638 resultados para Keith Muchowski


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This study explores the tension that has emerged around the rise of home schooling in a faith-community strongly committed to establishing and maintaining day schools in the tradition of John Calvin. It aims to identify and understand factors that contributed to this tension and to find ways to bridge, diffuse, reduce, or eliminate it. In line with Calvin, personal convictions, and the nature of the community, the study takes a Christian epistemological and axiological stance. Its premise is that the integrity of the commvmity is more important than the manner in which its children are taught. The study reviews relevant literature and several interviews. It considers both secular and Christian literature to understand communities, community breakdown, and community restoration. It also examines literature about the significance of home, school, and community relationships; the attraction of Reformed day schools; and the appeal of home schooling. Interviews were conducted with 4 home schooling couples and 2 focus groups. One focus group included local school representatives, and the other home schoolers and school representatives from an area with reputedly less tension on the issue. Interviews were designed for participants to give their perspectives on reasons for home schooling, the existing tension, and ways to resolve the issues. The study identifies the rise of home schooling in this particular context as the initial issue and the community's deficiency to properly deal with it as the chief cause for the rising tensions. However, I argue that, within the norms the community firmly believes in, home schooling need not jeopardize its integrity. I call for personal, social, and spiritual renewal to restore the covenant community in gratitude to God.


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This study is about expectations and aspirations of secondary school teachers. It is an investigation of why some teachers aspire to become administrators and why some teachers do not. My research compares expectations and existing attltudes regarding aspirations toward administration which are held by three distinct groups within the secondary school system: 1) principals/vice-principals, 2) aspiring teachers, and 3) non-aspiring teachers. This study questions why, in the late 60's, secondary school administration is still predominated by men. The conclusions and recommendations were based on interviews with thirty men and women in the Hamilton Secondary School System. In addltion, Mr. Keith Rielly, Superintendent of Operations, made valuable contributions to my work. The interviews revealed experiences and percept ions of men and women in di scourse about f amil y re lat i onshi ps, educational choices and perceived internal and external barriers which inhiblted or enhanced their decision to aspire to secondary school administration. Candidates spoke about their personal and professional Hves wlth respect to encouragement, perceived images of an administrator, netWOrking and the effect of marriage and children on their careers. Historically, women have not accepted the challenge of administration and It would appear as if this is still the case today. My research suggests that women are under-represented in secondary school administration because of internal and external barriers which discourage many women from aspiring. I conclude that many of women's internal barrlers are reinforced by external roadblocks which prevent women from aspiring to secondory school administration. Thus. many women who do not envision a future in educational administration establish priorities outside the general realm of education. I recommend that males and females recognize that women make valuable contributions to educational theory and design based on their experiences which may be "differene from mole experiences. but just as significant. Mole and female representation in secondary school administration represents a balance between attitudes and behaviours which can not be accomplished when an administrative offlce is dominated by on all ma1e or all female staff.


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Affiliation: Zhujun Ao, Éric Cohen & Xiaojian Yao : Département de microbiologie et immunologie, Faculté de Médecine, Université de Montréal


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.


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Les données provenant de l'échantillonnage fin d'un processus continu (champ aléatoire) peuvent être représentées sous forme d'images. Un test statistique permettant de détecter une différence entre deux images peut être vu comme un ensemble de tests où chaque pixel est comparé au pixel correspondant de l'autre image. On utilise alors une méthode de contrôle de l'erreur de type I au niveau de l'ensemble de tests, comme la correction de Bonferroni ou le contrôle du taux de faux-positifs (FDR). Des méthodes d'analyse de données ont été développées en imagerie médicale, principalement par Keith Worsley, utilisant la géométrie des champs aléatoires afin de construire un test statistique global sur une image entière. Il s'agit d'utiliser l'espérance de la caractéristique d'Euler de l'ensemble d'excursion du champ aléatoire sous-jacent à l'échantillon au-delà d'un seuil donné, pour déterminer la probabilité que le champ aléatoire dépasse ce même seuil sous l'hypothèse nulle (inférence topologique). Nous exposons quelques notions portant sur les champs aléatoires, en particulier l'isotropie (la fonction de covariance entre deux points du champ dépend seulement de la distance qui les sépare). Nous discutons de deux méthodes pour l'analyse des champs anisotropes. La première consiste à déformer le champ puis à utiliser les volumes intrinsèques et les compacités de la caractéristique d'Euler. La seconde utilise plutôt les courbures de Lipschitz-Killing. Nous faisons ensuite une étude de niveau et de puissance de l'inférence topologique en comparaison avec la correction de Bonferroni. Finalement, nous utilisons l'inférence topologique pour décrire l'évolution du changement climatique sur le territoire du Québec entre 1991 et 2100, en utilisant des données de température simulées et publiées par l'Équipe Simulations climatiques d'Ouranos selon le modèle régional canadien du climat.


