964 resultados para Maintenance costs
The overall objective of this experimental program was to obtain quantitative comparisons between leaded and nonleaded gasolines as used in a variety of Iowa State Highway Connnission vehicles. These quantitative comparisons were to be made in terms of exhaust emissions, maintenance costs and fuel economy.
The fishing sector has been suffering a strong setback, with reduction in fishing stocks and more recently with the reduction of the fishing fleet. One of the most important factors for this decrease, is related to the continuous difficulty to find fish with quality and quantity, allowing the sector work constantly all year long. However other factors are affecting negatively the fishing sector, in particular the huge maintenance costs of the ships and the high diary costs that are necessary for daily work of each vessel. One of the main costs associated with daily work, is the fuel consumption. As an example, one boat with 30 meters working around 17 hours every day, consumes 2500 liters of fuel/day. This value is very high taking into account the productivity of the sector. Supporting this premise was developed a project with the aim of reducing fuel consumption in fishing vessels. The project calls “ShipTrack” and aims the use of forecasts of ocean currents in the routes of the ships. The objective involves the use of ocean currents in favor, and avoiding ocean currents against, taking into account the course of the ship, in order to reduce fuel consumption and increase the ship speed. The methodology used underwent the creation of specific Software, in order to optimize routes, taking into account the forecasts of the ocean currents. These forecasts are performed using numerical modelling, methodology that become more and more important in all communities, because through the modeling, it can be analyzed, verified and predicted important phenomena to all the terrestrial ecosystem. The objective was the creation of Software, however its development was not completed, so it was necessary a new approach in order to verify the influence of the ocean currents in the navigation of the fishing ship "Cruz de Malta". In this new approach, and during the various ship routes it was gathering a constant information about the instant speed, instantaneous fuel consumption, the state of the ocean currents along the course of the ship, among other factors. After 4 sea travels and many routes analyzed, it was possible to verify the influence of the ocean currents in the Ship speed and in fuel consumption. For example, in many stages of the sea travels it was possible to verify an increase in speed in zones where the ocean currents are in favor to the ships movements. This incorporation of new data inside the fishing industry, was seen positively by his players, which encourages new developments in this industry.
A presente dissertação apresenta uma investigação teórica e prática na área de Engenharia e Design de Produto com o objetivo principal de desenvolver um Flotador Industrial para a Adventech, procurando indicadores inovadores, competitivos e focando a necessidade de encontrar uma solução que reflita numa relação entre necessidade, utilizador, performance e design. Desta forma, no presente trabalho cruzam-se temas como a Engenharia e o Design de Produto, Tratamentos de Efluentes Líquidos e Flotação de modo a introduzir e compreender o desenvolvimento deste equipamento. Foi efetuada uma pesquisa sobre o tema para compreender, as suas características e limitações, bem como as formas e mecanismos utilizados para dar resposta aos requisitos e produzir um produto eficiente e eficaz. Paralelamente realizou-se uma abordagem teórica sobre Design de Produto e Processo de Flotação, de modo a conhecer o seu desenvolvimento e as suas restrições, preocupações e objetivos. Complementou-se o trabalho desenvolvido com pesquisa e analisaram-se os produtos existentes na concorrência com o objetivo de conhecer características técnicas, funcionais e físicas. Desta forma, o estudo desenvolvido nesta dissertação serviu e auxiliou o projeto no resultado final, incluindo a materialização do conceito para proporcionar uma boa relação entre utilizador, performance e design. Obtendo assim, um resultado final com características adequadas nas diversas aplicações deste produto nas Estações de Águas Residuais, reduzindo custos de operação e manutenção, eficiência do processo de flotação e vida útil do produto. Paralelamente o design proporciona uma apresentação estética do produto que transmite fiabilidade e profissionalismo.
