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Introduction: Perineural invasion is a well-recognized form of cancer dissemination. However, it has been reported only in few papers concerning cutaneous carcinomas ( basal cell, BCC, and squamous cell, SCC). Moreover, the incidence is considered to be very low. Niazi and Lambert [Br J Plast Surg 1993; 46: 156-157] reported only 0.18% of perineural invasion among 3,355 BCCs. It is associated with high-risk subtypes, as morphea-like, as well as with an increased risk of local recurrence. No paper was found in the literature looking for perineural invasion in very aggressive skin cancers with skull base extension, with immunohistochemical analysis. Methods: This is a retrospective review, including 35 very advanced skin carcinomas with skull base invasion (24 BCCs and 11 SCCs, operated on at a single institution from 1982 to 2000). Representative slides were immunohistochemically evaluated with antiprotein S-100, in order to enhance nerve fibers and to detect perineural invasion. The results were compared to 34 controls with tumors with a good outcome, treated in the same time frame at the same Institution. Results: Twelve (50.0%) of the BCCs with skull base invasion had proven perineural invasion, as opposed to only 1 (4.6%) of the controls, and this difference was statistically significant (p < 0.001). Regarding SCCs, 7 aggressive tumors (63.6%) showed perineural invasion compared to only 1 (10.0%) of the controls, but this difference did not reach significance (p=0.08), due to the small number of cases. Conclusions: In this series, it was demonstrated that immunohistochemically detected perineural invasion was very prevalent in advanced skin carcinomas. In addition, it was statistically associated with extremely aggressive BCCs with skull base invasion. Copyright (c) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel
Purposes: To evaluate the dosimetric effect of outpatient radioiodine therapy for thyroid cancer in members of a patient`s family and their living environment, when using iodine-131 doses reaching 7.4 GBq. The following parameters were thus defined: (a) whole-body radiation doses to caregivers, (b) the production of contaminated solid waste, and (c) radiation potential and surface contamination within patients` living quarters. Methods: In total, 100 patients were treated on an outpatient basis, taking into consideration their acceptable living conditions, interests, and willingness to comply with medical and radiation safety guidelines. Both the caregivers and the radiation dose potentiality inside patients` residences were monitored by using thermoluminescent dosimeters. Surface contamination and contaminated solid wastes were identified and measured with a Geiger-Muller detector. Results: A total of 90 monitored individuals received a mean dose of 0.27 (+/- 0.28) mSv, and the maximum dose registered was 1.6 mSv. The mean value for the potential dose within all living quarters was 0.31(+/- 0.34) mSv, and the mean value per monitored surface was 5.58 Bq/cm(2) for all the 1659 points measured. The overall production of contaminated solid wastes was at a low level, being about 3 times less than the exemption level indicated by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Conclusions: This study indicates that the treatment of thyroid cancer by applying radioiodine activities up to 7.4 GBq, on an outpatient basis, is a safe procedure, especially when supervised by qualified professionals. This alternative therapy should be a topic for careful discussion considering the high potential for reducing costs in healthcare and improving patient acceptance.
