989 resultados para Locally finite groups


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* The authors thank the “Swiss National Science Foundation” for its support.


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Еленка Генчева, Цанко Генчев В настоящата работа се разглеждат крайни прости групи G , които могат да се представят като произведение на две свои собствени неабелеви прости подгрупи A и B. Всяко такова представяне G = AB е прието да се нарича факторизация на G, а тъй като множителите A и B са избрани да бъдат прости подгрупи на G, то разглежданите факторизации са известни още като прости факторизации на G. Тук се предполага, че G е проста група от лиев тип и лиев ранг 4 над крайно поле GF (q). Ключови думи: крайни прости групи, групи от лиев тип, факторизации на групи.


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Валентин В. Илиев - Авторът изучава някои хомоморфни образи G на групата на Артин на плитките върху n нишки в крайни симетрични групи. Получените пермутационни групи G са разширения на симетричната група върху n букви чрез подходяща абелева група. Разширенията G зависят от един целочислен параметър q ≥ 1 и се разцепват тогава и само тогава, когато 4 не дели q. В случая на нечетно q са намерени всички крайномерни неприводими представяния на G, а те от своя страна генерират безкрайна редица от неприводими представяния на групата на плитките.


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Митрофан М. Чобан, Петър Ст. Кендеров, Уорън Б. Муурс - Полу-топологична група (съответно, топологична група) е група, снабдена с топология, относно която груповата оперция произведение е частично непрекъсната по всяка от променливите (съответно, непрекъсната по съвкупност от променливите и обратната операция е също непрекъсната). В настоящата работа ние даваме условия, от топологичен характер, една полу-топологична група да е всъщност топологична група. Например, ние показваме, че всяка сепарабелна псевдокомпактна полу-топологична група е топологична група. Показваме също, че всяка локално псевдокомпактна полу-топологична група, чиято групова операция е непрекъсната по съвкупност от променливите е топологична група.


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This paper focuses on a hitherto unstudied segment of the broad 'third sector': organisations and groupings that aim to build bridges (that is, increase interpersonal contacts) between people of different faiths and/or ethnic groups. We draw on the findings of an empirical study, conducted in three diverse urban areas of England, of community-level projects with bridge building as an explicit aim. We describe the characteristics of bridge-building activities and the challenges they face; both the organisational challenges and those that arise from the nature of bridge building itself. We conclude by exploring the implications of our findings for an understanding of the third sector generally and for the potential role of the sector in responding to our diverse society.


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2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 14L99, 14R10, 20B27.


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A number of research groups are now developing and using finite volume (FV) methods for computational solid mechanics (CSM). These methods are proving to be equivalent and in some cases superior to their finite element (FE) counterparts. In this paper we will describe a vertex-based FV method with arbitrarily structured meshes, for modelling the elasto-plastic deformation of solid materials undergoing small strains in complex geometries. Comparisons with rational FE methods will be given.


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In many areas of simulation, a crucial component for efficient numerical computations is the use of solution-driven adaptive features: locally adapted meshing or re-meshing; dynamically changing computational tasks. The full advantages of high performance computing (HPC) technology will thus only be able to be exploited when efficient parallel adaptive solvers can be realised. The resulting requirement for HPC software is for dynamic load balancing, which for many mesh-based applications means dynamic mesh re-partitioning. The DRAMA project has been initiated to address this issue, with a particular focus being the requirements of industrial Finite Element codes, but codes using Finite Volume formulations will also be able to make use of the project results.


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This thesis discusses subgroups of mapping class groups of particular surfaces. First, we study the Torelli group, that is, the subgroup of the mapping class group that acts trivially on the first homology. We investigate generators of the Torelli group, and we give an algorithm that factorizes elements of the Torelli group into products of particular generators. Furthermore, we investigate normal closures of powers of standard generators of the mapping class group of a punctured sphere. By using the Jones representation, we prove that in most cases these normal closures have infinite index in the mapping class group. We prove a similar result for the hyperelliptic mapping class group, that is, the group that consists of mapping classes that commute with a fixed hyperelliptic involution. As a corollary, we recover an older theorem of Coxeter (with 2 exceptional cases), which states that the normal closure of the m-th power of standard generators of the braid group has infinite index in the braid group. Finally, we study finite index subgroups of braid groups, namely, congruence subgroups of braid groups. We discuss presentations of these groups and we provide a topological interpretation of their generating sets.


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An unstructured mesh �nite volume discretisation method for simulating di�usion in anisotropic media in two-dimensional space is discussed. This technique is considered as an extension of the fully implicit hybrid control-volume �nite-element method and it retains the local continuity of the ux at the control volume faces. A least squares function recon- struction technique together with a new ux decomposition strategy is used to obtain an accurate ux approximation at the control volume face, ensuring that the overall accuracy of the spatial discretisation maintains second order. This paper highlights that the new technique coincides with the traditional shape function technique when the correction term is neglected and that it signi�cantly increases the accuracy of the previous linear scheme on coarse meshes when applied to media that exhibit very strong to extreme anisotropy ratios. It is concluded that the method can be used on both regular and irregular meshes, and appears independent of the mesh quality.