998 resultados para Língua portuguesa Contexto Teses


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A investigao prope-se a expor o processo, desenhando as condies e motivaes que envolvem a aprendizagem de Língua Portuguesa na educao brasileira. Tais aspectos apresentam-se relevantes na medida em que o maior desafio de incentivar o despertar para a leitura e escrita nos aprendizes das sries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental de maneira inovadora, rompendo com as prticas pedaggicas tradicionais. A questo que norteia a investigao a seguinte: inovadora a prtica pedaggica baseada em contos populares? Para tanto, utilizou-se a literatura existente relacionada Inovao Pedaggica e aos contos populares. Como suporte terico, partiu-se desse ponto para melhor compreenso tanto da linha de pesquisa como do objeto de estudo, contribuindo para o enriquecimento do conhecimento no s no meio acadmico como tambm para a sociedade como um todo. O objetivo deste estudo descrever, interpretar e analisar o projeto em andamento Ler e Escrever: contos populares, um ponto a mais na aprendizagem de Língua Portuguesa. Isso ser realizado a partir dos aprendizes e do professor polivalente, no momento em que se envolvem com a prtica pedaggica baseada em contos populares, no ensino-aprendizagem de leitura e escrita de Língua Portuguesa, na norma-padro, nas sries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. Esta pesquisa justifica-se por oferecer uma contribuio original ao campo da Inovao Pedaggica atravs da investigao do referido projeto em andamento, pioneiro no municpio de Paudalho (Pernambuco, Brasil). Tal projeto desenvolvido na Escola Municipal Paulo VI, especificamente a sala de aula de 3 ano do 1 ciclo do Ensino Fundamental. O trabalho de campo se deu sob a tica da abordagem etnogrfica. Os instrumentos incluram as tcnicas: observao participante, entrevista no estruturada, anlise de documentos oficiais e pessoais e todos os registros feitos no dirio de campo. Diante do exposto, a prtica pedaggica baseada em contos populares se materializa em carter inovador.


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Este trabajo tiene como objetivo investigar el tratamiento ofrecido al estudio de la lenguaje en la modalidad oral en clases de lengua portuguesa en los 3 y 4 ciclos del Nivel Fundamental a la luz de concepciones sociointeracionistas de lenguaje. Para tal, tomamos como referencia las contribuciones de Bakhtin (1992) Marcuschi (2005), Batista (2001), Antunes (2009), Bagno (2002), Suassuna (2009), Ramos (2002), Castilho (2000), Oliveira (2003), entre otros, como tambin tomamos como referencia los objetivos establecidos en los programas oficiales, entre los cuales estn los PCN de lengua portuguesa, el PNLD y el regimiento escolar. El campo de pesquisa seleccionado fue una escuela pblica de la ciudad de Parnamirim donde los datos fueran colectados en visitas, en las entrevistas grabadas con los sujetos y tambin durante las observaciones a las clases. Hecho estos procedimientos de coleta de datos se hizo su anlisis que estuvo vinculada al referencial terico. Los resultados de la pesquisa indican caractersticas en el tratamiento ofrecido al lenguaje oral que refleja, principalmente, una concepcin de lengua y lenguaje adoptada por los profesores an muy vinculada a las concepciones estructuralistas, sin lograr una prctica que contemple la oralidad como objeto de estudio


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Cette recherche analyse les pratiques de correction de textes de l'enseignement du 1, 2 et 3 me niveau. Nous avons parti de discutions avec les professeurs de Langue Portugaise des troisimes annes dune cole appartenant au enseignement publique, situe la ville dAssu RN. L'tude a les postulats thoriques de Cruz (2007), Dellagnelo (1998), Oliveira (2005), Pcora (1999), Ruiz (2001), Serafini (1989), et dautres. La mthodologie est de nature qualitative et dinterpretation, dont le matriel a t constitu partir des rapports des enseignants professionnels, ainsi que les 92 textes recueillies entre juillet et aot 2008. Les ds montrent que la correction se configure comme un travail pratique, qui vise aider les tudiants amliorer leur criture. Les professeurs font la correction dune forme mlange, c'est--dire dans le texte apparaissent les corrections orthographiques, lexicales, etc., mais la prdominance de la correction est par rapport aux ides, pour le contenu du texte. Dans ce sens, les professeurs se rendent compte du valeur et de la hirarchisation des ides discutes par les lves, les reconnatre comme l'organisation de la smantique et la squence du texte. Tous les autres aspects (structurelles, grammaticaux) sont importants, cependant, en gnral, dans la pratique de correction des tudes, lexposition les ides occupent une place importante. Les marques de correction apparaissent sous la forme de petits billets, qui apprcie galement toutes les tapes de l'criture de texte


