984 resultados para Lorenz, Hendrik
External morphology of the adult of Dynamine postverta (Cramer) (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Biblidinae) and patterns of morphological similarity among species from eight tribes of Nymphalidae. The external structure of the integument of Dynamine postverta postverta (Cramer, 1779) is based on detailed morphological drawings and scanning electron microscopy. The data are compared with other species belonging to eight tribes of Nymphalidae, to assist future studies on the taxonomy and systematics of Neotropical Biblidinae.
ABSTRACT Moncini is the tribe of Hesperiidae that comprises the greatest diversity of small, brown, hard to identify skippers. The group is peculiarly classified as having many monotypic genera, thus offering low informative value to its systematics. This study presents a review of the genus Gallio Evans, 1955, a genus formerly recognized as monotypic, and describes three new species, Gallio imperatriz sp. nov. from Maranhão, Brazil, Gallio furtadoi sp. nov. from Mato Grosso, Brazil and Gallio eti sp. nov. from Madre de Díos, Peru and Acre, Brazil (type locality). A lectotype for Vehilius carasta Schaus, 1902 is designated. Gallio is therefore redescribed and illustrations and diagnosis to its species are provided.
ABSTRACT The external morphology and biology of the immature stages of Hamadryas fornax fornax (Hübner, [1823]) (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Biblidinae) recorded on Dalechampia triphylla (Euphorbiaceae) in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil are described. Morphological characters are illustrated and described, as a result of observations in scanning electron, stereoscope and optical microscopes, the last two attached to a camera lucida. Results are compared and discussed with immature stages of other species of Biblidinae.
ABSTRACT The external morphology of immature stages of Zaretis strigosus (Gmelin, [1790]) and Siderone galanthis catarina Dottax and Pierre, 2009 comb. nov. from southern Brazil are described. Additionally, morphology of the adults and sequences of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase, subunit I, were analyzed in order to evaluate the taxonomy of Siderone galanthis Hübner, [1823]. Immatures were collected on Casearia sylvestris (Salicaceae) in Curitiba, Paraná, and Balneário Barra do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil, and reared at the laboratory. Morphological descriptions and illustrations are provided, based on observations through stereoscopic and optic microscopes attached to camera lucida; results are compared and discussed and immature stages of some other species of Charaxinae. The results indicates that the morphology of the immature stages of the studied species differ greatly from other Anaeini, representing a distinct lineage of leafwings butterflies. Morphology and molecular evidence indicate that S. nemesis mexicana Dottax and Pierre, 2009 and S. nemesis catarina Dottax and Pierre, 2009 are conspecific with S. galanthis (Cramer, 1775); additionally, S. thebais C. Felder and R. Felder 1862, S. nemesis var. confluens Staudinger, 1887, S. nemesis f. leonora Bargmann, 1928 and S. nemesis f. exacta Bargmann, 1929 are synonymized with S. galanthis galanthis (Cramer, 1775).
ABSTRACT A new species of Aguna Williams, 1927 from Panamá is described: Aguna prasinus Siewert, Leviski, Mielke & Casagrande, sp. nov. Illustrations of adults and male genitalia are provided. A dichotomous key for the male Aguna species for the “claxon group” is also provided.