Objectives The first objective of this study was to evaluate the radiological impact on relatives and the environment because of outpatient treatment of differentiated thyroid carcinoma with 3.7 and 5.55 GBq of ((131)I)NaI. The second objective was to determine, analyze, and evaluate whole-body radiation dose to caregivers, the production of contaminated solid waste, and the potentiality of radiation dose and surface contamination existing inside patients` households. Methods Twenty patients were treated on an outpatient basis, taking into consideration their acceptable living conditions, interests, and willingness to comply with medical and radiation-safety guidelines. The caregivers themselves, as well as the potentiality of the radiation dose inside patients` residences, were monitored with a thermo-luminescence dosimeter. Surface contamination and contaminated solid wastes were identified and measured by using a Geiger-Muller detector. Results and discussion Twenty-six monitored individuals received accumulated effective radiation doses of less than 1.0 mSv, and only one 2.8 mSv, throughout the 7 days of measurement. The maximum registered value for the potential of radiation dose inside all living areas was 1.30 mSv. The monitored surface contamination inside patients` dwellings showed a mean value of 4.2 Bq/cm(2) for all surfaces found to be contaminated. A total of 2.5l of contaminated solid waste was generated by the patients with 3.33 MBq of all estimated activity. Conclusion This study revealed that the treatment of differentiated thyroid carcinoma with 3.7 and 5.55 GBq of ((131)I)NaI, on an outpatient basis, can be safe when overseen by qualified professionals and with an adapted radiation-protection guideline. Even considering the radioiodine activity level and the dosimetric methodology applied here, negligible human exposure and a nonmeasurable radiological impact to the human environment were found. Nucl Med Commun 30:533-541 (C) 2009 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
The present study was carried out to investigate the cytogenetic effects of therapeutic exposure to radioiodine preceded by rhTSH in an animal model. Three groups of Wistar rats (n = 6) were used: one group was treated only with I-131 (11.1 MBq/animal); the other two groups received rhTSH (1.2 mu g/rat of either Thyrogen or rhTSH-IPEN, respectively) 24 h before administration of radioiodine. The percentage of lymphocytes with chromosome aberrations and the average number of aberrations and of dicentrics per cell were determined on blood samples collected 24 h, 7 and 30 days after administration of I-131. The data show that the treatment with radioiodine alone or associated with rhTSH resulted in a greater quantity of chromosome alterations in relation to basal values after 24 h, with a gradual decline after 7 and 30 days of treatment. An increase in chromosome alterations was also seen after rhTSH treatment alone. Neither of the treatments, i.e., with I-131 alone or associated with hormone, resulted in an aneugenic effect or influenced the kinetics of cellular proliferation in rat blood lymphocytes. There was no significant difference between the cytogenetic effects of Thyrogen and rhTSH-IPEN treatment. These data suggest that the treatment with radioiodine, associated or not with rhTSH, affects to a limited extent a relatively small number of cells although the occurrence of late stochastic effects could not be discarded.
In Brazil there are no specific tests for either signed or spoken language for deaf children. A protocol evaluating communicative abilities independent of modality of communication (sign language or spoken language), and comprising assessments of (a) pragmatic profile; (b) modality of communication and linguistic level; (c) complexity of communication; and (d) style and efficacy of communication between parent and child was administered to 127 deaf and hearing children. The children, aged 3-6 years old, were distributed in three groups: 20 with severe hearing loss, 40 with profound hearing loss and 67 normally hearing. Deaf children were found to be delayed, independent of their linguistic level and preferred modality of communication. The protocol in this study proved to be an useful instrument for gathering relevant information about the three groups of preschool children`s communicative abilities, and particularly suitable for use in countries where standardized assessments are not available. Learning outcomes: The reader will be introduced to the use of an assessment protocol comprising its development, application and data analysis. The reader will be informed about assessment of deaf children`s preferred modality of communication, by the participation of a bilingual (sign language user) professional. Communication abilities can be assessed independently of the linguistic modality. In developing countries in general, where simple and easy to administer assessments tools are scarce, such a protocol is of specific value. (c) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background: The 6-minute walk test (6MWT) is a well-known instrument for assessing the functional capacity of a variety of groups, including the obese. It is a simple, low-cost and easily applied method to objectively assess the level of exercise capacity. The aim of the present study was to study the functional capacity of a severely obese population before and after bariatric surgery. Methods: A total of 51 patients were studied. Of the 51 patients, 86.2% were women, and the mean age was 40.9 +/- 9.2 years. All 51 patients were evaluated preoperatively and 49 were evaluated 7-12 months postoperatively. The initial body mass index was 51.1 +/- 9.2 kg/m(2), and the final body mass index was 28.2 +/- 8.1 kg/m(2). All patients underwent Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. The 6MWT was performed in a hospital corridor, with patients attempting to cover as much distance as they could, walking back and forth for as long as possible within 6 minutes at their regular pace. The total distance, Borg Scale of perceived exhaustion, modified Borg dyspnea scale for shortness of breath, and physical complaints at the end of the test were recorded. In addition, the heart rate and respiratory frequency were assessed before and after the test. Results: The tolerance was good, and no injuries occurred at either evaluation. The patients` mean distance for the 6MWT was 381.9 +/- 49.3 m before surgery and 467.8 +/- 40.3 m after surgery (p < .0001). Similar results were observed for the other parameters assessed. Conclusion: The 6MWT provided useful information about the functional status of the obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery. A simple, safe, and powerful method to assess functional capacity of severely obese patients, the 6MWT is an objective test that might replace the conventional treadmill test for these types of patients. (Surg Obes Relat Dis 2009;5:540-543.) (C) 2009 American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. All rights reserved.
