928 resultados para MEMORY B-CELLS


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La dérégulation du compartiment de cellules B est une conséquence importante de l’infection par le virus de l’immunodéficience humaine (VIH-1). On observe notamment une diminution des nombres de lymphocytes B sanguins ainsi qu’une variation des fréquences relatives des différentes populations de lymphocytes B chez les individus infectés par rapport aux contrôles sains. Notre laboratoire a précédemment démontré l’implication des cellules dendritiques dans la dérégulation des lymphocytes B via la roduction excessive de BLyS/BAFF, un stimulateur des cellules B. De plus, lors l’études menées chez la souris transgénique présentant une maladie semblable au SIDA, et chez la souris BLyS/BAFF transgénique, l’infection au VIH-1 fut associée à une expansion de la zone marginale (MZ) de la rate. De façon intéressante, nous observons chez les contrôleurs élites une diminution de la population B ‘mature’ de la MZ. Il s’agit du seul changement important chez les contrôleurs élites et reflète possiblement un recrutement de ces cellules vers la périphérie ainsi qu’une implication dans des mécanismes de contrôle de l’infection. Pour tenter d’expliquer et de mieux comprendre ces variations dans les fréquences des populations B, nous avons analysé les axes chimiotactiques CXCL13-CXCR5, CXCL12-CXCR4/CXCR7, CCL20-CCR6 et CCL25-CCR9. L’étude longitudinale de cohortes de patients avec différents types de progression clinique ou de contrôle de l’infection démontre une modulation des niveaux plasmatiques de la majorité des chimiokines analysées chez les progresseurs rapides et classiques. Au contraire, les contrôleurs élites conservent des niveaux normaux de chimiokines, démontrant leur capacité à maintenir l’homéostasie. La migration des populations de cellules B semble être modulée selon la progression ou le contrôle de l’infection. Les contrôleurs élites présentent une diminution de la population B ‘mature’ de la MZ et une augmentation de la fréquence d’expression du récepteur CXCR7 associé à la MZ chez la souris, suggérant un rôle important des cellules de la MZ dans le contrôle de l’infection au VIH-1. De façon générale, les résultats dans cette étude viennent enrichir nos connaissances du compartiment de cellules B dans le contexte de l’infection au VIH-1 et pourront contribuer à élaborer des stratégies préventives et thérapeutiques contre ce virus.


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4-1BB (CD137) est un membre de la superfamille TNFR qui est impliqué dans la transmission des signaux de survie aux lymphocytes. TRAF1 est une protéine adaptatrice qui est recrutée par 4-1BB et autres TNFRs et est caractérisée par une expression très restreinte aux lymphocytes, cellules dendritiques et certaines cellules épithéliales. TRAF1 est nécessaire pour l’expansion et la survie des cellules T mémoire en présence d'agonistes anti-4-1BB in vivo. De plus, TRAF1 est requise en aval de 4-1BB pour activer (phosphoryler) la MAP kinase Erk impliquée dans la régulation de la molécule pro-apoptotique Bim. Suite à l’activation du récepteur 4-1BB, TRAF1 et ERK sont impliqués dans la phosphorylation de Bim et la modulation de son expression. L’activation et la régulation de TRAF1 et Bim ont un rôle important dans la survie des cellules T CD8 mémoires. Dans cette étude, nous avons utilisé une approche protéomique afin de pouvoir identifier de nouveaux partenaires de liaison de TRAF1. Utilisant cette stratégie, nous avons identifié que LSP1 (Leukocyte Specific Protein 1) est recruté dans le complexe de signalisation 4-1BB de manière TRAF1 dépendante. Une caractérisation plus poussée de l’interaction entre TRAF1 et LSP1 a montré que LSP1 lie la région unique N-terminal de TRAF1 de façon indépendante de la région conservée C-terminal. À l’instar des cellules T déficientes en TRAF1, les cellules T déficientes en LSP1 ne sont pas capables d’activer ERK en aval de 4-1BB et par conséquent ne peuvent pas réguler Bim. Ainsi, TRAF1 et LSP1 coopèrent en aval de 4-1BB dans le but d’activer ERK et réguler en aval les niveaux de Bim dans les cellules T CD8. Selon la littérature, le récepteur 4-1BB n’est pas exprimé à la surface des cellules B murines, mais le récepteur 4-1BB favorise la prolifération et la survie des cellules B humaines. Cependant, il est important d'étudier l'expression du récepteur 4-1BB dans les cellules B murines afin de disposer d'un modèle murin et de prédire la réponse clinique à la manipulation de 4-1BB. En utilisant différentes stimulations de cellules B murines primaires, nous avons identifié que le récepteur 4-1BB est exprimé à la surface des cellules B de souris suite à une stimulation avec le LPS (Lipopolysaccharides). Une caractérisation plus poussée a montré que le récepteur 4-1BB est induit dans les cellules B murines d'une manière dépendante de TLR4 (Toll Like Receptor 4). Collectivement, notre travail a démontré que la stimulation avec le LPS induit l’expression du récepteur 4-1BB à la surface des cellules B murines, menant ainsi à l'induction de TRAF1. De plus, TRAF1 et LSP1 coopèrent en aval de 4-1BB pour activer la signalisation de la Map kinase ERK dans les cellules B murines de manière similaire aux cellules T. Les cellules B déficientes en TRAF1 et les cellules B déficientes en LSP1 ne sont pas en mesure d'activer la voie ERK en aval de 4-1BB et montrent un niveau d’expression du récepteur significativement diminué comparé aux cellules B d’une souris WT. Ainsi, TRAF1 et LSP1 sont nécessaires pour une expression maximale du récepteur 4-1BB à la surface cellulaire de cellules B murines et coopèrent en aval de 4-1BB afin d'activer la cascade ERK dans les cellules B murines.


