201 resultados para Isokorpi, Tia: Tunnevoimaa!
In this paper we present a revisited classification of term variation in the light of the Linked Data initiative. Linked Data refers to a set of best practices for publishing and connecting structured data on the Web with the idea of transforming it into a global graph. One of the crucial steps of this initiative is the linking step, in which datasets in one or more languages need to be linked or connected with one another. We claim that the linking process would be facilitated if datasets are enriched with lexical and terminological information. Being that the final aim, we propose a classification of lexical, terminological and semantic variants that will become part of a model of linguistic descriptions that is currently being proposed within the framework of the W3C Ontology- Lexica Community Group to enrich ontologies and Linked Data vocabularies. Examples of modeling solutions of the different types of variants are also provided.
Nos textos de Provérbios 1,20-23; 8 e 9, encontra-se o instigante símbolo da sabedoria mulher, que possui uma longa e controvertida história de interpretação. Ao analisar as ligações textuais entre estes textos e o poema de Pr 31, descobrimos que o símbolo da sabedoria mulher inspira-se na mulher da vida real, que participa corajosamente na reconstrução da história e das relações do povo de Judá, no período pós-exílico. Estas ligações desvelam uma grande valorização da mulher e sua proximidade com Deus ao apresentá- la com o poder de oferecer vida (Pr 8,35; 9,6) e de cuidá-la (Pr 31), vivenciando e transmitindo valores éticos fundamentais para as relações cotidianas da casa (Pr 1,8; 6,20; 31,2-9.26). Este símbolo carrega ainda a memória de antigos cultos realizados na casa para celebrar e garantir a vida. Embora estes rituais contivessem a memória de Deusas, eles não eram opostos ao culto de Javé, pois, dentro da dinâmica da casa, estavam inteiramente integrados na religião de Israel pela priorização da vida e pela prática da jus tiça. Esses textos de Provérbios atestam uma grande mudança na visão da mulher. A origem desta nova visão encontra-se na época do cativeiro, quando já não havia templo e nem um governo que canalizasse a organização do povo e sua luta pela libertação. A casa passa a ter funções de prover a subsistência e de transmitir as tradições religiosas do povo bíblico com a finalidade de obter a inspiração e a força necessárias para garantir o futuro. Na casa interiorana, a mulher tem autoridade e liderança, apesar dos preconceitos da sociedade patriarcal. É no pequeno espaço da casa judaíta que o movimento da sabedoria mulher situa-se, gerando relações de inclusão e de solidariedade, na época da dominação do 2º templo, com suas normas sobre a impureza.(AU)
Nos textos de Provérbios 1,20-23; 8 e 9, encontra-se o instigante símbolo da sabedoria mulher, que possui uma longa e controvertida história de interpretação. Ao analisar as ligações textuais entre estes textos e o poema de Pr 31, descobrimos que o símbolo da sabedoria mulher inspira-se na mulher da vida real, que participa corajosamente na reconstrução da história e das relações do povo de Judá, no período pós-exílico. Estas ligações desvelam uma grande valorização da mulher e sua proximidade com Deus ao apresentá- la com o poder de oferecer vida (Pr 8,35; 9,6) e de cuidá-la (Pr 31), vivenciando e transmitindo valores éticos fundamentais para as relações cotidianas da casa (Pr 1,8; 6,20; 31,2-9.26). Este símbolo carrega ainda a memória de antigos cultos realizados na casa para celebrar e garantir a vida. Embora estes rituais contivessem a memória de Deusas, eles não eram opostos ao culto de Javé, pois, dentro da dinâmica da casa, estavam inteiramente integrados na religião de Israel pela priorização da vida e pela prática da jus tiça. Esses textos de Provérbios atestam uma grande mudança na visão da mulher. A origem desta nova visão encontra-se na época do cativeiro, quando já não havia templo e nem um governo que canalizasse a organização do povo e sua luta pela libertação. A casa passa a ter funções de prover a subsistência e de transmitir as tradições religiosas do povo bíblico com a finalidade de obter a inspiração e a força necessárias para garantir o futuro. Na casa interiorana, a mulher tem autoridade e liderança, apesar dos preconceitos da sociedade patriarcal. É no pequeno espaço da casa judaíta que o movimento da sabedoria mulher situa-se, gerando relações de inclusão e de solidariedade, na época da dominação do 2º templo, com suas normas sobre a impureza.(AU)
The huntingtin exon 1 proteins with a polyglutamine repeat in the pathological range (51 or 83 glutamines), but not with a polyglutamine tract in the normal range (20 glutamines), form aggresome-like perinuclear inclusions in human 293 Tet-Off cells. These structures contain aggregated, ubiquitinated huntingtin exon 1 protein with a characteristic fibrillar morphology. Inclusion bodies with truncated huntingtin protein are formed at centrosomes and are surrounded by vimentin filaments. Inhibition of proteasome activity resulted in a twofold increase in the amount of ubiquitinated, SDS-resistant aggregates, indicating that inclusion bodies accumulate when the capacity of the ubiquitin–proteasome system to degrade aggregation-prone huntingtin protein is exhausted. Immunofluorescence and electron microscopy with immunogold labeling revealed that the 20S, 19S, and 11S subunits of the 26S proteasome, the molecular chaperones BiP/GRP78, Hsp70, and Hsp40, as well as the RNA-binding protein TIA-1, the potential chaperone 14–3-3, and α-synuclein colocalize with the perinuclear inclusions. In 293 Tet-Off cells, inclusion body formation also resulted in cell toxicity and dramatic ultrastructural changes such as indentations and disruption of the nuclear envelope. Concentration of mitochondria around the inclusions and cytoplasmic vacuolation were also observed. Together these findings support the hypothesis that the ATP-dependent ubiquitin–proteasome system is a potential target for therapeutic interventions in glutamine repeat disorders.
