939 resultados para Integration of GIS and remote sensing
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The major contribution of this paper relates to the practical advantages of combining Ground Control Points (GCPs), Ground Control Lines (GCLs) and orbital data to estimate the exterior orientation parameters of images collected by CBERS-2B (China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite) HRC (High-resolution Camera) and CCD (High-resolution CCD Camera) sensors. Although the CBERS-2B is no longer operational, its images are still being used in Brazil, and the next generations of the CBERS satellite will have sensors with similar technical features, which motivates the study presented in this paper. The mathematical models that relate the object and image spaces are based on collinearity (for points) and coplanarity (for lines) conditions. These models were created in an in-house developed software package called TMS (Triangulation with Multiple Sensors) with multi-feature control (GCPs and GCLs). Experiments on a block of four CBERS-2B HRC images and on one CBERS-2B CCD image were performed using both models. It was observed that the combination of GCPs and GCLs provided better bundle block adjustment results than conventional bundle adjustment using only GCPs. The results also demonstrate the advantages of using primarily orbital data when the number of control entities is reduced. © 2013 International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Inc. (ISPRS).
In different regions of Brazil, population growth and economic development can degrade water quality, compromising watershed health and human supply. Because of its ability to combine spatial and temporal data in the same environment and to create water resources management (WRM) models, the Geographical Information System (GIS) is a powerful tool for managing water resources, preventing floods and estimating water supply. This paper discusses the integration between GIS and hydrological models and presents a case study relating to the upper section of the Paraíba do Sul Basin (Sao Paulo State portion), situated in the Southeast of Brazil. The case study presented in this paper has a database suitable for the basin's dimensions, including digitized topographic maps at a 50,000 scale. From an ArcGIS®/ArcHydro Framework Data Model, a geometric network was created to produce different raster products. This first grid derived from the digital elevation model grid (DEM) is the flow direction map followed by flow accumulation, stream and catchment maps. The next steps in this research are to include the different multipurpose reservoirs situated along the Paraíba do Sul River and to incorporate rainfall time series data in ArcHydro to build a hydrologic data model within a GIS environment in order to produce a comprehensive spatial-temporal model.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
One of the aspects that influence good performance of new product development (NPD) at high-tech companies is the integration of research and development (R&D) and the other functions involved with NPD. The objective of this paper is to examine why Brazilian medium and large sized high-tech companies are different with respect to the integration of R&D with NPD. An analysis of case studies was conducted at five Brazilian high-tech firms. Among the results, collectivism, which is characteristic of the Brazilian organisational culture, was seen to manifest itself in companies through the adoption of cross-functional teams; the valorisation of personal relations, which is stimulated by physical proximity; and project managers’ ample participation in different functions involving NPD.
The molecular integration of nutrient-and pathogen-sensing pathways has become of great interest in understanding the mechanisms of insulin resistance in obesity. The double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR) is one candidate molecule that may provide cross talk between inflammatory and metabolic signaling. The present study was performed to determine, first, the role of PKR in modulating insulin action and glucose metabolism in physiological situations, and second, the role of PKR in insulin resistance in obese mice. We used Pkr(-/-) and Pkr(+/+) mice to investigate the role of PKR in modulating insulin sensitivity, glucose metabolism, and insulin signaling in liver, muscle, and adipose tissue in response to a high-fat diet. Our data show that in lean Pkr(-/-) mice, there is an improvement in insulin sensitivity, and in glucose tolerance, and a reduction in fasting blood glucose, probably related to a decrease in protein phosphatase 2A activity and a parallel increase in insulin-induced thymoma viral oncogene-1 (Akt) phosphorylation. PKR is activated in tissues of obese mice and can induce insulin resistance by directly binding to and inducing insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1 serine307 phosphorylation or indirectly through modulation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase and inhibitor of kappa B kinase beta. Pkr(-/-) mice were protected from high-fat diet-induced insulin resistance and glucose intolerance and showed improved insulin signaling associated with a reduction in c-Jun N-terminal kinase and inhibitor of kappa B kinase beta phosphorylation in insulin-sensitive tissues. PKR may have a role in insulin sensitivity under normal physiological conditions, probably by modulating protein phosphatase 2A activity and serine-threonine kinase phosphorylation, and certainly, this kinase may represent a central mechanism for the integration of pathogen response and innate immunity with insulin action and metabolic pathways that are critical in obesity. (Endocrinology 153:5261-5274, 2012)