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Our established understanding of lymphocyte migration suggests that naive and memory T cells travel throughout the body via divergent pathways; naive T cells circulate between blood and lymph whereas memory T cells additionally migrate through non-lymphoid organs. Evidence is now gradually emerging which suggests such disparate pathways between naive and memory T cells may not strictly be true, and that naive T cells gain access to the non-lymphoid environment in numbers approaching that of memory T cells. We discuss here the evidence for naive T-cell traffic into the non-lymphoid environment, compare and contrast this movement with what is known of memory T cells, and finally discuss the functional importance of why naive T cells might access the parenchymal tissues.


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Purpose Wholegrain (WG) consumption is associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, but clinical data on inflammation and immune function is either conflicting or limited. The objective of this study was to assess the impact of increasing WG consumption to at least 80 g/d on markers of inflammation and glucose metabolism and on phenotypic and functional aspects of the immune system, in healthy, middle-aged adults with low habitual WG intake. Methods Subjects consumed a diet high in WG (> 80 g/d) or low in WG (< 16 g/d, refined grain diet) in a crossover study, with 6-week intervention periods, separated by a 4-week washout. Adherence to the dietary regimes was achieved by dietary advice and provision of a range of food products, with compliance verified through analysis of plasma alkylresorcinols (ARs). Results On the WG intervention, WG consumption reached 168 g/d (P < 0.001), accompanied by an increase in plasma ARs (P < 0.001) and fibre intake (P < 0.001), without affecting other aspects of dietary intake. On the WG arm there were trends for lower ex vivo activation of CD4+ T cells and circulating concentrations of IL-10, C-reactive protein, C-peptide, insulin and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1. The percentage of CD4+ central memory T cells and circulating levels of adipsin tended to increase during the WG intervention. Conclusions Despite the dramatic increase in WG consumption, there were no effects on phenotypic or functional immune parameters, markers of inflammation or metabolic markers.


