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Cognitive dysfunction is found in patients with brain tumors and there is a need to determine whether it can be replicated in an experimental model. In the present study, the object recognition (OR) paradigm was used to investigate cognitive performance in nude mice, which represent one of the most important animal models available to study human tumors in vivo. Mice with orthotopic xenografts of the human U87MG glioblastoma cell line were trained at 9, 14, and 18days (D9, D14, and D18, respectively) after implantation of 5×10(5) cells. At D9, the mice showed normal behavior when tested 90min or 24h after training and compared to control nude mice. Animals at D14 were still able to discriminate between familiar and novel objects, but exhibited a lower performance than animals at D9. Total impairment in the OR memory was observed when animals were evaluated on D18. These alterations were detected earlier than any other clinical symptoms, which were observed only 22-24days after tumor implantation. There was a significant correlation between the discrimination index (d2) and time after tumor implantation as well as between d2 and tumor volume. These data indicate that the OR task is a robust test to identify early behavior alterations caused by glioblastoma in nude mice. In addition, these results suggest that OR task can be a reliable tool to test the efficacy of new therapies against these tumors.
The aim of the present thesis was to study sex differences in memory and other cognitive bilities in healthy adults. In Study I, participants performed a number of episodic memory tasks that were more or less verbal in nature. Results showed that women performed on a higher level than did men in the episodic memory tasks where it was possible to use verbal labels, whereas men performed on a higher level than did women in a visuospatial episodic memory task. In Study II, women’s advantage in face recognition was investigated.Results showed that women performed at a higher level than did men only in the recognition of other women’s faces. In Study III, sex differences in cognitive tasks as well as brain measures were investigated in healthy older adults. Results showed that only the sex differences in a motor task could, to some extent, be explained by sex differences in one of the brain measures. The findings, as well as possible explanations for these patterns of results, are discussed in a theoretical context.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Blutlymphozyten, die aus allogenen, serologisch HLA (humanes Leukozytenantigen)-identischen gesunden Geschwisterspendern von Nierenzellkarzinom (RCC, engl. renal cell carcinoma)-Patienten isoliert wurden, auf ihre antitumorale Reaktivität in vitro untersucht. Dazu war die vorangehende Generierung von stabil in vitro wachsenden Tumorzelllinien der Patienten zwingende Voraussetzung. Insgesamt wurden aus primärem Tumorgewebe von 65 Nierenzellkarzinom-Patienten Tumorzellen isoliert und daraus Zellkulturen angelegt. In 28 % der Fälle gelang es, eine konstant in Zellkultur wachsende Tumorzelllinie zu etablieren. Daneben wurden aus 56 Tumorpatienten auch die aus dem angrenzenden Nierengewebe gewonnenen nicht-malignen Nierenzellen über wenige Zellkultur-Passagen expandiert. In vier Patienten mit stabil in vitro wachsender Tumorzelllinie war ein allogener HLA-identischer Geschwisterspender verfügbar. In diesen Modellsystemen wurden in gemischten Lymphozyten-Tumorzell-Kulturen (MLTCs, engl. mixed lymphocyte tumor cell cultures) die Blutlymphozyten der Patienten und der gesunden Geschwisterspender mit der jeweiligen Nierenzellkarzinom-Zelllinie stimuliert und tumorreaktive CD8+ zytotoxische T-Lymphozyten (CTLs, engl. cytotoxic T-lymphocytes) generiert. Wenn möglich wurden aus den so gewonnenen „Responder“-Massenkulturen CD8+ T-Zellklone isoliert und