Com este trabalho pretende-se analisar o consumo de energia na indústria de faiança e identificar medidas de poupança energética. Em 2014, o consumo específico foi de 191 kgep/t e a intensidade carbónica 2,15 tCO2e/t, tendo havido uma redução de, respectivamente, 50,2% e 1,3%, comparativamente a 2010. O consumo total correspondeu a 1108 tep, sendo 66% relativo ao consumo de gás natural. Foi utilizado um analisador de energia eléctrica nos principais equipamentos consumidores, e na desagregação de consumos térmicos, efectuaram-se leituras no contador geral de gás natural e foram utilizados dados das auditorias ambiental e energética. O processo de cozedura é responsável por 58% do consumo térmico da instalação, seguido da pintura com 24%. A conformação é o sector com maior consumo de energia eléctrica, correspondendo a 23% do consumo total. As perdas térmicas pelos gases de exaustão dos equipamentos de combustão e pela envolvente do forno, considerando os mecanismos de convecção natural e radiação, correspondem a cerca de 6% do consumo térmico total, sendo necessário tomar medidas a nível do isolamento térmico e da redução do excesso de ar. A instalação de variadores de velocidade nos ventiladores do ar de combustão do forno poderia resultar em poupanças significativas, em particular, no consumo de gás natural – redução de 4 tep/ano e cerca de 2500€/ano– tendo um tempo de retorno do investimento inferior a 1 ano. Deverá ser, no entanto, garantida a alimentação de ar combustão a todos os queimadores, bem como, a combustão completa do gás natural. O funcionamento contínuo do forno poderia resultar no aumento da sua eficiência energética, com redução de custos de operação e manutenção, sendo necessário avaliar os custos adicionais de stock e de mão de obra. Verificou-se que as medidas relacionadas com a monitorização de consumos, eliminação de fugas de ar comprimido e a instalação de variadores de velocidade nos ventiladores do ar de combustão do forno poderiam resultar em reduções de consumo de 26 tep e de emissões de 66tCO2e, num total de quase 14 000€.
Tese (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, 2015.
Embedded software systems in vehicles are of rapidly increasing commercial importance for the automotive industry. Current systems employ a static run-time environment; due to the difficulty and cost involved in the development of dynamic systems in a high-integrity embedded control context. A dynamic system, referring to the system configuration, would greatly increase the flexibility of the offered functionality and enable customised software configuration for individual vehicles, adding customer value through plug-and-play capability, and increased quality due to its inherent ability to adjust to changes in hardware and software. We envisage an automotive system containing a variety of components, from a multitude of organizations, not necessarily known at development time. The system dynamically adapts its configuration to suit the run-time system constraints. This paper presents our vision for future automotive control systems that will be regarded in an EU research project, referred to as DySCAS (Dynamically Self-Configuring Automotive Systems). We propose a self-configuring vehicular control system architecture, with capabilities that include automatic discovery and inclusion of new devices, self-optimisation to best-use the processing, storage and communication resources available, self-diagnostics and ultimately self-healing. Such an architecture has benefits extending to reduced development and maintenance costs, improved passenger safety and comfort, and flexible owner customisation. Specifically, this paper addresses the following issues: The state of the art of embedded software systems in vehicles, emphasising the current limitations arising from fixed run-time configurations; and the benefits and challenges of dynamic configuration, giving rise to opportunities for self-healing, self-optimisation, and the automatic inclusion of users’ Consumer Electronic (CE) devices. Our proposal for a dynamically reconfigurable automotive software system platform is outlined and a typical use-case is presented as an example to exemplify the benefits of the envisioned dynamic capabilities.
Na engenharia mecânica há cada vez mais necessidade de utilizar e de prever o comportamento das máquinas térmicas, mais propriamente dos motores de combustão interna, em especial na área da manutenção e da prevenção de falha num dos componentes vitais de um motor a 4 tempos: o veio de manivelas. Esta situação já tem sido bastante observada na indústria mecânica naval, nomeadamente na Marinha Portuguesa e, devido ao seu elevado grau de importância no desempenho de qualquer motor, decidiu-se focar o trabalho desta tese no estudo dos motores a diesel S.E.M.T Pielstick das unidades navais da Marinha Portuguesa, mais especificamente das corvetas da classe “João Coutinho” e da classe “ Baptista de Andrade”, devido ao historial de ocorrência de falhas no veio de manivelas nesta classe de navios e em outras da Marinha Portuguesa. Para efetuar este estudo, utilizaram-se todos os dados relativos ao historial de ocorrências de falhas destes motores, bem como todos os dados disponíveis do fabricante destes motores, por forma a reproduzir da forma mais fiável possível um modelo tridimensional do veio de manivelas no programa de modelação informática CAD Solidworks®, e possibilitar a análise cinemática do veio de manivelas. Desta forma, foi possível simular as condições de funcionamento do motor, assim como analisar e determinar a causa de falha do veio de manivelas, visando prolongar a vida útil dos veios de manivelas, contribuindo não só para menores custos de manutenção mas também para o aumento da operacionalidade destes navios.
