ambiente e resguardar os recursos para as gerações futuras. Para isso, foi feita uma verificação detalhada da legislação do petróleo e da aplicação de royalties no Brasil e nos cinco países grandes produtores de petróleo considerados desenvolvidos pelo IDH. Pretendeu-se investigar se as Leis que regulam o setor de petróleo nos países grandes produtores considerados desenvolvidos são voltadas para a satisfação das necessidades básicas das pessoas, preservação ambiental, gerações futuras e qualidade de vida. Foi feito um comparativo entre o conteúdo das Leis brasileiras que regulam o setor atualmente e o das Leis dos países grandes produtores para entender se existem, no modelo brasileiro, lacunas em relação aos conceitos definidos. Os resultados mostraram que conceitos como gerações futuras e qualidade de vida são pouco abordados, tanto na legislação brasileira quanto nas Leis internacionais. Foi possível observar também diferenças significativas entre os requisitos de aplicação dos royalties de algumas Leis internacionais e os das Leis brasileiras. São sugeridas modificações no modelo brasileiro. Entre elas, requerer monitoramento dos investimentos, através de um comitê com participação popular, responsabilizar as empresas pelo financiamento das pesquisas referentes a danos ambientais cometidos e a criação de um fundo para emergências ambientais.


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The diet study of birds has contributed historically as a model for use to understanding ecological patterns and strategies used by several other groups of vertebrates, which are observed in season patterns and temporal availability of resources, and other. This study has as objective generate information concerning the diet of insectivorous birds during rainy season and dry season, as well as analyze Index food importance, niche overlap, niche breadth, electivity, and seasonal availability of prey. The study was conducted in a fragment of about 270 ha (center coordinates and 5 º 53'S 35 ° 23'W). The sampling of birds occurred between March 2008 and December 2009 in three pre-established trails. Catches of birds were performed using 10 mist nets placed in line, where each trails was sampled once a month. Samples of pellets were obtained by means of tartar emetic. Sampling of availability of prey occurred between February 2009 to December 2009. We used two methods of sampling (pitfall traps and Shake cloths). We captured 269 individuals of 21 species of insectivorous birds. We collected 4116 invertebrates of which 3259 in the rainy season and 857 in the dry season. We obtained 174 samples stomach, where 10 species were exclusively insectivorous diet, nine fed on insect/plant material, an insect/plant material/vertebrate and one for insect/vertebrate. During the rainy season was observing difference between the consumption of items with higher food importance. The Coleoptera was item with higher food importance (73%), followed by Formicidae (7%) and Araneae (6%). During the dry season, no difference was found difference between the consumption of items with higher food importance. The Coleoptera was item with higher food importance (34%), followed by seeds (29%) and Formicidae (18%). The highest levels of niche overlap occurred during the rainy season, while the dry season was characterized by high levels of niche 11 segregation. This indicates that the local insectivorous birds community was structured differently between periods. No was found correlation between the values of niche breadth to the mean weight of the body size. We observed seasonal patterns in prey availability, with the peak availability of invertebrates observed seasonal patterns in rainy season. The insectivorous birds selected the same species richness during both periods, showing a specialized diet. Thamnophilus pelzelni was the only species that had their diet influenced by seasonality. Regarding the overall diet of insectivorous birds, observed a high consumption of prey, whose food availability caused the birds could invest and increase their food resources


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It is known that, in the Democratic State of Law paradigm, one of the most instigating themes is the legitimity of the Law. It justifies the interest in reflecting about the Legislative Process instituted by the Brasilian 1988 Constitution, more specifically field of the constitutionality control as away to guaranty of the legitimity of the Law. The research that is developed here, intents to bring to reflection the basis and the ways the Legislative Power has to proceed to Constitutionality Control of the laws and of the Legislative Process. As the focus taken here is about the Legislative Power, it starts from the presupposed that only by the adoption of legislative process which has to be connected to a rational speech, that will evidence the Democratic and Procedimental Law dimensions, guarantee the possibility of the public and private spheres of life act in complementarity that is such needed to the stabilization of the social expectatives and the concretization of the Brazilian Constitution