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The pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopathy is multifactorial, involving gut-derived toxins such as ammonia, which has been demonstrated to induce oxidative stress. Therefore, a primary hepatic encephalopathy treatment target is reducing ammonia production in the gastrointestinal tract. AST-120, an oral adsorbent of engineered activated carbon microspheres with surface areas exceeding 1600 m(2) /g, acts as a sink for neurotoxins and hepatotoxins present in the gut. We evaluated the capacity of AST-120 to adsorb ammonia in vitro and to lower blood ammonia, oxidative stress and brain edema in cirrhotic rats. Cirrhosis was induced in rats by bile duct ligation for 6 weeks. AST-120 was administered by gavage preventively for 6 weeks (0.1, 1, and 4 g/kg/day). In addition, AST-120 was evaluated as a short-term treatment for 2 weeks and 3 days (1 g/kg/day) and as a sink to adsorb intravenously infused ammonium acetate. In vitro, AST-120 efficiently adsorbed ammonia. Ammonia levels significantly decreased in a dose-dependent manner for all AST-120-treated bile duct-ligated rats (nontreated: 177.3 ± 30.8 μM; AST-120, 0.1 g/kg/day: 121.9 ± 13.8 μM; AST-120, 1 g/kg/day: 80.9 ± 30.0 μM; AST-120, 4 g/kg/day: 48.8 ± 19.6 μM) and significantly correlated with doses of AST-120 (r = -0.6603). Brain water content and locomotor activity normalized after AST-120 treatments, whereas arterial reactive oxygen species levels remained unchanged. Furthermore, AST-120 significantly attenuated a rise in arterial ammonia after ammonium acetate administration (intravenously). Conclusion:AST-120 treatment decreased arterial ammonia levels, normalized brain water content and locomotor activity but did not demonstrate an effect on systemic oxidative stress. Also, AST-120 acts as an ammonia sink, efficiently removing blood-derived ammonia. Additional studies are warranted to evaluate the effects of AST-120 on hepatic encephalopathy in patients with advanced liver disease. (HEPATOLOGY 2011;).


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Background: Routine screening of scoliosis is a controversial subject and screening efforts vary greatly around the world. METHODS: Consensus was sought among an international group of experts (seven spine surgeons and one clinical epidemiologist) using a modified Delphi approach. The consensus achieved was based on careful analysis of a recent critical review of the literature on scoliosis screening, performed using a conceptual framework of analysis focusing on five main dimensions: technical, clinical, program, cost and treatment effectiveness. FINDINGS: A consensus was obtained in all five dimensions of analysis, resulting in 10 statements and recommendations. In summary, there is scientific evidence to support the value of scoliosis screening with respect to technical efficacy, clinical, program and treatment effectiveness, but there insufficient evidence to make a statement with respect to cost effectiveness. Scoliosis screening should be aimed at identifying suspected cases of scoliosis that will be referred for diagnostic evaluation and confirmed, or ruled out, with a clinically significant scoliosis. The scoliometer is currently the best tool available for scoliosis screening and there is moderate evidence to recommend referral with values between 5 degrees and 7 degrees. There is moderate evidence that scoliosis screening allows for detection and referral of patients at an earlier stage of the clinical course, and there is low evidence suggesting that scoliosis patients detected by screening are less likely to need surgery than those who did not have screening. There is strong evidence to support treatment by bracing. INTERPRETATION: This information statement by an expert panel supports scoliosis screening in 4 of the 5 domains studied, using a framework of analysis which includes all of the World Health Organisation criteria for a valid screening procedure.


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The history of Alberta's meatpacking workers is closely connected with the broader historical struggles of the working class in North America. Like their counterparts from the packinghouses in Toronto and Montreal, the workers of Calgary and Edmonton organized and fought for union recognition between 1911 and 1920, thus joining a labour revolt that was spreading throughout Europe and North America in the wake of World War I and the October Revolution. They faced stiff resistance.