Background: There are few studies on HIV subtypes and primary and secondary antiretroviral drug resistance (ADR) in community-recruited samples in Brazil. We analyzed HIV clade diversity and prevalence of mutations associated with ADR in men who have sex with men in all five regions of Brazil. Methods: Using respondent-driven sampling, we recruited 3515 men who have sex with men in nine cities: 299 (9.5%) were HIV-positive; 143 subjects had adequate genotyping and epidemiologic data. Forty-four (30.8%) subjects were antiretroviral therapy-experienced (AE) and 99 (69.2%) antiretroviral therapy-naive (AN). We sequenced the reverse transcriptase and protease regions of the virus and analyzed them for drug resistant mutations using World Health Organization guidelines. Results: The most common subtypes were B (81.8%), C (7.7%), and recombinant forms (6.9%). The overall prevalence of primary ADR resistance was 21.4% (i.e. among the AN) and secondary ADR was 35.8% (i.e. among the AE). The prevalence of resistance to protease inhibitors was 3.9% (AN) and 4.4% (AE); to nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors 15.0% (AN) and 31.0% (AE) and to nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors 5.5% (AN) and 13.2% (AE). The most common resistance mutation for nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors was 184V (17 cases) and for nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors 103N (16 cases). Conclusions: Our data suggest a high level of both primary and secondary ADR in men who have sex with men in Brazil. Additional studies are needed to identify the correlates and causes of antiretroviral therapy resistance to limit the development of resistance among those in care and the transmission of resistant strains in the wider epidemic.
Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is associated with environmental factors, especially tobacco and alcohol consumption. Most of the carcinogens present in tobacco smoke are converted into DNA-reactive metabolites by cytochrome P450 (CYPs) enzymes and detoxification of these substances is performed by glutathione S-transferases (GSTs). It has been suggested that genetic alterations, such as polymorphisms, play an important role in tumorigenesis and HNSCC progression. The aim of this study was to investigate CYP1A1, CYP1A2, CYP2E1, GSTM1, and GSTT1 polymorphisms as risk factors in HNSCC and their association with clinicopathologic data. The patients comprised 153 individuals with HNSCC (cases) and 145 with no current or previous diagnosis of cancer (controls). Genotyping of the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the CYP1A1, CYP1A2, and CYP2E1 genes was performed by PCR-RFLP and the GSTM1 and GSTT1 copy number polymorphisms (CNPs) were analyzed by PCR-multiplex. As expected, a significant difference was detected for tobacco and alcohol consumption between cases and controls (P < 0.001). It was observed that the CYP1A2*1D (OR = 16.24) variant and GSTM1 null alleles (OR = 0.02) confer increased risk of HNSCC development (P < 0.001). In addition, head and neck cancer alcohol consumers were more frequently associated with the CYP2E1*5B variant allele than control alcohol users (P < 0.0001, OR = 190.6). The CYP1A2*1C polymorphism was associated with tumor recurrence (log-rank test, P = 0.0161). The CYP2E1*5B and GSTM1 null alleles were significantly associated with advanced clinical stages (T3 + T4; P = 0.022 and P = 0.028, respectively). Overall, the findings suggested that the genetic polymorphisms studied are predictors of risk and are also associated with tumor recurrence, since they are important for determining the parameters associated with tumor progression and poor outcomes in HNSCC. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) have become a major health priority in Brazil-72% of all deaths were attributable to NCDs in 2007. They are also the main source of disease burden, with neuropsychiatric disorders being the single largest contributor. Morbidity and mortality due to NCDs are greatest in the poor population. Although the crude NCD mortality increased 5% between 1996 and 2007, age-standardised mortality declined by 20%. Declines were primarily for cardiovascular and chronic respiratory diseases, in association with the successful implementation of health policies that lead to decreases in smoking and the expansion of access to primary health care. Of note, however, the prevalence of diabetes and hypertension is rising in parallel with that of excess weight; these increases are associated with unfavourable changes of diet and physical activity. Brazil has implemented major policies for the prevention of NCDs, and its age-adjusted NCD mortality is falling by 1.8% per year. However, the unfavourable trends for most major risk factors pose an enormous challenge and call for additional and timely action and policies, especially those of a legislative and regulatory nature and those providing cost-effective chronic care for individuals affected by NCDs.