Global climate change in recent decades has strongly influenced the Arctic generating pronounced warming accompanied by significant reduction of sea ice in seasonally ice-covered seas and a dramatic increase of open water regions exposed to wind [Stephenson et al., 2011]. By strongly scattering the wave energy, thick multiyear ice prevents swell from penetrating deeply into the Arctic pack ice. However, with the recent changes affecting Arctic sea ice, waves gain more energy from the extended fetch and can therefore penetrate further into the pack ice. Arctic sea ice also appears weaker during melt season, extending the transition zone between thick multi-year ice and the open ocean. This region is called the Marginal Ice Zone (MIZ). In the Arctic, the MIZ is mainly encountered in the marginal seas, such as the Nordic Seas, the Barents Sea, the Beaufort Sea and the Labrador Sea. Formed by numerous blocks of sea ice of various diameters (floes) the MIZ, under certain conditions, allows maritime transportation stimulating dreams of industrial and touristic exploitation of these regions and possibly allowing, in the next future, a maritime connection between the Atlantic and the Pacific. With the increasing human presence in the Arctic, waves pose security and safety issues. As marginal seas are targeted for oil and gas exploitation, understanding and predicting ocean waves and their effects on sea ice become crucial for structure design and for real time safety of operations. The juxtaposition of waves and sea ice represents a risk for personnel and equipment deployed on ice, and may complicate critical operations such as platform evacuations. The risk is difficult to evaluate because there are no long-term observations of waves in ice, swell events are difficult to predict from local conditions, ice breakup can occur on very short time-scales and wave-ice interactions are beyond the scope of current forecasting models [Liu and Mollo-Christensen, 1988,Marko, 2003]. In this thesis, a newly developed Waves in Ice Model (WIM) [Williams et al., 2013a,Williams et al., 2013b] and its related Ocean and Sea Ice model (OSIM) will be used to study the MIZ and the improvements of wave modeling in ice infested waters. The following work has been conducted in collaboration with the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center and within the SWARP project which aims to extend operational services supporting human activity in the Arctic by including forecast of waves in ice-covered seas, forecast of sea-ice in the presence of waves and remote sensing of both waves and sea ice conditions. The WIM will be included in the downstream forecasting services provided by Copernicus marine environment monitoring service.
The COSMIC-2 mission is a follow-on mission of the Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate (COSMIC) with an upgraded payload for improved radio occultation (RO) applications. The objective of this paper is to develop a near-real-time (NRT) orbit determination system, called NRT National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) system, to support COSMIC-2 in atmospheric applications and verify the orbit product of COSMIC. The system is capable of automatic determinations of the NRT GPS clocks and LEO orbit and clock. To assess the NRT (NCTU) system, we use eight days of COSMIC data (March 24-31, 2011), which contain a total of 331 GPS observation sessions and 12 393 RO observable files. The parallel scheduling for independent GPS and LEO estimations and automatic time matching improves the computational efficiency by 64% compared to the sequential scheduling. Orbit difference analyses suggest a 10-cm accuracy for the COSMIC orbits from the NRT (NCTU) system, and it is consistent as the NRT University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (URCA) system. The mean velocity accuracy from the NRT orbits of COSMIC is 0.168 mm/s, corresponding to an error of about 0.051 μrad in the bending angle. The rms differences in the NRT COSMIC clock and in GPS clocks between the NRT (NCTU) and the postprocessing products are 3.742 and 1.427 ns. The GPS clocks determined from a partial ground GPS network [from NRT (NCTU)] and a full one [from NRT (UCAR)] result in mean rms frequency stabilities of 6.1E-12 and 2.7E-12, respectively, corresponding to range fluctuations of 5.5 and 2.4 cm and bending angle errors of 3.75 and 1.66 μrad .
