1000 resultados para Legislação com base no género


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The focus of this qualiquantitative research is the phenomenon we are denominating Drama-of-Rio-Grande-do-Norte, which contemplates short verse texts from the oral tradition, sung and presented on stage by women in communities on the south coast of the northeastern Brazilian State, Rio Grande do Norte. This tradition harkens to the medieval romance of the Iberian Peninsula (CASCUDO, 2001; GURGEL, 1999; GALVÃO, 1993; MAGALHÃES, 1973; ROMERO,1977). The objective of this research is to: identify what characterizes the genre Drama of Rio Grande do Norte; situate this genre within a systemization of genres from the oral tradition in Rio Grande do Norte; investigate the interpersonal relationships of power and solidarity through the role of the women in the discourse, how they see themselves and others, pointing out which elements of the world they evaluate and to identify representations of the feminine in the discourse. The theory of Genre and Register of Martin and Rose (2008) and Generic Structure Potential of Hasan (1989, 1996), which has as a base the Systemic Functional Linguistics of Halliday and Matthiessen (2004), Eggins (1994) among others, offers a theoretical framework for the characterization of the genre through the identification of stages and phases configuring its typology the individual schematic structure and its topology its relation to other phenomena in the oral tradition. Other groupings were mapped of the ‗Macrogenre , from the model of Martin and Rose (2008) as a continuum on two axis: between the poles of how the genre circulates orally x in writing, and recited/individually x staged/collectively; as well as mapping the samples with relation to power using the same model, but with the poles of individual voice x collective voice on an axis between increased power and diminished power. Eleven texts described as Narratives and one Anecdote were selected for the analysis of Attitudes, and Negotiations of power. Through the quantification of semantic discursive resources in the discourse systems of Appraisal (MARTIN; WHITE, 2005) and of Negotiation (MARTIN; ROSE, 2007), as well as reflections about humor (EGGINS; SLADE, 1997) we identified the Attitudes and the Negotiations of interpersonal roles. The quantification is based on the theories of Corpus Linguistics (BERBER SARDINHA, 2010), using WordSmith Tools 5.0 (SCOTT, 2010). Our results show that the Drama-of-Rio-Grande-do-Norte is characterized as a Macrogenre in the Community of Oral Stories, in the Family of Street Theatre/Games, composed of five genre types: Narratives, Praise, Complaints, Anecdotes, and Exemplum. The Macrogenre is characterized by its being circulated orally, staged collectively and the texts analyzed configure in differing degrees of power between men and woman. In synthesis we observe that through humor, the Drama-of-Rio-Grande-do-Norte functions to offer a space for women to voice, comment, judge and orient about social conditions in their communities, such as alcoholism, domestic violence, inequalities before the law etc., as well as circulating positive appreciations of rural/coastal culture and judgments about the behavior of members of the speech community, the role of women being to establish and reinforce norms. We anticipate possible benefits of the addition of the genre analyzed in literacy projects in the schools of Rio Grande do Norte


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A current worry in the teaching process at the university these days is text production process and genres produced there, especially those kind of writing that is concerned to course conclusion such as monograph, dissertation and thesis. From this perspective and considering our aims at understanding discursive process involved in the production of monograph genre at the university we want to analyze teachers and students discourses about the productive process of monograph in Letras Course, considering the guide, writing and specific aspects of that genre. To get the aims, we took as background theory the studies by Bakhtin linked to Utterance Linguistics with foundation concepts in Discourse Text Analysis by Adam (2010), and finally the studies developed about text production at college. This way, this work is based on a qualitative research and in data ethnographic procedures, they are: the observation in locus, as well as the application of questionnaires with opened questions to ten students and six teachers from Letras Course. The discourse analysis from the subjects reveal us that: i) the monograph production and the guidance are form of act by language, that need take into account in its development: students free chose as a principle in writing monograph, as well as a wide involvement between the teacher and the student in a sense to turn the writing better, among other aspects; (ii) there is a need to articulate monograph project and the text produced, considering that the guide process comes from a project written before; (iii) there are a number of role to discourses by teachers and students to the function of student and guide teacher, in a way that both can see the same assumptions in teachers and students discourses; (iv) teacher s and students discourses show that they assume the utterance responsibilities by the content of utterances proposed, they also show the voice from methodology guidebooks to monograph texts. So, we conclude that this research has some contributions to teach writing production at the university, especially to monograph in the ending of the courses. It can also be helpful in developing research in this area, mainly at the question about guide final works at college