Leishmania (Viannia) shawl was recently characterized and few studies concerning modifications in cellular and humoral immune responses in experimental leishmaniasis have been conducted. In this work, immunopathological changes induced by L. shawl in chronically infected BALB/c mice were investigated. Infected BALB/c mice developed increased lesion size associated with strong inflammatory infiltrate diffusely distributed in the dermis, with highly infected macrophages. The humoral immune response was predominantly directed toward the IgG1 isotype. The functional activity of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells showed significantly increased TNF-alpha mRNA levels associated with reduced IFN-gamma expression by CD4(+) T cells and the double negative (dn) CD4CD8 cell subset. High IL-4 levels expressed by CD8(+) T cells and dnCD4CD8 and TGF-beta by CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells were detected, while IL-10 was highly expressed by all three cell subpopulations. Taken together, these results show an evident imbalance between TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma that is unfavorable to amastigote replication control. Furthermore, L. shawi seems to regulate different cell populations to express deactivating cytokines to avoid its own destruction. This study indicates BALB/c mice as a potentially good experimental model for further studies on American cutaneous leishmaniosis caused by L. shawi. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study examined the transcultural robustness of a screening instrument for hypomania, the Hypomania Checklist-32. first revised version(HCL-32 R1) It was carried out in 2606 patients from twelve countries in five geographic regions (Northern, Southern and Eastern Europe, South America and East Asia) In addition, GAMIAN Europe contributed data from its members Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were used to examine the transregional stability of the measurement properties of the HCL-32 R 1, including the influence of sex and age as covariates A cross cultures, a two-factor structure was confirmed the first factor (F 1) reflected the more positive aspects of hypomania (being more active, elated, self-confident, and cognitively, enhanced), the second factor (F2) reflected the more negative aspects (being irritable, impulsive, careless. more substance use). The measurement properties of the HCL-32 R1 were largely invariant across cultures Only few items showed transcultural differences in their relation to hypomania as measured by the test F2 was higher among men and in more severe manic syndromes, F1 was highest in North and East Europe and lowest in South America Vie scores decreased slightly with age The frequency of the 32 items showed remarkable similarities across geographic areas, with two exceptions. South Europeans had lower symptom frequencies in general and East Europeans higher rates of substance use These findings support the international applicability of the HCL-32 R1 as a screening instrument for hypomania
The purpose of this study was to determine the concentrations of aluminum (Al) and other metals in water samples from elderly people`s houses and retirement homes. Forty-six duplicate water samples from kitchen taps were collected in Ribeiro Preto/SP, Brazil. Metal levels were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Aluminum concentration exceeded the maximum allowed values in 26% of samples according to the Decree 518/2004 of the Brazilian Health Ministry. It was noted that 11% of elderly living at monitored houses, as well as 19% living at retirement homes presented Alzheimer disease diagnostic. These results suggest taking into account Al risks among vulnerable elderly population groups.
Wild canids are under many pressures, including habitat loss, fragmentation and disease. The current lack of information on the status of wildlife health may hamper conservation efforts in Brazil. In this paper, we examined the prevalence of canine pathogens in 21 free-ranging wild canids, comprising 12 Cerdocyon thous (crab-eating fox), 7 Chrysocyon brachyurus (maned wolf), 2 Lycalopex vetulus (hoary fox), and 70 non-vaccinated domestic dogs from the Serra do Cip National Park area, Southeast Brazil. For wild canids, seroprevalence of antibodies to canine parvovirus, canine adenovirus, canine coronavirus and Toxoplasma gondii was 100 (21/21), 33 (7/21), 5 (1/19) and 68 (13/19) percent, respectively. Antibodies against canine distemper virus, Neospora caninum or Babesia spp. were not found. We tested domestic dogs for antibodies to canine parvovirus, canine distemper virus and Babesia spp., and seroprevalences were 59 (41/70), 66 (46/70), and 42 (40/70) percent, respectively, with significantly higher prevalence in domestic dogs for CDV (P < 0.001) and Babesia spp. (P = 0.002), and in wild canids for CPV (P < 0.001). We report for the first time evidence of exposure to canine coronavirus in wild hoary foxes, and Platynossomun sp. infection in wild maned wolves. Maned wolves are more exposed to helminths than crab-eating foxes, with a higher prevalence of Trichuridae and Ancylostomidae in the area. The most common ectoparasites were Amblyomma cajennense, A. tigrinum, and Pulex irritans. Such data is useful information on infectious diseases of Brazilian wild canids, revealing pathogens as a threat to wild canids in the area. Control measures are discussed.
