845 resultados para Interval Z-transform
A search for Higgs boson production in association with a W or Z boson, in the H→ W W ∗ decay channel, is performed with a data sample collected with the ATLAS detector at the LHC in proton-proton collisions at centre-of-mass energies s√=7 TeV and 8 TeV, corresponding to integrated luminosities of 4.5 fb−1 and 20.3 fb−1, respectively. The WH production mode is studied in two-lepton and three-lepton final states, while two- lepton and four-lepton final states are used to search for the ZH production mode. The observed significance, for the combined W H and ZH production, is 2.5 standard deviations while a significance of 0.9 standard deviations is expected in the Standard Model Higgs boson hypothesis. The ratio of the combined W H and ZH signal yield to the Standard Model expectation, μ V H , is found to be μ V H = 3.0 − 1.1 + 1.3 (stat.) − 0.7 + 1.0 (sys.) for the Higgs boson mass of 125.36 GeV. The W H and ZH production modes are also combined with the gluon fusion and vector boson fusion production modes studied in the H → W W ∗ → ℓνℓν decay channel, resulting in an overall observed significance of 6.5 standard deviations and μ ggF + VBF + VH = 1. 16 − 0.15 + 0.16 (stat.) − 0.15 + 0.18 (sys.). The results are interpreted in terms of scaling factors of the Higgs boson couplings to vector bosons (κ V ) and fermions (κ F ); the combined results are: |κ V | = 1.06 − 0.10 + 0.10 , |κ F | = 0. 85 − 0.20 + 0.26 .
The ATLAS Collaboration measures the inclusive production of Z bosons via their decays into electron and muon pairs in p+Pb collisions at sNN−−−√=5.02TeV at the Large Hadron Collider. The measurements are made using data corresponding to integrated luminosities of 29.4 and 28.1 nb−1 for Z→ee and Z→μμ, respectively. The results from the two channels are consistent and combined to obtain a cross section times the Z→ℓℓ branching ratio, integrated over the rapidity region ∣∣y∗Z|<3.5, of 139.8±4.8(statistical)±6.2(systematic)±3.8 (luminosity) nb. Differential cross sections are presented as functions of the Z boson rapidity and transverse momentum and compared with models based on parton distributions both with and without nuclear corrections. The centrality dependence of Z boson production in p+Pb collisions is measured and analyzed within the framework of a standard Glauber model and the model's extension for fluctuations of the underlying nucleon-nucleon scattering cross section.
This paper describes the concept, technical realisation and validation of a largely data-driven method to model events with Z→ττ decays. In Z→μμ events selected from proton-proton collision data recorded at s√=8 TeV with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC in 2012, the Z decay muons are replaced by τ leptons from simulated Z→ττ decays at the level of reconstructed tracks and calorimeter cells. The τ lepton kinematics are derived from the kinematics of the original muons. Thus, only the well-understood decays of the Z boson and τ leptons as well as the detector response to the τ decay products are obtained from simulation. All other aspects of the event, such as the Z boson and jet kinematics as well as effects from multiple interactions, are given by the actual data. This so-called τ-embedding method is particularly relevant for Higgs boson searches and analyses in ττ final states, where Z→ττ decays constitute a large irreducible background that cannot be obtained directly from data control samples.
A search for a new resonance decaying to a W or Z boson and a Higgs boson in the ℓℓ/ℓν/νν+bb¯ final states is performed using 20.3 fb−1 of pp collision data recorded at s√= 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The search is conducted by examining the WH/ZH invariant mass distribution for a localized excess. No significant deviation from the Standard Model background prediction is observed. The results are interpreted in terms of constraints on the Minimal Walking Technicolor model and on a simplified approach based on a phenomenological Lagrangian of Heavy Vector Triplets.
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação (Especialidade em Literacias e Ensino do Português)
The Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT) is a widely used instrument to assess information processing speed, attention, visual scanning, and tracking. Considering that repeated evaluations are a common need in neuropsychological assessment routines, we explored test–retest reliability and practice effects of two alternate SDMT forms with a short inter-assessment interval. A total of 123 university students completed the written SDMT version in two different time points separated by a 150-min interval. Half of the participants accomplished the same form in both occasions, while the other half filled different forms. Overall, reasonable test–retest reliabilities were found (r = .70), and the subjects that completed the same form revealed significant practice effects (p < .001, dz = 1.61), which were almost non-existent in those filling different forms. These forms were found to be moderately reliable and to elicit a similar performance across participants, suggesting their utility in repeated cognitive assessments when brief inter-assessment intervals are required.
