521 resultados para Jesen, Silvina
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
OBJETIVO: identificar espécies de lactobacilos isolados do conteúdo vaginal de mulheres saudáveis e assintomáticas; determinar as espécies mais prevalentes e caracterizá-las fenotipicamente. MÉTODOS: lactobacilos foram isolados em meio seletivo a partir de amostras de conteúdo vaginal de 135 mulheres, sem queixa de corrimento e com diagnóstico laboratorial negativo para infecções vaginais, acompanhadas em um ambulatório de Planejamento Familiar. Os isolados foram identificados por PCR multiplex e, quando necessário, submetidos ao sequenciamento do gene RNAr 16S. Foram também avaliados quanto à acidificação do meio de cultura, à produção de ácido láctico, de H2O2, bacteriocinas e a capacidade de adesão às células epiteliais. RESULTADOS: oitenta e três cepas de lactobacilos foram isoladas e identificadas, sendo as espécies predominantes L. crispatus (30,1%), L. jensenii (26,5%), L. gasseri (22,9%) e L. vaginalis (8,4%). Apenas 20 destes isolados não produziram H2O2 em quantidades detectáveis. Das 37 linhagens selecionadas para teste de adesão a células epiteliais, 12 apresentaram adesão entre 50 a 69%, 10 apresentaram 70% ou mais, e as restantes pouca ou nenhuma adesão. Nenhum dos isolados produziu bacteriocinas. CONCLUSÕES: as espécies de lactobacilos mais prevalentes em mulheres sem vulvovaginites, isoladas em meio de cultura seletivo e identificadas por métodos moleculares, foram L. crispatus, L. jensenii e L. gasseri. Além de mais frequentes, tais linhagens também apresentaram melhor produção de H2O2 e atingiram menores valores de pH em meio de cultura.
Pharmacognostic and phytochemical study of the stem and root,,of Microgramma squamulosa (Kaulf.) Sota. Erva silvina, or Microgramma squamulosa (Kaulf.), Sota belongs to the family Polylodiaceae and is traditionally used as an antiulcer agent. Previous assays showed results that confirm the antiulcer action of the ethanolic extract and some fractions of the stem of M squamulosa and results showing no significant toxicity in the acute model, both made in rats Due to the significant results obtained in this previous work, it becomes important to furnish tools to identify the vegetal drug. The species is' an epiphyte that bears lanceolate scales totally covering the long-creeping brown-colored stem. Adventicious roots can be seen in the abaxial portion of, the-stem, while the leaves appear in the adaxial portion. Elements which contribute to the histological identification are: peltate lanceolate -haired scales, sclereids, meristeles (amphicribal bundles) and scalariform the roots. Phytochemical screening, and TLC tracheids in the stem; strip hairs and sclereids in analysis showed the presence of flavonoids and tannins which may be related to the anti,ulcer the plant as well as the characterization of activity. Results shown may help the identification of the fragmented vegetal drug and if it is presented as powder or as extract.
Relaciones sociales del consumo: el caso de las unidades domesticas de sectores populares, Argentina
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Este artigo apresenta um estudo de citações em escrita acadêmica na perspectiva da análise de citações e dos estudos de gêneros do discurso (Moravcsik & Murugesan, 1975; Swales, 1986, 1990, 2004; Bhatia, 2004). O estudo enfoca o uso de citações por membros expertos e membros novatos da comunidade acadêmica de Linguística e consistiu na análise e comparação de nove artigos acadêmicos e treze trabalhos finais de disciplina. Os resultados mostram que as escolhas linguísticas que orientam a escrita das citações são em grande parte compartilhadas pelos membros expertos (autores dos artigos acadêmicos) e pelos novatos (alunos de curso de pós-graduação, autores dos trabalhos finais de disciplina), haja vista que ambos fazem uso de citações confirmativas, em detrimento de negativas. Todavia, membros expertos, ao contrário dos novatos, utilizam a própria voz para confrontar outros autores. As implicações deste estudo reiteram a necessidade de os Cursos de Letras terem uma abordagem de ensino e aprendizagem de escrita acadêmica baseada em gêneros do discurso visando desenvolver a consciência retórica dos alunos em relação à escrita acadêmica e, consequentemente, ao uso de citações em textos escritos, de maneira a empoderar os alunos a construir um posicionamento autoral em sua comunidade discursiva.