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We have recently shown that the C-type lectin-like receptor, CLEC-2, is expressed on platelets and that it mediates powerful platelet aggregation by the snake venom toxin rhodocytin. In addition, we have provided indirect evidence for an endogenous ligand for CLEC-2 in renal cells expressing HIV-1. This putative ligand facilitates transmission of HIV through its incorporation into the viral envelope and binding to CLEC-2 on platelets. The aim of the present study was to identify the ligand on these cells which binds to CLEC-2 on platelets. Recombinant CLEC-2 exhibits specific binding to HEK-293T (human embryonic kidney) cells in which the HIV can be grown. Furthermore, HEK-293T cells activate both platelets and CLEC-2-transfected DT-40 B-cells. The transmembrane protein podoplanin was identified on HEK-293T cells and was demonstrated to mediate both binding of HEK-293T cells to CLEC-2 and HEK-293T cell activation of CLEC-2-transfected DT-40 B-cells. Podoplanin is expressed on renal cells (podocytes). Furthermore, a direct interaction between CLEC-2 and podoplanin was confirmed using surface plasmon resonance and was shown to be independent of glycosylation of CLEC-2. The interaction has an affinity of 24.5+/-3.7 microM. The present study identifies podoplanin as a ligand for CLEC-2 on renal cells.


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Lymphocyte subsets, activation markers and apoptosis were assessed in 20 HIV-exposed noninfected (ENI) children born to HIV-infected women who were or not exposed to antiretroviral (ARV) drugs during pregnancy and early infancy. ENI children and adolescents were aged 6-18 years and they were compared to 25 age-matched healthy non-HIV-exposed children and adolescents (Control). ENI individuals presented lower CD4(+) T cells/mm(3) than Control group (control: 1120.3 vs. ENI: 876.3; t-test, p=0.030). ENI individuals had higher B-cell apoptosis than Control group (Control: 36.6%, ARV exposed: 82.3%, ARV nonexposed: 68.5%; Kruskal-Wallis, p < 0.05), but no statistical difference was noticed between those exposed and not exposed to ARV. Immune activation in CD4(+) T, CD8(+) T and in B cells was comparable in ENI and in Control children and adolescents. Subtle long-term immune alterations might persist among ENI individuals, but the clinical consequences if any are unknown, and these children require continued monitoring.


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The gills contain essential cells for respiration and osmoregulation, whereas the hepatopancreas is the site of digestion, absorption, and nutrients storage. The aim of this work was to separate and characterize gill and hepatopancreatic cells of the mangrove crab, Ucides cordatus. For gills, the methodology consisted of an enzymatic cellular dissociation using Trypsin at 0.5%, observation of cellular viability with Tripan Blue, and separation of cells using discontinuous sucrose gradient at concentrations of 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40%. The hepatopancreatic cells were dissociated by magnetic stirring, with posterior separation by sucrose gradient at the same concentrations above. For gills, a high cellular viability was observed (92.5 +/- 2.1%), with hemocyte cells in 10% sucrose layer (57.99 +/- 0.17%, *P < 0.05), principal cells in the 20% sucrose layer (57.33 +/- 0.18, *P < 0.05), and thick cells and pillar cells in the 30% and 40% sucrose layers, respectively (39.54 +/- 0.05%, *P < 0.05; and 41.81 +/- 0.04%, *P < 0.05). The hepatopancreatic cells also showed good viability (79.22 +/- 0.02%), with the observation of embryonic (E) cells in the 10% sucrose layer (67.87 +/- 0.06%, **P < 0.001), resorptive (R) and fibrillar (F) cells in the 20% and 30% sucrose layers (44.71 +/- 0.06%, **P < 0.001, and 43.25 +/- 0.01%, *P < 0.05; respectively), and blister (B) cells in the 40% sucrose layer (63.09 +/- 0.03%, **P < 0.001). The results are a starting point for in vitro studies of heavy metal transport in isolated cells of the mangrove crab U. cordatus, subjected to contamination by metals in the mangrove habitat where they are found.