A precise estimation of the postmortem interval (PMI) is one of the most important topics in forensic pathology. However, the PMI estimation is based mainly on the visual observation of cadaverous pheno- mena (e.g. algor, livor and rigor mortis) and on alternative methods such as thanatochemistry that remain relatively imprecise. The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the kinetic alterations of several bio- chemical parameters (i.e. proteins, enzymes, substrates, electrolytes and lipids) during putrefaction of human blood. For this purpose, we performed kinetic biochemical analysis during a 264 hour period. The results showed a significant linear correlation between total and direct bilirubin, urea, uric acid, transferrin, immunoglobulin M (IgM), creatine kinase (CK), aspartate transaminase (AST), calcium and iron with the time of blood putrefaction. These parameters allowed us to develop two mathematical models that may have predictive values and become important complementary tools of traditional methods to achieve a more accurate PMI estimation
OBJECTIVE: To determine in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy the value of QT interval dispersion for identifying the induction of sustained ventricular tachycardia in the electrophysiological study or the risk of sudden cardiac death. METHODS: We assessed QT interval dispersion in the 12-lead electrocardiogram of 26 patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy. We analyzed its association with sustained ventricular tachycardia and sudden cardiac death, and in 16 controls similar in age and sex. RESULTS: (mean ± SD). QT interval dispersion: patients = 53.8±14.1ms; control group = 35.0±10.6ms, p=0.001. Patients with induction of ventricular tachycardia: 52.5±13.8ms; without induction of ventricular tachycardia: 57.5±12.8ms, p=0.420. In a mean follow-up period of 41±11 months, five sudden cardiac deaths occurred. QT interval dispersion in this group was 62.0±17.8, and in the others it was 51.9±12.8ms, p=0.852. Using a cutoff > or = 60ms to define an increase in the degree of the QT interval dispersion, we were able to identify patients at risk of sudden cardiac death with a sensitivity of 60%, a specificity of 57%, and positive and negative predictive values of 25% and 85%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy have a significant increase in the degree of QT interval dispersion when compared with the healthy population. However it, did not identify patients with induction of ventricular tachycardia in the electrophysiological study, showing a very low predictive value for defining the risk of sudden cardiac death in the population studied.
OBJECTIVE: Parasympathetic dysfunction is an independent risk factor in individuals with coronary artery disease, and cholinergic stimulation is a potential therapeutical option. We determined the effects of pyridostigmine bromide, a reversible anticholinesterase agent, on electrocardiographic variables of healthy individuals. METHODS: We carried out a cross-sectional, double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. We obtained electrocardiographic tracings in 12 simultaneous leads of 10 healthy young individuals at rest before and after oral administration of 45 mg of pyridostigmine or placebo. RESULTS: Pyridostigmine increased RR intervals (before: 886±27 ms vs after: 1054±37 ms) and decreased QTc dispersion (before: 72±9ms vs after: 45±3ms), without changing other electrocardiographic variables (PR segment, QT interval, QTc, and QT dispersion). CONCLUSION: Bradycardia and the reduction in QTc dispersion induced by pyridostigmine may effectively represent a protective mechanism if these results can be reproduced in individuals with cardiovascular diseases.
სტატისტიკურად უზრუნველყოფილ ექსპერიმენტულ მასალაზე დაყრდნობით განსაზღვრულია საქართველოს კახეთის რეგიონის თბილი სეზონის ატმოსფერული ნალექების ინტენსივობასა და რადიოლოკაციურ ამრეკვლადობას შორის დამოკიდებულების წრფივი რეგრესიის განტოლების მუდმივი კოეფიციენტები, აგრეთვე გამოთვლილია აპროქსიმაციის საიმედობის მაჩვენებლის მნიშვნელობა
დედამიწის მტკნარი წყლის ერთადერთ წყაროს ატმოსფერული ნალექები წარმოადგენს. კლიმატის გლობალური ცვლილების ნეგატიური შედეგების შესამცირებლად დიდი მნიშვნელობა ენიჭება რეალურ დროში დიდ ტერიტორიაზე ატმოსფერული ნალექების მონიტორინგს.
გაანალიზებულია თბილი სეზონის სუპერუჯრედიან კონვექციურ ღრუბლებზე რადიოლოკაციური დაკვირვების მონაცემები და ამ ღრუბლებიდან მოსული ატმოსფერული ნალექების შესახებ ჰიდრომეტეოროლოგიური ქსელის მონიტორინგის შედეგები.
ნაშრომში გაანალიზებულია ელჭექის ღრუბლების რადიოლოკაციურ ამრეკვლადობაზე (Z) დაკვირვირვების მონაცემები და მათგან მოსული ნალექების ინტენსივობის (I) შორის დამოკიდებულება.
ჩვენი რეგიონისთვის დადგენილია თანაფარდობა რადიოლოკაციურ ამრეკვლადობას (Z) და სუსტი და ძლიერი ატმოსფერული ნალექების ინტენსივობას (I) შორის. გამოთვლილია შესაბამისი მუდმივი კოეფიციენტების მნიშვნელობები. რადიოლოკატორით ნალექების ინტენსივობის გაზომვის სიზუსტის გაზრდის მიზნით შემოთავაზებულია მთელი დიაპაზონისთვის ვისარგებლოთ ჩვენს მიერ დადგენილი ერთი Z-I თანაფარდობით. შედგენილია Z-I თანაფარდობისათვის არაწრფივი აპროქსიმაციის მრუდი, რომლის გამოყენება აამაღლებს რადიოლოკაციური ამრეკვლადობის მიხედვით ნალექების ინტენსივობის განსაზღვრის სიზუსტეს.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2011