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On recent years, it has been observed an increasing interest on referentiation processes, which involves an important field of Text Linguistics and Discourse Analysis studies. The existence of a significant number of international and national publications which focus on this perspective corroborate this finding. Given the textbook importance as a teaching instrument, and the relevance of the referentiation processes to text production and comprehension, we realize that the study of these two topics articulation is taken as a relevant research theme, with consequences to the improvement of Portuguese Language teaching. Taking this into consideration, we intend to analyze the non-coreference anaphors in texts of Portuguese Language textbooks from fifth to eighth grades, adopted in many schools of Pau dos Ferros RN, considering the frequency, genre, kind of anaphor and manifestation form. This study is classified as a documental and qualitative research. We have found out that the indirect anaphor was used in more than a half of the corpus. We have found out, as well, that the literary and press genres do not favor the use of labeling and metadiscursive anaphors. On the other hand, concerning the indirect anaphor, it is clear its abundant use in the literary genre. In what concerns the manifestation forms, we have verified that on labeling and metadiscursive anaphors it is significant the predominance of demonstrative pronouns working as determiners. On the indirect anaphor, we have verified that most of the occurrences do not present a determiner, and for the ones which present it, the majority occurs under the form of definite and indefinite articles. We believe that this work can contribute to the activities which involve questions related to text production and comprehension, since the referentiation processes are intimately related to them


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You can see nowadays a more constant questioning about the validity and effectiveness of the practices of teaching reading currently introduced in elementary school. The intelligibilities generated from many voices, and built on the border between many consciences, it can contribute to understand and to some extent, alleviate skewed or outdated understandings about the teaching of reading and its goals in the school environment. By understanding the dynamics of these practices, which always need to be modified because of new social demands, we recognize the validity of working with the prospect of reading in its historical, social and dialogic dimension (Bakhtin, 1981, 2003). The Portuguese language textbook (LDP), in turn, being one of the fundamental bases of reading in school, makes a justified and necessary active production of knowledge about the theoretical and methodological conceptions that underlie the work with reading and on how that work is effectively routed. Our aim in this essay is precisely analyze reading activities in four Portuguese textbooks (Teacher s Manuals) for the 6th grade of elementary school, focusing on the proposed activities from a specific discursive genre, in this case, the comic strip. Through this research, we retrieve and list the goals that guide the development of reading activities in the LDP, and then verify a compliance or not of these objectives in directing the activities. Finally, we describe how the reading practices that involve the strip in the textbook can legitimize or reject the reading as an area of construction and circulation of meanings between socio-historically located subjects. We take account of studies on the nature and constitution of language (BAKHTIN, 1981, 2003, 2010; BAKHTIN/ VOLOSHINOV, 2006; SOUZA, 2002; GERALDI, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2006; ROJO, 2008a, 2008b, among others), as well especific studies about the activities in Portuguese textbooks (MARCUSCHI, 2010; BELMIRO, 2006; MENDONA, 2006, among others)