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The perforated whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique was applied to functionally identified beta-cells in intact mouse pancreatic islets to study the extent of cell coupling between adjacent beta-cells. Using a combination of current- and voltage-clamp recordings, the total gap junctional conductance between beta-cells in an islet was estimated to be 1.22 nS. The analysis of the current waveforms in a voltage-clamped cell ( due to the. ring of an action potential in a neighbouring cell) suggested that the gap junctional conductance between a pair of beta-cells was 0.17 nS. Subthreshold voltage-clamp depolarization (to -55 mV) gave rise to a slow capacitive current indicative of coupling between beta-cells, but not in non-beta-cells, with a time constant of 13.5 ms and a total charge movement of 0.2 pC. Our data suggest that a superficial beta-cell in an islet is in electrical contact with six to seven other beta-cells. No evidence for dye coupling was obtained when cells were dialysed with Lucifer yellow even when electrical coupling was apparent. The correction of the measured resting conductance for the contribution of the gap junctional conductance indicated that the whole-cell K(ATP) channel conductance (G(K,ATP)) falls from approximately 2.5 nS in the absence of glucose to 0.1 nS at 15 mM glucose with an estimated IC(50) of approximately 4 mM. Theoretical considerations indicate that the coupling between beta-cells within the islet is sufficient to allow propagation of [Ca(2+)](i) waves to spread with a speed of approximately 80 mu m s(-1), similar to that observed experimentally in confocal [Ca(2+)](i) imaging.


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This work investigated the functional role of nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B) in respiratory burst activity and in expression of the human phagocyte nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase genes CYBB, CYBA, NCF1, and NCF2. U937 cells with a stably transfected repressor of NF-kappa B (IKB alpha-S32A/S36A) demonstrated significantly lower superoxide release and lower CYBB and NCF1 gene expression compared with control U937 cells. We further tested Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-transformed B cells from patients with anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia with immunodeficiency (EDA-ID), an inherited disorderof NF-kappa B function. Superoxide release and CYBB gene expression by EDA-ID cells were significantly decreased compared with healthy cells and similar to cells from patients with X-linked chronic granulomatous disease (X91 degrees CGD). NCF1 gene expression in EDA-ID S321 cells was decreased compared with healthy control cells and similar to that in autosomal recessive (A47 degrees) CGD cells. Gel shift assays demonstrated loss of recombinant human p50 binding to a NF-kappa B site 5` to the CYBB gene in U937 cells treated with NF-kappa B inhibitors, repressor-transfected U937 cells, and EDA-ID patients cells. Zymosan phagocytosis was not affected by transfection of U937 cells with the NF-kappa B repressor. These studies show that NF-kappa B is necessary for CYBB and NCF1 gene expression and activation of the phagocyte NADPH oxidase in this model system.


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Este estudo objetivou caracterizar a resposta imune celular no sistema nervoso central (SNC) de eqüinos com infecção crônica experimental por Trypanosoma evansi. Para este propósito, foram utilizados os métodos histoquímicos (HE) e imunoistoquímicos do complexo avidina-biotina peroxidase (ABC). O fenótipo do infiltrado celular foi caracterizado com o auxílio de anticorpos anti - CD3, para linfócitos T e antiBLA36 para linfócitos B. Os macrófagos foram marcados com anticorpo antiantígenos da linhagem mielóide/histiócitos (Clone Mac387). A lesão no sistema nervoso central (SNC) dos eqüinos infectados com T. evansi foi caracterizada como meningoencefalite e meningomielite não supurativa. A gravidade das lesões variou em diferentes segmentos do SNC, refletindo distribuição irregular das alterações vasculares. A distribuição de células T e B e antígenos do complexo maior de histocompatibilidade classe II foram avaliados dentro do SNC de eqüinos cronicamente infectados com T. evansi. O infiltrado perivascular e meníngeo eram constituídos predominantemente por células T e B. Macrófagos foram raramente visualizados. T.evansi não foi identificado no parênquima do SNC dos eqüinos.


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Agrin is over-expressed by activated and autoimmune T cells, and synergizes with the T cell receptor (TCR) to augment cell activation. In the present study, we show that Agrin accumulates to distinct areas of the plasma membrane and that cell activation causes its redistribution. During antigen presentation, Agrin primarily accumulates to the periphery of the mature immunological synapse, mostly in lamellipodia-like protrusions that wrap around the antigen-presenting cell and, conversely, anti-Agrin sera induced a significant redistribution of TCR at the plasma membrane. We also provide evidence for the expression of Agrin receptors in peripheral blood monocytes, dendritic cells and a fraction of B cells. Interestingly, interferon-a treatment, which induces the expression of Agrin in T cells, also augmented Agrin binding to monocytes. Stimulation of monocytes with recombinant Agrin induced the clustering of surface receptors, including major histocompatibility complex class II, activation of intracellular signalling cascades, as well as enhanced dsRNA-induced expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines interleukin-6 and tumour necrosis factor-a. Collectively, these results confirm the location of Agrin at the immunological synapse between T cells and antigen-presenting cells and justify further characterization of its receptors in the immune system.