hinsichtlich ihrer Funktionalität in IFN-γ-ELISpot-Assays und 51Chrom-Zytotoxizitätstests untersucht. Durch Blockade der HLA-Moleküle mit monoklonalen Antikörpern wurden die HLA-Restriktionselemente sowie weitere an der Erkennung beteiligte Oberflächenmoleküle analysiert. Kreuzreaktivitätsuntersuchungen mit einem breiten Zielzell-„Panel“ gaben Aufschluss über die Reaktivität der CTLs gegen RCC, nicht-maligne Nierenzellen, hämatopoetische Zielzellen von Patient und Geschwisterspender und weitere Tumorzelllinien aus Nierenzellkarzinomen und anderen Tumorentitäten. Interessanterweise zeigten die Geschwister-MLTC-„Responder“-Lymphozyten im Vergleich zu den autologen MLTC-„Responder“-Lymphozyten eine stärkere Proliferation und Zytotoxizität nach Stimulation mit Tumorzellen. Die allogenen tumorreaktiven „Responder“-Lymphozyten entstammten der CD8+ CD62L(high)+ Subpopulation, die naive Vorläufer- und „central memory“-T-Zellen enthält. Im Gegensatz zu autologen MLTC-Lymphozyten und tumorinfiltrierenden Lymphozyten konnte aus nahezu allen allogenen MLTCs mithilfe des Grenzverdünnungsverfahrens ein breites Spektrum an tumorreaktiven CTL-Klonen expandiert werden. Diese lysierten entweder ausschließlich die autologe RCC-Zelllinie oder kreuzreagierten mit autologen nicht-malignen Nierenzellen. Eine Minderheit der CTL-Klone erkannte außerdem hämatopoetische Zellen des Patienten oder allogene Tumorzellen. Als HLA-Restriktionselemente der allogenen tumorreaktiven CD8+ CTL-Klone wurden HLA-A2, -A3, -A11, -A24 und -B7 identifiziert. Weiterhin wurden in einem Modellsystem bisher unbekannte, stark proliferierende CD3+ CD16+ CD57+ CTL-Klone mit nicht-HLA-restringierter Tumorreaktivität isoliert. Zusammenfassend zeigt diese Arbeit erstmals, dass allogene Blutlymphozyten von HLA-identischen gesunden Geschwistern eine Vielfalt von tumorreaktiven CD8+ CTL-Klonen enthalten. Im direkten Vergleich mit autologen Blutlymphozyten der betroffenen Patienten besitzen allogene Blutlymphozyten der Geschwister eine stärkere proliferative und zytotoxische Tumorreaktivität. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit ermutigen weitere Bemühungen, tumorreaktive T-Zellen aus dem Blut von HLA-identischen gesunden Geschwisterspendern in vitro zu generieren. Solche T-Zellen wären in zweierlei Hinsicht von Interesse: Zum einen ermöglichen sie die Identifizierung der Zielantigene, die von T-Zellen aus gesunden Individuen auf Tumoren erkannt werden und als Zielstrukturen von antigenspezifischen Immuntherapien (z. B. Vakzination) dienen könnten. Zum anderen könnten diese T-Zellen möglicherweise für eine adoptive Immuntherapie der betroffenen Tumorpatienten verwendet werden.
The research activity characterizing the present thesis was mainly centered on the design, development and validation of methodologies for the estimation of stationary and time-varying connectivity between different regions of the human brain during specific complex cognitive tasks. Such activity involved two main aspects: i) the development of a stable, consistent and reproducible procedure for functional connectivity estimation with a high impact on neuroscience field and ii) its application to real data from healthy volunteers eliciting specific cognitive processes (attention and memory). In particular the methodological issues addressed in the present thesis consisted in finding out an approach to be applied in neuroscience field able to: i) include all the cerebral sources in connectivity estimation process; ii) to accurately describe the temporal evolution of connectivity networks; iii) to assess the significance of connectivity patterns; iv) to consistently describe relevant properties of brain networks. The advancement provided in this thesis allowed finding out quantifiable descriptors of cognitive processes during a high resolution EEG experiment involving subjects performing complex cognitive tasks.
