972 resultados para Manufacturing Execution Systems


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In the domain of aerospace aftermarkets, which often has long supply chains that feed into the maintenance of aircraft, contracts are used to establish agreements between aircraft operators and maintenance suppliers. However, violations at the bottom of the supply chain (part suppliers) can easily cascade to the top (aircraft operators), making it difficult to determine the source of the violation, and seek to address it. In this context, we have developed a global monitoring architecture that ensures the detection of norm violations and generates explanations for the origin of violations. In this paper, we describe the implementation and deployment of a global monitor in the aerospace domain of [8] and show how it generates explanations for violations within the maintenance supply chain. We show how these explanations can be used not only to detect violations at runtime, but also to uncover potential problems in contracts before their deployment, thus improving them.


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A presente dissertao tem como principais caractersticas, a pesquisa, a anlise e a proposio de um modelo de reflexo que considera os fatores mais relevantes na incluso do processo de prestao de servios em empresas de manufatura de bens, e em particular de empresas que buscam a nacionalizao de sua capacidade de fornecimento. Dentro deste conceito de transio e incorporao de servios, que denominado pela literatura como servitizao, e usando como objeto de pesquisa uma empresa fabricante de hardware eltrico, verificou-se como se deu o planejamento e execuo da servitizao para prestao de servios tcnicos off-shore, ligados cadeia de suprimentos do segmento de Produo de leo e Gs no mar. Para auxiliar o entendimento sobre o posicionamento da empresa perante servios, servitizao e nacionalizao, foi necessria a reviso bibliogrfica sobre Requisitos de Contedo Local, Gesto de Operaes em Servios, Sistemas Produto-Servio, Servitizao, e Desenvolvimento de Projeto de Produtos e Servios. A partir da anlise de documentao disponibilizada pela empresa, e a comparao desta com a literatura academica revisada, verificou-se que os modelos propostos pela literatura no contm todos os elementos necessrios para aplicao direta em negcios deste tipo. Com base nesta avaliao, verifica-se quais os fatores mais relevantes para a servitizao e prope-se um modelo para reflexo. Modelo este que preenche com elementos mais especficos as lacunas que influenciam negativamente na excelncia operacional e na estratgia da corporao ligada a indstria de Petrleo e Gs Off-shore.


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To simplify computer management, various administration systems based on wired connections adopt advanced techniques to manage software configuration. Nevertheless, the strong relation between hardware and software makes for an individualism of that management, besides penalizing computational mobility and ubiquity. All these issues lead to degradation of scalability, flexibility and the facility to install and maintain distributed applications. This article presents an environment for centralized wireless communication network management, named WSE-OS (Wireless Sharing Environment - Operating Systems): a model based on Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) which associates virtualization techniques and safe remote access systems to create a distributed architecture as a base for a managing system. WSE-OS is capable of accomplishing the replication of operating system images using wireless communication network, besides offering abstraction of hardware to its clients, making the management more flexible and independent of wired connections. Results obtained from this work indicate that WSE-OS allows disseminating, through a single software configuration, the execution of data related to operating system images in client computers. WSE-OS can also be used as a management tool for operating systems in a wireless network.


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This article presents an thermoeconomic analysis of cogeneration plants, applied as a rational technique to produce electric power and saturated steam. The aim of this new methodology is the minimum exergetic manufacturing cost (EMC), based on the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The decision variables selected for the optimization are the pressure and the temperature of the steam leaving the boiler in the case of using steam turbine, and the pressure ratio, turbine exhaust temperature and mass flow in the case of using gas turbines. The equations for calculating the capital costs of the components and products are formulated as a function of these decision variables. An application of the method using real data of a multinational chemical industry located in So Paulo state is presented. The conditions which establish the minimum cost are presented as finals conclusions.


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In the minimization of tool switches problem we seek a sequence to process a set of jobs so that the number of tool switches required is minimized. In this work different variations of a heuristic based on partial ordered job sequences are implemented and evaluated. All variations adopt a depth first strategy of the enumeration tree. The computational test results indicate that good results can be obtained by a variation which keeps the best three branches at each node of the enumeration tree, and randomly choose, among all active nodes, the next node to branch when backtracking.