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This thesis is consisted of a theoretical and empirical study about the treatment given by media, particularly on telejournalism, to violence against women. It aims to analyze and reflect about the role of media, particularly television, on the process of reproduction of patriarchy system of gender on the context of Brazilian society, from content and narrative news about crimes committed against Andreia Rodrigues and Eliza Samudio. In light of the critical perspective, we seek to apprehend the particularities of patriarchy as a system of domination and subjugation of women, and also reveal the involvement of traditional means of media on reproduction and maintenance of inequality between men and women. To apprehend that reality, we had as guidance a critical social theory, grounded in historical-dialectical materialism which enabled us to apprehend the phenomenon under investigation actually enrolled in a dynamic and contradictory reality. The research had qualitative approach. We appeal to the specialized literature of the area from classical and contemporary authors. We conducted a content analysis of categorized matters, and interviews with individuals involved in issues of gender and / or communication. The critical examination of the matters indicated that television journalism is permeated by the contradictions inherent in social life, means that states and restates the ideology of ruling classes, their values and worldviews, but also express conflicts and social demands. The study revealed that prevails on television playing stereotypes and gender inequalities. We could also see that violence against women gets a sensationalist overblown approach and with no insights on the social relations that determine and base it.


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This paper is set in a scenario in which higher education institutions suffer from external pressure to increase efficiency. The legislation after the Law of Directives and Bases for Education (LDBE), from 1996, is characterized by the fragmentation in its implementation, raising a concern with flexibility and innovation in several normative devices as well as aspects that must be incorporated to its organizational structure. The policies examined in this thesis are: Distance Education (DE); Law of Innovation and the Program of Support to Restructuring and Expansion of Federal Universities (PSREFU). This thesis aims to observe to what extent the characteristics of innovation and flexibility, which mark the new post- LDBE educational legislation, influence the organizational redesign of the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). For being about implementation policies, using contingency approach in order to collect the internal dynamics permeating the redesign of higher education institutions, the thesis focuses on the impacts caused by flexibility and innovation. This is a qualitative research, with case study methods, archive research and semi-structured interviews with members of the university administration. The results don t allow us to confirm the adoption of a more flexible and innovative configuration in the university but it is possible to identify the presence of those elements in the implementation changes, characterizing the hybrid structure. The changes mainly expose the extension of the management of projects to the administrative and academic components related to the institution. In terms of projection, the study found changes in the elements which characterize the current setting and the tendency of the university for adopting a diverse organizational structure. However, if the decentralization of management persists, the academic units may adopt their own structural solutions, but with no evidence of changes in the professional organization in most units. In this perspective, this thesis states that there are difficulties when incorporating innovation and flexibility to their organizational structure, which lead to improvised solutions, superposing skills through the redundancy of structures created with the same purpose or copying exogenous solutions