El Inventario del Desarrollo Comunicativo MacArthur- Bates (CDI Fenson, Marchman, Thal, Dale & Reznick, 2007) es un instrumento que permite evaluar de forma válida y confiable el desarrollo comunicativo y lingüístico de niños pequeños. Este estudio da cuenta del proceso de adaptación del CDI a los usos lingüísticos y al contexto cultural colombiano, así como su primera fase de baremación en la ciudad de Bogotá y sus alrededores. Los padres de 825 niños y niñas entre 8 y 30 meses de edad de diferentes estratos socioeconómicos, residentes en la ciudad de Bogotá y poblaciones aledañas, diligenciaron los inventarios adaptados para la población. El análisis estadístico incluyó medidas de confiabilidad y validez, las cuales avalan la consistencia interna y el valor predictivo de las escalas. Los resultados del presente estudio permiten identificar el ritmo evolutivo del proceso de adquisición del lenguaje en los niños colombianos, observando reorganizaciones y discontinuidades tal y como se reporta en otras adaptaciones del CDI
The long-term mean properties of the global climate system and those of turbulent fluid systems are reviewed from a thermodynamic viewpoint. Two general expressions are derived for a rate of entropy production due to thermal and viscous dissipation (turbulent dissipation) in a fluid system. It is shown with these expressions that maximum entropy production in the Earth s climate system suggested by Paltridge, as well as maximum transport properties of heat or momentum in a turbulent system suggested by Malkus and Busse, correspond to a state in which the rate of entropy production due to the turbulent dissipation is at a maximum. Entropy production due to absorption of solar radiation in the climate system is found to be irrelevant to the maximized properties associated with turbulence. The hypothesis of maximum entropy production also seems to be applicable to the planetary atmospheres of Mars and Titan and perhaps to mantle convection. Lorenz s conjecture on maximum generation of available potential energy is shown to be akin to this hypothesis with a few minor approximations. A possible mechanism by which turbulent fluid systems adjust themselves to the states of maximum entropy production is presented as a selffeedback mechanism for the generation of available potential energy. These results tend to support the hypothesis of maximum entropy production that underlies a wide variety of nonlinear fluid systems, including our planet as well as other planets and stars
En el siguiente trabajo se exponen las bases teóricas y se ilustran algunas aplicaciones de una visión de la psicología cultural alrededor del concepto de “vivencia” y “geografía vital”. Según esta perspectiva, el desarrollo humano es el resultado de la participación en prácticas educativas a través de las cuales nos apropiamos de los “signos”, “tecnología cultural” o formas explícitas e implícitas de vida compartida. Se postulan dos supuestos y tres características. Los supuestos son que la experiencia psicológica se debe estudiar en el contexto o situación donde ésta se expresa y construye, siendo la “dieta cultural” el alimento de nuestra mente (nuestros recuerdos, temores, percepciones, sentimientos, pensamientos). Las características nos remiten a considerar la vivencia humana como unidad de análisis, en tanto realidad dinámica situada y distribuida y, finalmente, en tanto producto o resultado de la participación en particulares geografías o contextos de vida. Se esbozan aplicaciones en el campo de la psicología clínica y la rehabilitación, en el terreno socioeducativo y en el ámbito de las organizaciones o psicología del trabajo, como ejemplos de prácticas acordes a una psicología orientada culturalmente. Finalmente, se concluye considerando la necesidad de vertebrar la dimensión subjetiva, social y política de la cultura con el objetivo de ofrecer vías de comprensión ecológicas de la mente y conducta humana
En este trabajo investigó la consistencia interna y la estructura factorial, comparando tres modelos de medición, de una versión en español de 12 ítems de la Escala de Identidad Étnica Multigrupo de Phinney, en una muestra de 631 estudiantes mexicanos (301 indígenas y 330 mestizos) entre 17 y 40 años de edad. Los resultados apoyan la consistencia interna de la medida y apuntan a una estructura de dos factores de la identidad étnica: la afirmación o identificación étnica y la exploración étnica. Así mismo, se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los grupos estudiados, siendo los indígenas quienes puntúan más alto en identidad étnica y sus componentes. Sugerimos que se necesitan más investigaciones para evaluar la identidad étnica y validar la medida y los factores de la identidad étnica a través de diversos grupos étnicos con otras muestras de adolescentes y adultos de habla hispana
We prove an arithmetic version of a theorem of Hirzebruch and Zagier saying that Hirzebruch-Zagier divisors on a Hilbert modular surface are the coefficients of an elliptic modular form of weight 2. Moreover, we determine the arithmetic selfintersection number of the line bundle of modular forms equipped with its Petersson metric on a regular model of a Hilbert modular surface, and we study Faltings heights of arithmetic Hirzebruch-Zagier divisors.