Aim: Previous studies revealed that diversification events in the western clade of the alpine Primula sect. Auricula were concentrated in the Quaternary cold periods. This implies that allopatric speciation in isolated glacial refugia was the most common mode of speciation. In the first part of the present dissertation, this hypothesis is further investigated by locating refugial areas of two sister species, Primula marginata & P. latifolia during the last glacial maximum, 21,000 years ago. In the second part, the glacial and postglacial history of P. hirsuta and P. daonensis is investigated. Location: European Alps. Methods: Glacial refugia were located using species distribution models, which are projected to last glacial maximum climate. These refugia are validated with geographic distribution patterns of intra-specific genetic diversity, rarity and variation. Results 1) Speciation: Glacial refugia of the sister taxa Primula marginata and P. latifolia were largely separated, only a small overlapping zone at the southern margin of the former glacier in the Maritime Alps exists. This overlapping zone is too small to indicate sympatric speciation. The largely separated glacial distribution of both species rather confirms our hypothesis of allopatric speciation in isolated glacial refugia. Results 2) Glacial and postglacial history: Surprizingly, the modelled potential refugia of three out of four Primula species are situated within the former ice-shield, except for P. marginata. This indicates that peripheral and central nunataks played an important role for the glacial survival in P. latifolia, P. hirsuta and P. daonensis, while peripheral refugia outside the maximum extend of the glacier were crucial in P. marginata. In P. hirsuta and P. latifolia SDMs allowed to exclude several hypothetical refugial areas that overlap with today’s distribution as potential refugia for the species. In P. marginata, hypothetical refugial areas at the periphery of the former ice-shield that overlap with today’s distribution were confirmed by the models. The results from the SDMs are confirmed by population genetic patterns in three out of four species. P. daonensis represents an exception, where population genetic data contradict the SDMs. Main conclusions: Species distribution models provide species specific scenarios of glacial distribution and postglacial re-colonization, which can be validated using population genetic analyses. This combined approach is useful and helps to understand the complex processes that have lead to the genetic and floristic patterns of biodiversity that is found today in the Alps.
La città ready-made. Partecipazione, relazione e azione nel ‘900 è un percorso storico-critico che si snoda lungo tutto il ‘900 alla ricerca degli episodi in cui è possibile riscontrare la partecipazione nelle pratiche estetiche di diverse generazioni di artisti; per imbastire un racconto puntuale e sistematico, inoltre, si è ricorsi ad una metafora genetica che ha riscontrato una fase — corrispondente alla prima metà del secolo — in cui il cromosoma responsabile di tale afflato partecipativo è risultato recessivo e un’altra — corrispondente stavolta alla seconda metà, più o meno dagli anni ’60 ai ’90 — in cui si è potuto registrare, altresì, una dominanza. Ad influire su questi fenomeni e sul loro svolgimento nei decenni, i protagonisti assoluti di questa trattazione: la Città e il Pubblico che, di volta in volta, facendo sentire la loro presenza o facendola venir meno, hanno dettato l’agenda della socio-relazionalità nel ‘900. Si è, inoltre, provveduto a rileggere alcuni episodi estetici al fine di evidenziarne un andamento ciclico e di ripetizione: mentre nella prima metà della ricerca si è scovato il seme della socio-relazionalità nelle visite e nelle derive di dadaisti e situazionisti, nella seconda ci si è concentrati sull’ampia produzione dei collettivi artistici di New York negli anni ’70. A dimostrazione di come la relazionalità non sia un fenomeno esclusivamente legato alla pratica dell’arte degli anni ’90, ma che, con le opportune distinzioni generazionali, è possibile riscontrarne le tracce in tutta la contemporaneità.
Immediate breast reconstruction (IBR) has become an established procedure for women necessitating mastectomy. Traditionally, the nipple-areola complex (NAC) is resected during this procedure. The NAC, in turn, is a principal factor determining aesthetic outcome after breast reconstruction, and due to its particular texture and shape, a natural-looking NAC can barely be reconstructed with other tissues. The aim of this study was to assess the oncological safety as well as morbidity and aesthetic outcome after replantation of the NAC some days after IBR. Retrospective analysis of 85 patients receiving 88 mastectomies and IBR between 1998 and 2007 was conducted. NAC (n=29) or the nipple alone (n=23) were replanted 7 days (median, range 2-10 days) after IBR in 49 patients, provided the subareolar tissue was histologically negative for tumour infiltration. Local recurrence rate was assessed after 49 months (median, range 6-120 months). Aesthetic outcome was evaluated by clinical assessment during routine follow-up at least 12 months after the last intervention. Malignant involvement of the subareolar tissue was found in eight cases (9.1%). Patients qualifying for NAC replantation were in stage 0 in 29%, stage I in 15%, stage IIa in 31%, stage IIb in 17% and stage III in 8%. Total or partial necrosis occurred in 69% and 26% if the entire NAC or only the nipple were replanted, respectively (P<0.01). Depigmentation was seen in 52% and corrective surgery was done in 11 out of 52 NAC or nipple replantations. Local recurrence and isolated regional lymph node metastasis were observed in one single case each. Another 5.8% of the patients showed distant metastases. We conclude that the replantation of the NAC in IBR is oncologically safe, provided the subareolar tissue is free of tumour. However, the long-term aesthetic outcome of NAC replantation is not satisfying, which advocates replanting the nipple alone.
