179 resultados para Logie, Ilse


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Fetal epithelium retains the ability to re-epithelialize a wound in organotypic culture in a manner not dependent on the presence of underlying dermal substrata. This capacity is lost late in the third trimester of gestation or after embryonic day 17 (E-17) in the rat such that embryonic day 19 (E-19) wounds do not re-epithelialize. Moreover, wounds created in E-17 fetuses in utero heal in a regenerative, scar-free fashion. To investigate the molecular events regulating re-epithelialization in fetal skin, the wound-induced expression profile and tissue localization of activator protein 1 (AP-1) transcription factors c-Fos and c-Jun was characterised in E-17 and E-19 skin using organotypic fetal cultures. The involvement of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling in mediating wound-induced transcription factor expression and wound re-epithelialization was assessed, with the effect of wounding on the expression of keratinocyte differentiation markers determined. Our results show that expression of AP-1 transcription factors was induced immediately by wounding and localized predominantly to the epidermis in E-17 and E-19 skin. c-fos and c-jun induction was transient in E-17 skin with MAPK-dependent c-fos expression necessary for the re-epithelialization of an excisional wound in organotypic culture. In E-19 skin, AP-11 expression persisted beyond 12 h post-wounding, and marked upregulation of the keratinocyte differentiation markers keratin 10 and loricrin was observed. No such changes in the expression of keratin 10 or loricrin occurred in E-17 skin. These findings indicate that re-epithelialization in fetal skin is regulated by wound-induced AP-1 transcription factor expression via MAPK and the differentiation status of keratinocytes.


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Background Introduction of proposed criteria for DSM-5 Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has raised concerns that some individuals currently meeting diagnostic criteria for Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD; DSM-IV-TR/ICD-10) will not qualify for a diagnosis under the proposed changes. To date, reports of sensitivity and specificity of the new criteria have been inconsistent across studies. No study has yet considered how changes at the 'sub domain' level might affect overall sensitivity and specificity, and few have included individuals of different ages and ability levels. Methods A set of DSM-5 ASD algorithms were developed using items from the Diagnostic Interview for Social and Communication Disorders (DISCO). The number of items required for each DSM-5 subdomain was defined either according to criteria specified by DSM-5 (Initial Algorithm), a statistical approach (Youden J Algorithm), or to minimise the number of false positives while maximising sensitivity (Modified Algorithm). The algorithms were designed, tested and compared in two independent samples (Sample 1, N = 82; Sample 2, N = 115), while sensitivity was assessed across age and ability levels in an additional dataset of individuals with an ICD-10 PDD diagnosis (Sample 3, N = 190). Results Sensitivity was highest in the Initial Algorithm, which had the poorest specificity. Although Youden J had excellent specificity, sensitivity was significantly lower than in the Modified Algorithm, which had both good sensitivity and specificity. Relaxing the domain A rules improved sensitivity of the Youden J Algorithm, but it remained less sensitive than the Modified Algorithm. Moreover, this was the only algorithm with variable sensitivity across age. All versions of the algorithm performed well across ability level. Conclusions This study demonstrates that good levels of both sensitivity and specificity can be achieved for a diagnostic algorithm adhering to the DSM-5 criteria that is suitable across age and ability level. © 2013 The Authors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry © 2013 Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.


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The objective of this study was to identify a set of 'essential' behaviours sufficient for diagnosis of DSM-5 Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Highly discriminating, 'essential' behaviours were identified from the published DSM-5 algorithm developed for the Diagnostic Interview for Social and Communication Disorders (DISCO). Study 1 identified a reduced item set (48 items) with good predictive validity (as measured using receiver operating characteristic curves) that represented all symptom sub-domains described in the DSM-5 ASD criteria but lacked sensitivity for individuals with higher ability. An adjusted essential item set (54 items; Study 2) had good sensitivity when applied to individuals with higher ability and performance was comparable to the published full DISCO DSM-5 algorithm. Investigation at the item level revealed that the most highly discriminating items predominantly measured social-communication behaviours. This work represents a first attempt to derive a reduced set of behaviours for DSM-5 directly from an existing standardised ASD developmental history interview and has implications for the use of DSM-5 criteria for clinical and research practice. © 2014 The Authors.


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Recent research has investigated the capability of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM-5) descriptions to identify individuals who should receive a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) using standardised diagnostic instruments. Building on previous research investigating behaviours essential for the diagnosis of DSM-5 ASD, the current study investigated the sensitivity and specificity of a set of 14 items derived from the Diagnostic Interview for Social and Communication Disorders (DISCO Signposting set) that have potential for signposting the diagnosis of autism according to both the new DSM-5 criteria for ASD and ICD-10 criteria for Childhood Autism. An algorithm threshold for the Signposting set was calculated in Sample 1 (n = 67), tested in an independent validation sample (Sample 2; n = 78), and applied across age and ability sub-groups in Sample 3 (n = 190). The algorithm had excellent predictive validity according to best estimate clinical diagnosis (Samples 1 and 2) and excellent agreement with established algorithms for both DSM-5 and ICD-10 (all samples). The signposting set has potential to inform our understanding of the profile of ASD in relation to other neurodevelopmental disorders and to form the basis of a Signposting Interview for use in clinical practice.