Introduction: The control of high blood pressure (BP) remains insufficient in developed as well as in developing countries. We conducted a cross-sectional survey to investigate the management of hypertension and the achievement of target BPs in a large population of hypertensive patients treated by Swiss primary care physicians. Methods. Data from 4594 hypertensive patients were collected and assessed for demographic data, mode of treatment and BP achievements for the overall population and for high-risk patients such as diabetics and patients with impaired renal function (CKD patients). Furthermore, we analysed the achieved BP in patients receiving single pill combinations or dual free combinations for the three most commonly prescribed substances. Results. In this large patient population, 84% of patients were receiving an antihypertensive treatment of which 54% showed BP control (< 140/90 mmHg or < 130/80 mmHg for diabetics and patients with CKD). Considering the higher BP target in the elderly, 60.6% of treated patients were on target. In contrast, 28.8% of treated diabetics and 29.7% of patients with impaired renal function met BP goals. Diuretics and blockers of the renin-angiotensin system were the most commonly prescribed substances. High-risk patients and patients at advanced age (≥ 80 years) received dual free combination more frequently than younger patients. The use of diuretics was particularly high because of the prescription of single pill formulations. Differences in the pattern of drug prescription were found according to the linguistic areas. Conclusion. The control of hypertension in the Swiss hypertensive population is relatively high but still insufficient particularly among high cardiovascular risk patients such as diabetics and patients with impaired renal function. A further improvement of BP control could perhaps be achieved with a greater use of single pill combinations particularly in patients with complicated hypertension.
Like many organisms the fungal pathogen Candida albicans senses changes in the environmental CO(2) concentration. This response involves two major proteins: adenylyl cyclase and carbonic anhydrase (CA). Here, we demonstrate that CA expression is tightly controlled by the availability of CO(2) and identify the bZIP transcription factor Rca1p as the first CO(2) regulator of CA expression in yeast. We show that Rca1p upregulates CA expression during contact with mammalian phagocytes and demonstrate that serine 124 is critical for Rca1p signaling, which occurs independently of adenylyl cyclase. ChIP-chip analysis and the identification of Rca1p orthologs in the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Cst6p) point to the broad significance of this novel pathway in fungi. By using advanced microscopy we visualize for the first time the impact of CO(2) build-up on gene expression in entire fungal populations with an exceptional level of detail. Our results present the bZIP protein Rca1p as the first fungal regulator of carbonic anhydrase, and reveal the existence of an adenylyl cyclase independent CO(2) sensing pathway in yeast. Rca1p appears to regulate cellular metabolism in response to CO(2) availability in environments as diverse as the phagosome, yeast communities or liquid culture.
Recently it has been shown that the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) plays a role in thrombin preconditioning (TPC) in vivo and in vitro. To investigate further the pathways involved in TPC, we performed an immunohistochemical study in hippocampal slice cultures. Here we show that the major target of JNK, the AP-1 transcription factor c-Jun, is activated by phosphorylation in the nuclei of neurons of the CA1 region by using phospho-specific antibodies against the two JNK phosphorylation sites. The activation is early and transient, peaking at 90 min and not present by 3 hr after low-dose thrombin administration. Treatment of cultures with a synthetic thrombin receptor agonist results in the same c-Jun activation profile and protection against subsequent OGD, both of which are prevented by specific JNK inhibitors, showing that thrombin signals through PAR-1 to JNK. By using an antibody against the Ser 73 phosphorylation site of c-Jun, we identify possible additional TPC substrates.
[cat] En aquest treball extenem les reformes lineals introduïdes per Pfähler (1984) al cas d’impostos duals. Estudiem l’efecte relatiu que els retalls lineals duals d’un impost dual tenen sobre la distribució de la desigualtat -es pot fer un estudi simètric per al cas d’augments d’impostos-. Tambe introduïm mesures del grau de progressivitat d’impostos duals i mostrem que estan connectades amb el criteri de dominació de Lorenz. Addicionalment, estudiem l’elasticitat de la càrrega fiscal de cadascuna de les reformes proposades. Finalment, gràcies a un model de microsimulació i una gran base de dades que conté informació sobre l’IRPF espanyol de l’any 2004, 1) comparem l’efecte que diferents reformes tindrien sobre l’impost dual espanyol i 2) estudiem quina redistribució de la riquesa va suposar la reforma dual de l’IRPF (Llei ’35/2006’) respecte l’anterior impost.