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar as expectativas de homens e mulheres com relação ao uso do álcool e a associação dessas com o comportamento de beber com embriaguez. Foi realizado inquérito epidemiológico, domiciliar, transversal, de base populacional, com amostra probabilística estratificada por conglomerados, na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, Brasil. Foram entrevistadas 2.083 pessoas de ambos os sexos utilizando-se o questionário GENACIS (Gender, Alcohol and Culture: An International Study). Beber com embriaguez foi considerada variável dependente, e foram construídos modelos de regressão logística para cada sexo, ajustando-se os modelos para idade, escolaridade e renda. Todas as expectativas, exceto achar mais fácil falar com companheiro, associaram-se ao comportamento de beber com embriaguez. Nosso estudo mostrou que beber com embriaguez pode estar associado a expectativas com uso do álcool. Compreender essas expectativas pode contribuir para elaboração de estratégias mais efetivas de prevenção do beber excessivo.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Cet article présente les résultats de la recherche Démocratisation de la connaissance: recherche de pointe sur le genre et l'éducation formelle comme soutien pour formuler des agendas et des actions de politiques gouvernementales et non gouvernementales. Développée entre 2006 et 2007, elle visait à met re à jour, systématiser et diffuser la connaissance accumulée dans la production universitaire brésilienne sur les liens entre l'éducation formelle et les thématiques du genre, des femmes et/ou de la sexualité. Une banque de données contenant le titre et le résumé de 1 213 dissertations, thèses et articles a été constituée. Nous soulignons autant les défis théoriques, concernant une meilleure compréhension des concepts étudiés par cete enquête, que les défis méthodologique, comme la définition des descripteurs et des sources devant être examinées. Sa conclusion présente des tableaux et graphiques qui tracent un portrait initial des documents disponibles dans la base de données et indiquent que ces thématiques ont été l'objet d'un intérêt croissant sur la période étudiée.


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Este artigo faz uma reflexão sociológica das mudanças mais marcantes nos padrões e experiências da maternidade contemporânea, com base em estudos e pesquisas existentes, buscando situar o debate que tem sido construído em torno desse processo. Pressupõe que a escolha da maternidade é um fenômeno moderno consolidado no decorrer do séc. XX com o avanço da industrialização e da urbanização. Com mais acesso à educação formal e à formação profissional, as mulheres vão ocupar o espaço público, mantendo a responsabilidade da criação do(a)s filho(a)s, o que fez a maternidade se tornar uma escolha reflexiva, possibilitada pela contracepção (e concepção) moderna. Entretanto, essa escolha é marcada pelas relações de classe, de raça/etnia e de gênero. Conclui que estamos vivendo um período de transição para um novo modelo de família e maternidade, cujo substrato é o ideal de eqüidade na responsabilidade parental que, apesar dos avanços, ainda está longe de ser alcançado.


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Gynocraterium Bremek. é um gênero monotípico descrito para a Guiana e só recentemente citado para outros países sulamericanos. Com base na análise das coleções de 52 herbários nacionais e estrangeiros, verificou-se a ocorrência do táxon em novas localidades, inclusive na Amazônia brasileira. Uma revisão do gênero nos neotrópicos é apresentada, incluindo ratificações nas descrições do mesmo e de Gynocraterium guianense Bremek. Aspectos morfológicos desta espécie são ilustrados pela primeira vez, assim como os grãos de pólen descritos e fotografados através de microscopia eletrônica de varredura. São ainda apresentados aspectos diagnósticos, fenológicos e atualizações sobre a distribuição de G. guianense, que é restrita a região amazônica.


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The use of laboratory animals in conjunction with research on the human organism provides a basis for on understanding of several important physiological and pathological processes. Besides, the results of experimental studies enable technical and safety improvements to be made in surgical techniques used in the medical clinic. As living biological material is involved, we should guarantee its physical well-being, taking into account microbiological contamination and the genetics, nutrition and correct manipulation of the animals, in order to avoid incorrect conclusions from the experiments or unnecessarily large numbers of animals being used. In parallel with the concerns and legislation on the use of laboratory animals, there is also a growing preoccupation with the welfare and safety of those who handle the laboratory animals, since they run the risk of acquiring occupational diseases through contact with zoonotic pathogens or developing allergies. Prevention requires the application of modern technological advances in the design of the animal house and in the work routines. Unfortunately, few establishments in Brazil possess staff with adequate training and a basic infrastructure of research that includes the laboratory animal breeding centers, equivalent to those existing ones in the United States and Europe.


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