Physical forcing and biological response within the California Current System (CCS) are highly variable over a wide range of scales. Satellite remote sensing offers the only feasible means of quantifying this variability over the full extent of the CCS. Using six years (1997-2003) of daily SST and chlorophyll imagery, we map the spatial dependence of dominant temporal variability at resolutions sufficient to identify recurrent mesoscale circulation and local pattern associated with coastal topography. Here we describe mean seasonal cycles and interannual variation; intraseasonal variability is left to a companion paper ( K. R. Legaard and A. C. Thomas, manuscript in preparation, 2006). Coastal upwelling dictates seasonality along north-central California, where weak cycles of SST fluctuate between spring minima and late summer maxima and chlorophyll peaks in early summer. Off northern California, chlorophyll maxima are bounded offshore by the seasonally recurrent upwelling jet. Seasonal cycles differ across higher latitudes and in the midlatitude Southern California Bight, where upwelling winds are less vigorous and/or persistent. Seasonality along south-central Baja is strongly affected by processes other than upwelling, despite year-round upwelling-favorable winds. Interannual variation is generally dominated by El Nino and La Nina conditions. Interannual SST variance is greatest along south-central Baja, although interannual variability constitutes a greater fraction of total variance inshore along southern Oregon and much of California. Patterns of interannual chlorophyll variance are consistent with dominant forcing through the widespread depression and elevation of the nutricline during El Nino and La Nina, respectively. Interannual variability constitutes a greater fraction of total chlorophyll variance offshore.
As part of the CryoSat Cal/Val activities and the pre-site survey for an ice core drilling contributing to the International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences (IPICS), ground based kinematic GPS measurements were conducted in early 2007 in the vicinity of the German overwintering station Neumayer (8.25° W and 70.65° S). The investigated area comprises the regions of the ice tongues Halvfarryggen and Søråsen, which rise from the Ekströmisen to a maximum of about 760 m surface elevation, and have an areal extent of about 100 km x 50 km each. Available digital elevation models (DEMs) from radar altimetry and the Antarctic Digital Database show elevation differences of up to hundreds of meters in this region, which necessitated an accurate survey of the conditions on-site. An improved DEM of the Ekströmisen surroundings is derived by a combination of highly accurate ground based GPS measurements, satellite derived laser altimetry data (ICESat), airborne radar altimetry (ARA), and radio echo sounding (RES). The DEM presented here achieves a vertical accuracy of about 1.3 m and can be used for improved ice dynamic modeling and mass balance studies.
In this paper, modernized shipborne procedures are presented to collect and process above-water radiometry for remote sensing applications. A setup of five radiometers and a bidirectional camera system, which provides panoramic sea surface and sky images, is proposed for the collection of high-resolution radiometric quantities. Images from the camera system can be used to determine sky state and potential glint, whitecaps, or foam contamination. A peak in the observed remote sensing reflectance RRS spectra between 750-780 nm was typically found in spectra with relatively high surface reflected glint (SRG), which suggests this waveband could be a useful SRG indicator. Simplified steps for computing uncertainties in SRG corrected RRS are proposed and discussed. The potential of utilizing "unweighted multimodel averaging," which is the average of four or more common SRG correction models, is examined to determine the best approximation RRS. This best approximation RRS provides an estimate of RRS based on various SRG correction models established using radiative transfer simulations and field investigations. Applying the average RRS provides a measure of the inherent uncertainties or biases that result from a user subjectively choosing any one SRG correction model. Comparisons between inherent and apparent optical property derived observations were used to assess the robustness of the SRG multimodel averaging ap- proach. Correlations among the standard SRG models were completed to determine the degree of association or similarities between the SRG models. Results suggest that the choice of glint models strongly affects derived RRS values and can also influence the blue to green band ratios used for modeling biogeochemical parameters such as for chlorophyll a. The objective here is to present a uniform and traceable methodology for determining ship- borne RRS measurements and its associated errors due to glint correction and to ensure the direct comparability of these measurements in future investigations. We encourage the ocean color community to publish radiometric field measurements with matching and complete metadata in open access repositories.
Information and content integration are believed to be a possible solution to the problem of information overload in the Internet. The article is an overview of a simple solution for integration of information and content on the Web. Previous approaches to content extraction and integration are discussed, followed by introduction of a novel technology to deal with the problems, based on XML processing. The article includes lessons learned from solving issues of changing webpage layout, incompatibility with HTML standards and multiplicity of the results returned. The method adopting relative XPath queries over DOM tree proves to be more robust than previous approaches to Web information integration. Furthermore, the prototype implementation demonstrates the simplicity that enables non-professional users to easily adopt this approach in their day-to-day information management routines.