Siloxanes are widely used in personal care and industrial products due to their low surface tension, thermal stability, antimicrobial and hydrophobic properties, among other characteristics. Volatile methyl siloxanes (VMS) have been detected both in landfill gas and biogas from anaerobic digesters at wastewater treatment plants. As a result, they are released to gas phase during waste decomposition and wastewater treatment. During transformation processes of digester or landfill gas to energy, siloxanes are converted to silicon oxides, leaving abrasive deposits on engine components. These deposits cause increased maintenance costs and in some cases complete engine overhauls become necessary. ^ The objectives of this study were to compare the VMS types and levels present in biogas generated in the anaerobic digesters and landfills and evaluate the energetics of siloxane transformations under anaerobic conditions. Siloxane emissions, resulting from disposal of silicone-based materials, are expected to increase by 29% within the next 10 years. Estimated concentrations and the risk factors of exposure to siloxanes were evaluated based on the initial concentrations, partitioning characteristics and persistence. It was determined that D4 has the highest risk factor associated to bioaccumulation in liquid and solid phase, whereas D5 was highest in gas phase. Additionally, as siloxanes are combusted, the particle size range causes them to be potentially hazardous to human health. When inhaled, they may affix onto the alveoli of the lungs and may lead to development of silicosis. Siloxane-based COD-loading was evaluated and determined to be an insignificant factor concerning COD limits in wastewater. ^ Removal of siloxane compounds is recommended prior to land application of biosolids or combustion of biogas. A comparison of estimated costs was made between maintenance practices for removal of siloxane deposits and installation/operation of fixed-bed carbon absorption systems. In the majority of cases, the installation of fixed-bed adsorption systems would not be a feasible option for the sole purpose of siloxane removal. However they may be utilized to remove additional compounds simultaneously.^
Over the last decade, there has been a trend where water utility companies aim to make water distribution networks more intelligent in order to improve their quality of service, reduce water waste, minimize maintenance costs etc., by incorporating IoT technologies. Current state of the art solutions use expensive power hungry deployments to monitor and transmit water network states periodically in order to detect anomalous behaviors such as water leakage and bursts. However, more than 97% of water network assets are remote away from power and are often in geographically remote underpopulated areas, facts that make current approaches unsuitable for next generation more dynamic adaptive water networks. Battery-driven wireless sensor/actuator based solutions are theoretically the perfect choice to support next generation water distribution. In this paper, we present an end-to-end water leak localization system, which exploits edge processing and enables the use of battery-driven sensor nodes. Our system combines a lightweight edge anomaly detection algorithm based on compression rates and an efficient localization algorithm based on graph theory. The edge anomaly detection and localization elements of the systems produce a timely and accurate localization result and reduce the communication by 99% compared to the traditional periodic communication. We evaluated our schemes by deploying non-intrusive sensors measuring vibrational data on a real-world water test rig that have had controlled leakage and burst scenarios implemented.
Des techniques adaptées aux contextes routiers sont nécessaires pour maintenir et réhabiliter des chaussées construites sur pergélisol ou en contexte de gel saisonnier. Plusieurs problématiques peuvent engendrer une augmentation des coûts de réparation et entretien, une diminution de la durée de vie des chaussées et des problèmes reliés à la sécurité des usagers de la route. L’objectif du projet consiste donc à élaborer un outil d’aide à la décision, qui contribuerait à localiser les zones sensibles au gel saisonnier et à la dégradation du pergélisol, à discerner les causes de dégradation des chaussées dues au gel saisonnier et à sélectionner les meilleures stratégies d’atténuation et de réfection à moindre coût. Le projet de recherche est divisé en deux volets distincts. Le premier volet traite des problématiques de gel de chaussées en contexte de gel saisonnier. Actuellement, il existe des méthodes de diagnostic qui permettent de détecter les endroits où un problème de gélivité est susceptible d’être présent. Par contre, ces méthodes ne permettent pas de discerner si le problème de gel est en profondeur ou en surface de la chaussée; en d’autres mots si le problème est lié à un soulèvement différentiel du sol ou à un soulèvement de fissures. De plus, les méthodes utilisées ne sont pas adaptées aux chaussées en contexte municipal. Selon les problématiques connues de certains sites, il a été possible de développer un abaque permettant de différencier si la problématique de gel se situe en surface ou en profondeur dans une chaussée. Puis, une analyse d’imagerie 3D a été réalisée pour complémenter l’abaque créé. À l’aide de cette technologie, une nouvelle méthode sera mise au point pour détecter des problématiques de gel grâce aux profils transversaux. Le deuxième volet porte sur les chaussées construites sur pergélisol. Les méthodes actuelles de détection de la dégradation du pergélisol sous les chaussées manquent de précision et ont besoin d’être raffinées, surtout dans le contexte actuel de réchauffement climatique. Pour ce faire, trois sites d’essais ont été étudiés sur l’Alaska Highway au Yukon. En fonction de différentes analyses telles que des analyses de profils longitudinaux, de la densité spectrale et de longueurs d’onde, des tendances ont été décelées pour caractériser l’instabilité du pergélisol.