Cytotoxic lymphocytes are characterized by their inclusion of cytoplasmic granules that fuse with the plasma membrane following target cell recognition. We previously identified a cytotoxic granule membrane protein designated p15-TIA-1 that is immunochemically related to an RNA-recognition motif (RRM)-type RNA-binding protein designated p40-TIA-1. Although it was suggested that p15-TIA-1 might be derived from p40-T1A-1 by proteolysis, N-terminal amino acid sequencing of p15-TIA-1 immunoaffinity purified from a natural killer (NK) cell line by using monoclonal antibody (mAb) 2G9 revealed that p15-T1A-1 is identical to the deduced amino acid sequence of NKG7 and GIG-1, cDNAs isolated from NK cells and granulocyte-colony-stimulating factor-treated mononuclear cells, respectively. Epitope mapping revealed that mAb 2G9 recognizes the C terminus of p15-T1A-1 and p40-T1A-1. The deduced amino acid sequence of p15-T1A-1/NKG7/GIG-1 predicts that the protein possesses four transmembrane domains, and immuno-electron microscopy localizes the endogenous protein to the membranes of cytotoxic granules in NK cells. Given its subcellular localization, we propose to rename-this protein GMP-17, for granule membrane protein of 17 kDa. Immunofluorescence microscopy of freshly isolated NK cells confirms this granular localization. Target cell-induced NK cell degranulation results in translocation of GMP-17 from granules to the plasma membrane, suggesting a possible role for GMP-17 in regulating the effector function of lymphocytes and neutrophils.
Diminishing water in the Denver Basin aquifers requires Parker Water and Sanitation District plan for the future to ensure availability of supply. Water conservation is one approach to prolonging the life of the aquifers. Homeowner installed gray water systems will help conserve 25 percent of the water needed and reduce the need to pump ground water for irrigation. Non-potable water through gray water systems will reduce the demand on the supplier. Gray water use will prolong a potable supply to Parker for years ahead. For this plan to be effective, Colorado regulations must change to allow gray water use. This goal will be achieved as the mind-set about water conservation shifts and water suppliers and consumers demand modification to policies.
Background To evaluate the 3-year clinical outcomes after toric implantable collamer lens (ICL) implantation for the management of moderate to high myopic astigmatism. Methods Thirty-four eyes of 20 patients who underwent toric ICL implantation were reviewed. All eyes completed 3-year follow-up. Uncorrected (UDVA) and corrected (CDVA) distance LogMAR visual acuities, refraction, endothelial cell density (ECD), and surgical complications were evaluated. Vectorial analysis of astigmatic correction was also done. Results A significant improvement in UDVA, CDVA, manifest spherical and cylindrical refraction was observed at 1 week and remained stable after 3 years. Twenty-six eyes (76.5 %) gained lines of CDVA, and two eyes (5.9 %) showed a loss of 1 line of CDVA. The spherical equivalent (SE) was within ±0.50 D of emmetropia in 18 eyes (52.9 %) and within ±1.00 D in 28 eyes (82.4 %). Differences between target-induced astigmatism (TIA) and surgically-induced astigmatism (SIA) were statistically significant (p < 0.01), and a trend to undercorrection of the refractive astigmatism was present after 3 years. The magnitude of flattening effect (FE) was found to be significantly lower than the magnitude of TIA (p < 0.01). The magnitude of the torque vector was always positive, with a value below 0.50 D in all cases. No vision-threatening complications were observed during the follow-up. Conclusion Toric ICL implantation is an effective and safe surgical option that provides a relatively predictable and stable refractive correction of myopic astigmatism. Further improvements are needed to minimize the degree of undercorrection.
Glucose dehydrogenase (EC from the halophilic Archaeon Haloferax mediterranei belongs to the medium-chain alcohol dehydrogenase superfamily and requires a zinc ion for catalysis. The zinc ion is coordinated by a histidine, a water molecule and two other ligands from the protein or the substrate, which vary during the catalytic cycle of the enzyme. In many enzymes of this superfamily one of the zinc ligands is commonly cysteine, which is replaced by an aspartate residue at position 38 in the halophilic enzyme. This change has been only observed in glucose dehydrogenases from extremely halophilic microorganisms belonging to the Archaea Domain. This paper describes biochemical studies and structural comparisons to analyze the role of sequence differences between thermophilic and halophilic glucose dehydrogenases which contain a zinc ion within the protein surrounded by three ligands. Whilst the catalytic activity of the D38C GlcDH mutant is reduced, its thermal stability is enhanced, consistent with the greater structural similarity between this mutant and the homologous thermophilic enzyme from Thermoplasma acidophilum.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Sign.: A-Z8, 2A-2F8
Bibliographical foot-notes.
"La Tia fingida, novela inedita de Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra ... Berlin, 1818": 35 p. inserted between p. 306 and [307] v. 2.
Contiene 14 vols de texto y 3 de atlas.
Contiene según consta en port.: Epistola consolatoria in qua tria optima remedia ad repelle[n]du[m] omnes causas tristicie aperiuntur. Prea[m]bulu[m] seque[n]tis opusculi in quo agit[ur] de officio pietatis in defunctos ... Tractatus aureus de pugna partis sensitiuae el intellectiue ... Epistola ... in qua multa curiosa sub breuibus tanguntur ... Tractatus ... de laudib[us] ... lilio[rum] que in scuto regis xpianissmi figurantur. Tractatus ... de cognitione ... Tractatus de duodecim persecutionibus ... Tractatus de magnifice[n]tia glorie Salomonis ... Tractatus de duplici causa contritionis ...