556 resultados para Judt, Tony
The most recent account of Bueckeburgichnus maximus Kuhn 1958, a distinctive theropod dinosaur track from the Lower Cretaceous of Germany, is shown to be based on a referred specimen mistakenly identified as the holotype and the correct name of this taxon is deemed to be Megalosauripus maximus (Kuhn 1958). This minor revision has important consequences for nomenclature of the many European, Asian, North American and Australian dinosaur tracks attributed to megalosaurian theropods. Many of those tracks were named Megalosauripus, but that name has a confusing multiplicity of meanings and it should be restricted to the highly characteristic dinosaur track formerly identified as Bueckeburgichnus. Other tracks named "Megalosauripus”; (in its several other senses) will require new nomenclature, despite their extensive and repeated revision since 1996. It is recommended that future revision should adopt conventions of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Although previous revisions expressed an intention to adhere to those conventions, these were not put into practice, with the unfortunate result of multiplying the problems that surround the nomenclature of megalosaur tracks. Introduction of the name Megalosauripus maximus (Kuhn 1958) eliminates those burgeoning problems and permits the introduction of new and objective nomenclature for presumed megalosaur tracks.
Information technology (IT) sees information as a fluid, to be stored, regulated and exchanged. This is a profoundly economic model, whose dreams are those of the marketplace – and now, university managers. But no teacher, of course, holds that teaching can be reduced to the movement of information from one point to another. Teaching is never quite absorbed into the models of IT. Where they meet, we do not have the utopia of the virtual classroom, at last freed from the strictures of timetables and the face-to-face; we have, rather, the grinding of two radically irreducible models. This has nothing to do with Luddism; on the contrary, it is the value and necessity of IT for us at present, as teachers. At a time when the tertiary sector’s massive investment in IT is motivated in part by its own dream of the teacherless classroom, one of the pressing tasks for us may be simply to argue as rigorously as we can the structural necessity of our own position as teachers, without nostalgia or humanist sentimentality.
O modelo gerencial da educa????o: contribui????es da experi??ncia da Inglaterra ao debate brasileiro
A gest??o do ensino b??sico na Inglaterra enfrentava fortes cr??ticas desde a d??cada de 1970. Havia uma s??rie de d??vidas sobre a capacidade de o modelo ingl??s proporcionar educa????o p??blica de qualidade, capaz de sustentar a competitividade econ??mica do pa??s. O modelo educacional neste per??odo era pouco suscet??vel ?? presta????o de contas no que se refere ?? qualidade, era majoritariamente analisado em termos dos montantes de recursos destinados ?? educa????o e excessivamente pautado pela autonomia pedag??gica dos professores. Desde 1988, com a publica????o do Education Reform Act (ERA), o sistema de educa????o b??sica na Inglaterra passou por uma reengenharia. O artigo tem por objetivo analisar as principais inova????es implementadas e seus desdobramentos ao longo dos governos conservadores de Margareth Thatcher (1979 ??? 1990) e John Major (1990 ??? 1997), e dos governos trabalhistas de Tony Blair (1997 ??? 2007) e Gordon Brown (2007 ??? 2010). A relev??ncia do tema est?? na discuss??o de uma das reformas educacionais mais influentes no mundo e na produ????o de insights sobre a tem??tica de administra????o da educa????o no Brasil.
Since the 1990s, alongside China's economic growth, the international community has fostered a general anxiety towards a "China threat." In order to relieve itself from suspicion, China adopted the dual strategies of "harmonious worldview" and "good neighbor policy." The strategies led to the use of soft power in China's foreign policy. China aimed to reduce security concerns implied by the threat theory by supporting an image that caters to international peace and development. This article seeks to explain how China achieves its interests in Southeast Asia through the use of soft power. The authors address the concepts of "harmonious worldview" and "good neighbor policy" and how the twin strategies and soft power have shaped China's foreign policy in recent years. This article aims to provide insights into China's policy options in Southeast Asia in the near future.