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Esta investigacin est incluida en las discusiones sobre las relaciones entre literatura y enseanza, recortando el lugar de las escritas poticas en las clases de Lengua Portuguesa en la Enseanza Media. En trminos epistemolgicos, nuestra reflexin problematiza, entre otras cuestiones, el desplazamiento que ocurre cuando las manifestaciones literarias se apartan de sus soportes originales y se adentran a las escenas de la clase de lengua materna, transformndose en objeto de enseanza y contenido didctico. En el mbito de las prcticas escolarizadas de la lectura literaria en la Enseanza Media, nuestra reflexin tiene como objeto la didactizacin del gnero textual poema. En esa etapa de la enseanza, el poema como componente curricular an no est definido. Eso es ocasionado, de modo general, por dos razones: por la naturaleza especfica del gnero y por los procedimientos didcticopedaggicos utilizados cuando se hace la lectura del poema en clase. En relacin al modelo consagrado de la enseanza de literatura en la Enseanza Media, apoyado en la descripcin de la historia de la literatura brasilea a travs de esquemas cronolgicos de movimientos esttico-culturales, pretendemos hacer un desplazamiento en lo que respecta a ese abordaje y situar el letramiento literario a partir de las formas lricas recurrentes en la produccin literaria en Brasil, en la perspectiva de la enseanza de la lengua mediada por el estudio del texto. Para tanto, utilizaremos como aporte terico las siguientes reas del conocimiento: la teora literaria, la lingstica aplicada y la pedagoga de la enseanza de lengua materna


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The present dissertation aims to an approach of the teaching of Portuguese language on television, trying to find how possible is the contribution of this communication media in the sense to give a higher classroom dynamism and to excite the students for that subject. The TV show Afinando a Língua (roughly, putting the language in tune ), a Canal Futura feature, have as one of these main purpose be shown on the classrooms as a tool that could enlarge the possibilities of a subject often took as particularly difficult. Blocked by the traditional grammatical teaching, the Portuguese lessons have been for years pictured as hermetic and far from the Brazilian speakers reality. So, people create myths around the language that earns adjectives as complicate and inaccessible and that Brazilians can t speak the Portuguese really good, because it only happens in Portugal, the original country of the language. These myths start exactly because the teaching orientation take their basis only on the standard language, in fact just one of the language variations by the way, anywhere in the world dictated by ancestral rules, once produced in Portugal. The regular school don t accept the Portuguese variation as a natural fact for a huge country as Brazil, with almost 190 million people, regarding it as a wrong way of talking. The repression that follows the students from the early school days make them repel the language supposedly learned at school. In fact, they normally face it as something unfamiliar, different from the language that they have use to learn at home, from the family and neighbors Instead of giving new possibilities for the language learning, the television, a powerful audiovisual device, only reinforces the idea that everyone, in any life situation, should talk the standard Portuguese, turning its back to the learning acquired much earlier that any person reach the school. This conservative attitude brings almost no changes, between the shows that try to teach the idiom and the traditional Portuguese lessons, wasting valuable tools that could lead to the possibility to open the classroom to the outside world, and to the wider knowledge of the differences from each Brazilian region culture, a positive attitude that could much enlarge the cultural and linguistic students universe


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OBJETIVO: traduzir e adaptar protocolo desenvolvido por pesquisadores alemes, adequando-o s caractersticas fonticas e lingusticas do portugus falado no Brasil. Caracterizar os componentes de fala mais alterados na populao com doena de Parkinson, comparando-os com grupo de sujeitos normais na mesma faixa etria. MTODOS: realizou-se a traduo e adaptao do protocolo. Posteriormente foram avaliados 21 pacientes com diagnstico neurolgico de Doena de Parkinson nos estgios Hoehn &Yarh, entre 2 e 3, e 10 sujeitos normais. O protocolo inclua avaliao da respirao, fonao, ressonncia, articulao, prosdia e a anlise acstica dos parmetros vocais. RESULTADOS: o protocolo mostrou-se de fcil aplicao clnica. Nos sujeitos com doena de Parkinson foram observadas alteraes predominantes na fonao (85,9%) e articulao (42,9%). CONCLUSO: o estudo demonstrou ser o protocolo uma ferramenta eficiente para a avaliao da disartria em pacientes com doena de Parkinson.


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A reforma ortogrfica da língua portuguesa promoveu modificaes na escrita em menos de 2% das palavras do vocabulrio, porm essas alteraes tm-se mostrado sensveis no cotidiano mdico. Os autores apresentam as principais mudanas das regras ortogrficas e renem um grupo de exemplos de palavras cuja grafia foi alterada pela nova reforma, enfatizando os termos dermatolgicos.


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)