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Presentation at the 1997 Dagstuhl Seminar "Evaluation of Multimedia Information Retrieval", Norbert Fuhr, Keith van Rijsbergen, Alan F. Smeaton (eds.), Dagstuhl Seminar Report 175, 14.04. - 18.04.97 (9716). - Abstract: This presentation will introduce ESCHER, a database editor which supports visualization in non-standard applications in engineering, science, tourism and the entertainment industry. It was originally based on the extended nested relational data model and is currently extended to include object-relational properties like inheritance, object types, integrity constraints and methods. It serves as a research platform into areas such as multimedia and visual information systems, QBE-like queries, computer-supported concurrent work (CSCW) and novel storage techniques. In its role as a Visual Information System, a database editor must support browsing and navigation. ESCHER provides this access to data by means of so called fingers. They generalize the cursor paradigm in graphical and text editors. On the graphical display, a finger is reflected by a colored area which corresponds to the object a finger is currently pointing at. In a table more than one finger may point to objects, one of which is the active finger and is used for navigating through the table. The talk will mostly concentrate on giving examples for this type of navigation and will discuss some of the architectural needs for fast object traversal and display. ESCHER is available as public domain software from our ftp site in Kassel. The portable C source can be easily compiled for any machine running UNIX and OSF/Motif, in particular our working environments IBM RS/6000 and Intel-based LINUX systems. A porting to Tcl/Tk is under way.


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Synechocystis PCC 6803 is a photosynthetic bacterium that has the potential to make bioproducts from carbon dioxide and light. Biochemical production from photosynthetic organisms is attractive because it replaces the typical bioprocessing steps of crop growth, milling, and fermentation, with a one-step photosynthetic process. However, low yields and slow growth rates limit the economic potential of such endeavors. Rational metabolic engineering methods are hindered by limited cellular knowledge and inadequate models of Synechocystis. Instead, inverse metabolic engineering, a scheme based on combinatorial gene searches which does not require detailed cellular models, but can exploit sequence data and existing molecular biological techniques, was used to find genes that (1) improve the production of the biopolymer poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) and (2) increase the growth rate. A fluorescence activated cell sorting assay was developed to screen for high PHB producing clones. Separately, serial sub-culturing was used to select clones that improve growth rate. Novel gene knock-outs were identified that increase PHB production and others that increase the specific growth rate. These improvements make this system more attractive for industrial use and demonstrate the power of inverse metabolic engineering to identify novel phenotype-associated genes in poorly understood systems.


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Argentina, uno de los países más visitados de América Latina deja al descubierto su marca país " Argentina Late con vos". Un mecanismo de política exterior con el cual el país ha obtenido grandes beneficios económicos.


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La bacteriemia asociada a catéter afecta a pacientes en las unidades de cuidado intensivo con una alta morbilidad, mortalidad y aumento de los costos al sistema de salud. Los recién nacidos son la población de más alto riesgo por el mayor uso de catéteres centrales. Objetivo: Caracterizar factores de riesgo para bacteriemia asociada a catéter en la Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo Neonatal de la Fundación Cardioinfantil entre 2005 - 2010 Materiales y método: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, incluyó todos los recién nacidos con diagnostico de bacteriemia asociada a catéter. Se analizó la información utilizando frecuencias y medidas de tendencia central. Resultados: Se encontraron 50 pacientes con diagnostico de bacteriemia asociada a catéter. 50% de género masculino, 52% con edad gestacional al nacimiento menor a 36 semanas y 24% con peso menor a 1500 gramos al momento de la inserción del catéter. La edad fue de 24.2 días al momento de la inserción del catéter. En el 66% de los pacientes el sitio de inserción fue el miembro superior, siendo el Sthaphylococcus Epidermidis el germen con el 50% de las bacteriemias. Conclusión: La bacteriemia asociada a catéter afecta paciente prematuros, de bajo peso sin diferencias en genero. La manipulación de dichos dispositivos, el sitio de inserción, el uso previo de antibióticos, la duración del catéter y el uso de nutrición parenteral son factores que están asociados al mayor riesgo de infección. Siendo el Staphylococcus Epidermidis el germen mas frecuente.