In Switzerland around 30,000 patients suffer from chronic skin wounds. Appropriate topical wound care along with treatment of the causes of the wounds enables to heal a lot of these patients and to avoid secondary disease such as infections. Thereby, the final goal of wound care is stable reepithelisation. Based on experience with chronic leg ulcers mainly in our out-patient wound centre, we give a survey of the wound dressings we actually use and discuss their wound-phase adapted application. Furthermore, we address the two tissue engineering products reimbursed in Switzerland, Apligraf and EpiDex, as well as the biological matrix product Oasis. The crucial question, which treatment options will be offered in future to the wound patients by our health regulatory and insurance systems, is open to debate.
Little is known about the genes and proteins involved in the process of human memory. To identify genetic factors related to human episodic memory performance, we conducted an ultra-high-density genome-wide screen at > 500 000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in a sample of normal young adults stratified for performance on an episodic recall memory test. Analysis of this data identified SNPs within the calmodulin-binding transcription activator 1 (CAMTA1) gene that were significantly associated with memory performance. A follow up study, focused on the CAMTA1 locus in an independent cohort consisting of cognitively normal young adults, singled out SNP rs4908449 with a P-value of 0.0002 as the most significant associated SNP in the region. These validated genetic findings were further supported by the identification of CAMTA1 transcript enrichment in memory-related human brain regions and through a functional magnetic resonance imaging experiment on individuals matched for memory performance that identified CAMTA1 allele-specific upregulation of medial temporal lobe brain activity in those individuals harboring the 'at-risk' allele for poorer memory performance. The CAMTA1 locus encodes a purported transcription factor that interfaces with the calcium-calmodulin system of the cell to alter gene expression patterns. Our validated genomic and functional biological findings described herein suggest a role for CAMTA1 in human episodic memory.
Memory impairments constitute an increasing objective and subjective problem with advancing age. The aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of working memory training on memory performance. The authors trained a sample of 80-year-old adults twice weekly over a time period of 3 months. Participants were tested on 4 different memory measures before, immediately after, and 1 year after training completion. The authors found overall increased memory performance in the experimental group compared to an active control group immediately after training completion. This increase was especially pronounced in visual working memory performance and, to a smaller degree, also in visual episodic memory. No group differences were found 1 year after training completion. The results indicate that even in old?old adults, brain plasticity is strong enough to result in transfer effects, that is, performance increases in tasks that were not trained during the intervention.
Stress is a strong modulator of memory function. However, memory is not a unitary process and stress seems to exert different effects depending on the memory type under study. Here, we explored the impact of social stress on different aspects of human memory, including tests for explicit memory and working memory (for neutral materials), as well as implicit memory (perceptual priming, contextual priming and classical conditioning for emotional stimuli). A total of 35 young adult male students were randomly assigned to either the stress or the control group, with stress being induced by the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST). Salivary cortisol levels were assessed repeatedly throughout the experiment to validate stress effects. The results support previous evidence indicating complex effects of stress on different types of memory: A pronounced working memory deficit was associated with exposure to stress. No performance differences between groups of stressed and unstressed subjects were observed in verbal explicit memory (but note that learning and recall took place within 1 h and immediately following stress) or in implicit memory for neutral stimuli. Stress enhanced classical conditioning for negative but not positive stimuli. In addition, stress improved spatial explicit memory. These results reinforce the view that acute stress can be highly disruptive for working memory processing. They provide new evidence for the facilitating effects of stress on implicit memory for negative emotional materials. Our findings are discussed with respect to their potential relevance for psychiatric disorders, such as post traumatic stress disorder.
