991 resultados para Malvasia, Carlo Cesare, conte, 1616-1693.


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Atribution as a function of the time are analyzed and this study leads to a deeper knowledge of the microscopic processes involved in the magnetic relaxation


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Monte Carlo simulations of a model for gamma-Fe2O3 (maghemite) single particle of spherical shape are presented aiming at the elucidation of the specific role played by the finite size and the surface on the anomalous magnetic behavior observed in small particle systems at low temperature. The influence of the finite-size effects on the equilibrium properties of extensive magnitudes, field coolings, and hysteresis loops is studied and compared to the results for periodic boundaries. It is shown that for the smallest sizes the thermal demagnetization of the surface completely dominates the magnetization while the behavior of the core is similar to that of the periodic boundary case, independently of D. The change in shape of the hysteresis loops with D demonstrates that the reversal mode is strongly influenced by the presence of broken links and disorder at the surface


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Whole-body counting is a technique of choice for assessing the intake of gamma-emitting radionuclides. An appropriate calibration is necessary, which is done either by experimental measurement or by Monte Carlo (MC) calculation. The aim of this work was to validate a MC model for calibrating whole-body counters (WBCs) by comparing the results of computations with measurements performed on an anthropomorphic phantom and to investigate the effect of a change in phantom's position on the WBC counting sensitivity. GEANT MC code was used for the calculations, and an IGOR phantom loaded with several types of radionuclides was used for the experimental measurements. The results show a reasonable agreement between measurements and MC computation. A 1-cm error in phantom positioning changes the activity estimation by >2%. Considering that a 5-cm deviation of the positioning of the phantom may occur in a realistic counting scenario, this implies that the uncertainty of the activity measured by a WBC is ∼10-20%.


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Photopolymerization is commonly used in a broad range of bioapplications, such as drug delivery, tissue engineering, and surgical implants, where liquid materials are injected and then hardened by means of illumination to create a solid polymer network. However, photopolymerization using a probe, e.g., needle guiding both the liquid and the curing illumination, has not been thoroughly investigated. We present a Monte Carlo model that takes into account the dynamic absorption and scattering parameters as well as solid-liquid boundaries of the photopolymer to yield the shape and volume of minimally invasively injected, photopolymerized hydrogels. In the first part of the article, our model is validated using a set of well-known poly(ethylene glycol) dimethacrylate hydrogels showing an excellent agreement between simulated and experimental volume-growth-rates. In the second part, in situ experimental results and simulations for photopolymerization in tissue cavities are presented. It was found that a cavity with a volume of 152  mm3 can be photopolymerized from the output of a 0.28-mm2 fiber by adding scattering lipid particles while only a volume of 38  mm3 (25%) was achieved without particles. The proposed model provides a simple and robust method to solve complex photopolymerization problems, where the dimension of the light source is much smaller than the volume of the photopolymerizable hydrogel.


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Al final dels anys setanta neix una nova manera d'explicar contes, a partir de contistes sovint urbans i cultes, utilitzant recursos no directament tradicionals, i amb una relació amb l'auditori que s'apropa més aviat a l'espectacle instituït que no pas a la transmissió de coneixements i fantasies deis nostres avantpassats. Es configura una etapa caracteritzada per l'arraconament i l'oblit del conte popular catala; paral-lelament van desenvolupant-se noves técniques que proporcionen educació i basicament distracció als nens i nenes.


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Intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) treatment plan verification by comparison with measured data requires having access to the linear accelerator and is time consuming. In this paper, we propose a method for monitor unit (MU) calculation and plan comparison for step and shoot IMRT based on the Monte Carlo code EGSnrc/BEAMnrc. The beamlets of an IMRT treatment plan are individually simulated using Monte Carlo and converted into absorbed dose to water per MU. The dose of the whole treatment can be expressed through a linear matrix equation of the MU and dose per MU of every beamlet. Due to the positivity of the absorbed dose and MU values, this equation is solved for the MU values using a non-negative least-squares fit optimization algorithm (NNLS). The Monte Carlo plan is formed by multiplying the Monte Carlo absorbed dose to water per MU with the Monte Carlo/NNLS MU. Several treatment plan localizations calculated with a commercial treatment planning system (TPS) are compared with the proposed method for validation. The Monte Carlo/NNLS MUs are close to the ones calculated by the TPS and lead to a treatment dose distribution which is clinically equivalent to the one calculated by the TPS. This procedure can be used as an IMRT QA and further development could allow this technique to be used for other radiotherapy techniques like tomotherapy or volumetric modulated arc therapy.