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This work presents a methodology to analyze transient stability (first oscillation) of electric energy systems, using a neural network based on ART architecture (adaptive resonance theory), named fuzzy ART-ARTMAP neural network for real time applications. The security margin is used as a stability analysis criterion, considering three-phase short circuit faults with a transmission line outage. The neural network operation consists of two fundamental phases: the training and the analysis. The training phase needs a great quantity of processing for the realization, while the analysis phase is effectuated almost without computation effort. This is, therefore the principal purpose to use neural networks for solving complex problems that need fast solutions, as the applications in real time. The ART neural networks have as primordial characteristics the plasticity and the stability, which are essential qualities to the training execution and to an efficient analysis. The fuzzy ART-ARTMAP neural network is proposed seeking a superior performance, in terms of precision and speed, when compared to conventional ARTMAP, and much more when compared to the neural networks that use the training by backpropagation algorithm, which is a benchmark in neural network area. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing images can be taken through either direct or indirect imaging. For the indirect systems, the digitalization is obtained from the impression material or cast, and for the direct ones the image is taken directly from the mouth using intraoral scanners.The direct acquisition systems have been constantly improved because these are less invasive, quicker, and more precise than the conventional method. Besides, the digital images can be easily stored for a long time. Therefore, the aim of this paper was to describe and discuss based on the literature the main direct image acquisition systems available on the market: CEREC Bluecam (Sirona), Lava C.O.S. System (3M ESPE), iTero System (Cadent/Straumann), and E4D System (D4D Technologies).


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An intelligent system that emulates human decision behaviour based on visual data acquisition is proposed. The approach is useful in applications where images are used to supply information to specialists who will choose suitable actions. An artificial neural classifier aids a fuzzy decision support system to deal with uncertainty and imprecision present in available information. Advantages of both techniques are exploited complementarily. As an example, this method was applied in automatic focus checking and adjustment in video monitor manufacturing. Copyright 2005 IFAC.


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This work involved the development of a smart system dedicated to surface burning detection in the grinding process through constant monitoring of the process by acoustic emission and electrical power signals. A program in Visual Basic for Windows was developed, which collects the signals through an analog-digital converter and further processes them using burning detection algorithms already known. Three other parameters are proposed here and a comparative study carried out. When burning occurs, the newly developed software program sends a control signal warning the operator or interrupting the process, and delivers process information via the Internet. Parallel to this, the user can also interfere in the process via Internet, changing parameters and/or monitoring the grinding process. The findings of a comparative study of the various parameters are also discussed here. Copyright 2006 by ABCM.


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This article describes the application of an Artificial Intelligence Planner in a robotized assembly cell that can be integrated to a Flexible Manufacturing System. The objective is to allow different products to be automatically assembled in a single production line with no pre-established assembly plans. The planner function is to generate action plans to the robot, in real time, from two input information: the initial state (disposition of parts of the product in line) and the final state (configuration of the assembled product). Copyright 2007 IFAC.


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This work presents challenges and solutions for the teaching and learning of automation applied to integrated manufacturing by means of a methodological approach based on techniques, tools and industrial equipment directly applicable in the industry. The approach was implemented in a control and automation engineering course divided into expositive and laboratory classes. Since the success of the approach is mainly from the practical activities, the article focus more on activities developed in laboratory than theorical classes. Copyright 2007 IFAC.


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography


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This study aimed to determine the influence of flexibility of the chair seat surface on the pressure peak and on the contact area during the execution of a task of handling an object on the seated position by individuals with spastic cerebral palsy. Ten individuals of both genders with diagnosis of spastic cerebral palsy, who had some control to voluntarily move the body and the upper limbs, participated in this study. Quantification of data was carried out in two experimental situations: (1) execution of a task of fitting with upper limbs, and with the individual placed on an adapted canvas seat; (2) execution of a task of fitting with the participant positioned on an adapted wooden seat. Data obtained were submitted to a non-parametric and descriptive statistical analysis using the Wilcoxon test. Results indicated that the use of canvas seat increased the contact area and decreased the pressure peak and the medio-lateral displacement of centre pressure on the seated posture. 2011 Informa UK, Ltd.