Back-in-time debuggers are extremely useful tools for identifying the causes of bugs, as they allow us to inspect the past states of objects no longer present in the current execution stack. Unfortunately the "omniscient" approaches that try to remember all previous states are impractical because they either consume too much space or they are far too slow. Several approaches rely on heuristics to limit these penalties, but they ultimately end up throwing out too much relevant information. In this paper we propose a practical approach to back-in-time debugging that attempts to keep track of only the relevant past data. In contrast to other approaches, we keep object history information together with the regular objects in the application memory. Although seemingly counter-intuitive, this approach has the effect that past data that is not reachable from current application objects (and hence, no longer relevant) is automatically garbage collected. In this paper we describe the technical details of our approach, and we present benchmarks that demonstrate that memory consumption stays within practical bounds. Furthermore since our approach works at the virtual machine level, the performance penalty is significantly better than with other approaches.
Conscious events interact with memory systems in learning, rehearsal and retrieval (Ebbinghaus 1885/1964; Tulving 1985). Here we present hypotheses that arise from the IDA computional model (Franklin, Kelemen and McCauley 1998; Franklin 2001b) of global workspace theory (Baars 1988, 2002). Our primary tool for this exploration is a flexible cognitive cycle employed by the IDA computational model and hypothesized to be a basic element of human cognitive processing. Since cognitive cycles are hypothesized to occur five to ten times a second and include interaction between conscious contents and several of the memory systems, they provide the means for an exceptionally fine-grained analysis of various cognitive tasks. We apply this tool to the small effect size of subliminal learning compared to supraliminal learning, to process dissociation, to implicit learning, to recognition vs. recall, and to the availability heuristic in recall. The IDA model elucidates the role of consciousness in the updating of perceptual memory, transient episodic memory, and procedural memory. In most cases, memory is hypothesized to interact with conscious events for its normal functioning. The methodology of the paper is unusual in that the hypotheses and explanations presented are derived from an empirically based, but broad and qualitative computational model of human cognition.
In der Verfahrens- und Verarbeitungstechnik treten bei der Lagerung und Förderung von Schüttgütern und der damit verbundenen Dimensionierung der Fördertechnik zahlreiche Probleme auf. Es wird ein neues Lösungsprinzip für die Schüttgutlagerung sowie dessen Ein- und Austragung vorgestellt. Hierbei handelt es sich um ein rotierendes Umschlagrad, welches am oberen Behälterrand drehbar gelagert ist und je nach Füllstand automatisch an das Höhenniveau angepasst wird. Der Schüttgutumschlag erfolgt nach dem Prinzip „Last In - First Out“. Das System ist speziell für Bunkerlagerung konzipiert, modular aufgebaut und soll bei Durchmessern von 4m bis ca. 25m zum Einsatz gelangen. Auf das Schüttgut und dessen spezielle Eigenschaften abgestimmte Einstellmöglichkeiten der Austragsorgane ermöglichen eine Optimierung hinsichtlich der Austrags- und Antriebsleistung. Schüttguttypische Fließprobleme bei der Bunker- und Silolagerung, welche mit der herkömmlichen Austragstechnik auftreten, können durch das vorgestellte Prinzip vermieden werden.
Patients suffering from bipolar affective disorder show deficits in working memory functions. In a previous functional magnetic resonance imaging study, we observed an abnormal hyperactivity of the amygdala in bipolar patients during articulatory rehearsal in verbal working memory. In the present study, we investigated the dynamic neurofunctional interactions between the right amygdala and the brain systems that underlie verbal working memory in both bipolar patients and healthy controls. In total, 18 euthymic bipolar patients and 18 healthy controls performed a modified version of the Sternberg item-recognition (working memory) task. We used the psychophysiological interaction approach in order to assess functional connectivity between the right amygdala and the brain regions involved in verbal working memory. In healthy subjects, we found significant negative functional interactions between the right amygdala and multiple cortical brain areas involved in verbal working memory. In comparison with the healthy control subjects, bipolar patients exhibited significantly reduced functional interactions of the right amygdala particularly with the right-hemispheric, i.e., ipsilateral, cortical regions supporting verbal working memory. Together with our previous finding of amygdala hyperactivity in bipolar patients during verbal rehearsal, the present results suggest that a disturbed right-hemispheric “cognitive–emotional” interaction between the amygdala and cortical brain regions underlying working memory may be responsible for amygdala hyperactivation and affects verbal working memory (deficits) in bipolar patients.