Pectus excavatum is the most common deformity of the thorax. A minimally invasive surgical correction is commonly carried out to remodel the anterior chest wall by using an intrathoracic convex prosthesis in the substernal position. The process of prosthesis modeling and bending still remains an area of improvement. The authors developed a new system, i3DExcavatum, which can automatically model and bend the bar preoperatively based on a thoracic CT scan. This article presents a comparison between automatic and manual bending. The i3DExcavatum was used to personalize prostheses for 41 patients who underwent pectus excavatum surgical correction between 2007 and 2012. Regarding the anatomical variations, the soft-tissue thicknesses external to the ribs show that both symmetric and asymmetric patients always have asymmetric variations, by comparing the patients’ sides. It highlighted that the prosthesis bar should be modeled according to each patient’s rib positions and dimensions. The average differences between the skin and costal line curvature lengths were 84 ± 4 mm and 96 ± 11 mm, for male and female patients, respectively. On the other hand, the i3DExcavatum ensured a smooth curvature of the surgical prosthesis and was capable of predicting and simulating a virtual shape and size of the bar for asymmetric and symmetric patients. In conclusion, the i3DExcavatum allows preoperative personalization according to the thoracic morphology of each patient. It reduces surgery time and minimizes the margin error introduced by the manually bent bar, which only uses a template that copies the chest wall curvature.
Pectus excavatum is the most common deformity of the thorax. A minimally invasive surgical correction is commonly carried out to remodel the anterior chest wall by using an intrathoracic convex prosthesis in the substernal position. The process of prosthesis modeling and bending still remains an area of improvement. The authors developed a new system, i3DExcavatum, which can automatically model and bend the bar preoperatively based on a thoracic CT scan. This article presents a comparison between automatic and manual bending. The i3DExcavatum was used to personalize prostheses for 41 patients who underwent pectus excavatum surgical correction between 2007 and 2012. Regarding the anatomical variations, the soft-tissue thicknesses external to the ribs show that both symmetric and asymmetric patients always have asymmetric variations, by comparing the patients’ sides. It highlighted that the prosthesis bar should be modeled according to each patient’s rib positions and dimensions. The average differences between the skin and costal line curvature lengths were 84 ± 4 mm and 96 ± 11 mm, for male and female patients, respectively. On the other hand, the i3DExcavatum ensured a smooth curvature of the surgical prosthesis and was capable of predicting and simulating a virtual shape and size of the bar for asymmetric and symmetric patients. In conclusion, the i3DExcavatum allows preoperative personalization according to the thoracic morphology of each patient. It reduces surgery time and minimizes the margin error introduced by the manually bent bar, which only uses a template that copies the chest wall curvature.
Pectus excavatum is the most common deformity of the thorax. A minimally invasive surgical correction is commonly carried out to remodel the anterior chest wall by using an intrathoracic convex prosthesis in the substernal position. The process of prosthesis modeling and bending still remains an area of improvement. The authors developed a new system, i3DExcavatum, which can automatically model and bend the bar preoperatively based on a thoracic CT scan. This article presents a comparison between automatic and manual bending. The i3DExcavatum was used to personalize prostheses for 41 patients who underwent pectus excavatum surgical correction between 2007 and 2012. Regarding the anatomical variations, the soft-tissue thicknesses external to the ribs show that both symmetric and asymmetric patients always have asymmetric variations, by comparing the patients’ sides. It highlighted that the prosthesis bar should be modeled according to each patient’s rib positions and dimensions. The average differences between the skin and costal line curvature lengths were 84 ± 4 mm and 96 ± 11 mm, for male and female patients, respectively. On the other hand, the i3DExcavatum ensured a smooth curvature of the surgical prosthesis and was capable of predicting and simulating a virtual shape and size of the bar for asymmetric and symmetric patients. In conclusion, the i3DExcavatum allows preoperative personalization according to the thoracic morphology of each patient. It reduces surgery time and minimizes the margin error introduced by the manually bent bar, which only uses a template that copies the chest wall curvature.
Para pesquisadores e gestores, é útil identificar duas formas alternativas de caracterizar discursivamente as atividades organizacionais e gerenciais: uma forma sistêmico-controladora e outra processual-relacional. A primeira é proveniente de aspirações modernistas e universalistas acerca da maximização do controle nas questões humanas, operacionalizando-se por meio da idéia de que as organizações são grandes sistemas controláveis, mecânicos e orientados para resultados. Em vez disso, é mais útil caracterizar a realidade organizacional pelo foco em processos emergentes dos padrões das relações entre as pessoas, as organizações e o ambiente social que as cerca. Se os gestores compreenderem o modo como seu trabalho contribui para a formação de tais processos, podem promover a evolução do aprendizado e de competências gerenciais por meio da construção de significados, negociações e barganhas, e do exercício do poder.