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Understanding of seed ageing, which leads to viability loss during storage, is vital for ex situ plant conservation and agriculture alike. Yet the potential for regulation at the transcriptional level has not been fully investigated. Here, we studied the relationship between seed viability, gene expression and glutathione redox status during artificial ageing of pea (Pisum sativum) seeds. Transcriptome-wide analysis using microarrays was complemented with qRT-PCR analysis of selected genes and a multilevel analysis of the antioxidant glutathione. Partial degradation of DNA and RNA occurred from the onset of artificial ageing at 60% RH and 50 degrees C, and transcriptome profiling showed that the expression of genes associated with programmed cell death, oxidative stress and protein ubiquitination were altered prior to any sign of viability loss. After 25 days of ageing viability started to decline in conjunction with progressively oxidising cellular conditions, as indicated by a shift of the glutathione redox state towards more positive values (>-190 mV). The unravelling of the molecular basis of seed ageing revealed that transcriptome reprogramming is a key component of the ageing process, which influences the progression of programmed cell death and decline in antioxidant capacity that ultimately lead to seed viability loss.


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Die Autorinnen schließen in ihrem Beitrag Befunde und Thesen zur Problematik von Männern in frühpädagogischen Institutionen an die Diskurse um die Steigerung des Anteils männlicher Erzieher an, mit denen häufig die Vermutung einer Qualitätssteigerung verbunden ist. Sie fragen anhand von Interviews nach „Auffassungen und Ausgestaltungen der männlichen Geschlechtszugehörigkeit durch Erzieher in ihrer frühpädagogischen Arbeit“. Dabei schildern die Autorinnen große Akzeptanz im Feld und positive Zuschreibungen seitens der Institutionen. Die Erzieher explizieren dabei ihre Funktion als männliche Vorbilder in Form von Varianten wie ‚neue‘ Männer und ‚bessere‘ Väter, nicht zuletzt in Abgrenzung gegenüber den tatsächlichen Vätern der Kindergartenkinder. Augenfällig seien, so die Autorinnen, dass negative eigene Kindheitserfahrungen durch eine Romantisierung und stark emotionalisierende Aufladung der Beziehung zu den Kindern kompensiert werden und dies die notwendige generationale Differenz verwischt. Insgesamt stehen diese vergeschlechtlichten Positionierungen der Erzieher einer vertieften biographischen Selbstreflexion als Kernelement von institutionell zu fordernder Professionalisierung eher im Wege. (DIIPF/Orig.)


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Introducción: la diabetes mellitus es una enfermedad crónica frecuente en pediatría. El análisis de indicadores de calidad asistencial contribuye a mejorar el proceso de asistencia. Objetivo: describir las principales características clínico epidemiológicas de los pacientes diabéticos asistidos en la Unidad de Diabetes (UD) de la Policlínica Pediátrica General de Referencia. Evaluar la calidad asistencial en base a indicadores. Método: estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, utilizando los registros clínicos de los pacientes controlados en la UD entre el 1º de julio de 2012 y el 1º de julio de 2013. Se definieron indicadores de proceso asistencial e indicadores de resultados. Los resultados se clasificaron en: bueno ? 80%, aceptable 60% - 80% y malo < 80%. Se calcularon medianas y promedios como medida de tendencia central. Los resultados se expresaron en frecuencias absolutas y porcentajes con su respectivo intervalo de confianza de 95%. Resultados: se incluyeron 83 pacientes. La mediana de edad fue de 12 años. El 56% era de sexo masculino. Provenían del interior del país, 66%. La mediana de edad al diagnóstico fue de 6 años. La mediana de evolución de enfermedad fue de 5 años. Tres de los nueve indicadores de calidad tuvieron un resultado bueno, cinco aceptable y uno malo. La principal falla fue el valor promedio de HbA1c. Conclusiones: se encontraron indicadores de calidad aceptables. Se debe mejorar el cumplimiento de la pesquisa microvascular y en particular el control metabólico de la enfermedad. La evaluación periódica de indicadores de calidad permitirá mejorar la calidad de asistencia.