The objective was to evaluate the suitability of using natural or lyophilized low density lipoproteins (LDL), in lieu of whole egg yolk, in extenders for cryopreserving ram semen. Once extragonadal sperm reserves were depleted in 10 fertile Santa Ines cross rams, two ejaculates per ram were collected for cryopreservation. Nine extenders were used: Tris-16% egg yolk extender with 5% glycerol as a control (T1), and substitution of whole egg yolk with 8, 12, 16 or 20% natural LDL (T2-T5, respectively), or with 8, 12, 16, or 20% lyophilized LDL (T6-T9). Semen was diluted to 100 X 10(6) sperm/mL, packaged into 0.25 mL straws, cooled, held at 5 C for 3 h, and then frozen in liquid nitrogen vapor. Immediately after thawing (37 degrees C for 30 s), sperm total and progressive motility, and kinetic parameters were analyzed with computer assisted semen analysis (CASA). Percentage of sperm with plasma membrane functional integrity was assessed by the hypoosmotic swelling test (HOST), sperm membrane physical integrity with propidium iodide (PI), and acrosome integrity with FITC-PSA using an epifluorescent microscope. For all sperm end points, there was no difference between the control and natural LDL treatments (P > 0.05): total motility (T1: 20.9 +/- 11.9 and average of T2-T5: 25.9 +/- 13.6%; mean SD), progressive motility (T1: 6.6 +/- 4.2 and average of T2-T5: 11.7 +/- 7.5%), HOST(+) (T1: 23.7 +/- 6.9 and average of T2-T5: 23.2 +/- 8.7%) and PI(-)/PSA(-) (T1: 13.8 +/- 7.8 and average of T2-T5: 18.1 +/- 7.8%). However, lyophilization was apparently unable to preserve the protective function of LDL; every sperm end point was significantly worse than in the control and natural LDL groups. We concluded that natural LDL was appropriate for cryopreserving ram semen, as it yielded results similar to those obtained with whole egg yolk. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Purpose: The objective of this in vitro study was to compare the degree of microleakage of composite restorations performed by lasers and conventional drills associated with two adhesive systems. Materials and Methods: Sixty bovine teeth were divided into 6 groups (n = 10). The preparations were performed in groups 1 and 2 with a high-speed drill (HID), in groups 3 and 5 with Er:YAG laser, and in groups 4 and 6 with Er,Cr:YSGG laser. The specimens were restored with resin composite associated with an etch-and-rinse two-step adhesive system (Single Bond 2 [SB]) (groups 1, 3, 4) and a self-etching adhesive (One-Up Bond F [OB]) (groups 2, 5, 6). After storage, the specimens were polished, thermocycled, immersed in 50% silver nitrate tracer solution, and then sectioned longitudinally. The specimens were placed under a stereomicroscope (25X) and digital images were obtained. These were evaluated by three blinded evaluators who assigned a microleakage score (0 to 3). The original data were submitted to Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney statistical tests. Results: The occlusal/enamel margins demonstrated no differences in microleakage for all treatments (p > 0.05). The gingival/dentin margins presented similar microleakage in cavities prepared with Er:YAG, Er,Cr:YSGG, and HD using the etch-and-rinse two-step adhesive system (SB) (p > 0.05); otherwise, both Er:YAG and Er,Cr:YSGG lasers demonstrated lower microleakage scores with OB than SB adhesive (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The microleakage score at gingival margins is dependent on the interaction of the hard tissue removal tool and the adhesive system used. The self-etching adhesive system had a lower microleakage score at dentin margins for cavities prepared with Er:YAG and Er,Cr:YSGG than the etch-and-rinse two-step adhesive system.