A peptide-based indirect ELISA was developed to detect antibodies against Equine arteritis virus (EAV). Two peptides for epitope C of protein GP5 and fragment E of protein M were designed, synthesized, purified and used as antigens either alone or combined. Ninety-two serum samples obtained from the 2010 Equine viral arteritis outbreak, analyzed previously by virus neutralization, were evaluated by the ELISA here developed. The best resolution was obtained using peptide GP5. The analysis of the inter- and intraplate variability showed that the assay was robust. The results allow concluding that this peptide-based ELISA is a good alternative to the OIE-prescribed virus neutralization test because it can be standardized between laboratories, can serve as rapid screening, can improve the speed of diagnosis of EAV-negative horses and can be particularly useful for routine surveillance in large populations. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Chlorinated pesticides, PCBs and PBDEs were analysed in nine blubber samples of Atlantic spotted dolphins, Stenella frontalis, incidentally captured during fishing operations in southern and southeastern Brazil between 2005 and 2007. The majority of compounds analysed were detected, suggesting widespread contamination over the region. Although the samples came from a location far from main coastal industrial areas, the results revealed an influence from such sources. Therefore, levels of PCBs (774-23659 ng g(-1) lipid wt.) and PBDEs (23-1326 ng g(-1) lipid wt.) detected seem to be related to the movement of individuals throughout near-shore and offshore waters. The sample from a lactating female exhibited a lower level of contamination and a distinct pattern, indicating selective transfer favouring less lipophilic compounds.
We address the problem of selecting the best linear unbiased predictor (BLUP) of the latent value (e.g., serum glucose fasting level) of sample subjects with heteroskedastic measurement errors. Using a simple example, we compare the usual mixed model BLUP to a similar predictor based on a mixed model framed in a finite population (FPMM) setup with two sources of variability, the first of which corresponds to simple random sampling and the second, to heteroskedastic measurement errors. Under this last approach, we show that when measurement errors are subject-specific, the BLUP shrinkage constants are based on a pooled measurement error variance as opposed to the individual ones generally considered for the usual mixed model BLUP. In contrast, when the heteroskedastic measurement errors are measurement condition-specific, the FPMM BLUP involves different shrinkage constants. We also show that in this setup, when measurement errors are subject-specific, the usual mixed model predictor is biased but has a smaller mean squared error than the FPMM BLUP which points to some difficulties in the interpretation of such predictors. (C) 2011 Elsevier By. All rights reserved.
Ectopic acromegaly represents less than 1% of the reported cases of acromegaly. Although clinical improvement is common after treatment with somatostatin (SMS) analogs, the biochemical response and tumor size of the growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH)-producing tumor and its metastases are less predictable. Subject A 36-year-old male was referred because of a 3-year history of acromegaly related symptoms. He had undergone lung surgery in 1987 for a "benign" carcinoid tumor. Endocrine evaluation confirmed acromegaly Plasma IGF-1: 984 ng/ml (63-380), GH: 49.8 ng/ml (<5). MRI showed a large mass in the left cerebellopontine angle and diffuse pituitary hyperplasia. Pulmonary, liver and bone metastases were shown by chest and abdominal CT scans. Ectopic GHRH secretion was suspected. Methods Measurement of circulating GHRH levels by fluorescence immunoassay levels and immunohistochemical study of the primary lung tumor and metastatic tissue with anti-GHRH and anti-somatostatin receptor type 2 (sst2A) antibodies. Results Basal plasma GHRH: 4654 pg/ml (<100). Pathological study of liver and bone biopsy material and lung tissue removed 19 years earlier was consistent with an atypical carcinoid producing GHRH and exhibiting sst2A receptor expression. Treatment with octreotide LAR 20-40 mg q. month resulted in normalization of plasma IGF-1 levels. Circulating GHRH levels decreased dramatically. The size of the left prepontine cistern mass, with SMS receptors shown by a radiolabeled pentetreotide scan, decreased by 80% after 18 months of therapy. Total regression of pituitary enlargement was also observed. No changes were observed in lung and liver metastases. After 24 months of therapy the patient is asymptomatic and living a full and active life.
Zusammenfassung: Der Zürcher Universalgelehrte Konrad Gessner (1516-1565) war die zentrale Figur einer Welle der Bergbegeisterung, die knapp zweihundert Jahre vor Albrecht von Hallers Epoche machendem Lehrgedicht 'Die Alpen' theologische, philologische und naturwissenschaftliche Lebensentwürfe verband und sich an den Wundern der Gebirgsland-schaft berauschte. In diesen Umkreis gehört der Bericht des Berner Humanisten Benedikt Aretius über die Besteigung der beiden Voralpengipfel Stockhorn und Niesen im Jahr 1557. Die nachfolgenden Überlegungen zu den darin genannten Namen für den Berg Niesen (Nessus, Niesen, Jesen, Stalden, Zum wilden Andres) zeigen, dass Aretius Ausführungen hauptsächlich als Hommage an den Zeitgeist und an den Freund Konrad Gessner zu lesen sind – auch und vor allem die darin enthaltenen etymologischen Versuche und Anspielungen.