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The present study deals with the evolution of the middle Pleistocene river system in the north-eastern foreland of the Harz Mtns. Sediments of the middle fluvial terrace level (early Saalian time) are the main objectives. By using these sediments supplementary with some results of upper fluvial terrace level (early Elesterian time or older) the fluvial palaeogeography within the area has been reconstructed. The sediments were investigated with respect to their gravel spectra, heavy mineral record, sedimentary structures and altitude above the recent river beds. Due to the resulting specifics the sediments have been attributed to particular rivers in the area. Furthermore it is possible to distinguish between fluvial sediments and Elsterian as well as Saalian fluvioglacial deposits. Together with discernible middle or upper terrace characteristics this led to a spatio-temporal reconstruction of the palaeo river system of the Harz Mtns. It revealed that not only during upper terrace sedimentation but even while middle terraces were deposited the rivers partly diversed. These river diversions were mainly caused by hydrodynamic changes reflecting interaction of the fluvial system with Elsterian and Saalian ice shield formation in the north. The Rivers Ecker, Ilse, Rammelsbach, Holtemme, Goldbach, Bode, Selke and Eine were affected by this development as follows: Upper terrace level formation: • The Ecker River formerly ran between its recent river bed and that of the Use River in direction to the Großer Fallstein Mtn. • The Use River flowed to the NE towards the Huy Mtn. • The Goldbach River and the Holtemme River mutually ran to the NW south of the Huy Mtn. After uniting with the Use River and Ecker River it ran south of the Großer Fallstein Mtn. Middle terrace level formation: • The Ecker River flowed far more NE. • Near to the Harz Mtns. the Use River flowed more in the E. The tributary junction of the Rammelsbach River was located far more downstream. Thereafter the Use River ran to the N between Huy Mtn. and Großer Fallstein Mtn. to end up flowing in the area of the Großes Bruch. • The Holtemme River kept its course. Its recent tributary the Goldbach River flowed to the NE and joined the Bode River after leaving the Harz Mtn. Range. • The Eine River ran to the NW when passing todays city of Aschersleben. After flowing together with the Selke River in the area of the Seeländerei it became a tributary to the Bode River. • The Bode River within the recent tributary junction of the Holtemme ran far more in the W. In the area of the Espenbruch it flowed eastwards to the Saale River. The following general implications resulted out of the study: • The so called “mixed sediments” sensu Rosenberger & Altermann (1975) have now been interpreted as proximal fluvioglacial deposits. • High altitudes of middle terrace fluvial deposits in the courses of the Ecker River and Use River were formerly assigned to post middle Pleistocene uplift of the Großer Fallstein Mtn. (Feldmann, 2002). The present study suggests that the unusual high altitudes should rather be attributed to post middle terrace level erosion of the shortened Ilse- Rammelsbach river system or fluvioglacial processes below the glacier. • Within the north-eastern foreland of the Harz Mtns. middle terrace level deposits have previously been subdivided by cryoturbation horizons or short-term progradation of Saalian glaciation. This is not supported by own results for the examined area.


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Bogotá (Colombia) : Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de La Educación. Licenciatura en Lengua Castellana, Inglés y Francés


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Presentación: El  26 y 27 de noviembre del 1996 la Rectoría de la Universidad Nacional, en coordinación con la Escuela de Ciencias Agrarias, la Escuela de Economía, la Maestría en Desarrollo Rural y la Mesa Nacional Campesina organizaron un foro nacional campesino para discutir la propuesta de la Reconversión Productiva promovida por las organizaciones que integran la Mesa. Esta propuesta la negocian los grupos campesinos con el gobierno desde 1995, Participaron en el foro dirigentes campesinos de todo el país, académicos interesados en el tema y representantes de organismos no gubernamentales y agencias de desarrollo interesados en el desarrollo del sector campesino. La actividad fue financiada por el Instituto Humanista para la Cooperacion de los Paises en Desarrollo (HIVOS) y tuvo lugar en las instalaciones del ICAES  en Coronado. A continuación se transcriben las principales conclusiones de este importante evento.


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El presente documento analiza como el Estado colombiano ha querido crear una identidad nacional en tres Exposiciones Internacionales a partir de representaciones elaboradas con un discurso entre político, comercial y cultural, generando imágenes que no siempre concuerdan con la realidad.


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Objetivo: Estimar los niveles de actividad física (AF) de escolares de básica primaria durante el recreo, a través del uso del Sistema de Observación de Juego y Tiempo Libre en niños. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo transversal. Cinco instituciones educativas de la localidad de Engativá de Bogotá participaron en el presente estudio. Se contó con una muestra a conveniencia de 2.415 escolares (1.093 niñas y 1.322 niños), los cuales cursaban de 2º a 5º de primaria. Se realizaron 261 observaciones en 87 áreas determinadas. La muestra presentó una confiabilidad del 95%. Resultados: El tiempo de recreo fue de 30 minutos, los niños mostraron mayores porcentajes de AF con respecto a las niñas, sin embargo no se encontraron asociaciones estadísticamente significativas (p=0,506). Las áreas eran totalmente accesibles y utilizables, pero ausentes de actividades organizadas. Se encontró un bajo nivel de AF 9,5% en áreas supervisadas. De los escolares; el 22,5% para niñas, y el 20,6% para niños, tuvieron comportamientos sedentarios durante el recreo. Menos del 15% de los escolares realizaron AF vigorosa en el recreo y un mayor porcentaje 62,8% para niñas vs 64,6% para niños realizaron AF moderada. Conclusión: Los escolares acumularon una cantidad valiosa de AF moderada y vigorosa durante el recreo. Es probable que se aumente el nivel de AF, si el patio de la escuela está equipado y con actividades organizadas. Es esencial que las estrategias específicas se estudien y evalúen para determinar cómo y en qué medida se fomenta la AF entre los escolares.