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Introduction: The reference values and prediction equations for maximal respiratory pressures (MRP) differ significantly between the available studies. This large discrepancy can be attributed to the different methodologies proposed. Although the importance of MRP is widely recognized, there are no Brazilian studies that provide predictive equations and reference values for PRM adolescents. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to provide normal values and propose predictive equations for maximal static respiratory pressures of Brazilian adolescents. Methods: An observational cross-sectional study, which evaluated 182 adolescents of both sexes aged between 12 and 18 years, enrolled in schools of the state and private in the city of Natal / RN. The selection of schools and participants of the study was randomly through a lottery system. The spirometric evaluation was performed through the digital spirometer One Flow FVC prior to the assessment of respiratory muscle strength. The MICs were measured with MVD digital manometer 300. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS 17.0 software STATISTICS, assigning the significance level of 5%. The normality of data distribution was verified using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS). The descriptive analysis was expressed as mean and standard deviation. We used one-way ANOVA test to verify the difference of the averages of MRPs between age and gender and comparing the averages of MRPs between levels of physical activity. The test t'Student unpaired compared the averages of MRPs being ages and sexes. The comparison of mean values obtained in this study PRM with the values predicted using the equations mentioned above was relizada by testing paired t'Student. To verify the correlation between the PRM and the independent variables (age, weight, height) was used Pearson correlation test. Levene's test evaluated the homogeneity of variance. To obtain predictive equations analysis was used stepwise multiple linear regression. Results: There was no significant difference in mean age between the PRM. The male adolescents, regardless of age, showed superiority in MRP values when compared to the opposite sex. Weight, height and sex correlated with the PRM. Regression analysis suggested in this study, pointed out that the weight and sex had an influence in MIP and MEP only in relation to sex influenced. The mean for each PRM adolescents classified as very active were superior to those observed in adolescents classified as irregularly active. Conclusion: This study provides reference values and two models of predictive equations for maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressures, and to establish the lower limits of normality that will serve as an indispensable condition for careful evaluation of respiratory muscle strength in Brazilian adolescents


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamentode Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Recurso educativo: reportagem sobre a exposição “Sob o signo de Luís XIV” apresentada pelo Professor Tiago Miranda da Universidade de Évora


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The diet study of birds has contributed historically as a model for use to understanding ecological patterns and strategies used by several other groups of vertebrates, which are observed in season patterns and temporal availability of resources, and other. This study has as objective generate information concerning the diet of insectivorous birds during rainy season and dry season, as well as analyze Index food importance, niche overlap, niche breadth, electivity, and seasonal availability of prey. The study was conducted in a fragment of about 270 ha (center coordinates and 5 º 53'S 35 ° 23'W). The sampling of birds occurred between March 2008 and December 2009 in three pre-established trails. Catches of birds were performed using 10 mist nets placed in line, where each trails was sampled once a month. Samples of pellets were obtained by means of tartar emetic. Sampling of availability of prey occurred between February 2009 to December 2009. We used two methods of sampling (pitfall traps and Shake cloths). We captured 269 individuals of 21 species of insectivorous birds. We collected 4116 invertebrates of which 3259 in the rainy season and 857 in the dry season. We obtained 174 samples stomach, where 10 species were exclusively insectivorous diet, nine fed on insect/plant material, an insect/plant material/vertebrate and one for insect/vertebrate. During the rainy season was observing difference between the consumption of items with higher food importance. The Coleoptera was item with higher food importance (73%), followed by Formicidae (7%) and Araneae (6%). During the dry season, no difference was found difference between the consumption of items with higher food importance. The Coleoptera was item with higher food importance (34%), followed by seeds (29%) and Formicidae (18%). The highest levels of niche overlap occurred during the rainy season, while the dry season was characterized by high levels of niche 11 segregation. This indicates that the local insectivorous birds community was structured differently between periods. No was found correlation between the values of niche breadth to the mean weight of the body size. We observed seasonal patterns in prey availability, with the peak availability of invertebrates observed seasonal patterns in rainy season. The insectivorous birds selected the same species richness during both periods, showing a specialized diet. Thamnophilus pelzelni was the only species that had their diet influenced by seasonality. Regarding the overall diet of insectivorous birds, observed a high consumption of prey, whose food availability caused the birds could invest and increase their food resources


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Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Ensino de História e Geografia no 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Ensino Secundário, Universidade de Lisboa, 2013


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Contiene: Dia 23 de Octubre : octava de la Bienaventurada Vi[rge]n M[arí]a de aguas-vi[va]s / S[alvad]or Tudela Vallo


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El poema se refiere a la visita que hizo la Reina Maria Cristina a Valencia en 1848