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L'objectiu d'aquest article és promoure la incorporació de llibres il-lustrats a l'espai docent, tot defensant la interacció entre escola i entorn. Amb aquesta intenció es presenta una experiència docent que es du a terme a les classes de Didàctica de l'Educació Visual i Plàstica (UB), en la formació inicial del professorat d'educació primària, que empra el llibre il-lustrat com a eina docent. Es tracta d'un corpus d'obres de gran qualitat, la temàtica dels quals està relacionada amb el fet artístic i la seva didàctica. Amb l'ús a les aules universitàries d'aquest tipus de llibres es volen aconseguir principalment tres objectius: donar-los a conèixer als futurs mestres per a la seva formació i perquè els puguin compartir amb els seus futurs alumnes a les aules d'Educació Primària; tractar temes específics de l'àrea de plàstica, i fomentar la reflexió sobre la pràctica docent o altres temes específics.


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Dans De vilde Svaner (Les cygnes sauvages), conte des Eventyr, fortalte for Børn (Contes, racontés aux enfants), H. C. Andersen raconte une histoire très proche de celle de Die sechs Schwäne (Les six cygnes), des Kinder- und Hausmärchen (Contes de l'enfance et du foyer) des Grimm. On peut fort justement se demander si l'auteur danois ne réécrit pas le Märchen de 1812 lorsqu'il publie son eventyr, en 1838. Mais l'étude de plusieurs récits d'enfants transformés en cygnes - de l'histoire du septième sage du Dolopathos de Jean de Haute-Seille, à la fin du xiie siècle, et Die sieben Schwäne, un Feen-Märchen de 1801, à De elleve Svaner de Winther, en 1823 - montre qu'Andersen réécrit vraisemblablement ce dernier texte danois et que le dialogue intertextuel avec les Grimm s'effectue sur un autre mode. L'auteur des Eventyr, fortalte for Børn se positionne par rapport aux Kinder- und Hausmärchen, développant ainsi une nouvelle conception du genre qui ressort de la comparaison des manières de raconter propres à chaque auteur, leur plume. It is the pen which makes the tale. the Grimm brothers' Die sechs Schwäne and Christian Andersen's De vilde Svaner In De vilde Svaner, a tale from Eventyr, fortale for Børn, H. C. Andersen tells a story that is very close to that of Die sechs Schwäne from the Grimms' Kinder- und Hausmärchen. One could legitimately wonder whether the Danish author was inspired by the 1812 Märchen when he published his own eventyr in 1838. The study of other narratives about children transformed into swans (including the story of the seventh wise man in Jean de Haute-Seille's Dolopathos at the end of the twelth century; Die sieben Schwäne, a Feen-Märchen from 1801; and Winther's 1823 De elleve Svaner) shows that Andersen rewrote this last Danish text and that the intertextual dialogue with the Grimms takes place at another level. Andersen distinguishes himself from the Grimms by developing a new conception of the genre, which becomes clear in his very different way of telling a tale.


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Collection : The New York Herald, Paris


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In this paper, we present a computer simulation study of the ion binding process at an ionizable surface using a semi-grand canonical Monte Carlo method that models the surface as a discrete distribution of charged and neutral functional groups in equilibrium with explicit ions modelled in the context of the primitive model. The parameters of the simulation model were tuned and checked by comparison with experimental titrations of carboxylated latex particles in the presence of different ionic strengths of monovalent ions. The titration of these particles was analysed by calculating the degree of dissociation of the latex functional groups vs. pH curves at different background salt concentrations. As the charge of the titrated surface changes during the simulation, a procedure to keep the electroneutrality of the system is required. Here, two approaches are used with the choice depending on the ion selected to maintain electroneutrality: counterion or coion procedures. We compare and discuss the difference between the procedures. The simulations also provided a microscopic description of the electrostatic double layer (EDL) structure as a function of p H and ionic strength. The results allow us to quantify the effect of the size of the background salt ions and of the surface functional groups on the degree of dissociation. The non-homogeneous structure of the EDL was revealed by plotting the counterion density profiles around charged and neutral surface functional groups.