Final : report assessing risk and variation in maintenance and rehabilitation costs for road network
This report presents the results of research projects conducted by The Australian Cooperative Research Centre for Construction Innovation, Queensland University of Technology, RMIT University, Queensland Government Department of Main Roads and Queensland Department of Public Works. The research projects aimed at developing a methodology for assessing variation and risk in investment in road network, including the application of the method in assessing road network performance and maintenance and rehabilitation costs for short- and long-term future investment.
Realistic estimates of short- and long-term (strategic) budgets for maintenance and rehabilitation of road assessment management should consider the stochastic characteristics of asset conditions of the road networks so that the overall variability of road asset data conditions is taken into account. The probability theory has been used for assessing life-cycle costs for bridge infrastructures by Kong and Frangopol (2003), Zayed et.al. (2002), Kong and Frangopol (2003), Liu and Frangopol (2004), Noortwijk and Frangopol (2004), Novick (1993). Salem 2003 cited the importance of the collection and analysis of existing data on total costs for all life-cycle phases of existing infrastructure, including bridges, road etc., and the use of realistic methods for calculating the probable useful life of these infrastructures (Salem et. al. 2003). Zayed et. al. (2002) reported conflicting results in life-cycle cost analysis using deterministic and stochastic methods. Frangopol et. al. 2001 suggested that additional research was required to develop better life-cycle models and tools to quantify risks, and benefits associated with infrastructures. It is evident from the review of the literature that there is very limited information on the methodology that uses the stochastic characteristics of asset condition data for assessing budgets/costs for road maintenance and rehabilitation (Abaza 2002, Salem et. al. 2003, Zhao, et. al. 2004). Due to this limited information in the research literature, this report will describe and summarise the methodologies presented by each publication and also suggest a methodology for the current research project funded under the Cooperative Research Centre for Construction Innovation CRC CI project no 2003-029-C.
In the previous research CRC CI 2001-010-C “Investment Decision Framework for Infrastructure Asset Management”, a method for assessing variation in cost estimates for road maintenance and rehabilitation was developed. The variability of pavement strength collected from a 92km national highway was used in the analysis to demonstrate the concept. Further analysis was conducted to identify critical input parameters that significantly affect the prediction of road deterioration. In addition to pavement strength, rut depth, annual traffic loading and initial roughness were found to be critical input parameters for road deterioration. This report presents a method developed to incorporate other critical parameters in the analysis, such as unit costs, which are suspected to contribute to a certain degree to cost estimate variation. Thus, the variability of unit costs will be incorporated in this analysis. Bruce Highway located in the tropical east coast of Queensland has been identified to be the network for the analysis. This report presents a step by step methodology for assessing variation in road maintenance and rehabilitation cost estimates.
The aim of this work was to determine the resistance level of Haemonchus contortus isolated from the Santa Inês flock of the Embrapa (Brazilian government's Agricultural Research Company), Southeast Livestock Unit (CPPSE), as well as to determine costs of characterizing and maintaining this isolate in host donors. Forty-two male Santa Inês lambs were experimentally infected with 4000 H. contortus infective larvae of the field isolate of CPPSE, called Embrapa2010, and divided into six treatment groups, which received triclorfon, albendazol plus cobalt sulfate, ivermectin, moxidectin, closantel and levamisole phosphate, as well as a negative control group (water). Egg per gram (EPG) counts were performed at 0, 3, 7, 10 and 14. days post treatment when the animals were slaughtered for parasite count. The data were analyzed using the RESO statistical program, considering anthelmintic resistance under 95% of efficacy. EPG and worm count presented a linear and significant relation with 94% determination coefficient. The susceptibility results obtained by RESO through both criteria (EPG and worm count) were equal, except for closantel, showing that the isolate Embrapa2010 is resistant to benzimidazoles, macrocyclic lactones and imidazothiazoles. The need of a control group did not appear to be essential since the result for susceptibility in the analyses with or without this group was the same. Suppression in egg production after treatment did not occur in the ivermectin and moxidectin groups. In the control group, the establishment percentage was just 12.5 because of the low number of third-stage larvae, resistance (innate and infection immunity) of the animals studied plus good nutrition. Drug classes presented similar efficacy between adults and immature stages. The costs for isolate characterization were calculated for 42 animals during 60. days. The total cost based on local market rates was approximately US$ 8000. The precise identification of Brazilian isolates and their establishment in host donors would be useful for laboratorial anthelmintic resistance diagnoses through in vitro tests, which has an annual cost of approximately US$ 2500 for maintenance in host donors. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.