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The density and distribution of T cells, T helper cells, macrophages and B cells at the site of skin tests with a cytoplasmic Paracoccidioides brasiliensis antigen (paracoccidioidin) was studied at 24 and 48 h post-challenge in 10 patients with the chronic form of paracoccidioidomycosis and in 5 noninfected individuals. The in situ study was carried out using immunoperoxidase techniques and monoclonal antibodies. The controls showed negative skin test. In the patients, the great majority of the cells in the perivascular foci were T cells (CD43-positive cells) making up 47% and 48.6% of the total number of cells at 24 and 48 h respectively. Most of the T cells showed a T helper phenotype (CD45RO-positive cells). Approximately 25% of the cells were macrophages (CD68-positive cells) and there were very few B lymphocytes (CD20-positive cells). The present data on the microanatomy of paracoccidioidin skin test sites were consistent with a delayed type hypersensitivity pattern. Our results were comparable to those reported on skin tests for other granulomatous chronic diseases.


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Eight-week old conventional female Swiss mice were inoculated intravenously with Yersinia enterocolitica O:3. A second group of normal mice was used as control. Five mice from each group were bled by heart puncture and their spleens were removed for spleen cell collection on the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 14th and 21st day after infection. Immunoglobulin-secreting spleen cells were detected by the isotype-specific protein A plaque assay. Total immunoglobulin levels were determined in mouse serum by single radial immunodiffusion and the presence of autoantibodies was determined by ELISA. We observed a marked increase in the total number of cells secreting immunoglobulins of all isotypes as early as on the 3rd day post-infection and the peak of secretion occurred on the 7th day. At the peak of the immunoglobulin response, the total number of secreting cells was 19 times higher than that of control mice and most immunoglobulin-secreting cells were of the IgG2a isotype. On the 10th day post-infection, total serum immunoglobul in values were 2 times higher in infected animals when compared to the control group, and continued at this level up to the 21st day post-infection. Serum absorption with viable Y. enterocolitica cells had little effect on antibody levels detected by single radial immunodiffusion. Analysis of serum autoantibody levels revealed that Y. enterocolitica infection induced an increase of anti-myosin and anti-myelin immunoglobulins. The sera did not react with collagen. The present study demonstrates that Y. enterocolitica O:3 infection induces polyclonal activation of murine B cells which is correlated with the activation of some autoreactive lymphocyte clones.


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It is known that the invasin molecule of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis stimulates human peripheral B cells in vitro. In this work we evaluated the in vivo role of invasin as polyclonal activator of B lymphocytes in the mouse experimental model, by comparing strains of Y. pseudotuberculosis expressing invasin and isogenic inv mutants. Swiss mice were infected intravenously with two strains expressing invasin (YpIII pIB1 and an isogenic virulence plasmid-cured strain, YpIII) and with two invasin mutant strains (Yp100 pIB1 and Yp100, plasmid-cured). Spleen cells were sampled on days 7, 14, 21 and 28 after infection. Immunoglobulin (Ig)-secreting spleen cells were detected by protein A plaque assay and specific antibodies were detected in sera by ELISA. The virulent strain YPIII pIB1 (wild type) did not provoke polyclonal activation of B lymphocytes in vivo. In general, fewer Ig-secreting spleen cells of all isotypes were found in the infected animals than in the control animals. Specific IgG antibodies were detected in the sera of animals infected with all strains. The peak response occurred on the 21 st day post-infection, and the Yp100 strain provoked the highest level of these antibodies. We concluded that invasin is not a polyclonal activator of murine B cells.